File: eaf_n_cst_mailmanager.sru
Size: 11172
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:39:18 +0100
global type eaf_n_cst_mailmanager from nonvisualobject
end type
end forward

global type eaf_n_cst_mailmanager from nonvisualobject
end type
global eaf_n_cst_mailmanager eaf_n_cst_mailmanager

type variables
 *  Description of the Field
protected String connectionCacheName = "";

 *  Description of the Field
protected String smtpHostName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String smtpHostPort = "";

 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailTableName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailIDColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailSubjectColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailFromColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailToColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailCCColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailBCCColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailBodyColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailCreatedDateColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailRetryCountColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailLastRetryDateColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailDeleteAfterSendIndicatorColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailNotifyOnFailureIndicatorColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailNotifyOnFailureEmailAddressColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailCompletedDateColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailCharacterSetColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailContextColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailMimeTypeIDColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailAttemptCountColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailErrorMessageColumnName = "";

 *  Description of the Field
protected String attachmentTableName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String attachmentIDColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String attachmentEmailIDColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String attachmentFileNameColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String attachmentSizeColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String attachmentDataColumnName = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String attachmentMimeTypeIDColumnName = "";

 *  Description of the Field
protected boolean isInitialized = false;

 *  Description of the Field
protected int defaultPollInterval = 0;
 *  Description of the Field
protected int defaultRetryCount = 0;
 *  Description of the Field
protected boolean defaultNotifyOnFailure = false;
 *  Description of the Field
protected String defaultNotifyOnFailureEmailAddress = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected boolean defaultDeleteAfterSend = false;
 *  Description of the Field
protected String defaultCharacterSet = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected int defaultMimeTypeID = 0;
 *  Description of the Field
protected int defaultAttachmentMimeTypeID = 0;

 *  Description of the Field
protected boolean keyValueAutoincrement = false;
 *  Description of the Field
protected String emailKeyValueSQL = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String attachmentKeyValueSQL = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String retryInterval = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String retryIntervalSQL = "";
 *  Description of the Field
protected String currentTimestampExpression = "";

 *  Description of the Field
protected boolean isEnabled = false;

end variables

forward prototypes
public function integer initialize ()
public function integer mailmanagerimpl ()
public function integer pollqueue ()
public function integer processmail ()
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string cc, string bcc, string subject, string body)
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string subject, string body)
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string subject, string body, integer mimetypeid)
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body)
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, integer mimetypeid)
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, string context)
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, string context, integer mimetypeid)
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string cc, string bcc, string subject, string body, emailattachment attachments[])
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string subject, string body, emailattachment attachments[])
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, emailattachment attachments[])
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, emailattachment attachments[], string context, integer mimetypeid)
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, string context, emailattachment attachments[])
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, emailattachment attachments[], string context, integer mimetypeid, integer retrycount, boolean deleteaftersend, boolean notifyonfailure, string notifyonfailureemailaddress, string characterset)
public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string cc, string bcc, string subject, string body, integer mimetypeid)
end prototypes

public function integer initialize ();return 1
end function

public function integer mailmanagerimpl ();initialize()

return 1
end function

public function integer pollqueue ();processMail()

return 1
end function

public function integer processmail ();return 1
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string cc, string bcc, string subject, string body);String toList[], ccList[], bccList[]

toList[1] = tomail
ccList[1] = cc
bccList[1] = bcc

return sendMail(frommail, toList[], ccList[], bccList[], subject, body)
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string subject, string body);return sendMail(frommail, tomail, "", "", subject, body)
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string subject, string body, integer mimetypeid);return sendMail(frommail, tomail, "", "", subject, body, mimeTypeID)
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body);return sendMail(frommail, tomail, cc, bcc, subject, body, "")
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, integer mimetypeid);return sendMail(frommail, tomail, cc, bcc, subject, body, "", mimeTypeID)
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, string context);return sendMail(frommail, tomail, cc, bcc, subject, body, context, defaultMimeTypeID)
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, string context, integer mimetypeid);Emailattachment Attachment[]

return sendMail(frommail, tomail, cc, bcc, subject, body, Attachment, context, mimeTypeID, defaultRetryCount, defaultDeleteAfterSend, defaultNotifyOnFailure, defaultNotifyOnFailureEmailAddress, defaultCharacterSet)

end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string cc, string bcc, string subject, string body, emailattachment attachments[]);String toList[], ccList[], bccList[]

toList[1] = tomail
ccList[1] = cc
bccList[1] = bcc

return sendMail(frommail, toList[], ccList[], bccList[], subject, body, attachments[])
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string subject, string body, emailattachment attachments[]);return sendMail(frommail, tomail, "", "", subject, body, attachments[])

return 1
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, emailattachment attachments[]);return sendMail(frommail, tomail, cc, bcc, subject, body, "", attachments)
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, emailattachment attachments[], string context, integer mimetypeid);return sendMail(frommail, tomail, cc, bcc, subject, body, attachments, context, mimeTypeID, defaultRetryCount, defaultDeleteAfterSend, defaultNotifyOnFailure, defaultNotifyOnFailureEmailAddress, defaultCharacterSet)

end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, string context, emailattachment attachments[]);return sendMail(frommail, tomail, cc, bcc, subject, body, attachments, context, defaultMimeTypeID)
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail[], string cc[], string bcc[], string subject, string body, emailattachment attachments[], string context, integer mimetypeid, integer retrycount, boolean deleteaftersend, boolean notifyonfailure, string notifyonfailureemailaddress, string characterset);return 1
end function

public function integer sendmail (string frommail, string tomail, string cc, string bcc, string subject, string body, integer mimetypeid);String toList[], ccList[], bccList[]

toList[1] = tomail
ccList[1] = cc
bccList[1] = bcc

return sendMail(frommail, toList[], ccList[], bccList[], subject, body, mimeTypeID)

end function

on eaf_n_cst_mailmanager.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on eaf_n_cst_mailmanager.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on