File: pfc_n_cst_metaclass.sru
Size: 29917
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 16:23:03 +0100
$PBExportComments$PFC metaclass service
global type pfc_n_cst_metaclass from nonvisualobject
end type
end forward

global type pfc_n_cst_metaclass from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

forward prototypes
public function boolean of_isfunctiondefined (string as_classname, string as_functionname, string as_argtype[])
public function boolean of_iseventdefined (string as_classname, string as_eventname)
public function boolean of_iseventimplemented (string as_classname, string as_eventname)
public function variabledefinition of_findmatchingvariable (classdefinition acd_object, string as_varname)
public function variabledefinition of_findmatchingvariable (scriptdefinition ascrd_object, string as_varname)
public function scriptdefinition of_findmatchingevent (classdefinition acd_object, string as_eventname)
public function boolean of_isancestorclass (string as_sourceclass, string as_ancestorclass)
public function integer of_getancestorclasses (string as_sourceclass, ref classdefinition acd_ancestorclass[])
public function integer of_getancestorclasses (classdefinition acd_sourceclass, ref classdefinition acd_ancestorclass[])
public function boolean of_isancestorclass (classdefinition acd_source, string as_ancestorclass)
public function boolean of_iseventdefined (classdefinition acd_source, string as_eventname)
public function boolean of_iseventimplemented (classdefinition acd_source, string as_eventname)
public function boolean of_isfunctiondefined (classdefinition acd_source, string as_functionname, string as_argtype[])
end prototypes

public function boolean of_isfunctiondefined (string as_classname, string as_functionname, string as_argtype[]);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_isFunctionDefined
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// as_classname      classname to check if function is defined for
// as_functionname   function name to check if it is defined on as_classname
// as_argtype[]      array of argument data types that are signature of as_functionname
// Returns:
// boolean
// true = function is defined for class
// false = function is not defined for class
// Description:
// Determines if a function is defined for a class
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

classdefinition   lcd_object

// Find class definition
lcd_object = findClassDefinition (as_classname)

return of_isFunctionDefined (lcd_object, as_functionname, as_argtype[])
end function

public function boolean of_iseventdefined (string as_classname, string as_eventname);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_isEventDefined
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// as_classname      classname to check if event is defined for
// as_eventname      event name to check if it is defined on as_classname
// Returns:
// boolean
// true = event is defined for class
// false = event is not defined for class
// Description:
// Determines if a event is defined for a class
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

classdefinition   lcd_object

// Find class definition
lcd_object = findClassDefinition (as_classname)

return of_isEventDefined (lcd_object, as_eventname)
end function

public function boolean of_iseventimplemented (string as_classname, string as_eventname);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_isEventImplemented
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// as_classname      classname to check if event is implemented for
// as_eventname      event name to check if it is implemented on as_classname
// Returns:
// boolean
// true = event is implemented for class
// false = event is not implemented for class
// Description:
// Determines if a event is implemented (defined and scripted) for a class
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

classdefinition   lcd_object

// Find class definition
lcd_object = findClassDefinition (as_classname)

return of_isEventImplemented (lcd_object, as_eventname)
end function

public function variabledefinition of_findmatchingvariable (classdefinition acd_object, string as_varname);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_findMatchingVariable
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// acd_object  classdefinition reference for variables that are to be found
// as_varname  variable name to find definition for
// Returns:
// variabledefinition
// If varname is not found on classdefinition or classdefinition is invalid, returns NULL
// Description:
// Finds a variabledefinition reference for the passed in variable name and classdefinition
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

boolean  lb_found
int      li_variables
int      li_cnt = 1
variabledefinition   lvrd_object
variabledefinition      lvrd_list[]

setNull (lvrd_object)

// Verify class definition
if not isValid (acd_object) or isNull (acd_object) then
   return lvrd_object
end if

// Find matching variable
lvrd_list[] = acd_object.variablelist[]
li_variables = upperBound (lvrd_list)
do while li_cnt <= li_variables and not lb_found
   if acd_object.variablelist[li_cnt].name = as_varname then
      lb_found = true
   end if

return acd_object.variablelist[li_cnt]
end function

public function variabledefinition of_findmatchingvariable (scriptdefinition ascrd_object, string as_varname);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_findMatchingVariable
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// ascrd_object   scriptdefinition reference for variables that are to be found
// as_varname     variable name to find definition for
// Returns:
// variabledefinition
// If varname is not found for ascrd_object or ascrd_object is invalid, returns NULL
// Description:
// Returns a variabledefinition for the passed in variable name and scriptdefinition reference.
// This function will look for the variable in both local variables and arguments.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

boolean  lb_found
int      li_variables
int      li_cnt = 1
variabledefinition   lvrd_object
variabledefinition   lvrd_local[]
variabledefinition   lvrd_arg[]

setNull (lvrd_object)

// Verify script definition
if not isValid (ascrd_object) or isNull (ascrd_object) then
   return lvrd_object
end if

// Check for matching variable in arguments
lvrd_arg[] = ascrd_object.argumentList[]
li_variables = upperBound (lvrd_arg[])
do while li_cnt <= li_variables and not lb_found
   if ascrd_object.argumentList[li_cnt].name = as_varname then
      lb_found = true
   end if
if lb_found then
   return ascrd_object.argumentList[li_cnt]
   li_cnt = 1
end if

// Check for matching variable in local variables
lvrd_local[] = ascrd_object.localVariableList[]
li_variables = upperBound (lvrd_local[])
do while li_cnt <= li_variables and not lb_found
   if ascrd_object.localVariableList[li_cnt].name = as_varname then
      lb_found = true
   end if
if lb_found then
   lvrd_object = ascrd_object.localVariableList[li_cnt]
end if

return lvrd_object
end function

public function scriptdefinition of_findmatchingevent (classdefinition acd_object, string as_eventname);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_findMatchingEvent
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// acd_object  classdefinition reference to find event for
// as_eventname   event name to find on class definition
// Returns:
// scriptdefinition
// NULL scriptdefinition will be returned if acd_object is not valid or if as_eventname
// could not be found.
// Description:
// Returns the scriptdefinition for a given eventname and classdefinition
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

boolean  lb_found
int      li_scripts
int      li_cnt = 1
scriptdefinition  lscrd_object
scriptdefinition  lscrd_list[]

setNull (lscrd_object)

// Check class definition
if not isValid (acd_object) or isNull (acd_object) then
   return lscrd_object
end if

// Find event definition
lscrd_list[] = acd_object.scriptList[]
li_scripts = upperBound (lscrd_list[])
do while li_cnt <= li_scripts and not lb_found
   if acd_object.scriptlist[li_cnt].name = as_eventname and acd_object.scriptlist[li_cnt].kind = scriptevent! then
      lb_found = true
   end if

if lb_found then
   lscrd_object = acd_object.scriptlist[li_cnt]
end if

return lscrd_object
end function

public function boolean of_isancestorclass (string as_sourceclass, string as_ancestorclass);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_isAncestorClass
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// as_sourceclass    source classname
// as_ancestorclass  ancestor classname
// Returns:
// boolean
// Description:
// Determines if as_ancestorclass is an ancestor class of as_sourceclass
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

boolean  lb_ancestor
classdefinition   lcd_source

// Validate source classname
lcd_source = findClassDefinition (as_sourceclass)

return of_isAncestorClass (lcd_source, as_ancestorclass)
end function

public function integer of_getancestorclasses (string as_sourceclass, ref classdefinition acd_ancestorclass[]);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_getAncestorClasses
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// as_sourceclass    classname to get ancestor classes for
// acd_ancestorclass[]  ancestor classesdefinitions by reference
// Returns:
// integer
// Returns the number of ancestor classes
// Returns -1 if there is an error
// Description:
// Gets all ancestor classdefinitions of a given classname.
// Classes are returned in ascending order (subclass to ancestor class)
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

classdefinition   lcd_object

// Find sourceclass
lcd_object = findClassDefinition (as_sourceclass)

return of_getAncestorClasses (lcd_object, acd_ancestorclass[])
end function

public function integer of_getancestorclasses (classdefinition acd_sourceclass, ref classdefinition acd_ancestorclass[]);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_getAncestorClasses
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// acd_sourceclass      classdefinition to get ancestor classes for
// acd_ancestorclass[]  ancestor classesdefinitions by reference
// Returns:
// integer
// Returns the number of ancestor classes
// Returns -1 if there is an error
// Description:
// Gets all ancestor classdefinitions of a given classdefinition.
// Classes are returned in ascending order (subclass to ancestor class)
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

int   li_cnt = 1
classdefinition   lcd_test
classdefinition   lcd_temp[]

// Check source classdefinition
if not isValid (acd_sourceclass) or isNull (acd_sourceclass) then
   return -1
end if

// Clear the reference array
acd_ancestorclass[] = lcd_temp[]

// Get ancestor classes
lcd_test = acd_sourceclass.ancestor
do while isValid (lcd_test)
   acd_ancestorclass[li_cnt] = lcd_test
   lcd_test = lcd_test.ancestor

return upperBound (acd_ancestorclass[])
end function

public function boolean of_isancestorclass (classdefinition acd_source, string as_ancestorclass);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_isAncestorClass
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// acd_source  source classdefinition
// as_ancestorclass  ancestor classname
// Returns:
// boolean
// Description:
// Determines if as_ancestorclass is an ancestor class of acd_source
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

boolean  lb_ancestor
classdefinition   lcd_ancestor
classdefinition   lcd_test

// Validate classnames
if not isValid (acd_source) or isNull (acd_source) then
   return lb_ancestor
end if
lcd_ancestor = findClassDefinition (as_ancestorclass)
if not isValid (lcd_ancestor) or isNull (lcd_ancestor) then
   return lb_ancestor
end if

// Check if there is an ancestor relationship
lcd_test = acd_source.ancestor
do while isValid (lcd_test) and not lb_ancestor
   if = then
      lb_ancestor = true
      lcd_test = lcd_test.ancestor
   end if

return lb_ancestor
end function

public function boolean of_iseventdefined (classdefinition acd_source, string as_eventname);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_isEventDefined
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// acd_source     classdefinition to check if event is defined for
// as_eventname   event name to check if it is defined for acd_source
// Returns:
// boolean
// true = event is defined for class
// false = event is not defined for class
// Description:
// Determines if a event is defined for a class
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

boolean  lb_found
int      li_scripts
int      li_cnt = 1
scriptdefinition  lscrd_object

// Check class definition
if not isValid (acd_source) or isNull (acd_source) then
   return lb_found
end if

// Find event definition
li_scripts = upperBound (acd_source.scriptlist)
do while li_cnt <= li_scripts and not lb_found
   if acd_source.scriptlist[li_cnt].name = as_eventname and acd_source.scriptlist[li_cnt].kind = scriptevent! then
      lb_found = true
   end if

return lb_found
end function

public function boolean of_iseventimplemented (classdefinition acd_source, string as_eventname);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_isEventImplemented
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// acd_source        classdefinition to check if event is implemented for
// as_eventname      event name to check if it is implemented on acd_source
// Returns:
// boolean
// true = event is implemented for class
// false = event is not implemented for class
// Description:
// Determines if a event is implemented (defined and scripted) for a class
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

boolean  lb_found
boolean  lb_implemented
int      li_scripts
int      li_cnt = 1
scriptdefinition  lscrd_object

// Check class definition
if not isValid (acd_source) or isNull (acd_source) then
   return lb_found
end if

// Find event definition
li_scripts = upperBound (acd_source.scriptlist)
do while li_cnt <= li_scripts and not lb_found
   if acd_source.scriptlist[li_cnt].name = as_eventname and acd_source.scriptlist[li_cnt].kind = scriptevent! then
      lb_found = true
   end if

// Check if event is scripted
if lb_found then
   lb_implemented = acd_source.scriptlist[li_cnt].isScripted
end if

return lb_implemented
end function

public function boolean of_isfunctiondefined (classdefinition acd_source, string as_functionname, string as_argtype[]);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// of_isFunctionDefined
// Access:
// public
// Arguments:
// acd_source        classdefinition to check if function is defined for
// as_functionname   function name to check if it is defined on acd_source
// as_argtype[]      array of argument data types that are signature of as_functionname
// Returns:
// boolean
// true = function is defined for class
// false = function is not defined for class
// Description:
// Determines if a function is defined for a class
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

boolean  lb_found
scriptdefinition  lscrd_object

// Check class definition
if not isValid (acd_source) or isNull (acd_source) then
   return lb_found
end if

// Find method definition
lscrd_object = acd_source.findMatchingFunction (as_functionname, as_argtype[])
if isValid (lscrd_object) then
   lb_found = true
end if

return lb_found
end function

on pfc_n_cst_metaclass.create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on pfc_n_cst_metaclass.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
end on