File: n_choosefont.sru
Size: 4313
Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2019 04:27:14 +0100
global type n_choosefont from nonvisualobject
end type
type choosefont from structure within n_choosefont
end type
type logfont from structure within n_choosefont
end type
end forward

type choosefont from structure
   unsignedlong      lstructsize
   long     hwnd
   long     hdc
   long     lplogfont
   long     ipointsize
   unsignedlong      flags
   long     rgbcolors
   long     lcustdata
   long     lpfnhook
   string      templatename
   long     hinstance
   string      lpszstyle
   integer     nfonttype
   integer     missingalignment
   long     nsizemin
   long     nsizelong
end type

type logfont from structure
   long     lfheight
   long     lfwidth
   long     lfescapement
   long     lforientation
   long     lfweight
   byte     lfitalic
   byte     lfunderline
   byte     lfstrikeout
   byte     lfcharset
   byte     lfoutprecision
   byte     lfclipprecision
   byte     lfquality
   byte     lfpitchandfamily
   character      lffacename[32]
end type

global type n_choosefont from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

type prototypes
Function boolean ChooseFont ( &
   Ref CHOOSEFONT lpcf &
   ) Library "comdlg32.dll" Alias For "ChooseFontW" 

Subroutine CopyMemory ( &
   Ref LOGFONT Destination, &
   long Source, &
   long Length &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory"

Subroutine CopyMemory ( &
   long Destination, &
   LOGFONT Source, &
   long Length &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory"

Function ulong GlobalAlloc ( &
   ulong uFlags, &
   long dwBytes &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"

Function ulong GlobalLock ( &
   ulong hMem &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"

Function ulong GlobalUnlock ( &
   ulong hMem &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"

Function ulong GlobalFree ( &
   ulong hMem &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"

end prototypes

type variables
Integer iTextSize
Boolean iBold
Boolean iUnderline
Boolean iItalic
Boolean iStrikeout
String iFaceName
Long iTextColor
Long iWeight

end variables

forward prototypes
public function boolean of_choosefont (window aw_parent, string as_fontname)
end prototypes

public function boolean of_choosefont (window aw_parent, string as_fontname);Constant Integer CF_SCREENFONTS = 1
Constant Integer CF_EFFECTS = 256
Constant Integer GMEM_MOVEABLE = 2
CHOOSEFONT lstr_choosefont
LOGFONT lstr_logfont
Long ll_StructSize, ll_LogFont

ll_StructSize = 60

// we allocate a piece of memory with the size of the logfont structure
// and we lock it
ll_LogFont = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, ll_StructSize * 2)
If ll_LogFont = 0 Then Return False

ll_LogFont = GlobalLock(ll_LogFont)
If ll_LogFont = 0 Then Return False

/* initialise the logfont structure */

// default font
If as_fontname = "" Then
   lstr_logfont.lffacename = "Arial"
   lstr_logfont.lffacename = as_fontname
End If
lstr_logfont.lfweight = 400

// copy the structure to the allocated piece in memory
CopyMemory(ll_LogFont, lstr_Logfont, ll_StructSize)

// assign the pointer to the fontinfo in memory to the dialog font
lstr_ChooseFont.lplogfont = ll_LogFont

// initialise the structure further
lstr_ChooseFont.lstructsize = ll_StructSize
lstr_ChooseFont.hwnd = Handle(aw_parent)

// call the dialog
If Not ChooseFont(lstr_ChooseFont) Then
   Return False
End If

// The memory piece now contains the selected log information
// Copy this information back to the structure so we can access it
CopyMemory(lstr_LogFont, lstr_ChooseFont.lplogfont, ll_StructSize * 2)

// release the used memory

// save the results in instance variables
iTextSize = (lstr_ChooseFont.iPointSize / 10)
iWeight = lstr_LogFont.lfWeight
If iWeight = 700 Then
   iBold = True
   iBold = False
End If
iFaceName = Trim(lstr_LogFont.lfFaceName)
iTextColor = lstr_ChooseFont.rgbColors

iUnderline = (lstr_LogFont.lfUnderline > 0)
iItalic = (lstr_LogFont.lfItalic > 0)
iStrikeout = (lstr_LogFont.lfStrikeout > 0)

Return True

end function

on n_choosefont.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on n_choosefont.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on