File: m_main.srm
Size: 30968
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2019 03:47:06 +0100
global type m_main from menu
end type
type m_file from menu within m_main
end type
type m_exit from menu within m_file
end type
type m_file from menu within m_main
m_exit m_exit
end type
type m_profiles from menu within m_main
end type
type m_newprofile from menu within m_profiles
end type
type m_connect from menu within m_profiles
end type
type m_disconnect from menu within m_profiles
end type
type m_stopaction from menu within m_profiles
end type
type m_- from menu within m_profiles
end type
type m_profiles from menu within m_main
m_newprofile m_newprofile
m_connect m_connect
m_disconnect m_disconnect
m_stopaction m_stopaction
m_- m_-
end type
type m_local from menu within m_main
end type
type m_uploadfiles from menu within m_local
end type
type m_uploaddeletefiles from menu within m_local
end type
type m_refreshlocal from menu within m_local
end type
type m_deletelocalfiles from menu within m_local
end type
type m_gotodirectory from menu within m_local
end type
type m_mydocuments from menu within m_local
end type
type m_cdrive from menu within m_local
end type
type m_local from menu within m_main
m_uploadfiles m_uploadfiles
m_uploaddeletefiles m_uploaddeletefiles
m_refreshlocal m_refreshlocal
m_deletelocalfiles m_deletelocalfiles
m_gotodirectory m_gotodirectory
m_mydocuments m_mydocuments
m_cdrive m_cdrive
end type
type m_remote from menu within m_main
end type
type m_downloadfiles from menu within m_remote
end type
type m_refresh from menu within m_remote
end type
type m_deletefiles from menu within m_remote
end type
type m_renamefile from menu within m_remote
end type
type m_changedirectory from menu within m_remote
end type
type m_home from menu within m_remote
end type
type m_createdirectory from menu within m_remote
end type
type m_deletedirectories from menu within m_remote
end type
type m_sendcommand from menu within m_remote
end type
type m_remote from menu within m_main
m_downloadfiles m_downloadfiles
m_refresh m_refresh
m_deletefiles m_deletefiles
m_renamefile m_renamefile
m_changedirectory m_changedirectory
m_home m_home
m_createdirectory m_createdirectory
m_deletedirectories m_deletedirectories
m_sendcommand m_sendcommand
end type
type m_help from menu within m_main
end type
type m_about from menu within m_help
end type
type m_help from menu within m_main
m_about m_about
end type
global type m_main from menu
m_file m_file
m_profiles m_profiles
m_local m_local
m_remote m_remote
m_help m_help
end type
end forward

global type m_main from menu
m_file m_file
m_profiles m_profiles
m_local m_local
m_remote m_remote
m_help m_help
end type
global m_main m_main

type variables
n_dynamicitem in_dyn

end variables

forward prototypes
public subroutine mf_status (boolean ab_enabled)
public subroutine mf_stopaction (boolean ab_enabled)
end prototypes

public subroutine mf_status (boolean ab_enabled);m_local.m_uploadfiles.Enabled   = ab_enabled
m_local.m_uploadfiles.ToolbarItemVisible = ab_enabled
m_local.m_uploaddeletefiles.Enabled = ab_enabled

m_remote.Enabled  = ab_enabled
m_remote.m_refresh.ToolbarItemVisible = ab_enabled
m_remote.m_downloadfiles.ToolbarItemVisible = ab_enabled

m_profiles.m_connect.Visible = Not ab_enabled
m_profiles.m_connect.ToolbarItemVisible = Not ab_enabled
m_profiles.m_disconnect.Visible = ab_enabled
m_profiles.m_disconnect.ToolbarItemVisible = ab_enabled

end subroutine

public subroutine mf_stopaction (boolean ab_enabled);m_profiles.m_stopaction.Visible = ab_enabled
m_profiles.m_stopaction.ToolbarItemVisible = ab_enabled

end subroutine

on m_main.create
call super::create
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_file=create m_file
this.m_profiles=create m_profiles
this.m_local=create m_local
this.m_remote=create m_remote
this.m_help=create m_help
end on

on m_main.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_file from menu within m_main
m_exit m_exit
end type

on m_file.create
call super::create
this.text = "File"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_exit=create m_exit
end on

on m_file.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_exit from menu within m_file
end type

event clicked;Close(ParentWindow)

end event

on m_exit.create
call super::create
this.text = "Exit~tAlt+F4"
this.shortcut = 627
this.microhelp = "Exit the program"
this.toolbaritemname = "exit!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Exit,Exit the program"
this.toolbaritemorder = 999
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_exit.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_profiles from menu within m_main
m_newprofile m_newprofile
m_connect m_connect
m_disconnect m_disconnect
m_stopaction m_stopaction
m_- m_-
end type

on m_profiles.create
call super::create
this.text = "Profiles"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_newprofile=create m_newprofile
this.m_connect=create m_connect
this.m_disconnect=create m_disconnect
this.m_stopaction=create m_stopaction
this.m_-=create m_-
end on

on m_profiles.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_newprofile from menu within m_profiles
end type

event clicked;// Add a new server profile

// call window function to perform action
ParentWindow.Dynamic wf_DynamicMenus(0)

end event

on m_newprofile.create
call super::create
this.text = "New Profile"
this.microhelp = "Create a new profile"
this.toolbaritemname = "new!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "New,Create a new profile"
this.toolbaritemorder = 1
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_newprofile.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_connect from menu within m_profiles
end type

event clicked;// call window function to perform action
ParentWindow.Dynamic wf_Connect()

end event

on m_connect.create
call super::create
this.text = "Connect"
this.microhelp = "Connect to favorite profile"
this.toolbaritemname = "watcom!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Connect,Connect to favorite profile"
this.toolbaritemorder = 2
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_connect.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_disconnect from menu within m_profiles
end type

event clicked;// call window function to perform action
ParentWindow.Dynamic wf_Disconnect()

end event

on m_disconnect.create
call super::create
this.text = "Disconnect"
this.microhelp = "Disconnect from the remote server"
this.toolbaritemname = "close!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Disconnect,Disconnect from the remote server"
this.toolbaritemorder = 3
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_disconnect.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_stopaction from menu within m_profiles
end type

on m_stopaction.create
call super::create
this.visible = false
this.text = "Stop Action"
this.microhelp = "Stop the current FTP action"
this.toolbaritemvisible = false
this.toolbaritemname = "retrievecancel!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Stop,Stop the current FTP action"
this.toolbaritemorder = 4
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_stopaction.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;// call window function to perform action
ParentWindow.Dynamic wf_StopAction()

end event

type m_- from menu within m_profiles
end type

on m_-.create
call super::create
this.text = "-"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_-.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_local from menu within m_main
m_uploadfiles m_uploadfiles
m_uploaddeletefiles m_uploaddeletefiles
m_refreshlocal m_refreshlocal
m_deletelocalfiles m_deletelocalfiles
m_gotodirectory m_gotodirectory
m_mydocuments m_mydocuments
m_cdrive m_cdrive
end type

on m_local.create
call super::create
this.text = "Local"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_uploadfiles=create m_uploadfiles
this.m_uploaddeletefiles=create m_uploaddeletefiles
this.m_refreshlocal=create m_refreshlocal
this.m_deletelocalfiles=create m_deletelocalfiles
this.m_gotodirectory=create m_gotodirectory
this.m_mydocuments=create m_mydocuments
this.m_cdrive=create m_cdrive
end on

on m_local.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_uploadfiles from menu within m_local
event create ( )
event destroy ( )
end type

on m_uploadfiles.create
call super::create
this.text = "Upload Files~tAlt+U"
this.shortcut = 597
this.microhelp = "Upload the selected files"
this.toolbaritemvisible = false
this.toolbaritemname = "custom035!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Upload,Upload the selected files"
this.toolbaritemorder = 3
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_uploadfiles.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_local.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

type m_uploaddeletefiles from menu within m_local
event create ( )
event destroy ( )
end type

on m_uploaddeletefiles.create
call super::create
this.text = "Upload/Delete Files~tAlt+D"
this.shortcut = 580
this.microhelp = "Upload the selected files and then delete from local"
this.toolbaritemvisible = false
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_uploaddeletefiles.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_local.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

type m_refreshlocal from menu within m_local
end type

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_local.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

on m_refreshlocal.create
call super::create
this.text = "Refresh~tAlt+R"
this.shortcut = 594
this.microhelp = "Refresh the current directory"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_refreshlocal.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_deletelocalfiles from menu within m_local
end type

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_local.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

on m_deletelocalfiles.create
call super::create
this.text = "Delete Files~tAlt+Del"
this.shortcut = 558
this.microhelp = "Delete the selected files"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_deletelocalfiles.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_gotodirectory from menu within m_local
end type

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_local.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

on m_gotodirectory.create
call super::create
this.text = "Goto Directory~tAlt+G"
this.shortcut = 583
this.microhelp = "Goto pre-defined directories"
this.toolbaritemname = "open!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Goto,Goto pre-defined directories"
this.toolbaritemorder = 1
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_gotodirectory.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_mydocuments from menu within m_local
end type

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_local.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

on m_mydocuments.create
call super::create
this.text = "My Documents~tAlt+M"
this.shortcut = 589
this.microhelp = "Goto My Documents"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_mydocuments.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_cdrive from menu within m_local
end type

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_local.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

on m_cdrive.create
call super::create
this.text = "C Drive~tAlt+C"
this.shortcut = 579
this.microhelp = "Goto C Drive Root"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_cdrive.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_remote from menu within m_main
m_downloadfiles m_downloadfiles
m_refresh m_refresh
m_deletefiles m_deletefiles
m_renamefile m_renamefile
m_changedirectory m_changedirectory
m_home m_home
m_createdirectory m_createdirectory
m_deletedirectories m_deletedirectories
m_sendcommand m_sendcommand
end type

on m_remote.create
call super::create
this.text = "Remote"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_downloadfiles=create m_downloadfiles
this.m_refresh=create m_refresh
this.m_deletefiles=create m_deletefiles
this.m_renamefile=create m_renamefile
this.m_changedirectory=create m_changedirectory
this.m_home=create m_home
this.m_createdirectory=create m_createdirectory
this.m_deletedirectories=create m_deletedirectories
this.m_sendcommand=create m_sendcommand
end on

on m_remote.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_downloadfiles from menu within m_remote
event create ( )
event destroy ( )
end type

on m_downloadfiles.create
call super::create
this.text = "Download Files~tCtrl+D"
this.shortcut = 324
this.microhelp = "Download the selected files"
this.toolbaritemvisible = false
this.toolbaritemname = "custom036!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Download,Download the selected files"
this.toolbaritemorder = 3
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_downloadfiles.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_remote.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

type m_refresh from menu within m_remote
end type

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_remote.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

on m_refresh.create
call super::create
this.text = "Refresh~tCtrl+R"
this.shortcut = 338
this.microhelp = "Refresh the current directory"
this.toolbaritemvisible = false
this.toolbaritemname = "continue!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Refresh,Refresh the current directory"
this.toolbaritemorder = 3
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_refresh.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_deletefiles from menu within m_remote
event create ( )
event destroy ( )
end type

on m_deletefiles.create
call super::create
this.text = "Delete Files~tCtrl+Del"
this.shortcut = 302
this.microhelp = "Delete the selected files"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_deletefiles.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_remote.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

type m_renamefile from menu within m_remote
end type

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_remote.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

on m_renamefile.create
call super::create
this.text = "Rename File~tCtrl+N"
this.shortcut = 334
this.microhelp = "Rename the selected file"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_renamefile.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_changedirectory from menu within m_remote
event create ( )
event destroy ( )
end type

on m_changedirectory.create
call super::create
this.text = "Change Directory~tCtrl+G"
this.shortcut = 327
this.microhelp = "Open the Change Directory window"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_changedirectory.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_remote.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

type m_home from menu within m_remote
end type

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_remote.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

on m_home.create
call super::create
this.text = "Home~tCtrl+H"
this.shortcut = 328
this.microhelp = "Go to the home directory"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_home.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_createdirectory from menu within m_remote
event create ( )
event destroy ( )
end type

on m_createdirectory.create
call super::create
this.text = "Create Directory"
this.microhelp = "Open the Create Directory window"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_createdirectory.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_remote.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

type m_deletedirectories from menu within m_remote
event create ( )
event destroy ( )
end type

on m_deletedirectories.create
call super::create
this.text = "Delete Directories"
this.microhelp = "Delete the selected directories"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_deletedirectories.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_remote.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

type m_sendcommand from menu within m_remote
end type

event clicked;gw_frame.uo_remote.of_menufunction(this.ClassName())

end event

on m_sendcommand.create
call super::create
this.text = "Send Command"
this.microhelp = "Send an FTP command to the server"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_sendcommand.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_help from menu within m_main
m_about m_about
end type

on m_help.create
call super::create
this.text = "Help"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_about=create m_about
end on

on m_help.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_about from menu within m_help
end type

event clicked;Open(w_about)

end event

on m_about.create
call super::create
this.text = "About"
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_about.destroy
call super::destroy
end on