File: n_connection.sru
Size: 7114
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2017 17:30:58 +0200
global type n_connection from connection
end type
end forward

global type n_connection from connection
end type
global n_connection n_connection

type prototypes

end prototypes
type variables
Boolean ib_registry = True
String is_appname
String is_company

end variables

forward prototypes
public function string of_errmsg (long al_errcode)
public function boolean of_connect (string as_host, string as_userid, string as_passwd)
public subroutine of_disconnect ()
public function string of_get_ini (string as_section, string as_entry, string as_default)
public function integer of_set_ini (string as_section, string as_entry, string as_value)
public subroutine of_del_jagproperty (string as_entitytype, string as_entityname, string as_property)
public function string of_get_jagproperty (string as_entitytype, string as_entityname, string as_property)
public subroutine of_set_jagproperty (string as_entitytype, string as_entityname, string as_property, string as_value)
end prototypes

public function string of_errmsg (long al_errcode);// return message for the error code

String ls_errmsg

choose case al_errcode
   case 0
      ls_errmsg = ""
   case 50
      ls_errmsg = "Distributed service error"
   case 52
      ls_errmsg = "Distributed communications error"
   case 53
      ls_errmsg = "Requested server not active"
   case 54
      ls_errmsg = "Server not accepting requests"
   case 55
      ls_errmsg = "Request terminated abnormally"
   case 56
      ls_errmsg = "Response to request incomplete"
   case 57
      ls_errmsg = "Not connected"
   case 58
      ls_errmsg = "Object instance does not exist"
   case 62
      ls_errmsg = "Server busy"
   case 75
      ls_errmsg = "Server forced client to disconnect"
   case 80
      ls_errmsg = "Server timed out client connection"
   case 87
      ls_errmsg = "Connection to server has been lost"
   case 92
      ls_errmsg = "Required property is missing or invalid"
   case else
      ls_errmsg = "Unknown error: " + String(al_errcode)
end choose

Return ls_errmsg

end function

public function boolean of_connect (string as_host, string as_userid, string as_passwd);// connect to jaguar server

Long ll_rc

this.driver = "jaguar"
this.location = "iiop://" + as_host + ":9000"
this.userid = as_userid
this.password = as_passwd

ll_rc = this.ConnectToServer()
If ll_rc <> 0 Then
   MessageBox("Connect to server failed!", this.of_errmsg(ll_rc))
   Return False
End If

Return True

end function

public subroutine of_disconnect ();// disconnect from jaguar server


end subroutine

public function string of_get_ini (string as_section, string as_entry, string as_default);String ls_regkey, ls_regvalue, ls_filename

If ib_registry Then
   // get value in registry
   ls_regkey  = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\" + is_company
   ls_regkey += "\" + is_appname + "\" + as_section
   RegistryGet(ls_regkey, as_entry, ls_regvalue)
   If ls_regvalue = "" Then
      ls_regvalue = as_default
   End If
   Return ls_regvalue
   // get value in .ini file
   ls_filename = is_appname + ".ini"
   Return ProfileString(ls_filename, as_section, as_entry, as_default)
End If

end function

public function integer of_set_ini (string as_section, string as_entry, string as_value);String ls_regkey, ls_filename

If ib_registry Then
   // set value in registry
   ls_regkey  = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\" + is_company
   ls_regkey += "\" + is_appname + "\" + as_section
   Return RegistrySet(ls_regkey, as_entry, as_value)
   // set value in .ini file
   ls_filename = is_appname + ".ini"
   Return SetProfileString(ls_filename, as_section, as_entry, as_value)
End If

end function

public subroutine of_del_jagproperty (string as_entitytype, string as_entityname, string as_property);// Deletes the passed property from the Jaguar Repository

Properties l_properties, l_newprops
String ls_value
Long ll_rc, ll_cnt, ll_max, ll_new

// get all properties for the component
   l_properties = g_repository.Lookup(as_entitytype, as_entityname)
CATCH ( lookuperror lue_prp )
   MessageBox(as_entitytype + " Lookup Error", &
            lue_prp.reason + " - " + lue_prp.text)

// copy properties to new array
ll_max = UpperBound(l_properties.Item)
FOR ll_cnt = 1 TO ll_max
   If Lower(l_properties.Item[ll_cnt].Name) <> Lower(as_property) Then
      ll_new = UpperBound(l_newprops.Item) + 1
      l_newprops.Item[ll_new] = l_properties.Item[ll_cnt]
   End If

// update repository
   g_repository.Define(as_entitytype, as_entityname, l_newprops.Item)
CATCH ( updateerror lue_def )
   MessageBox(as_entitytype + " Update Error", &
            lue_def.reason + " - " + lue_def.text)

end subroutine

public function string of_get_jagproperty (string as_entitytype, string as_entityname, string as_property);// Gets the value of the passed property from the Jaguar Repository.

Properties l_properties
String ls_value
Long ll_rc, ll_cnt, ll_max

// get all properties for the component
   l_properties = g_repository.Lookup(as_entitytype, as_entityname)
CATCH ( lookuperror lue_prp )
   MessageBox(as_entitytype + " Lookup Error", &
            lue_prp.reason + " - " + lue_prp.text)
   Return ""

// find the requested property
ll_max = UpperBound(l_properties.Item)
FOR ll_cnt = 1 TO ll_max
   If Lower(l_properties.Item[ll_cnt].Name) = Lower(as_property) Then
      ls_value = l_properties.Item[ll_cnt].Value
   End If

Return ls_value

end function

public subroutine of_set_jagproperty (string as_entitytype, string as_entityname, string as_property, string as_value);// Sets the value of the passed property in the Jaguar Repository

Properties l_properties
String ls_value
Long ll_rc, ll_cnt, ll_max
Boolean lb_found

// get all properties for the component
   l_properties = g_repository.Lookup(as_entitytype, as_entityname)
CATCH ( lookuperror lue_prp )
   MessageBox(as_entitytype + " Lookup Error", &
            lue_prp.reason + " - " + lue_prp.text)

// find the requested property
lb_found = False
ll_max = UpperBound(l_properties.Item)
FOR ll_cnt = 1 TO ll_max
   If Lower(l_properties.Item[ll_cnt].Name) = Lower(as_property) Then
      lb_found = True
   End If

// update property structure
If lb_found Then
   l_properties.Item[ll_cnt].Value = as_value
   l_properties.Item[ll_cnt].Name  = as_property
   l_properties.Item[ll_cnt].Value = as_value
End If

// update repository
   g_repository.Define(as_entitytype, as_entityname, l_properties.Item)
CATCH ( updateerror lue_def )
   MessageBox(as_entitytype + " Update Error", &
            lue_def.reason + " - " + lue_def.text)

end subroutine

on n_connection.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on n_connection.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on

event constructor;Application la_app

// default appname/company
la_app = GetApplication()
is_appname = la_app.AppName
is_company = "TopWiz"

end event