File: n_ds_ldapquery.sru
Size: 4394
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 21:14:38 +0100
global type n_ds_ldapquery from datastore
end type
end forward

global type n_ds_ldapquery from datastore
end type
global n_ds_ldapquery n_ds_ldapquery

type variables
OLEObject adoCommand, adoConnection, adoRootDSE

end variables

forward prototypes
public function boolean of_connecterror (integer ai_rc, string as_conn)
public function long of_retrieve (string as_where)
end prototypes

public function boolean of_connecterror (integer ai_rc, string as_conn);String ls_errmsg

choose case ai_rc
   case 0
      // no error
      Return False
   case -1
      ls_errmsg = "Invalid Call: the argument is the Object property of a control"
   case -2
      ls_errmsg = "Class name not found"
   case -3
      ls_errmsg = "Object could not be created"
   case -4
      ls_errmsg = "Could not connect to object"
   case -9
      ls_errmsg = "Other error"
   case -15
      ls_errmsg = "COM+ is not loaded on this computer"
   case -16
      ls_errmsg = "Invalid Call: this function not applicable"
   case else
      ls_errmsg = "Undefined error: " + String(ai_rc)
end choose

MessageBox("Error connecting to " + as_conn, ls_errmsg, StopSign!)

Return True

end function

public function long of_retrieve (string as_where);OLEObject adoRecordset
String ls_DNSDomain, ls_Query, ls_Name, ls_Type, ls_Value
String ls_Colname[], ls_Coltype[], ls_Date, ls_Time
Long ll_nextrow, ll_Value
Integer li_rc, li_col, li_max
DateTime ldt_Value


// Setup ADO objects
li_rc = adoCommand.ConnectToNewObject("ADODB.Command")
If of_ConnectError(li_rc, "ADODB.Command") Then Return -1

li_rc = adoConnection.ConnectToNewObject("ADODB.Connection")
If of_ConnectError(li_rc, "ADODB.Connection") Then Return -1

adoConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
adoConnection.Open("Active Directory Provider")
adoCommand.ActiveConnection = adoConnection

// Determine the domain
li_rc = adoRootDSE.ConnectToObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
If of_ConnectError(li_rc, "ADODB.Connection") Then Return -1
ls_DNSDomain = adoRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")

// Construct the SQL syntax query
ls_Query = "SELECT "
li_max = Integer(this.Object.DataWindow.Column.Count)
For li_col = 1 To li_max
   ls_Name = this.Describe("#" + String(li_col) + ".Name")
   ls_Type = Left(this.Describe(ls_Name + ".ColType"), 5)
   If li_col = li_max Then
      ls_Query += ls_Name + " "
      ls_Query += ls_Name + ", "
   End If
   ls_Colname[li_col] = ls_Name
   ls_Coltype[li_col] = ls_Type
ls_Query +=   "FROM 'LDAP://" + ls_DNSDomain + "' "
ls_Query +=  "WHERE " + as_where

   // Run the query
   adoCommand.CommandText = ls_Query
   adoRecordset = adoCommand.Execute
   // Enumerate the resulting recordset
   Do Until adoRecordset.EOF
      // Copy values from recordset to datastore
      ll_nextrow = this.InsertRow(0)
      For li_col = 1 To li_max
         ls_Name = ls_Colname[li_col]
         choose case ls_Coltype[li_col]
            case "char("
               // string value
               ls_Value = String(adoRecordset.Fields(ls_Name).Value)
               this.SetItem(ll_nextrow, ls_Name, ls_Value)
            case "numbe"
               // numeric value
               ll_Value = Long(adoRecordset.Fields(ls_Name).Value)
               this.SetItem(ll_nextrow, ls_Name, ll_Value)
            case "datet"
               // datetime value
               ls_Value = String(adoRecordset.Fields(ls_Name).Value)
               ls_Date = Left(ls_Value, Pos(ls_Value, " ") - 1)
               ls_Time = Mid(ls_Value, Pos(ls_Value, " ") + 1)
               ldt_Value = DateTime(Date(ls_Date), Time(ls_Time))
               this.SetItem(ll_nextrow, ls_Name, ldt_Value)
         end choose
      // Move to the next record in the recordset
   // Close the connection
catch ( oleruntimeerror orte )
   MessageBox("OLERuntimeError", orte.Text)
end try

// Close the connection

// Apply any filter or sort

Return this.RowCount()

end function
on n_ds_ldapquery.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on n_ds_ldapquery.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on

event constructor;// Create objects
adoCommand    = Create OLEObject
adoConnection = Create OLEObject
adoRootDSE    = Create OLEObject

end event

event destructor;// Destroy objects
Destroy adoCommand
Destroy adoConnection
Destroy adoRootDSE

end event