File: n_odbcapi.sru
Size: 26828
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2022 03:53:26 +0100
global type n_odbcapi from nonvisualobject
end type
end forward

global type n_odbcapi from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

type prototypes
Function integer SQLAllocHandle ( &
   integer HandleType, &
   long InputHandle, &
   Ref long OutputHandlePtr &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll"

Function integer SQLFreeHandle ( &
   integer HandleType, &
   long Handle &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll"

Function integer SQLSetEnvAttr ( &
   long EnvironmentHandle, &
   long Attribute, &
   ulong ValuePtr, &
   long StringLength &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll"

Function integer SQLGetDiagRec ( &
   integer HandleType, &
   long Handle, &
   integer RecNumber, &
   Ref string Sqlstate, &
   Ref long NativeErrorPtr, &
   Ref string MessageText, &
   integer BufferLength, &
   Ref integer TextLengthPtr &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLGetDiagRec;Ansi"

Function integer SQLBindCol ( &
   long StatementHandle, &
   UInt ColumnNumber, &
   integer TargetType, &
   Ref string TargetValuePtr, &
   long BufferLength, &
   Ref integer StrLen_or_IndPtr &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLBindCol;Ansi"

Function integer SQLBindCol ( &
   long StatementHandle, &
   UInt ColumnNumber, &
   integer TargetType, &
   Ref integer TargetValuePtr, &
   long BufferLength, &
   Ref integer StrLen_or_IndPtr &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll"

Function integer SQLBindCol ( &
   long StatementHandle, &
   UInt ColumnNumber, &
   integer TargetType, &
   Ref long TargetValuePtr, &
   long BufferLength, &
   Ref integer StrLen_or_IndPtr &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll"

Function integer SQLFetch ( &
   long statementhandle &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll"

Function integer SQLDataSources ( &
   long EnvironmentHandle, &
   UInt Direction, &
   Ref string ServerName, &
   integer BufferLength1, &
   Ref integer NameLength1Ptr, &
   Ref string Description, &
   integer BufferLength2 , &
   Ref integer NameLength2Ptr &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLDataSources;Ansi"

Function integer SQLTables ( &
   long StatementHandle, &
   string CatalogName, &
   integer NameLength1, &
   string SchemaName, &
   integer NameLength2, &
   string TableName, &
   integer NameLength3, &
   string TableType, &
   integer NameLength4 &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLTables;Ansi"

Function integer SQLColumns ( &
   long StatementHandle, &
   string CatalogName, &
   integer NameLength1, &
   string SchemaName, &
   integer NameLength2, &
   string TableName, &
   integer NameLength3, &
   string ColumnName, &
   integer NameLength4 &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLColumns;Ansi"

Function integer SQLPrimaryKeys ( &
   long StatementHandle, &
   string CatalogName, &
   integer NameLength1, &
   string SchemaName, &
   integer NameLength2, &
   string TableName, &
   integer NameLength3 &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLPrimaryKeys;Ansi"

Function integer SQLForeignKeys ( &
   long StatementHandle, &
   string PKCatalogName, &
   integer NameLength1, &
   string PKSchemaName, &
   integer NameLength2, &
   string PKTableName, &
   integer NameLength3, &
   string FKCatalogName, &
   integer NameLength4, &
   string FKSchemaName, &
   integer NameLength5, &
   string FKTableName, &
   integer NameLength6 &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLForeignKeys;Ansi"

Function integer SQLProcedures ( &
   long StatementHandle, &
   string CatalogName, &
   integer NameLength1, &
   string SchemaName, &
   integer NameLength2, &
   string ProcName, &
   integer NameLength3 &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLProcedures;Ansi"

Function integer SQLGetInfo ( &
   long ConnectionHandle, &
   integer InfoType, &
   Ref string InfoValuePtr, &
   integer BufferLength, &
   Ref int StringLengthPtr &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLGetInfo;Ansi"

Function integer SQLExecDirect ( &
   long StatementHandle, &
   string StatementText, &
   long TextLength &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLExecDirect;Ansi"

Function integer SQLBrowseConnect ( &
   long ConnectionHandle, &
   string InConnectionString, &
   integer StringLength1, &
   Ref string OutConnectionString, &
   integer BufferLength, &
   Ref integer StringLength2Ptr &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLBrowseConnect;Ansi"

Function integer SQLSetConnectAttr ( &
   long ConnectionHandle, &
   integer Attribute, &
   long ValuePtr, &
   integer StringLength &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll"

Function integer SQLSetConnectAttr ( &
   long ConnectionHandle, &
   integer Attribute, &
   string ValuePtr, &
   integer StringLength &
   ) Library "odbc32.dll" Alias For "SQLSetConnectAttr;Ansi"

end prototypes

type variables
// return values from functions
Constant Integer SQL_SUCCESS           = 0
Constant Integer SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO = 1
Constant Integer SQL_NO_DATA           = 100
Constant Integer SQL_ERROR             = -1
Constant Integer SQL_INVALID_HANDLE    = -2
Constant Integer SQL_NEED_DATA         = 99

// other values
Constant Integer SQL_NTS            = -3
Constant Long SQL_NULL_HANDLE       = 0
Constant Integer SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH = 32
Constant Long SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION = 200
Constant ULong SQL_OV_ODBC3         = 3

// SQLAllocHandle constants
Constant Integer SQL_HANDLE_ENV  = 1
Constant Integer SQL_HANDLE_DBC  = 2
Constant Integer SQL_HANDLE_STMT = 3
Constant Integer SQL_HANDLE_DESC = 4

// SQLTables column numbers
constant UInt SQLTAB_TABLE_CAT   = 1
Constant UInt SQLTAB_TABLE_NAME  = 3
Constant UInt SQLTAB_TABLE_TYPE  = 4
Constant UInt SQLTAB_REMARKS     = 5

// SQLColumns column numbers
constant UInt SQLCOL_TABLE_CAT         = 1
Constant UInt SQLCOL_TABLE_SCHEM       = 2
Constant UInt SQLCOL_TABLE_NAME        = 3
Constant UInt SQLCOL_COLUMN_NAME       = 4
Constant UInt SQLCOL_DATA_TYPE         = 5
Constant UInt SQLCOL_TYPE_NAME         = 6
Constant UInt SQLCOL_COLUMN_SIZE       = 7
Constant UInt SQLCOL_BUFFER_LENGTH     = 8
Constant UInt SQLCOL_NUM_PREC_RADIX    = 10
Constant UInt SQLCOL_NULLABLE          = 11
Constant UInt SQLCOL_REMARKS           = 12
Constant UInt SQLCOL_COLUMN_DEF        = 13
Constant UInt SQLCOL_SQL_DATA_TYPE     = 14
Constant UInt SQLCOL_IS_NULLABLE       = 18

// SQLPrimaryKeys column numbers
Constant UInt SQLPK_TABLE_CAT    = 1
Constant UInt SQLPK_TABLE_SCHEM  = 2
Constant UInt SQLPK_TABLE_NAME   = 3
Constant UInt SQLPK_COLUMN_NAME  = 4
Constant UInt SQLPK_KEY_SEQ      = 5
Constant UInt SQLPK_PK_NAME      = 6

// SQLForeignKeys column numbers
Constant UInt SQLFK_PKTABLE_CAT        = 1
Constant UInt SQLFK_PKTABLE_SCHEM      = 2
Constant UInt SQLFK_PKTABLE_NAME       = 3
Constant UInt SQLFK_PKCOLUMN_NAME      = 4
Constant UInt SQLFK_FKTABLE_CAT        = 5
Constant UInt SQLFK_FKTABLE_SCHEM      = 6
Constant UInt SQLFK_FKTABLE_NAME       = 7
Constant UInt SQLFK_FKCOLUMN_NAME      = 8
Constant UInt SQLFK_KEY_SEQ            = 9
Constant UInt SQLFK_UPDATE_RULE        = 10
Constant UInt SQLFK_DELETE_RULE        = 11
Constant UInt SQLFK_FK_NAME            = 12
Constant UInt SQLFK_PK_NAME            = 13
Constant UInt SQLFK_DEFERRABILITY      = 14

// SQLProcedures column numbers
Constant UInt SQLSP_REMARKS         = 7

// SQL data type codes
Constant Integer SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE   = 0
Constant Integer SQL_CHAR           = 1
Constant Integer SQL_NUMERIC        = 2
Constant Integer SQL_DECIMAL        = 3
Constant Integer SQL_INTEGER        = 4
Constant Integer SQL_SMALLINT       = 5
Constant Integer SQL_FLOAT          = 6
Constant Integer SQL_REAL           = 7
Constant Integer SQL_DOUBLE         = 8
Constant Integer SQL_DATE           = 9
Constant Integer SQL_DATETIME       = 9
Constant Integer SQL_TIME           = 10
Constant Integer SQL_TIMESTAMP      = 11
Constant Integer SQL_VARCHAR        = 12
Constant Integer SQL_LONGVARCHAR    = -1
Constant Integer SQL_BINARY         = -2
Constant Integer SQL_VARBINARY      = -3
Constant Integer SQL_LONGVARBINARY  = -4
Constant Integer SQL_BIGINT         = -5
Constant Integer SQL_TINYINT        = -6
Constant Integer SQL_BIT            = -7
Constant Integer SQL_WCHAR          = -8
Constant Integer SQL_WVARCHAR       = -9
Constant Integer SQL_WLONGVARCHAR   = -10
Constant Integer SQL_GUID           = -11

// DateTime sub-types
Constant Long SQL_CODE_DATE      = 1
Constant Long SQL_CODE_TIME      = 2
Constant Long SQL_CODE_TIMESTAMP = 3

// FetchOrientation
Constant UInt SQL_FETCH_NEXT     = 1
Constant UInt SQL_FETCH_FIRST    = 2
Constant UInt SQL_FETCH_LAST     = 3
Constant UInt SQL_FETCH_PRIOR    = 4

// FetchOrientation for SQLDataSources only
Constant UInt SQL_FETCH_FIRST_USER     = 31

// SQL Server
Constant Integer DEFAULT_RESULT_SIZE = 1024
Constant Integer SQL_COPT_SS_BASE_EX = 1240
Constant Integer SQL_MORE_INFO_NO = 0
Constant Integer SQL_MORE_INFO_YES = 1
Constant Integer SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 103

end variables
forward prototypes
public function integer of_columns (string as_schema, string as_tablename, ref s_columns astr_columns[])
public function integer of_tables (string as_tabletype, ref s_tables astr_table[])
public function integer of_sprocs (ref s_sprocs astr_sprocs[])
public function integer of_sprocsource (string as_schema, string as_sprocname, ref string as_source)
public function string of_replaceall (string as_oldstring, string as_findstr, string as_replace)
public function integer of_datasources (string as_type, ref string as_name[], ref string as_driver[])
public function integer of_primarykeys (string as_schema, string as_tablename, ref s_primarykeys astr_pkeys[])
public function integer of_foreignkeys (string as_schema, string as_tablename, ref s_foreignkeys astr_fkeys[])
public function integer of_sqlerror (string as_function, integer ai_handletype, long al_handle)
public subroutine of_sqlwarning (string as_function, integer ai_handletype, long al_handle)
public function integer of_parse (string as_text, string as_sep, ref string as_array[])
public function string of_pbodbini ()
end prototypes

public function integer of_columns (string as_schema, string as_tablename, ref s_columns astr_columns[]);// get list of columns

Long ll_handle
Long ll_position, ll_width, ll_coldecimal
Integer li_rc, li_count, li_strlen, li_coltype
String ls_catalog, ls_schema, ls_colname, ls_datatype
String ls_nullable, ls_default

// null out the search vars
If as_schema = "" Then
End If

// allocate a statement handle
li_rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sqlca.DbHandle(), ll_handle)
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_Columns", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// get a list of columns
li_rc = SQLColumns(ll_handle, ls_catalog, 0, as_schema, Len(as_schema), & 
            as_tablename, Len(as_tablename), ls_colname, 0) 
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_Columns", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// bind local variables to result set columns
            SQL_INTEGER, ll_position, 0, li_strlen)
ls_colname = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLCOL_COLUMN_NAME, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_colname, Len(ls_colname), li_strlen)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLCOL_DATA_TYPE, &
            SQL_SMALLINT, li_coltype, 0, li_strlen)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLCOL_COLUMN_SIZE, &
            SQL_INTEGER, ll_width, 0, li_strlen)
            SQL_INTEGER, ll_coldecimal, 0, li_strlen)
ls_datatype = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLCOL_TYPE_NAME, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_datatype, Len(ls_datatype), li_strlen)
ls_nullable = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLCOL_IS_NULLABLE, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_nullable, Len(ls_nullable), li_strlen)
ls_default = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLCOL_COLUMN_DEF, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_default, Len(ls_default), li_strlen)

// fetch the first row
li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)
Do While li_rc = SQL_SUCCESS
   li_count += 1
   astr_columns[li_count].Position = ll_position
   astr_columns[li_count].Name = Trim(ls_colname)
   astr_columns[li_count].DataType = Trim(ls_datatype)
   Choose Case li_coltype
         astr_columns[li_count].Width = ll_width
         astr_columns[li_count].Decimal = ll_coldecimal
         astr_columns[li_count].Width = ll_width
   End Choose
   If Upper(ls_nullable) = "YES" Then
      astr_columns[li_count].Nullable = True
   End If
   astr_columns[li_count].Default = Trim(ls_default)
   // fetch the next row
   li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)

// release the statement handle
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)

Return li_count

end function

public function integer of_tables (string as_tabletype, ref s_tables astr_table[]);// get list of tables

Long ll_handle
Integer li_rc, li_count, li_strlen
String ls_catalog, ls_schema, ls_tabname, ls_tabtype

// null out the search vars

// allocate a statement handle
li_rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sqlca.DbHandle(), ll_handle)
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_Tables", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// get a list of tables
li_rc = SQLTables(ll_handle, ls_catalog, 0, ls_schema, &
            0, ls_tabname, 0, as_tabletype, Len(as_tabletype))
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_Tables", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// bind local variables to result set columns
ls_schema = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLTAB_TABLE_SCHEM, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_schema, Len(ls_schema), li_strlen)
ls_tabname = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLTAB_TABLE_NAME, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_tabname, Len(ls_tabname), li_strlen)
ls_tabtype = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLTAB_TABLE_TYPE, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_tabtype, Len(ls_tabtype), li_strlen)

// fetch the first row
li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)
Do While li_rc = SQL_SUCCESS
   li_count += 1
   astr_table[li_count].Schema    = Trim(ls_schema)
   astr_table[li_count].Name      = Trim(ls_tabname)
   astr_table[li_count].TableType = Trim(ls_tabtype)
   // fetch the next row
   li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)

// release the statement handle
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)

Return li_count

end function

public function integer of_sprocs (ref s_sprocs astr_sprocs[]);// get list of stored procedures

Long ll_handle
Integer li_rc, li_count, li_strlen
String ls_catalog, ls_schema, ls_sprocname

// null out the search vars

// allocate a statement handle
li_rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sqlca.DbHandle(), ll_handle)
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_Sprocs", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// get a list of procedures
li_rc = SQLProcedures(ll_handle, ls_catalog, 0, &
            ls_schema, 0, ls_sprocname, 0)
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_Sprocs", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// bind local variables to result set columns
ls_schema = Space(128)
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_schema, Len(ls_schema), li_strlen)
ls_sprocname = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLSP_PROCEDURE_NAME, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_sprocname, Len(ls_sprocname), li_strlen)

// fetch the first row
li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)
Do While li_rc = SQL_SUCCESS
   li_count += 1
   astr_sprocs[li_count].Schema = ls_schema
   If Pos(ls_sprocname, ";") = 0 Then 
      astr_sprocs[li_count].Name = ls_sprocname 
      astr_sprocs[li_count].Name = Left(ls_sprocname, Pos(ls_sprocname, ";") - 1) 
   End If 
   // fetch the next row
   li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)

// release the statement handle
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)

Return li_count

end function

public function integer of_sprocsource (string as_schema, string as_sprocname, ref string as_source);// get stored procedure source

Constant Integer SQL_DBMS_NAME = 17
Integer li_strlen, li_rc
String ls_dbms, ls_spsource, ls_procsql
Long ll_handle

ls_dbms = Space(128)

// get dbms name
SQLGetInfo(sqlca.DBHandle(), SQL_DBMS_NAME, ls_dbms, 128, li_strlen) 

// get stored procedure select syntax
ls_spsource = ProfileString(of_pbodbini(), ls_dbms, "PBSyntax", "")
ls_procsql  = ProfileString(of_pbodbini(), ls_spsource, "PBSelectProcSyntax", "")
If ls_procsql = "" Then
   MessageBox("SQL Warning", &
      "PBSelectProcSyntax not found in pbodb80.ini!")
   Return -1
End If

// replace syntax arguments with values
ls_procsql = of_ReplaceAll(ls_procsql, "&ObjectOwner", as_schema)
ls_procsql = of_ReplaceAll(ls_procsql, "&ObjectName", as_sprocname)
ls_procsql = of_ReplaceAll(ls_procsql, "&ObjectNumber", "1")
ls_procsql = of_ReplaceAll(ls_procsql, "''", "'")

// allocate a statement handle
li_rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sqlca.DbHandle(), ll_handle)
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_SprocSource", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// execute the sql statement
li_rc = SQLExecDirect(ll_handle, ls_procsql, Len(ls_procsql))
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_SprocSource", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// bind local variables to result set columns
ls_spsource = Space(32768)
SQLBindCol(ll_handle, 1, SQL_CHARACTER, ls_spsource, Len(ls_spsource), li_strlen)

// fetch the first row
li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)
Do While li_rc = SQL_SUCCESS
   // replace LF with CRLF
   ls_spsource = of_ReplaceAll(ls_spsource, "~n", "~r~n")
   // add data to output variable
   as_source += ls_spsource
   // fetch the next row
   ls_spsource = Space(32768)
   li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)

// release the statement handle
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)

Return 1

end function

public function string of_replaceall (string as_oldstring, string as_findstr, string as_replace);String ls_newstring
Long ll_findstr, ll_replace, ll_pos

// get length of strings
ll_findstr = Len(as_findstr)
ll_replace = Len(as_replace)

// find first occurrence
ls_newstring = as_oldstring
ll_pos = Pos(ls_newstring, as_findstr)

Do While ll_pos > 0
   // replace old with new
   ls_newstring = Replace(ls_newstring, ll_pos, ll_findstr, as_replace)
   // find next occurrence
   ll_pos = Pos(ls_newstring, as_findstr, (ll_pos + ll_replace))

Return ls_newstring

end function

public function integer of_datasources (string as_type, ref string as_name[], ref string as_driver[]);// get a list of datasources

Long ll_handle
Integer li_rc, li_direction, li_count, li_svrlen, li_deslen
String ls_name, ls_driver

// set the type direction
choose case Upper(as_type)
   case "SYSTEM"
      li_direction = SQL_FETCH_FIRST_SYSTEM
   case "USER"
      li_direction = SQL_FETCH_FIRST_USER
   case else
      li_direction = SQL_FETCH_FIRST
end choose

// allocate an environment handle
li_rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, ll_handle)
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_DataSources", SQL_HANDLE_ENV, ll_handle)
End If

// set the ODBC version
li_rc = SQLSetEnvAttr(ll_handle, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_DataSources", SQL_HANDLE_ENV, ll_handle)
End If

ls_name = Space(SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH)
ls_driver = Space(256)

// get the datasources
do while SQLDataSources(ll_handle, li_direction, &
            ls_name, SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH, li_svrlen, &
            ls_driver, Len(ls_driver), li_deslen) = SQL_SUCCESS
   li_count += 1
   as_name[li_count] = ls_name
   as_driver[li_count] = ls_driver
   ls_name = Space(SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH)
   ls_driver = Space(256)
   li_direction = SQL_FETCH_NEXT

If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_DataSources", SQL_HANDLE_ENV, ll_handle)
End If

// release the statement handle
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, ll_handle)

Return li_count

end function

public function integer of_primarykeys (string as_schema, string as_tablename, ref s_primarykeys astr_pkeys[]);// get list of primary keys

Long ll_handle
Integer li_rc, li_count, li_strlen, li_colseq
String ls_catalog, ls_schema, ls_colname, ls_pkname

// null out the search vars
If as_schema = "" Then
End If

// allocate a statement handle
li_rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sqlca.DbHandle(), ll_handle)
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_PrimaryKeys", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// get a list of primary key columns
li_rc = SQLPrimaryKeys(ll_handle, ls_catalog, 0, as_schema, Len(as_schema), & 
            as_tablename, Len(as_tablename)) 
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_PrimaryKeys", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// bind local variables to result set columns
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLPK_KEY_SEQ, &
            SQL_SMALLINT, li_colseq, 0, li_strlen)
ls_colname = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLPK_COLUMN_NAME, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_colname, Len(ls_colname), li_strlen)
ls_pkname = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLPK_PK_NAME, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_pkname, Len(ls_pkname), li_strlen)

// fetch the first row
li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)
Do While li_rc = SQL_SUCCESS
   li_count += 1
   astr_pkeys[li_count].ColSeq  = li_colseq
   astr_pkeys[li_count].Colname = Trim(ls_colname)
   astr_pkeys[li_count].PKName  = Trim(ls_pkname)
   // fetch the next row
   li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)

// release the statement handle
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)

Return li_count

end function

public function integer of_foreignkeys (string as_schema, string as_tablename, ref s_foreignkeys astr_fkeys[]);// get list of foreign keys

Long ll_handle
Integer li_rc, li_count, li_strlen, li_colseq
String ls_null, ls_fkname, ls_fkcolumn, ls_pkschema, ls_pktable, ls_pkcolumn

If as_schema = "" Then
End If

// allocate a statement handle
li_rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sqlca.DbHandle(), ll_handle)
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_ForeignKeys", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// get a list of foreign key columns
li_rc = SQLForeignKeys(ll_handle, ls_null, 0, ls_null, 0, ls_null, 0, &
            ls_null, 0, as_schema, Len(as_schema), as_tablename, Len(as_tablename)) 
If li_rc = SQL_ERROR Then
   Return of_SQLError("of_ForeignKeys", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)
End If

// bind local variables to result set columns
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLFK_KEY_SEQ, &
            SQL_SMALLINT, li_colseq, 0, li_strlen)
ls_fkname = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLFK_FK_NAME, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_fkname, Len(ls_fkname), li_strlen)
ls_fkcolumn = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLFK_FKCOLUMN_NAME, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_fkcolumn, Len(ls_fkcolumn), li_strlen)
ls_pkschema = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLFK_PKTABLE_SCHEM, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_pkschema, Len(ls_pkschema), li_strlen)
ls_pktable = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLFK_PKTABLE_NAME, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_pktable, Len(ls_pktable), li_strlen)
ls_pkcolumn = Space(128)
SQLBindCol( ll_handle, SQLFK_PKCOLUMN_NAME, &
            SQL_CHARACTER, ls_pkcolumn, Len(ls_pkcolumn), li_strlen)

// fetch the first row
li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)
Do While li_rc = SQL_SUCCESS
   li_count += 1
   astr_fkeys[li_count].colseq   = li_colseq
   astr_fkeys[li_count].fkname   = Trim(ls_fkname)
   astr_fkeys[li_count].fkcolumn = Trim(ls_fkcolumn)
   astr_fkeys[li_count].pkschema = Trim(ls_pkschema)
   astr_fkeys[li_count].pktable  = Trim(ls_pktable)
   astr_fkeys[li_count].pkcolumn = Trim(ls_pkcolumn)
   // fetch the next row
   li_rc = SQLFetch(ll_handle)

// release the statement handle
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ll_handle)

Return li_count

end function

public function integer of_sqlerror (string as_function, integer ai_handletype, long al_handle);// display sql error message

String ls_sqlstate, ls_errtext, ls_title
Integer li_rc, li_textlen
Long ll_errcode

ls_sqlstate = Space(5)
ls_errtext = Space(128)

li_rc = SQLGetDiagRec(ai_handletype, al_handle, 1, &
            ls_sqlstate, ll_errcode, ls_errtext, 128, li_textlen)
If ll_errcode = 0 Then
   ls_title = as_function + " SQL Error"
   ls_title = as_function + " SQL Error #" + String(ll_errcode)
End If

MessageBox( ls_title, "SQLSTATE = " + &
            ls_sqlstate + "~r~n" + ls_errtext, StopSign!)

// release the statement handle
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, al_handle)

Return -1

end function

public subroutine of_sqlwarning (string as_function, integer ai_handletype, long al_handle);// display sql warning message

String ls_sqlstate, ls_errtext, ls_title
Integer li_rc, li_textlen
Long ll_errcode

ls_sqlstate = Space(5)
ls_errtext = Space(128)

li_rc = SQLGetDiagRec(ai_handletype, al_handle, 1, &
            ls_sqlstate, ll_errcode, ls_errtext, 128, li_textlen)
If ll_errcode = 0 Then
   ls_title = as_function + " SQL Error"
   ls_title = as_function + " SQL Error #" + String(ll_errcode)
End If

MessageBox( ls_title, "SQLSTATE = " + &
            ls_sqlstate + "~r~n" + ls_errtext, Information!)

end subroutine

public function integer of_parse (string as_text, string as_sep, ref string as_array[]);String ls_empty[], ls_work
Long ll_pos, ll_each

as_array = ls_empty

If IsNull(as_text) Or as_text = "" Then Return 0

ll_pos = Pos(as_text, as_sep)
DO WHILE ll_pos > 0
   ls_work = Trim(Left(as_text, ll_pos - 1))
   as_text = Trim(Mid(as_text, ll_pos + 1))
   as_array[UpperBound(as_array) + 1] = ls_work
   ll_pos = Pos(as_text, as_sep)
as_array[UpperBound(as_array) + 1] = Trim(as_text)

Return UpperBound(as_array)

end function

public function string of_pbodbini ();// return name of the pbodb###.ini file

Environment le_env
String ls_vmname


choose case le_env.PBMajorRevision
   case 10, 11, 12
      choose case le_env.PBMinorRevision
         case 5
            ls_vmname = "pbodb" + String(le_env.PBMajorRevision) + "5.ini"
         case 6
            ls_vmname = "pbodb" + String(le_env.PBMajorRevision) + "6.ini"
         case else
            ls_vmname = "pbodb" + String(le_env.PBMajorRevision) + "0.ini"
      end choose
   case else
      ls_vmname = "pbodb" + String(le_env.PBMajorRevision) + "0.ini"
end choose

Return ls_vmname

end function

on n_odbcapi.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on n_odbcapi.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on