File: n_osversion.sru
Size: 22878
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 21:14:38 +0100
global type n_osversion from nonvisualobject
end type
type osversioninfoex from structure within n_osversion
end type
type system_info from structure within n_osversion
end type
type langandcodepage from structure within n_osversion
end type
type vs_fixedfileinfo from structure within n_osversion
end type
end forward

type osversioninfoex from structure
   unsignedlong      dwosversioninfosize
   unsignedlong      dwmajorversion
   unsignedlong      dwminorversion
   unsignedlong      dwbuildnumber
   unsignedlong      dwplatformid
   character      szcsdversion[128]
   unsignedinteger      wservicepackmajor
   unsignedinteger      wservicepackminor
   unsignedinteger      wsuitemask
   unsignedinteger      wproducttype
end type

type system_info from structure
   unsignedinteger      wprocessorarchitecture
   unsignedinteger      wreserved
   unsignedlong      dwpagesize
   unsignedlong      lpminimumapplicationaddress
   unsignedlong      lpmaximumapplicationaddress
   unsignedlong      dwactiveprocessormask
   unsignedlong      dwnumberofprocessors
   unsignedlong      dwprocessortype
   unsignedlong      dwallocationgranularity
   unsignedinteger      wprocessorlevel
   unsignedinteger      wprocessorrevsion
end type

type langandcodepage from structure
   integer     wlanguageid
   integer     wcharacterset
end type

type vs_fixedfileinfo from structure
   unsignedlong      dwsignature
   unsignedlong      dwstrucversion
   unsignedlong      dwfileversionms
   unsignedlong      dwfileversionls
   unsignedlong      dwproductversionms
   unsignedlong      dwproductversionls
   unsignedlong      dwfileflagsmask
   unsignedlong      dwfileflags
   unsignedlong      dwfileos
   unsignedlong      dwfiletype
   unsignedlong      dwfilesubtype
   unsignedlong      dwfiledatems
   unsignedlong      dwfiledatels
end type

global type n_osversion from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

type prototypes
Function integer GetSystemMetrics ( &
   integer nIndex &
   ) Library "user32.dll"

Function Boolean GetVersionEx ( &
   Ref OSVERSIONINFOEX lpVersionInformation &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "GetVersionExA"

Function Boolean GetProductInfo ( &
   ulong dwOSMajorVersion, &
   ulong dwOSMinorVersion, &
   ulong dwSpMajorVersion, &
   ulong dwSpMinorVersion, &
   Ref ulong pdwReturnedProductType &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"

Subroutine GetNativeSystemInfo ( &
   Ref SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"

Subroutine GetSystemInfo ( &
   Ref SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"

Function Boolean IsWow64Process ( &
   long hProcess, &
   Ref boolean Wow64Process &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"

Function Long GetCurrentProcess ( &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"

Subroutine CopyMemory ( &
   Ref string Destination, &
   long Source, &
   long Length &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory"

Subroutine CopyMemory ( &
   Ref structure Destination, &
   long Source, &
   long Length &
   ) Library 'kernel32.dll' Alias For "RtlMoveMemory"

Function long GetFileVersionInfoSize ( &
   string lptstrFilename, &
   Ref ulong lpdwHandle &
   ) Library "version.dll" Alias For "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA"

Function boolean GetFileVersionInfo ( &
   string lptstrFilename, &
   long dwHandle, &
   long dwLen, &
   Ref blob lpData &
   ) Library "version.dll" Alias For "GetFileVersionInfoA"

Function boolean VerQueryValue ( &
   Ref blob lpBlock, &
   string lpSubBlock, &
   Ref ulong lplpBuffer, &
   Ref uint puLen &
   ) Library "version.dll" Alias For "VerQueryValueA"

end prototypes

type variables
String Comments
String CompanyName
String FileDescription
String FileVersion
String InternalName
String LegalCopyright
String LegalTrademarks
String OriginalFilename
String ProductName
String ProductVersion
String PrivateBuild
String SpecialBuild
String FixedProductVersion
String FixedFileVersion

Uint MajorVersion
Uint MinorVersion
Uint BuildNumber
Uint ServicePackMajor
Uint ServicePackMinor
Uint SuiteMask
Uint ProductType

end variables

forward prototypes
public function string of_pbvmname ()
public function string of_getproductinfo ()
public function boolean of_getosversion (ref string as_osversion, ref string as_osedition, ref string as_csdversion)
public function boolean of_getfileversioninfo (string as_filename)
public function integer of_getosbits ()
public function string of_hex (unsignedlong aul_decimal, integer ai_length)
public function unsignedinteger of_bitwiseand (unsignedinteger aui_value1, unsignedinteger aui_value2)
public function unsignedlong of_bitwiseand (unsignedlong aul_value1, unsignedlong aul_value2)
public function boolean of_remotesession ()
public function long of_split (string as_text, string as_sep, ref string as_array[])
public function integer of_getuaclevel ()
end prototypes

public function string of_pbvmname ();// This function the name of the PowerBuilder VM file.

Environment le_env
String ls_vmname
Integer li_major


li_major = le_env.PBMajorRevision
choose case li_major
   case 10, 11, 12
      choose case le_env.PBMinorRevision
         case 5
            ls_vmname = "pbvm" + String(li_major) + "5.dll"
         case 6
            ls_vmname = "pbvm" + String(li_major) + "6.dll"
         case else
            ls_vmname = "pbvm" + String(li_major) + "0.dll"
      end choose
   case else
      ls_vmname = "pbvm" + String(li_major) + "0.dll"
end choose

Return ls_vmname

end function

public function string of_getproductinfo ();// This function gets product info from Vista & Newer

String ls_info
ULong lul_ProductType
Boolean lb_rtn

lb_rtn = GetProductInfo(MajorVersion, MinorVersion, &
               ServicePackMajor, ServicePackMinor, lul_ProductType)

// this is just a few of the types
choose case lul_ProductType
   case 1   // 0x00000001 - PRODUCT_ULTIMATE
      ls_info = "Ultimate"
   case 48  // 0x00000030 - PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL
      ls_info = "Professional"
   case 3   // 0x00000003 - PRODUCT_HOME_PREMIUM
      ls_info = "Home Premium"
   case 2   // 0x00000002 - PRODUCT_HOME_BASIC
      ls_info = "Home Basic"
   case 4   // 0x00000004 - PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE
      ls_info = "Enterprise"
   case 6   // 0x00000006 - PRODUCT_BUSINESS
      ls_info = "Business"
   case 11  // 0x0000000B - PRODUCT_STARTER
      ls_info = "Starter"
   case 18  // 0x00000012 - PRODUCT_CLUSTER_SERVER
      ls_info = "Cluster Server"
   case 8   // 0x00000008 - PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER
      ls_info = "Datacenter (full installation)"
   case 12  // 0x0000000C - PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER_CORE
      ls_info = "Datacenter (core installation)"
   case 72  // 0x00000048 - PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_EVALUATION
      ls_info = "Enterprise (evaluation installation)"
   case 10  // 0x0000000A - PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER
      ls_info = "Enterprise (full installation)"
   case 14  // 0x0000000E - PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE
      ls_info = "Enterprise (core installation)"
   case 15  // 0x0000000F - PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_IA64
      ls_info = "Enterprise for Itanium-based Systems"
   case 9   // 0x00000009 - PRODUCT_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER
      ls_info = "Small Business"
      ls_info = "Small Business Premium"
   case 7   // 0x00000007 - PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER
      ls_info = "Standard"
   case 13  // 0x0000000D - PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE
      ls_info = "Standard (core installation)"
   case 17  // 0x00000011 - PRODUCT_WEB_SERVER
      ls_info = "Web Server (full installation)"
   case 29  // 0x0000001D - PRODUCT_WEB_SERVER
      ls_info = "Web Server (core installation)"
   case 101 // 0x00000065 - PRODUCT_CORE
      ls_info = "Home"
   case 100 // 0x00000064 - PRODUCT_CORE_SINGLELANGUAGE
      ls_info = "Single Language"
   case else
      ls_info = "lul_ProductType: " + String(lul_ProductType)
end choose

Return ls_info

end function

public function boolean of_getosversion (ref string as_osversion, ref string as_osedition, ref string as_csdversion);// This function gets operating system version information.

Constant Integer SM_TABLETPC = 86
Constant Integer SM_MEDIACENTER = 87
Constant Integer SM_STARTER = 88
Constant Integer SM_SERVERR2 = 89
Constant UInt VER_NT_SERVER = 3
Constant UInt VER_SUITE_PERSONAL = 512
Constant UInt VER_SUITE_BLADE = 1024
Constant UInt VER_SUITE_WH_SERVER = 32768

String ls_parts[]

as_osversion  = ""
as_osedition  = ""
as_csdversion = ""

lstr_ovi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = 156  // for Unicode use 284

// call function
If Not GetVersionEx(lstr_ovi) Then Return False

// get true OS Version
of_Split(ProductVersion, ".", ls_parts)
lstr_ovi.dwMajorVersion = Long(ls_parts[1])
lstr_ovi.dwMinorVersion = Long(ls_parts[2])
lstr_ovi.dwBuildNumber  = Long(ls_parts[3])

// save values to instance variables
MajorVersion      = lstr_ovi.dwMajorVersion
MinorVersion      = lstr_ovi.dwMinorVersion
BuildNumber       = lstr_ovi.dwBuildNumber
ServicePackMajor  = lstr_ovi.wServicePackMajor
ServicePackMinor  = lstr_ovi.wServicePackMinor
SuiteMask         = lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask
ProductType       = lstr_ovi.wProductType

// set default values
as_osversion = "Windows " + &
      String(lstr_ovi.dwMajorVersion) + "." + &
as_osedition = "wSuiteMask:" + String(lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask)

// populate by ref string arguments
choose case lstr_ovi.dwMajorVersion
   case 3
      as_osversion = "Windows NT 3.51"
   case 4
      as_osversion = "Windows NT 4"
      choose case lstr_ovi.wProductType
         case 1
            as_osedition = "Workstation"
         case 3
            If lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask = 2 Then
               as_osedition = "Server Enterprise"
               as_osedition = "Server Standard"
            End If
      end choose
   case 5
      as_csdversion = Trim(String(lstr_ovi.szCSDVersion))
      choose case lstr_ovi.dwMinorVersion
         case 0
            as_osversion = "Windows 2000"
            choose case lstr_ovi.wProductType
               case VER_NT_WORKSTATION
                  as_osedition = "Professional"
               case VER_NT_SERVER
                  as_osedition = "Server"
            end choose
         case 1
            as_osversion = "Windows XP"
            If lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask = 0 Or &
               of_BitwiseAnd(lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask, VER_SUITE_TERMINAL + VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERRTS) <> 0 Then
               as_osedition = "Professional"
            ElseIf of_BitwiseAnd(lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask, VER_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT) <> 0 Then
               as_osedition = "Embedded"
            ElseIf of_BitwiseAnd(lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask, VER_SUITE_PERSONAL) <> 0 Then
               as_osedition = "Home Edition"
            ElseIf GetSystemMetrics(SM_MEDIACENTER) > 0 Then
               as_osedition = "Media Center Edition"
            ElseIf GetSystemMetrics(SM_STARTER) > 0 Then
               as_osedition = "Starter Edition"
            ElseIf GetSystemMetrics(SM_TABLETPC) > 0 Then
               as_osedition = "Tablet PC Edition"
               as_osedition = "wSuiteMask:" + String(lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask)
            End If
         case 2
            If GetSystemMetrics(SM_SERVERR2) > 0 Then
               as_osversion = "Windows Server 2003 R2"
            ElseIf of_BitwiseAnd(lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask, VER_SUITE_STORAGE_SERVER) <> 0 Then
               as_osversion = "Windows Storage Server 2003"
            ElseIf of_BitwiseAnd(lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask, VER_SUITE_WH_SERVER) <> 0 Then
               as_osversion = "Windows Home Server"
            ElseIf lstr_ovi.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION And of_GetOSBits() = 64 Then
               as_osversion = "Windows XP"
               as_osedition = "Professional x64 Edition"
               as_osversion = "Windows Server 2003"
            End If
            If as_osedition = "" Then
               If of_BitwiseAnd(lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask, VER_SUITE_COMPUTE_SERVER) <> 0 Then
                  as_osedition = "Compute Cluster Edition"
               ElseIf of_BitwiseAnd(lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask, VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) <> 0 Then
                  as_osedition = "Datacenter Edition"
               ElseIf of_BitwiseAnd(lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask, VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) <> 0 Then
                  as_osedition = "Enterprise Edition"
               ElseIf of_BitwiseAnd(lstr_ovi.wSuiteMask, VER_SUITE_BLADE) <> 0 Then
                  as_osedition = "Web Edition"
                  as_osedition = "Standard Edition"
               End If
            End If
      end choose
   case 6
      as_csdversion = Trim(String(lstr_ovi.szCSDVersion))
      choose case lstr_ovi.dwMinorVersion
         case 0
            choose case lstr_ovi.wProductType
               case VER_NT_SERVER
                  as_osversion = "Windows Server 2008"
                  as_osedition = of_GetProductInfo()
               case else
                  as_osversion = "Windows Vista"
                  as_osedition = of_GetProductInfo()
            end choose
         case 1
            choose case lstr_ovi.wProductType
               case VER_NT_SERVER
                  as_osversion = "Windows Server 2008 R2"
                  as_osedition = of_GetProductInfo()
               case else
                  as_osversion = "Windows 7"
                  as_osedition = of_GetProductInfo()
            end choose
         case 2
            choose case lstr_ovi.wProductType
               case VER_NT_SERVER
                  as_osversion = "Windows Server 2012"
                  as_osedition = of_GetProductInfo()
               case else
                  as_osversion = "Windows 8"
                  as_osedition = of_GetProductInfo()
            end choose
         case 3
            choose case lstr_ovi.wProductType
               case VER_NT_SERVER
                  as_osversion = "Windows Server 2012 R2"
                  as_osedition = of_GetProductInfo()
               case else
                  as_osversion = "Windows 8.1"
                  as_osedition = of_GetProductInfo()
            end choose
      end choose
   case 10
      choose case lstr_ovi.wProductType
         case VER_NT_SERVER
            as_osversion = "Windows Server 2016"
            as_osedition = of_GetProductInfo()
            as_csdversion = Trim(String(lstr_ovi.szCSDVersion))
         case else
            as_osversion = "Windows 10"
            as_osedition = of_GetProductInfo()
            // determines Windows build number
            choose case lstr_ovi.dwBuildNumber
               case 10240
                  as_csdversion = "Initial Release (1507)"
               case 10586
                  as_csdversion = "November Update (1511)"
               case 14393
                  as_csdversion = "Anniversary Update (1607)"
               case 15063
                  as_csdversion = "Creators Update (1703)"
               case 16299
                  as_csdversion = "Fall Creators Update (1709)"
               case 17134
                  as_csdversion = "April 2018 Update (1803)"
               case 17763
                  as_csdversion = "October 2018 Update (1809)"
               case else
                  as_csdversion = "Build #" + String(lstr_ovi.dwBuildNumber)
            end choose
      end choose
end choose

Return True

end function

public function boolean of_getfileversioninfo (string as_filename);// This function gets version information strings from a file.

String   ls_versionkeys[12] = { "Comments", &
               "CompanyName", "FileDescription", "FileVersion", &
               "InternalName", "LegalCopyright", "LegalTrademarks", &
               "OriginalFilename", "ProductName", "ProductVersion", &
               "PrivateBuild", "SpecialBuild" }
String   ls_versioninfo[12], ls_key, ls_language, ls_charset
Integer  li_part1, li_part2, li_part3, li_part4
ULong    dwHandle, dwLength, dwPointer
UInt     lui_length
Blob     lblob_Buffer
Integer  i

dwLength = GetFileVersionInfoSize(as_filename, dwHandle)
If dwLength <= 0 Then
   // No version information available
   Return False
End If

// Allocate version information buffer
lblob_Buffer = Blob(Space(dwLength))      // for Unicode divide by 2

// Get version information
If Not GetFileVersionInfo(as_filename, dwHandle, &
            dwLength, lblob_Buffer) Then
   Return False
End If

// Get Fixed File Info
If VerQueryValue(lblob_Buffer, "\", dwPointer, lui_length) Then
   // copy Fixed File Info to structure
   CopyMemory(lstr_FixedInfo, dwPointer, 52)
   // build FixedProductVersion
   If lstr_FixedInfo.dwProductVersionMS = 0 And &
      lstr_FixedInfo.dwProductVersionLS = 0 Then
      FixedProductVersion = ""
      li_part1 = IntHigh(lstr_FixedInfo.dwProductVersionMS)
      li_part2 = IntLow(lstr_FixedInfo.dwProductVersionMS)
      li_part3 = IntHigh(lstr_FixedInfo.dwProductVersionLS)
      li_part4 = IntLow(lstr_FixedInfo.dwProductVersionLS)
      FixedProductVersion = String(li_part1) + "." + &
               String(li_part2) + "." + String(li_part3) + &
               "." + String(li_part4)
   End If
   // build FixedFileVersion
   If lstr_FixedInfo.dwFileVersionMS = 0 And &
      lstr_FixedInfo.dwFileVersionLS = 0 Then
      FixedFileVersion = ""
      li_part1 = IntHigh(lstr_FixedInfo.dwFileVersionMS)
      li_part2 = IntLow(lstr_FixedInfo.dwFileVersionMS)
      li_part3 = IntHigh(lstr_FixedInfo.dwFileVersionLS)
      li_part4 = IntLow(lstr_FixedInfo.dwFileVersionLS)
      FixedFileVersion = String(li_part1) + "." + &
               String(li_part2) + "." + String(li_part3) + &
               "." + String(li_part4)
   End If
End If

// Get the structure language ID and character set
ls_key = "\VarFileInfo\Translation"
If Not VerQueryValue(lblob_Buffer, ls_key, dwPointer, lui_length) Then
   Return False
End If

// copy memory at dwPointer to structure
CopyMemory(lstr_Translate, dwPointer, lui_length)

// Convert the langid and char set into 4-digit hex value
ls_language = of_Hex(lstr_Translate.wLanguageId, 4)
ls_charset  = of_Hex(lstr_Translate.wCharacterSet, 4)

// for PB executables
If ls_charset = "1252" Then
   ls_charset = "04E4"
End If

// Query each of the version strings
For i = 1 To 12
   ls_key = "\StringFileInfo\" + ls_language + &
               ls_charset + "\" + ls_versionkeys[i]
   If Not VerQueryValue(lblob_Buffer, ls_key, dwPointer, lui_length) Or &
      lui_length <= 0 Then
      ls_versioninfo[i] = ""
      // copy memory at dwPointer to string array
      lui_length = lui_length    // for Unicode multiply by 2
      ls_versioninfo[i] = Space(lui_length)
      CopyMemory(ls_versioninfo[i], dwPointer, lui_length)
   End If

// save values to instance variables
Comments          = ls_versioninfo[1]
CompanyName       = ls_versioninfo[2]
FileDescription   = ls_versioninfo[3]
FileVersion       = ls_versioninfo[4]
InternalName      = ls_versioninfo[5]
LegalCopyright    = ls_versioninfo[6]
LegalTrademarks   = ls_versioninfo[7]
OriginalFilename  = ls_versioninfo[8]
ProductName       = ls_versioninfo[9]
ProductVersion    = ls_versioninfo[10]
PrivateBuild      = ls_versioninfo[11]
SpecialBuild      = ls_versioninfo[12]

Return True

end function

public function integer of_getosbits ();// This function determines if OS is 32 bits or 64 bits.

Constant Long PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64  = 6  // Intel Itanium-based
Constant Long PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 = 9  // x64 (AMD or Intel)
Integer li_bits
Boolean lb_IsWow64

IsWOW64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), lb_IsWow64)

If lb_IsWow64 Then
End If

choose case lstr_si.wProcessorArchitecture
      li_bits = 64
      li_bits = 64
   case else
      li_bits = 32
end choose

Return li_bits

end function

public function string of_hex (unsignedlong aul_decimal, integer ai_length);// This function converts a number to a hex string.

String ls_hex
Char lch_hex[0 to 15] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', &
                     'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}

// convert to hexidecimal
   ls_hex = lch_hex[mod (aul_decimal, 16)] + ls_hex
   aul_decimal /= 16
Loop Until aul_decimal= 0

// add zeroes to front so that result is ai_length characters
ls_hex = Fill('0', ai_length) + ls_hex
ls_hex = Right(ls_hex, ai_length)

Return ls_hex

end function

public function unsignedinteger of_bitwiseand (unsignedinteger aui_value1, unsignedinteger aui_value2);// This function performs a bit-wise AND operation
// on two unsigned int's. Code courtesy John Fauss.

Integer li_i
UInt    lui_result, lui_factor

If IsNull( aui_value1) Or IsNull( aui_value2) Then
   SetNull( lui_result)
   Return lui_result
End If

lui_result = 0
For li_i = 1 To 16
   If aui_value1 = 0 Or aui_value2 = 0 Then Exit
   If li_i = 1 Then
      lui_factor = 1
      lui_factor = lui_factor * 2
   End If
   If Mod( aui_value1, 2) = 1 And Mod( aui_value2, 2) = 1 Then
      lui_result += lui_factor
   End If
   aui_value1 = aui_value1 / 2
   aui_value2 = aui_value2 / 2

Return lui_result
end function

public function unsignedlong of_bitwiseand (unsignedlong aul_value1, unsignedlong aul_value2);// This function performs a bit-wise AND operation
// on two unsigned long's. Code courtesy John Fauss.

Integer li_i
ULong   lul_result, lul_factor

If IsNull( aul_value1) Or IsNull( aul_value2) Then
   SetNull( lul_result)
   Return lul_result
End If

lul_result = 0
For li_i = 1 To 32
   If aul_value1 = 0 Or aul_value2 = 0 Then Exit
   If li_i = 1 Then
      lul_factor = 1
      lul_factor = lul_factor * 2
   End If
   If Mod( aul_value1, 2) = 1 And Mod( aul_value2, 2) = 1 Then
      lul_result += lul_factor
   End If
   aul_value1 = aul_value1 / 2
   aul_value2 = aul_value2 / 2

Return lul_result
end function

public function boolean of_remotesession ();// Determine Remote Desktop/Terminal Services

Constant Integer SM_REMOTESESSION = 4096  // 0x1000

If GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTESESSION) = 0 Then
   Return False
   Return True
End If

end function

public function long of_split (string as_text, string as_sep, ref string as_array[]);// This function splits a string into an array

String ls_empty[], ls_work
Long ll_pos

as_array = ls_empty

If IsNull(as_text) Or as_text = "" Then Return 0

ll_pos = Pos(as_text, as_sep)
DO WHILE ll_pos > 0
   ls_work = Trim(Left(as_text, ll_pos - 1))
   as_text = Trim(Mid(as_text, ll_pos + Len(as_sep)))
   as_array[UpperBound(as_array) + 1] = ls_work
   ll_pos = Pos(as_text, as_sep)
If Len(as_text) > 0 Then
   as_array[UpperBound(as_array) + 1] = as_text
End If

Return UpperBound(as_array)

end function

public function integer of_getuaclevel ();// Get the current uac level
// 1 - Low        - Never Notify
// 2 - Medium     - When apps make changes (no dim)
// 3 - Default    - When apps make changes (dim)
// 4 - High       - Always for any changes (dim)

Integer li_level
ULong lul_Consent, lul_Secure
String ls_regkey

ls_regkey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System"

RegistryGet(ls_regkey, "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin", ReguLong!, lul_Consent)
RegistryGet(ls_regkey, "PromptOnSecureDesktop", ReguLong!, lul_Secure)

choose case lul_Consent
   case 0
      li_level = 1
   case 2
      li_level = 4
   case else
      If lul_Secure = 1 Then
         li_level = 3
         li_level = 2
      End If
end choose

Return li_level

end function

on n_osversion.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on n_osversion.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on