File: pwd_ds_treeview.sru
Size: 5298
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2007 15:38:35 +0100
$PBExportComments$Class to generate a static treeview (using the non-HTML Datawindow and JS Script Class)
global type pwd_ds_treeview from n_ds_cgibase
end type
end forward

global type pwd_ds_treeview from n_ds_cgibase
string dataobject = "pwd_d_treeview"
end type
global pwd_ds_treeview pwd_ds_treeview

type variables
string is_htmltext

end variables

forward prototypes
public function string of_invokemethod (string as_method)
private subroutine of_walktreeviewjs ()
protected function string of_gettreeview ()
end prototypes

public function string of_invokemethod (string as_method);Choose Case as_method
   Case "of_gettreeview" ; 
      If Len(session.of_getusername( ) ) > 0 Then
         Return of_gettreeview ()
         httpheader.of_setredirect( webpath + "redirect_login_from_frameset.html")
         Return ""
      End If         
   Case Else
      Return Super::of_invokemethod ( as_method )
End Choose
end function

private subroutine of_walktreeviewjs ();
// Build Item and Search children..
// Possible performance improvements if the recursion is replaced by an iteration
long ll_row 
long ll_rowcount
string ls_itemtext

long sales_id , cust_id , order_id , line_id
long prev_sales_id , prev_cust_id , prev_order_id 
string ls_html
string ls_id

string ls_picturename

ll_rowcount = This.RowCount()

// Insert the Root...
is_htmltext +=&
      'TVROOT=new TreeViewItem("PB Web Easy - Tree View",RESOURCEBASE+"pb105icon.gif","","")~n'

prev_sales_id = -1
prev_cust_id = -1
prev_order_id  = -1

for ll_row = 1 to ll_rowcount
      sales_id = this.GetItemNumber(ll_row , 'employee_emp_id')
      cust_id = this.GetItemNumber(ll_row , 'cust_id')
      order_id = this.GetItemNumber(ll_row , 'id')
      line_id = this.GetItemNumber(ll_row , 'sales_order_items_line_id')
      if sales_id <> prev_sales_id and sales_id > 0 Then
            ls_itemtext = This.GetItemString ( ll_row , 'employee_emp_fname' ) + " " + This.GetItemString ( ll_row , 'employee_emp_lname' ) 
            prev_sales_id = sales_id
            ls_id = String(sales_id)
            ls_html +=&
            'TVS' + ls_id +'=TVROOT.insertItemLast ( new TreeViewItem("'+ls_itemtext+'",RESOURCEBASE+"sales.gif","sales","../pwd_ds_sales/of_detaildata?id='+ ls_id +'"));~n'  
      end if
      if cust_id <> prev_cust_id and cust_id > 0 Then
            ls_itemtext = This.GetItemString ( ll_row , 'company_name' ) 
            prev_cust_id = cust_id
            ls_id = String(cust_id)
            ls_html +=&
            'TVC' + ls_id +'=TVS'+String ( sales_id )+'.insertItemLast(new TreeViewItem("'+ls_itemtext+ '",RESOURCEBASE+"customer.gif","customer","../pwd_ds_customer/of_detaildata?id='+ ls_id +'"))~n' 

      end if
      if order_id <> prev_order_id  and order_id > 0 Then
            ls_itemtext = "Order ID " + String ( order_id )
            prev_order_id = order_id
            ls_id = String(order_id)
            ls_html +=&
            'TVO' + ls_id  +'=TVC'+String ( cust_id )+'.insertItemLast(new TreeViewItem("'+ls_itemtext+ '",RESOURCEBASE+"order.gif","order","../pwd_ds_order/of_detaildata?id='+ ls_id +'"));~n' 
      end if
      if  line_id > 0 then 
            ls_itemtext = This.GetItemString ( ll_row , 'product_name' ) 
            ls_picturename = GetItemstring ( ll_row, "product_picture_name" )
            ls_picturename = "prd/"+ Left ( ls_picturename , Len ( ls_picturename ) - 3 ) + "gif"
            ls_id =  String ( line_id )
            ls_html +=&
            'TVL' + String(order_id) +'_'+ ls_id  +'=TVO'+String ( order_id )+'.insertItemLast(new TreeViewItem("'+ls_itemtext+ '",RESOURCEBASE+"'+ls_picturename+'","orderline","../pwd_ds_orderline/of_detaildata?order_id='+String(order_id)+'&line_id='+ ls_id +'"))~n'
   End if
      // Faster "String" Concatenation (but still poor...)
      if Len ( ls_html ) >8190 Then
         is_htmltext +=ls_html
         ls_html = ""
      End if


If Len ( ls_html ) > 0 Then is_htmltext += ls_html
end subroutine

protected function string of_gettreeview ();string ls_html


log.of_addmessage ( 1, "Retrieving" + " " + String (cpu()) )

If This.Retrieve ( )  < 1 Then Return "<BR>No rows found!"

log.of_addmessage ( 1, "Retrieved " + String ( This.RowCount() ) + " " + String (cpu()) )

ls_html = &
'<html><head><title>TreeView Sales</title>~n&
body { background-color: white;}~n&
td{ font-size: 8pt; font-family: verdana,helvetica; text-decoration: none; white-space:nowrap;} ~n&
a { text-decoration: none; color:black}~n&
<script src="'+JSRESOURCEPATH+'pwedwtree.js"></script>~n&
RESOURCEBASE = "'+WEBPATH+'pic/tv16/"; ~n'

// Walk from Root
This.of_walktreeviewjs ( )

ls_html += is_htmltext + &
<body topmargin="5" leftmargin="5" marginheight="0">&
<div style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0;height:0;"><table border=0 height=0>&
<tr><td><font size=1pt>&
<a style="font-size:7pt;text-decoration:none;color:blue" href="" target=detail></a>&
<noscript>A tree for site navigation will open here if you enable JavaScript in your browser.</noscript>&

Return ls_html

end function

on pwd_ds_treeview.create
call super::create
end on

on pwd_ds_treeview.destroy
call super::destroy
end on