File: pwedemo.sra
Size: 4879
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2007 15:38:24 +0100
$PBExportComments$PB Web Easy Demo Application Object
global type pwedemo from application
end type
global transaction sqlca
global dynamicdescriptionarea sqlda
global dynamicstagingarea sqlsa
global error error
global message message
end forward

global variables
n_cst_cgienv      cgienv
n_cst_log         log
n_cst_httpheader  httpheader
n_ds_session      session
n_cst_stdin       stdin
n_cst_stdout      stdout
n_cst_db          db

//string docroot = "/pb9webeasy/"
string webpath = "/pb9webeasy/"
string jsresourcepath = "/pb9webeasy/"

end variables

global type pwedemo from application
string appname = "pwedemo"
end type
global pwedemo pwedemo

type prototypes

end prototypes

on pwedemo.create
message=create message
sqlca=create transaction
sqlda=create dynamicdescriptionarea
sqlsa=create dynamicstagingarea
error=create error
end on

on pwedemo.destroy
end on

event open;string ls_logmessage
boolean lb_needsession = TRUE

ls_logmessage = "Creating globals "+String (cpu())

stdin       = create n_cst_stdin
stdout      = create n_cst_stdout
cgienv      = create n_cst_cgienv
HTTPHeader  = create n_cst_httpheader
session     = create n_ds_session
log         = create n_cst_log
db          = create n_cst_db

// Test for MS IIS
HTTPHeader.ib_isiis=( ProfileString (cgienv.of_getinifilename( ),"config","servertype","")="IIS")
log.of_addmessage ( 1,  ls_logmessage )

powerobject lnv_class

string ls_return

string ls_application   
string ls_class         
string ls_function   
string ls_sessionid

// Connect 
log.of_addmessage ( 1,  "Connecting " + String (cpu()) )
db.of_connect (This.Appname+'db')
log.of_addmessage ( 1,  "Performing action "+ String (cpu()) )

// Perform app logic
If cgienv.of_getpathinfo( ls_application, ls_class, ls_function ) = 1 Then

   If lb_needsession Then 
      // Any Session ID submitted?
      If cgienv.of_getcookievalue ( session.SID_NAME, ls_sessionid ) = 1 Then
         // Load session 
         If session.of_load ( ls_sessionid ) = 1 Then
            // Session ID was sent
            // Fatal Error, Session not found!
         End If
         // No Session then create one
         ls_sessionid = session.of_new ()
      End If
   End If
   Choose Case ls_class
      Case "cgienv"  ; ls_return = cgienv.of_invokemethod ( ls_function )
      Case "session" ; ls_return = session.of_invokemethod ( ls_function )
      Case Else
            lnv_class = Create Using ls_class;
            Catch (runtimeerror er)
               SignalError ( 1 , "Can not create instance of class '"+ ls_class + "' " )
            End Try
            ls_Return = lnv_class.Dynamic of_invokemethod ( ls_function ) 
   End Choose

   If Len ( ls_return ) > 0 Then
      HTTPHeader.of_addheader( "Pragma" , "no-cache")
      HTTPHeader.of_addheader( "Cache-Control","no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0")
      HTTPHeader.of_addheader( "Expires" , "-1")
      stdout.of_Write (HTTPHeader.of_getHTTPHeader())
      stdout.of_Write (ls_return)
      // Check if redirected else do nothing...
      if HTTPHeader.of_isredirected( ) then &
         stdout.of_Write (HTTPHeader.of_getHTTPHeader())
      //end if
   End if
Else // No valid Path 
   stdout.of_Write (HTTPHeader.of_getHTTPHeader());
   stdout.of_Write ( "<BR>Could not translate PATH_INFO")
End If

session.of_save ()
log.of_addmessage ( 1,  "Disconnecting "+String (cpu()) )
db.of_disconnect ()
log.of_addmessage ( 1,  "Finishing "+String (cpu()))

// Display Debug Info at end of HTML document 
If log.il_loglevel = 1 Then stdout.of_Write (log.of_getlog ( 1 ))
//stdout.of_Write (log.of_getlog ( 9 ))
Destroy stdout
Destroy stdin  
Destroy cgienv 
Destroy httpheader
Destroy session
Destroy log

end event

event systemerror;string ls_message="Runtime Error <br />~r~n"

If IsValid ( stdout ) then
   If IsValid ( Error ) then
      If IsNull ( Error.Number ) then ; else ; &
         ls_message += "Error Number: "+ String (Error.Number)+ "<br />~r~n"
      End if

/*    If Len ( Error.WindowMenu ) > 0 then &
         ls_message += "<BR>Window/Menu: "+ Error.WindowMenu+ "~r~n"
      If Len ( Error.Object ) > 0 then  &
         ls_message += "Object: "+ Error.Object+ "<br />~r~n"

      If Len ( Error.Objectevent ) > 0 then &
         ls_message += "Event/Function: "+ Error.Objectevent+ "<br />~r~n"

      If Error.Line  > 0 then &
         ls_message += "Line Number: "+ String ( Error.Line ) + "<br />~r~n"
      If Len ( Error.Text ) > 0 then &
         ls_message += Error.Text + "<br />~r~n"
   End if
   stdout.of_Write ("Content-Type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1~r~n~r~n");
   stdout.of_Write ( ls_message )   

   // Display Debug Info at end of HTML document
   if log.il_loglevel = 1 then stdout.of_Write (log.of_getlog ( 1 ))

End if

end event