File: eaf_n_cst_xmlproviderservice.sru
Size: 12644
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:40:21 +0100
global type eaf_n_cst_xmlproviderservice from n_cst_contentproviderservice
end type
end forward

global type eaf_n_cst_xmlproviderservice from n_cst_contentproviderservice
end type
global eaf_n_cst_xmlproviderservice eaf_n_cst_xmlproviderservice

forward prototypes
public function long createcontentmain (ref n_cst_datasetattrib anv_datasetattrib, ref s_mimedataset astr_mimedataset)
public function long prepareupdatemain (ref n_cst_datasetattrib anv_datasetattrib, ref s_mimedataset astr_mimedataset, ref n_cst_dataset anv_dataset)
end prototypes

public function long createcontentmain (ref n_cst_datasetattrib anv_datasetattrib, ref s_mimedataset astr_mimedataset);////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Description:
//    Create an XML version of a DataSet
//    Limited to creating data in server operating system's character set
// Revisions
//    3.0   - Initial version
// Arguments:  
//    n_cst_datasetattrib  -  REF
//    s_mimerequest        -  REF   
// Returns: 
//     1 - Success
//    -1 - Failure
// Copyright © 2000 - 2007 Youngsoft, Inc.  All rights reserved.
// Any distribution of the Youngsoft, Inc. Enterprise Application Framework
// source code in whole or part by other than Youngsoft, Inc. is prohibited.

constant string METHOD_NAME = "createContentMain (REF n_cst_datasetattrib, REF s_mimedataset)"

long                       ll_rowcount
long                       ll_rowindex
long                       ll_columncount
long                       ll_columnindex

string                     ls_columnnames[]
string                     ls_dbcolumnnames[]
string                     ls_columntypes[]
string                     ls_columnvalue
string                     ls_rootelementname
Boolean                    lb_showcolumndetail

n_cst_xmlparser            lnv_parser
n_cst_stringservice        lnv_string

   //whether show column detail in XML, column detail XML will not parser successfully in ajax
   lb_showcolumndetail = false
   ll_rowcount = anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.rowCount()
   ll_columncount = long( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.describe( "Datawindow.Column.Count" ) )
   //loop through the columns gathering metadata
   for ll_columnindex = 1 to ll_columncount
      ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] = anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.describe( "#" + string( ll_columnindex) + ".Name" )
      ls_dbcolumnnames[ll_columnindex] = anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.describe( "#" + string( ll_columnindex) + ".dbName" )
      ls_columntypes[ll_columnindex] = lower( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.describe( "#" + string( ll_columnindex) + ".ColType" ) )

   lnv_parser = create n_cst_xmlparser
   lnv_string = create n_cst_stringservice
   ls_rootelementname = lnv_string.globalReplace( anv_datasetattrib.is_name, " " , "", false )
   //Root element of the XML document is the DataSet name
   lnv_parser.addElement( ls_rootelementname )
   //Create the XML document
   for ll_rowindex = 1 to ll_rowcount
      lnv_parser.addElement( ls_rootelementname + "Row" )
      lnv_parser.addElement( "RowStatus", string(anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemStatus(ll_rowindex, 0, Primary! )), false, true )
      for ll_columnindex = 1 to ll_columncount
         Choose Case left( ls_columntypes[ll_columnindex], 3 )
            Case "cha"
               ls_columnvalue = anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemString( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] )
            Case "dat"
               if ls_columntypes[ll_columnindex] = "date" then
                  ls_columnvalue = string( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemDate( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] ) )
                  ls_columnvalue = string( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemDateTime( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] ) )
               end if
            Case "dec"
               ls_columnvalue = string( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemNumber( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] ) )
            Case "int"
               ls_columnvalue = string( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemNumber( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] ) )
            Case "lon"
               ls_columnvalue = string( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemNumber( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] ) )
            Case "num"
               ls_columnvalue = string( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemNumber( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] ) )
            Case "rea"
               ls_columnvalue = string( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemNumber( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] ) )
            Case "tim"
               if ls_columntypes[ll_columnindex] = "time" then
                  ls_columnvalue = string( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemTime( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] ) )
                  ls_columnvalue = string( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemDateTime( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] ) )
               end if
            Case "ulong"
               ls_columnvalue = string( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemNumber( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] ) )
         End Choose

         //Add the element to the XML document
         if lb_showcolumndetail then
            lnv_parser.addElement( ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] )
            lnv_parser.addElement( "Value", ls_columnvalue, false, true )
            lnv_parser.addElement( "ColumnStatus", string(anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.getItemStatus(ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Primary! )), false, true )
            lnv_parser.closeElement( ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] )
            lnv_parser.addElement( ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], ls_columnvalue )
         end if
      lnv_parser.closeElement( ls_rootelementname + "Row" )
   lnv_parser.closeElement( anv_datasetattrib.is_name )
   //Get the resulting XML document and place it on the reference structure for return to the client
   if lnv_parser.getDocument(  ) = -1 then
      addError( METHOD_NAME, "Failed to generate the XML document" )
      return -1
   end if
   if isValid( lnv_parser ) then
      destroy lnv_parser
   end if
end try

return 1

end function

public function long prepareupdatemain (ref n_cst_datasetattrib anv_datasetattrib, ref s_mimedataset astr_mimedataset, ref n_cst_dataset anv_dataset);constant string METHOD_NAME = "prepareUpdateMain (REF n_cst_datasetattrib, REF s_mimedataset, REF n_cst_dataset)"
// Description:
//    Main method in prepareUpdate process to accept XML resultset of changes
// Revisions
//    3.0   - Initial version
// Arguments:  
//    n_cst_datasetattrib  -  REF
//    s_mimerequest        -  REF
//    anv_dataset          -  REF
// Returns: 
//     1 - Success
//    -1 - Failure
// Copyright © 2000 - 2007 Youngsoft, Inc.  All rights reserved.
// Any distribution of the Youngsoft, Inc. Enterprise Application Framework
// source code in whole or part by other than Youngsoft, Inc. is prohibited.

long                          ll_rowcount
long                          ll_rowindex
long                          ll_columncount
long                          ll_columnindex

string                        ls_columnnames[]
string                        ls_dbcolumnnames[]
string                        ls_columntypes[]
string                        ls_columnvalue
string                        ls_rootelementname
string                        ls_rows[]
string                        ls_column[]
string                        ls_rowstatuses[]
string                        ls_columnstatuses[]
string                        ls_columnvalues[]

boolean                       lb_checkcolumnstatus

n_cst_xmlparser               lnv_parser
n_cst_stringservice           lnv_string

   ll_rowcount = anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.rowCount()
   ll_columncount = long( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.describe( "Datawindow.Column.Count" ) )
   //loop through the columns gathering metadata
   for ll_columnindex = 1 to ll_columncount
      ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex] = anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.describe( "#" + string( ll_columnindex) + ".Name" )
      ls_dbcolumnnames[ll_columnindex] = anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.describe( "#" + string( ll_columnindex) + ".dbName" )
      ls_columntypes[ll_columnindex] = lower( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.describe( "#" + string( ll_columnindex) + ".ColType" ) )

   lnv_parser = create n_cst_xmlparser
   lnv_string = create n_cst_stringservice

   inv_log.propagateSettings( lnv_parser )
   ls_rootelementname = lnv_string.globalReplace( anv_datasetattrib.is_name, " " , "", false )

   //get arguments in string array
   lnv_parser.getElementList(, ls_rootelementname + "Row", ls_rows)
   ll_rowcount = upperBound( ls_rows )
   //Loop through the rows
   for ll_rowindex = 1 to ll_rowcount
      //Get the Row Status
      lnv_parser.getElementList( ls_rows[ll_rowindex], "RowStatus", ls_rowstatuses)
      //Create the row
      anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.insertRow( anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.rowCount() )
      Choose Case ls_rowstatuses[1]
         Case "NotModified!"
            lb_checkcolumnstatus = false
         Case "DataModified!"
            lb_checkcolumnstatus = true
         Case "NewModified!"
            lb_checkcolumnstatus = true
      End Choose
      for ll_columnindex = 1 to ll_columncount
         //Check to see if the column exists
         lnv_parser.getElementList( ls_rows[ll_rowindex], ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], ls_column)
         if upperBound( ls_column ) > 0 then
            //Column exists in the Row
            //Set the value
            lnv_parser.getElementList( ls_column[1], "Value", ls_columnvalues)
            Choose Case left( ls_columntypes[ll_columnindex], 3 )
               Case "cha"
                  anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItem( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], ls_columnvalues[1] )
               Case "dat"
                  if ls_columntypes[ll_columnindex] = "date" then
                     anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItem( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Date(ls_columnvalues[1]) )
                     anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItem( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], DateTime(ls_columnvalues[1]) )
                  end if
               Case "dec"
                  anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItem( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Dec(ls_columnvalues[1]) )
               Case "int"
                  anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItem( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Integer(ls_columnvalues[1]) )
               Case "lon"
                  anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItem( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Long(ls_columnvalues[1]) )
               Case "num"
                  anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItem( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Dec(ls_columnvalues[1]) )
               Case "rea"
                  anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItem( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Real(ls_columnvalues[1]) )
               Case "tim"
                  if ls_columntypes[ll_columnindex] = "time" then
                     anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItem( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Time(ls_columnvalues[1]) )
                     anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItem( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], DateTime(ls_columnvalues[1]) )
                  end if
               Case "ulong"
                  anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItem( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Long(ls_columnvalues[1]) )
            End Choose
            if lb_checkcolumnstatus then
               lnv_parser.getElementList( ls_column[1], "ColumnStatus", ls_columnstatuses)
               Choose Case ls_columnstatuses[1]
                  Case "NotModified!"
                     anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItemStatus( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Primary!, NotModified! )
                  Case "DataModified!"
                     anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItemStatus( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Primary!, DataModified! )
                  Case "NewModified!"
                     anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItemStatus( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Primary!, NewModified! )
               End Choose
               anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItemStatus( ll_rowindex, ls_columnnames[ll_columnindex], Primary!, NotModified! )
            end if
         end if
      //Set the row status
      Choose Case ls_rowstatuses[1]
         Case "NotModified!"
            anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItemStatus( ll_rowindex, 0, Primary!, NotModified! )
         Case "DataModified!"
            anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItemStatus( ll_rowindex, 0, Primary!, DataModified! )
         Case "NewModified!"
            anv_datasetattrib.ids_working.setItemStatus( ll_rowindex, 0, Primary!, NewModified! )
      End Choose
   if isValid( lnv_parser ) then
      destroy lnv_parser
   end if
end try

return 1

end function

on eaf_n_cst_xmlproviderservice.create
call super::create
end on

on eaf_n_cst_xmlproviderservice.destroy
call super::destroy
end on