File: n_svc_bit.sru
Size: 20290
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:31:14 +0200
$PBExportComments$Bitwise Service
global type n_svc_bit from n_svc_base
end type
end forward

global type n_svc_bit from n_svc_base
end type
global n_svc_bit n_svc_bit

forward prototypes
public function string of_binary (readonly long al_decimal)
public function integer of_bitwiseand (readonly integer ai_decimala, readonly integer ai_decimalb)
public function integer of_bitwisenot (readonly integer ai_decimal)
public function integer of_bitwiseor (readonly integer ai_decimala, readonly integer ai_decimalb)
public function integer of_clearbit (readonly integer ai_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit)
public function long of_clearbit (readonly long al_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit)
public function long of_bitwiseor (readonly long al_decimala, readonly long al_decimalb)
public function long of_bitwisenot (readonly long al_decimal)
public function long of_bitwiseand (readonly long al_decimala, readonly long al_decimalb)
public function long of_decimal (string as_binary)
public function integer of_flipbit (readonly integer ai_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit)
public function long of_flipbit (readonly long al_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit)
public function boolean of_getbit (readonly long al_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit)
public function integer of_setbit (readonly integer ai_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit)
public function long of_setbit (readonly long al_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit)
public function integer of_bitwiseand (readonly integer ai_decimal[])
public function long of_bitwiseand (readonly long al_decimal[])
public function integer of_bitwiseor (readonly integer ai_decimal[])
public function long of_bitwiseor (readonly long al_decimal[])
public function integer of_bitwisexor (readonly integer ai_decimala, readonly integer ai_decimalb)
public function long of_bitwisexor (readonly long al_decimala, readonly long al_decimalb)
public function unsignedlong of_bitwiseor (readonly unsignedlong al_decimal[])
public function ulong of_bitwiseor (readonly unsignedlong al_decimala, readonly unsignedlong al_decimalb)
end prototypes

public function string of_binary (readonly long al_decimal);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_Binary
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    al_decimal     unsigned long to convert to bit string
// Returns:  string
// Description:   Convert al_decimal to a string of 32 1's and 0's in
//                big-endian format i.e with LSB at position 1.

string         ls_binary
unsignedint    lui_cnt
long           ll_remainder
unsignedlong   lul_decimal

lul_decimal = al_decimal

for lui_cnt = 1 to 32
   ll_remainder = mod(lul_decimal, 2)
   lul_decimal = lul_decimal / 2

   ls_binary = ls_binary + string(ll_remainder)

return ls_binary
end function

public function integer of_bitwiseand (readonly integer ai_decimala, readonly integer ai_decimalb);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_BitwiseAND
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    ai_decimala
//    ai_decimalb
// Returns:  int
// Description:   Logically AND 2 numbers
//    a  b  result
//    -- -- ------
//    0  0  0
//    0  1  0
//    1  0  0
//    1  1  1

unsignedint lui_bit
int         li_decimal

li_decimal = 0

for lui_bit = 1 to 16
   if this.of_GetBit(ai_decimala, lui_bit) and this.of_GetBit(ai_decimalb, lui_bit) then
      li_decimal = this.of_SetBit(li_decimal, lui_bit)
   end if

return li_decimal
end function

public function integer of_bitwisenot (readonly integer ai_decimal);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_BitwiseNOT
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    ai_decimal     value to not
// Returns: none
// Description:   Logically NOT all bits in a number
//    a  result
//    -- ------
//    0  1

//    1  0

unsignedint lui_bit
int         li_decimal

li_decimal = 0

for lui_bit = 1 to 16
   if not this.of_GetBit(ai_decimal, lui_bit) then
      li_decimal = this.of_SetBit(li_decimal, lui_bit)
   end if

return li_decimal
end function

public function integer of_bitwiseor (readonly integer ai_decimala, readonly integer ai_decimalb);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_BitwiseOR
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    ai_decimala
//    ai_decimalb
// Returns:  int
// Description:   Logically OR 2 numbers
//    a  b  result
//    -- -- ------
//    0  0  0
//    0  1  1
//    1  0  1
//    1  1  1

unsignedint lui_bit
int         li_decimal

li_decimal = 0

for lui_bit = 1 to 16
   if this.of_GetBit(ai_decimala, lui_bit) or this.of_GetBit(ai_decimalb, lui_bit) then
      li_decimal = this.of_SetBit(li_decimal, lui_bit)
   end if

return li_decimal
end function

public function integer of_clearbit (readonly integer ai_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_ClearBit
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    ai_decimal     value
//    aui_bit        bit number to clear
// Returns:  new value
// Description:   Clears a given bit in a number.

if of_GetBit(ai_decimal, aui_bit) then
   return ai_decimal - (2 ^ (aui_bit - 1))
end if

return ai_decimal
end function

public function long of_clearbit (readonly long al_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_ClearBit
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    al_decimal     value
//    aui_bit        bit number to clear
// Returns:  new value
// Description:   Clears a given bit in a number.

if of_GetBit(al_decimal, aui_bit) then
   return al_decimal - (2 ^ (aui_bit - 1))
end if

return al_decimal
end function

public function long of_bitwiseor (readonly long al_decimala, readonly long al_decimalb);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_BitwiseOR
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    al_decimala
//    al_decimalb
// Returns:  long
// Description:   Logically OR 2 numbers
//    a  b  result
//    -- -- ------
//    0  0  0
//    0  1  1
//    1  0  1
//    1  1  1

unsignedint lui_bit
long        ll_decimal

ll_decimal = 0

for lui_bit = 1 to 32
   if this.of_GetBit(al_decimala, lui_bit) or this.of_GetBit(al_decimalb, lui_bit) then
      ll_decimal = this.of_SetBit(ll_decimal, lui_bit)
   end if

return ll_decimal
end function

public function long of_bitwisenot (readonly long al_decimal);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_BitwiseNOT
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    al_decimal     value to not
// Returns: none
// Description:   Logically NOT all bits in a number
//    a  result
//    -- ------
//    0  1
//    1  0

unsignedint lui_bit
long        ll_decimal

ll_decimal = 0

for lui_bit = 1 to 32
   if not this.of_GetBit(al_decimal, lui_bit) then
      ll_decimal = this.of_SetBit(ll_decimal, lui_bit)
   end if

return ll_decimal
end function

public function long of_bitwiseand (readonly long al_decimala, readonly long al_decimalb);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_BitwiseAND
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    al_decimala
//    al_decimalb
// Returns:  long
// Description:   Logically AND 2 numbers
//    a  b  result
//    -- -- ------
//    0  0  0
//    0  1  0
//    1  0  0
//    1  1  1

unsignedint lui_bit
long        ll_decimal

ll_decimal = 0

for lui_bit = 1 to 32
   if this.of_GetBit(al_decimala, lui_bit) and this.of_GetBit(al_decimalb, lui_bit) then
      ll_decimal = this.of_SetBit(ll_decimal, lui_bit)
   end if

return ll_decimal
end function

public function long of_decimal (string as_binary);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_Decimal
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    as_binary   string to convert
// Returns: long
// Description:   Convert an array of 1's and 0's in big-endian format
//                i.e. LSB at index 1 to a number.

long ll_decimal
unsignedint lui_cnt

// Propogate the sign bit
as_binary += Fill(Right(as_binary, 1), 31)

// Calculate the value
for lui_cnt = 1 to 32
   ll_decimal = ll_decimal + (long(Mid(as_binary, lui_cnt, 1)) * (2 ^ (lui_cnt - 1)))

return ll_decimal
end function

public function integer of_flipbit (readonly integer ai_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_FlipBit
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    ai_decimal     value
//    aui_bit        bit number to flip
// Returns:  new value
// Description:   Flips a given bit in a number.

if not this.of_GetBit(ai_decimal, aui_bit) then
   return this.of_SetBit(ai_decimal, aui_bit)
   return this.of_ClearBit(ai_decimal, aui_bit)
end if
end function

public function long of_flipbit (readonly long al_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_FlipBit
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    al_decimal     value
//    aui_bit        bit number to flip
// Returns:  new value
// Description:   Flips a given bit in a number.

if not this.of_GetBit(al_decimal, aui_bit) then
   return this.of_SetBit(al_decimal, aui_bit)
   return this.of_ClearBit(al_decimal, aui_bit)
end if
end function

public function boolean of_getbit (readonly long al_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_GetBit
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    al_decimal     value
//    aui_bit        bit number to test
// Returns:  boolean
// Description:   Tests a given bit in a number.

unsignedlong   lul_decimal

lul_decimal = al_decimal

if (Mod(long(lul_decimal /  2 ^(aui_bit - 1)), 2) > 0) then
   return true
end if

return false
end function

public function integer of_setbit (readonly integer ai_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_SetBit
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    ai_decimal     value
//    aui_bit        bit number to set
// Returns:  new value
// Description:   Sets a given bit in a number.

if not this.of_GetBit(ai_decimal, aui_bit) then
   return ai_decimal + (2 ^ (aui_bit - 1))
end if

return ai_decimal
end function

public function long of_setbit (readonly long al_decimal, readonly unsignedinteger aui_bit);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_SetBit
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    al_decimal     value
//    aui_bit        bit number to set
// Returns:  new value
// Description:   Sets a given bit in a number.

if not this.of_GetBit(al_decimal, aui_bit) then
   return al_decimal + (2 ^ (aui_bit - 1))
end if

return al_decimal
end function

public function integer of_bitwiseand (readonly integer ai_decimal[]);//===========================================================================
// Function: of_Bitwiseand (public )
// Object: n_svc_bit
// Description:
// Note:
// Parameters:
//  readonly Integer ai_decimal[]
// Returns: Integer
// Author: (Yeyi) Gabriel B. Abulencia
long ll_upper, ll_ctr = 2, n
integer li_ret

ll_upper = UPPERBOUND(ai_decimal)

IF ll_upper <= 1 THEN RETURN Cret.FAILURE

li_ret = ai_decimal[1]

   li_ret = this.of_bitwiseand(li_ret, ai_decimal[ll_ctr])
   ll_ctr ++
LOOP UNTIL ll_ctr > ll_upper

RETURN li_ret
end function

public function long of_bitwiseand (readonly long al_decimal[]);//===========================================================================
// Function: of_Bitwiseand (public )
// Object: n_svc_bit
// Description:
// Note:
// Parameters:
//  readonly Long al_decimal[]
// Returns: Long
// Author: (Yeyi) Gabriel B. Abulencia
long ll_upper, ll_ctr = 2, n, ll_ret

ll_upper = UPPERBOUND(al_decimal)

IF ll_upper <= 1 THEN RETURN Cret.FAILURE

ll_ret = al_decimal[1]

   ll_ret = this.of_bitwiseand(ll_ret, al_decimal[ll_ctr])
   ll_ctr ++
LOOP UNTIL ll_ctr > ll_upper

RETURN ll_ret
end function

public function integer of_bitwiseor (readonly integer ai_decimal[]);//===========================================================================
// Function: of_Bitwiseor (public )
// Object: n_svc_bit
// Description:
// Note:
// Parameters:
//  readonly Integer ai_decimal[]
// Returns: Integer
// Author: (Yeyi) Gabriel B. Abulencia
long ll_upper, ll_ctr = 2, n
integer li_ret

ll_upper = UPPERBOUND(ai_decimal)

IF ll_upper <= 1 THEN RETURN Cret.FAILURE

li_ret = ai_decimal[1]

   li_ret = this.of_bitwiseor(li_ret, ai_decimal[ll_ctr])
   ll_ctr ++
LOOP UNTIL ll_ctr > ll_upper

RETURN li_ret
end function

public function long of_bitwiseor (readonly long al_decimal[]);//===========================================================================
// Function: of_Bitwiseor (public )
// Object: n_svc_bit
// Description:
// Note:
// Parameters:
//  readonly Long al_decimal[]
// Returns: Long
// Author: (Yeyi) Gabriel B. Abulencia
long ll_upper, ll_ctr = 2, n, ll_ret

ll_upper = UPPERBOUND(al_decimal)

IF ll_upper <= 1 THEN RETURN Cret.FAILURE

ll_ret = al_decimal[1]

   ll_ret = this.of_bitwiseor(ll_ret, al_decimal[ll_ctr])
   ll_ctr ++
LOOP UNTIL ll_ctr > ll_upper

RETURN ll_ret
end function

public function integer of_bitwisexor (readonly integer ai_decimala, readonly integer ai_decimalb);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_BitwiseXOR
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    ai_decimala
//    ai_decimalb
// Returns:  int
// Description:   Logically XOR 2 numbers
//    a  b  result
//    -- -- ------
//    0  0  0
//    0  1  1
//    1  0  1
//    1  1  0

unsignedint lui_bit
int         li_decimal

li_decimal = 0

for lui_bit = 1 to 16
   if this.of_GetBit(ai_decimala, lui_bit) <> this.of_GetBit(ai_decimalb, lui_bit) then
      li_decimal = this.of_SetBit(li_decimal, lui_bit)
   end if

return li_decimal
end function

public function long of_bitwisexor (readonly long al_decimala, readonly long al_decimalb);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_BitwiseXOR
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    al_decimala
//    al_decimalb
// Returns:  long
// Description:   Logically XOR 2 numbers
//    a  b  result
//    -- -- ------
//    0  0  0
//    0  1  1
//    1  0  1
//    1  1  0

unsignedint lui_bit
long        ll_decimal

ll_decimal = 0

for lui_bit = 1 to 32
   if this.of_GetBit(al_decimala, lui_bit) <> this.of_GetBit(al_decimalb, lui_bit) then
      ll_decimal += (2 ^ (lui_bit - 1))
   end if

return ll_decimal
end function

public function unsignedlong of_bitwiseor (readonly unsignedlong al_decimal[]);//===========================================================================
// Function: of_Bitwiseor (public )
// Object: n_svc_bit
// Description:
// Note:
// Parameters:
//  readonly UnsignedLong al_decimal[]
// Returns: UnsignedLong
// Author: (Yeyi) Gabriel B. Abulencia
long ll_upper, ll_ctr = 2, n, ll_ret

ll_upper = UPPERBOUND(al_decimal)

IF ll_upper <= 1 THEN RETURN Cret.FAILURE

ll_ret = al_decimal[1]

   ll_ret = this.of_bitwiseor(ll_ret, al_decimal[ll_ctr])
   ll_ctr ++
LOOP UNTIL ll_ctr > ll_upper

RETURN ll_ret
end function

public function ulong of_bitwiseor (readonly unsignedlong al_decimala, readonly unsignedlong al_decimalb);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_BitwiseOR
// Access:  public
// Arguments:
//    al_decimala
//    al_decimalb
// Returns:  long
// Description:   Logically OR 2 numbers
//    a  b  result
//    -- -- ------
//    0  0  0
//    0  1  1
//    1  0  1
//    1  1  1

unsignedint lui_bit
ulong       ll_decimal

ll_decimal = 0

for lui_bit = 1 to 32
   if this.of_GetBit(al_decimala, lui_bit) or this.of_GetBit(al_decimalb, lui_bit) then
      ll_decimal = this.of_SetBit(ll_decimal, lui_bit)
   end if

return ll_decimal
end function

on n_svc_bit.create
call super::create
end on

on n_svc_bit.destroy
call super::destroy
end on