File: u_explorer_sample4.sru
Size: 4531
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:33:11 +0200
global type u_explorer_sample4 from u_explorer
end type
type uo_status from u_statusbar_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
end type
type uo_title from u_border_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
end type
type uo_toolbar from u_dwtb_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
end type
type cbx_1 from u_cbx within u_explorer_sample4
end type
type st_1 from u_st within u_explorer_sample4
end type
type uo_splitter from u_splitcontainer_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
end type
type uo_1 from u_sheets_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
end type
type tv_1 from u_tv_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
end type
end forward

global type u_explorer_sample4 from u_explorer
integer width = 1957
integer height = 1140
uo_status uo_status
uo_title uo_title
uo_toolbar uo_toolbar
cbx_1 cbx_1
st_1 st_1
uo_splitter uo_splitter
uo_1 uo_1
tv_1 tv_1
end type
global u_explorer_sample4 u_explorer_sample4

type variables
n_explorer inv_sample
end variables

on u_explorer_sample4.create
int iCurrent
call super::create
this.uo_status=create uo_status
this.uo_title=create uo_title
this.uo_toolbar=create uo_toolbar
this.cbx_1=create cbx_1
this.st_1=create st_1
this.uo_splitter=create uo_splitter
this.uo_1=create uo_1
this.tv_1=create tv_1
end on

on u_explorer_sample4.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event destructor;call super::destructor;IF ISVALID(inv_sample) THEN DESTROY inv_sample
end event

event ke_postopen;call super::ke_postopen;inv_sample = CREATE n_explorer
inv_sample.of_Register( tv_1, uo_1, uo_toolbar, uo_splitter, uo_title, uo_status)
end event

type uo_status from u_statusbar_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
integer x = 512
integer y = 960
integer taborder = 30
boolean #dock = true
long #docktype = 4
end type

on uo_status.destroy
call u_statusbar_explorer::destroy
end on

type uo_title from u_border_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
integer x = 1006
integer y = 208
integer taborder = 20
long #sizeorder = -1
string #childobject = "uo_1"
boolean #headerbold = true
end type

on uo_title.destroy
call u_border_explorer::destroy
end on

type uo_toolbar from u_dwtb_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
integer x = 37
integer y = 144
integer taborder = 20
long #sizeorder = 1
boolean #dock = true
long #docktype = 1
string #dock_control_top = "st_1"
boolean #mdiparent = true
end type

on uo_toolbar.destroy
call u_dwtb_explorer::destroy
end on

type cbx_1 from u_cbx within u_explorer_sample4
integer x = 1883
integer y = 16
string text = "ShowTabs"
end type

event clicked;call super::clicked;uo_1.of_Showtabs(Checked)
end event

type st_1 from u_st within u_explorer_sample4
integer x = 37
integer y = 16
integer width = 1838
integer height = 100
string text = "Finally, the previous explorer sample with a toolbar, splitter, titlebar and statusbar."
end type

type uo_splitter from u_splitcontainer_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
integer x = 805
integer y = 544
integer taborder = 20
long #sizeorder = 2
boolean #dock = true
long #docktype = 5
string #dock_control_top = "uo_toolbar"
string #dock_control_bottom = "uo_status"
string #lefttopcontrol = "tv_1"
string #rightbottomcontrol = "uo_title"
end type

on uo_splitter.destroy
call u_splitcontainer_explorer::destroy
end on

type uo_1 from u_sheets_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
integer x = 55
integer y = 576
integer taborder = 20
long #sizeorder = -1
boolean #usethemecolors = false
boolean #showtabs = false
long #tabstyle = 2
end type

on uo_1.destroy
call u_sheets_explorer::destroy
end on

type tv_1 from u_tv_explorer within u_explorer_sample4
integer x = 37
integer y = 208
integer width = 905
integer taborder = 10
boolean haslines = false
boolean linesatroot = false
boolean fullrowselect = true
long #sizeorder = -1
end type