File: w_filterdialogs.srw
Size: 7473
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:27:00 +0100
$PBExportComments$ENHANCED FOR 6.0!  A demonstration of the various Filter Dialog Styles.
global type w_filterdialogs from w_main
end type
type dw_1 from u_dw within w_filterdialogs
end type
type cb_close from u_cb within w_filterdialogs
end type
type gb_3 from u_gb within w_filterdialogs
end type
type rb_1 from u_rb within w_filterdialogs
end type
type rb_2 from u_rb within w_filterdialogs
end type
type rb_3 from u_rb within w_filterdialogs
end type
type cb_retrieve from u_cb within w_filterdialogs
end type
type cb_1 from u_cb within w_filterdialogs
end type
end forward

global type w_filterdialogs from w_main
integer x = 375
integer y = 80
integer width = 2107
integer height = 1408
string title = "PFC Example - Filter Service Dialogs"
boolean resizable = false
dw_1 dw_1
cb_close cb_close
gb_3 gb_3
rb_1 rb_1
rb_2 rb_2
rb_3 rb_3
cb_retrieve cb_retrieve
cb_1 cb_1
end type
global w_filterdialogs w_filterdialogs

type variables

end variables

on w_filterdialogs.create
int iCurrent
call super::create
this.dw_1=create dw_1
this.cb_close=create cb_close
this.gb_3=create gb_3
this.rb_1=create rb_1
this.rb_2=create rb_2
this.rb_3=create rb_3
this.cb_retrieve=create cb_retrieve
this.cb_1=create cb_1
end on

on w_filterdialogs.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event open;call super::open;dw_1.inv_filter.of_SetStyle(dw_1.inv_filter.SIMPLE)
end event

type dw_1 from u_dw within w_filterdialogs
string dataobject = "d_customerlist"
integer x = 37
integer y = 244
integer width = 2011
integer height = 900
integer taborder = 0
end type

event constructor;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// constructor
// Description:
// Initializes the DataWindow.


// Start the DataWindow Filter Service.


end event

event pfc_retrieve;call super::pfc_retrieve;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// pfc_retrieve
// Arguments:
// None
// Returns:
// long
// The number of rows retrieved from the database
// -1 if it fails
// If any argument's value is NULL, pfc_retrieve returns NULL
// Description:
// Retrieves data into the DataWindow.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

return this.Retrieve()

end event

type cb_close from u_cb within w_filterdialogs
string text = "Close"
boolean cancel = true
integer x = 1696
integer y = 1188
integer taborder = 40
end type

event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// clicked
// Description:
// Calls the pfc_close event on the window.

parent.event pfc_close()

end event

type gb_3 from u_gb within w_filterdialogs
long textcolor = 41943040
long backcolor = 79219928
string text = "Select Filter Dialog Style"
integer x = 37
integer y = 32
integer width = 2011
integer height = 160
integer taborder = 10
end type

type rb_1 from u_rb within w_filterdialogs
string text = "&Simple (a=b) Style"
boolean checked = true
integer x = 78
integer y = 104
integer width = 480
boolean bringtotop = true
end type

event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// clicked
// Description:
// Sets the filter dialog style on the Filter Service.

end event

type rb_2 from u_rb within w_filterdialogs
string text = "PFC &Extended Wizard"
integer x = 722
integer y = 104
integer width = 581
boolean bringtotop = true
end type

event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// clicked
// Description:
// Sets the filter dialog style on the Filter Service.

end event

type rb_3 from u_rb within w_filterdialogs
string text = "&PowerBuilder Default"
integer x = 1463
integer y = 104
integer width = 558
boolean bringtotop = true
end type

event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// clicked
// Description:
// Sets the filter dialog style on the Filter Service.

end event

type cb_retrieve from u_cb within w_filterdialogs
event clicked pbm_bnclicked
string text = "&Reset Filter"
integer x = 1326
integer y = 1188
integer taborder = 30
end type

event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// clicked
// Description:
// Sets the filter on the service and filters the DataWindow.


end event

type cb_1 from u_cb within w_filterdialogs
string text = "Set &Filter"
integer x = 951
integer y = 1188
integer taborder = 20
end type

event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// clicked
// Description:
// Calls the pfc_filterdlg event on the DataWindow to invoke the selected
// filter dialog box.

dw_1.event pfc_filterdlg()
end event