File: w_examplemain.srw
Size: 37801
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:26:26 +0100
$PBExportComments$Sheet contains tree view listing the PFC examples.
global type w_examplemain from w_frame
end type
type lv_1 from u_lvs within w_examplemain
end type
type st_1 from statictext within w_examplemain
end type
type st_2 from statictext within w_examplemain
end type
type tv_1 from u_tvs within w_examplemain
end type
type st_v1 from u_st_splitbar within w_examplemain
end type
end forward

global type w_examplemain from w_frame
integer x = 14
integer y = 4
integer width = 2587
integer height = 1552
string title = "PFC Examples Application"
string menuname = "m_examplemain"
windowstate windowstate = maximized!
event ue_printtree ( )
event ue_statusbarclicked ( integer ai_xpos,  integer ai_ypos,  string as_name )
event ue_statusbarrbuttonup ( integer ai_xpos,  integer ai_ypos,  string as_name )
event type integer ue_notify ( string as_object,  string as_action )
lv_1 lv_1
st_1 st_1
st_2 st_2
tv_1 tv_1
st_v1 st_v1
end type
global w_examplemain w_examplemain

type variables
//integer              ii_exampleid
//integer              ii_rightclickedmode
//long                  il_selecteditemhandle
menu                im_debugservices
menu                im_sqlspyservices
menu                im_debuglogwindow
menu                im_sqlspywindow
menu                im_utilpref

n_cst_menu     inv_menu
n_cst_explorerattrib inv_explorerattrib

string   is_mrukey = "pfc examples"
string   is_mruexampleclassname // classname of the example opened by pfc_open
string   is_mruexampletitle   // title of the example opened
end variables

forward prototypes
public function integer of_openexample (window aw_window, n_cst_mruattrib anv_mruattrib)
end prototypes

event ue_printtree;call super::ue_printtree;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:      ue_printtree
// Arguments:  None
// Returns:    None
// Description:
// Prints the tree view.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

If IsValid(tv_1.inv_print) Then
End If
end event

event ue_statusbarclicked;choose case as_name
   case "debugsrv"
      im_debugservices.Event clicked()
   case "sqlspysrv"
      im_sqlspyservices.Event clicked()
   case "debuglogwin"
      im_debuglogwindow.Event clicked()
   case "sqlspywin"
      im_sqlspywindow.Event clicked()
end choose
end event

event ue_statusbarrbuttonup;integer li_rc
integer  li_x
integer  li_y
m_utilityproperties  lm_popmenu

li_x = Pointerx()
li_y = Pointery()
lm_popmenu = create m_utilityproperties
if as_name = "debugsrv" or as_name = "sqlspysrv" &
   or as_name = "debuglogwin" or as_name = "sqlspywin" then
      lm_popmenu.m_table.PopMenu(li_x, li_y)
end if
end event

event ue_notify;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:      ue_notify
// Arguments:  
// as_object
// as_action
// Returns:    integer
// SUCCESS = 1
// ERROR = -1
// Description:
// Called by others to notify the mainwindow of events which affect it.

string   ls_id
string   ls_bitmap

// Get the id.
ls_id = as_object

Choose Case ls_id
   Case 'debugsrv'      
      choose case as_action
         case "open"
            im_debugservices.text = "Stop Debug Services"
            ls_bitmap = 'dbsvc.bmp'
         case "close"
            im_debugservices.text = "Start Debug Services"

            ls_bitmap = 'dbsvcoff.bmp'    
      end choose

   Case 'sqlspysrv'
      choose case as_action
         case "open"
            im_sqlspyservices.text = "Stop SQL Spy Services"
            ls_bitmap = 'sspysvcs.bmp'
         case "close"
            im_sqlspyservices.text = "Start SQL Spy Services"
            ls_bitmap = 'sssvcoff.bmp'    
      end choose

   Case 'debuglogwin'
      choose case as_action
         case "open"
            im_debuglogwindow.text = "Close Debug Log Window"
            ls_bitmap = 'dblogwin.bmp'

         case "close"
            im_debuglogwindow.text = "Open Debug Log Window"
            ls_bitmap = 'dlgwnoff.bmp'
      end choose     
   Case 'sqlspywin'     
      choose case Lower(as_action)
         case "open"
            im_sqlspywindow.text = "Close SQL Spy Window"
            ls_bitmap = 'sspywin.bmp'     
         case "close"
            im_sqlspywindow.text = "Open SQL Spy Window"
            ls_bitmap = 'sswinoff.bmp'
      end choose
End Choose

If Len(ls_id) > 0 And Len(ls_bitmap) > 0 Then
   if IsValid(inv_statusbar) then
      inv_statusbar.of_Modify(ls_id, ls_bitmap)
   end if      
End If   

return 1
end event

public function integer of_openexample (window aw_window, n_cst_mruattrib anv_mruattrib);w_master        lw_window

OpenWithParm(lw_window, anv_mruattrib.is_menuitemkey, anv_mruattrib.is_classname)

Return 1
end function

on w_examplemain.create
int iCurrent
call super::create
if IsValid(this.MenuID) then destroy(this.MenuID)
if this.MenuName = "m_examplemain" then this.MenuID = create m_examplemain
this.lv_1=create lv_1
this.st_1=create st_1
this.st_2=create st_2
this.tv_1=create tv_1
this.st_v1=create st_v1
end on

on w_examplemain.destroy
call super::destroy
if IsValid(MenuID) then destroy(MenuID)
end on

event open;call super::open;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:   open
// Description:
// Initialize the window and all of its controls.

integer  li_rc
m_examplemain  lm_examplemenu


// Close query processing is not needed for this window.
ib_disableclosequery = true

// let the menu know what objects it needs
lm_examplemenu = this.menuid

// Initialize the utility menu references.
inv_menu.of_GetMenuReference(this.menuid, "m_debugservices", im_debugservices)
inv_menu.of_GetMenuReference(this.menuid, "m_sqlspyservices", im_sqlspyservices)
inv_menu.of_GetMenuReference(this.menuid, "m_sqlspy", im_sqlspywindow)
inv_menu.of_GetMenuReference(this.menuid, "m_debuglog", im_debuglogwindow)
inv_menu.of_GetMenuReference(this.menuid, "m_utilitypreferences", im_utilpref)

// set up treeview datasource for level 1
li_rc = tv_1.inv_levelsource.of_Register(1, "category_name", "", "d_toplevel", SQLCA, "")
// set the pictures for level 1 to a picture index on the control
tv_1.inv_levelsource.of_SetPictureColumn(1, "1")
tv_1.inv_levelsource.of_setselectedpicturecolumn(1, "1")

// set up treeview datasource for level 2
li_rc = tv_1.inv_levelsource.of_Register(2, "category_name", ":parent.1.category_id", "d_maincategorylist", SQLCA, "")
// set the pictures for level 2 to a database column holding the control indexes
tv_1.inv_levelsource.of_setpicturecolumn(2, "picture_idx")
tv_1.inv_levelsource.of_setselectedpicturecolumn(2, "selected_picture_idx")

// set up treeview datasource for level 2
li_rc = tv_1.inv_levelsource.of_Register(3, "category_name", ":parent.1.category_id", "d_catexamples",   SQLCA, "")
// set the pictures for level 2 to a database column holding the control indexes
tv_1.inv_levelsource.of_setpicturecolumn(3, "picture_idx")
tv_1.inv_levelsource.of_setselectedpicturecolumn(3, "selected_picture_idx")
tv_1.inv_levelsource.of_setstatepicturecolumn(3, "state_picture_idx")
tv_1.inv_levelsource.of_setoverlaypicturecolumn(3, "overlay_picture_idx")
end event

event pfc_preopen;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  preopen
// Description:
// Enable the status bar and register controls with the window's resize service
// prior to the opening of the window.

// Register an id with MRU service.  All examples opened from this window will use this id
If isvalid(gnv_app.inv_mru) Then
End If

// Set the frame window with the application manager.

// Enable the Status Bar Services
if IsValid(inv_statusbar) then
   inv_statusbar.of_Register('debugsrv', 'bitmap', 'dbsvc.bmp', 80)
   inv_statusbar.of_Register('sqlspysrv', 'bitmap', 'sssvcoff.bmp', 80)
   inv_statusbar.of_Register('debuglogwin', 'bitmap', 'dlgwnoff.bmp', 80)
   inv_statusbar.of_Register('sqlspywin', 'bitmap', 'sswinoff.bmp', 80)
   if gnv_app.ienv_object.Win16 then
   end if
end if

// Start the Resize Service.

// Set the minimum size of the window object.
inv_resize.of_SetMinSize(1477, 920)

// Register each control, specifying which style of behavior it should 
// follow when the window resizes.
inv_resize.of_Register(tv_1, 0, 0, 50, 100)
inv_resize.of_Register(lv_1, 50, 0, 50, 100)
inv_resize.of_Register(st_1, 50, 0, 50, 0)
inv_resize.of_Register(st_2, 0, 0, 50, 0)
inv_resize.of_Register(st_v1, 50, 0, 0, 100 )
end event

event pfc_postopen;call super::pfc_postopen;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  pfc_postopen
// Arguments:  none
// Returns:  none
// Description:  Post Open functionality.

integer  li_rc
long     ll_itemhandle, ll_leveltwoitemhandle



// Retrieve level one on the treeview.
li_rc = tv_1.event pfc_populate(0) 

// Populate the dual datasource for level one of the treeview.
ll_itemhandle = tv_1.inv_base.of_FindFirstItemLevel(1, 0)

// Populate level two of the treeview, and start the window with the first
// item on level two selected.

end event

event pfc_open;w_master    lw_window
n_cst_mruattrib   lnv_mruattrib


// see if the powerobject is what we are expecting
If IsValid(message.powerobjectparm) Then
   if lnv_mruattrib.classname() = message.powerobjectparm.classname() Then
      lnv_mruattrib = message.powerobjectparm
   End If
End IF

// set up some mru information
is_mruexampleclassname = lnv_mruattrib.is_classname
is_mruexampletitle = lnv_mruattrib.is_menuitemname
this.event pfc_mrusave()

// open the selected window
OpenWithParm(lw_window, lnv_mruattrib.is_menuitemkey, lnv_mruattrib.is_classname)
end event

event pfc_mrurestore;call super::pfc_mrurestore;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:      pfc_mrurestore
// Arguments:  none
// Returns:    integer
// SUCCESS = 1
// ERROR = -1
// Description:
// Allow MRU service to restore settings

// Allow MRU service to restore settings if necessary
If IsValid(gnv_app.inv_mru) Then
   Return gnv_app.inv_mru.of_Restore( is_mrukey , This ) 
End If

Return -1
end event

event pfc_premrusave;call super::pfc_premrusave;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:      pfc_premrusave
// Arguments:
// anv_mruattrib  The MRU attrib object, passed by reference.
// Returns:    integer
// SUCCESS = 1
// ERROR = -1
// Description:
// Initialize the passed in attribute object.  
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

string ls_classname
string ls_title

ls_classname = is_mruexampleclassname
ls_title = is_mruexampletitle

// Be sure that none of these values is set to an empty string.
if ls_classname = "" or ls_title = "" then
   return -1
   anv_mruattrib.is_id = is_mrukey
   anv_mruattrib.is_classname = ls_classname
   anv_mruattrib.is_menuitemname = ls_title
   anv_mruattrib.is_menuitemkey = ls_classname
   anv_mruattrib.is_menuitemmhelp = "Opens " + ls_title
end if

return 1
end event

event pfc_mruprocess;call super::pfc_mruprocess;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:      pfc_mruprocess
// Arguments:
// ai_row   row in datastore that we need to pull information from
// Returns:    integer
// SUCCESS = 1
// ERROR = -1
// Description:
// Perform the process needed when a user clicks on an MRU item in the menu.  
// The developer will have to extend/override this event depending on what is needed
// by the application.  

n_cst_mruattrib   lnv_mruattrib

// check parameters
if IsNull(ai_row) or (ai_row < 1) then
   return -1
end if

if not IsValid(gnv_app.inv_mru) or IsNull(gnv_app.inv_mru) then
   return -1
end if

// Retrieve row from datastore.
gnv_app.inv_mru.of_GetItem(ai_row, lnv_mruattrib)

// SDI Process - open the selected MRU item
message.powerobjectparm = lnv_mruattrib
this.event pfc_open()

return 1
end event

event pfc_help;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  pfc_help
// Arguments:  none
// Returns:  integer
//  1 = success
//  0 = helpfile property of the application manager not specified
// -1 = error
// Description:
// Call the windows help file associated with the application.
// Uses the HelpType property of this window to determine what help
// to display.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

// override to check for help file existance
Long     ll_helptypeid
String   ls_helpfile
String   ls_helptypeid

ls_helpfile = gnv_app.of_GetHelpFile()
If Not FileExists(ls_helpfile) Then
   Return -1   
End If

If Len (Trim (ls_helpfile)) > 0 Then
   If Lower (ClassName (ia_helptypeid)) = 'long' Then
      ll_helptypeid = ia_helptypeid
      Return ShowHelp (ls_helpfile, Topic! , ll_helptypeid)
   ElseIf Lower (ClassName (ia_helptypeid)) = 'string' Then
      ls_helptypeid = ia_helptypeid
      Return ShowHelp (ls_helpfile, Keyword!, ls_helptypeid)
      Return ShowHelp (ls_helpfile, Index!)
   End If
End If

If IsValid(gnv_app.inv_debug) Then     
   of_MessageBox ("pfc_master_helpdebug", "PowerBuilder Class Library", "Help has been requested but the"+&
               " Required Help File Name has Not been Set.  Use of_SetHelpFile"+&
               " on The Application Manager to Set The attribute.", &
               Exclamation!, OK!, 1)
End If
Return 0
end event

type lv_1 from u_lvs within w_examplemain
event type integer ue_selectionchange ( n_cst_explorerattrib anv_explorerattrib )
integer x = 1280
integer y = 232
integer width = 1211
integer height = 968
integer taborder = 10
long backcolor = 1090519039
boolean autoarrange = true
string largepicturename[] = {"Preferences!","Custom059!","Library5!","lgopen.bmp","Window!","RunWindow!","Run!"}
string smallpicturename[] = {"Preferences!","Custom059!","Library5!","selcatgy.bmp","Window!","RunWindow!","Run!"}
string statepicturename[] = {"new.bmp","hot.bmp"}
long statepicturemaskcolor = 16777215
end type

event ue_selectionchange;call super::ue_selectionchange;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:      ue_SelectionChange
// Argument:   
// anv_explorerattrib   Attribute object containing properties about what selection
//                         is changing
// Returns:    Integer
//  1 = success
// -1 = error
// Description:   Receives notice that a selection is changing on the object this
//                control is associated with.  Process information accordingly

// set internal attributes to be used in other places scripts/functions
inv_explorerattrib = anv_explorerattrib

// Delete all columns from the list view control.  This is done for the "detail" view.

this.event pfc_populate()

SetMicrohelp(String( this.totalitems() ) + " Object(s).")

Return 1
end event

event doubleclicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// doubleclicked
// Description:
// Scrolls to the selected item's corresponding treeviewitem, or launches an
// example.

integer        li_level
long           ll_currenttvitem, ll_lvrow, ll_selectedtreehandle
string         ls_lvlabel, ls_windowname
listviewitem   llvi_selectedlvitem
treeviewitem   ltvi_newtreeitem, ltvi_startingtreeitem
n_ds           lds_lvdatastore
n_cst_mruattrib   lnv_mruattrib

// Get the listview item that was doubleclicked.
this.GetItem(index, llvi_selectedlvitem)
ls_lvlabel = llvi_selectedlvitem.label

// Determine which treeview item is currently selected and get it
ll_currenttvitem = tv_1.FindItem(currenttreeitem!, 0)
tv_1.GetItem(ll_currenttvitem, ltvi_startingtreeitem)

// Set a local variable to the level of the currently selected treeview item.
li_level = ltvi_startingtreeitem.level

// Determine if a runtime example was selected from the listview. 
// These will only be launching from level 3 of the tree
If li_level = 3 Then
   this.inv_datasource.of_GetDataRow(index, lds_lvdatastore, ll_lvrow)
   If ll_lvrow > 0 Then
      lnv_mruattrib.is_classname = lds_lvdatastore.GetItemString(ll_lvrow, "window")
      lnv_mruattrib.is_menuitemname = lds_lvdatastore.GetItemString(ll_lvrow, "title")
      lnv_mruattrib.is_menuitemkey = ""
      message.powerobjectparm = lnv_mruattrib
      parent.event pfc_open()
      Messagebox("Database Error", "Cannot find the selected row for example.", stopsign!)
   End If
End If
// If the double clicked item was not a runtime example item...

// Determine if the currently selected treeview item has been expanded.  
// If it hasn't, expand it. (expanding also populates)
// This loads the treeview with the listview information
if ltvi_startingtreeitem.expanded = false then
end if

// Get the handle of the treeview item that corresponds to the list view item that was doubleclicked.
ll_selectedtreehandle = tv_1.inv_base.of_FindItem("label", ls_lvlabel, ll_currenttvitem,&
   (li_level + 1), true, true)

// Get the state information of the treeview item that corresponds to the list view item that was doubleclicked.
tv_1.GetItem(ll_selectedtreehandle, ltvi_newtreeitem)

// Select and Expand the selected treeview item.
if ltvi_newtreeitem.expanded = false then
end if
end event

event rbuttonup;call super::rbuttonup;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// rbuttonup
// Description:
// Scrolls to the selected item's corresponding treeviewitem, or launches an
// example.
//m_examplemain   lm_menu
//lm_menu = parent.menuid
end event

event constructor;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:   Constructor
// Description:   Turn on the listview services
integer  li_index


// set the picturemask color to white because that is the background color of the bmp
this.statepicturemaskcolor = RGB(255, 255, 255) //White!
li_index = this.addstatepicture("new.bmp")
end event

event pfc_populate;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:      pfc_populate
// Arguments:  none
// Returns:    Long
//        # of items added to the listview
//       -1 = error
// Description:
// retrieves the datasource and uses it to load the listview with data
// override ancestor script
integer  li_rc
long     ll_level
string   ls_label
n_ds     lds_data


// Set the listview source based on the treeview level information
ll_level = inv_explorerattrib.itvi_selecteditem.Level
ls_label = inv_explorerattrib.itvi_selecteditem.Label

choose case ll_level
   case 1
      inv_datasource.of_Register("category_name", "d_maincategorylist", SQLCA )
//    inv_datasource.of_SetOverlayPictureColumn("overlay_picture_idx")
   case 2
      inv_datasource.of_Register("category_name", "d_catexamples", SQLCA )
//    inv_datasource.of_SetOverlayPictureColumn("overlay_picture_idx")
   case 3
      inv_datasource.of_Register("example", "d_windows", SQLCA )
//    inv_datasource.of_SetOverlayPictureColumn("overlay_picture_idx")
end choose

// clear the listview
If this.DeleteItems() < 1 Then Return -1

// retrieve the data into the services datastore
If this.event pfc_retrieve(lds_data) < 0 Then Return -1

// add the retrieved rows to the listview
Return this.event pfc_addall(lds_data) 
end event

event pfc_retrieve;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:      pfc_Retrieve
// Arguments:  
// ads_data    The datastore holding the rows to add to the treeview as items
// Returns:    long
//        number of items returned by the retrieve
//       -1 = error
// Description:
// Return the number of rows placed in the data source
// Extend this event to populate the retrieval arguments and then call the of_retrieve()
//    function.
// override ancestor script
long              ll_level, ll_row
string            ls_ostype
any               la_args[20]
n_cst_conversion  lnv_conversion

// Get the state information for the selected treeview item.
ll_level = inv_explorerattrib.itvi_selecteditem.Level
ll_row = inv_explorerattrib.il_datastorerow

choose case ll_level
   case 1
      la_args[1] = inv_explorerattrib.ids_datastore.inv_base.of_GetItemAny(ll_row, "category_id")
   case 2
      la_args[1] = inv_explorerattrib.ids_datastore.inv_base.of_GetItemAny(ll_row, "category_id")
      ls_ostype = lnv_conversion.of_String(gnv_app.ienv_object.ostype)
      if ls_ostype = "windowsnt" then ls_ostype = "winnt"
      la_args[2] = lower("%" + ls_ostype + "%")
   case 3
      la_args[1] = inv_explorerattrib.ids_datastore.inv_base.of_GetItemAny(ll_row, "example_id")
end choose

// original code
Return of_retrieve(la_args, ads_data)
end event

type st_1 from statictext within w_examplemain
integer x = 1280
integer y = 140
integer width = 1211
integer height = 76
boolean bringtotop = true
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 77633680
string text = "Contents of "
boolean border = true
borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

type st_2 from statictext within w_examplemain
integer x = 37
integer y = 140
integer width = 1211
integer height = 72
boolean bringtotop = true
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "MS Sans Serif"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 77633680
string text = "All Folders"
boolean border = true
borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

type tv_1 from u_tvs within w_examplemain
event type integer ue_selectionchange ( long al_oldhandle,  long al_newhandle )
integer x = 37
integer y = 232
integer width = 1211
integer height = 968
integer taborder = 20
long backcolor = 1090519039
boolean linesatroot = true
boolean hideselection = false
string picturename[] = {"Preferences!","Custom059!","Library5!","selcatgy.bmp","Window!","RunWindow!"}
end type

event ue_selectionchange;call super::ue_selectionchange;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  ue_SelectionChange
// Arguments:  
// al_oldhandle   The handle of the item which was previously selected
// al_newhandle   The handle of the item which is now selected
// Returns:    Integer
//              1 = success
//              0 = no action
//             -1 = failure
// Description:   Pass the selectionchanging event information to the associated
//                object so it knows selection is changing and what is happening

Integer        li_rc
long           ll_row
treeviewitem   ltvi_selecteditem
n_ds           lds_datastore
n_cst_explorerattrib lnv_explorerattrib

// Check Arguments
If (al_oldhandle < 0) or IsNull(al_oldhandle) Then Return -1
If (al_newhandle < 0) or IsNull(al_newhandle) then Return -1

//Get the state information for the selected treeview item.
If this.GetItem(al_newhandle, ltvi_selecteditem) < 1 Then Return -1

// get current datastore and row
If isvalid(inv_levelsource) then
   If inv_levelsource.of_GetDataRow(al_newhandle, lds_datastore, ll_row) < 1 Then Return -1
   If IsNull(ll_row) or IsNull(lds_datastore) or ll_row < 0 Then Return -1
   // populate the attribute object
   lnv_explorerattrib.itvi_selecteditem = ltvi_selecteditem
   lnv_explorerattrib.ids_datastore = lds_datastore
   lnv_explorerattrib.il_datastorerow = ll_row
   lnv_explorerattrib.il_selectedhandle = al_newhandle
   Return -1
End If

// call the associated objects event
Return lv_1.event ue_selectionchange(lnv_explorerattrib)
end event

event selectionchanging;call super::selectionchanging;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  selectionchanging
// Arguments:
// oldhandle   the handle of the item that was selected until the selection was changed.
// newhandle   the handle of the item that is currently selected, now that the selection has changed.
// Returns:  integer
//  1 = success
// -1 = error
// Description:
// This event populates the list view, then triggers the ItemPopulate event on the Treeview.

treeviewitem   ltvi_selecteditem

// Get the state information for the selected treeview item.
GetItem(newhandle, ltvi_selecteditem)

if ltvi_selecteditem.label <> "" then
   st_1.text = "Contents of " + "'" + ltvi_selecteditem.label + "'"
   parent.title = "PFC Code Examples Application - " + ltvi_selecteditem.label
end if
end event

event constructor;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// constructor
// Description:
// Sets the overlay picture indexes to the overlay picture array.
integer     li_index


// set the picturemask color to white because that is the background color of the bmp
this.picturemaskcolor = RGB(255, 255, 255) //White!
li_index = this.addpicture("new.bmp")

// add the picture index to the first overplay picture array location
this.SetOverlayPicture(1, li_index)
end event

event pfc_populate;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:      pfc_Populate
// Arguments:  
// al_parent   The handle to the Treeview item to place retrieved data under
// Returns:    Long
//        # of items treeview was populated with
//        0 if nothing was populated
//       -1 = error
// Description:
// retrieves the datasource and uses it to load the treeview with data
// overriding ancestor script
treeviewitem      ltvi_selecteditem
n_ds              lds_data

// check arguments
IF (al_parent < 0) or IsNull(al_parent) then Return -1


if this.GetItem(al_parent, ltvi_selecteditem) <> 1 then 
   // if first time populating we want to continue to populate

   If al_parent <> 0 Then
      return -1
   End If
End If

// This tree view has 3 levels.  We do not need to populate the 
// level 2 children in the tree view.  (We will put level 3 in the list view however.)
if ltvi_selecteditem.level > 2 then
   return 0
end if

// retrieve the data into the services datastore
IF this.event pfc_retrieve(al_parent, lds_data) < 0 Then Return -1

// add the treeview data
Return this.event pfc_AddAll(al_parent, lds_data) 
end event

event pfc_retrieve;call super::pfc_retrieve;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:      pfc_Retrieve
// Arguments:  
// al_parent   The handle to the Treeview item to place retrieved data under
// ads_data    The datastore holding the rows to add to the treeview as items
//                passed by reference
// Returns:    long
//        number of items returned by the retrieve
//       -1 = error
// Description:
// Return the number of rows placed in the data source.
Any            la_args[20]
Integer        li_nextlevel, li_level
string         ls_ostype
treeviewitem   ltvi_item
n_cst_conversion  lnv_conversion

// Check Arguments
If (al_parent < 0) or IsNull(al_parent) Then Return -1

this.getitem(al_parent, ltvi_item)

li_nextlevel = of_GetNextLevel(al_parent)
If li_nextlevel < 1 then Return -1

If isvalid(inv_levelsource) then
   // if populating the first level (parent = 0), retrieval arguments will not be returned
   // Extend the event to populate arguments for level 1
   inv_levelsource.of_getargs(al_Parent, li_nextLevel, la_Args)
End If

// If the level you are populating requires even one retrieval argument that
// is not based on previous levels, you must add the arguments manually into the
// 20 element locally defined array of type any
li_level = ltvi_item.level
if li_level = 2 then
   ls_ostype = lnv_conversion.of_String(gnv_app.ienv_object.ostype)
   if ls_ostype = "windowsnt" then ls_ostype = "winnt"
   la_args[2] = lower("%" + ls_ostype + "%")
end if

// retrieve the rows into the datasource
Return of_retrieve(al_parent, la_args, ads_data)
end event

event selectionchanged;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  SelectionChanged
// Description:   Occurs when a treeview item is clicked and has changed.
//                Notify associated object that the selection has changed

// call the event to notify associated object selection is changing
this.event ue_selectionchange(oldhandle, newhandle)
end event

type st_v1 from u_st_splitbar within w_examplemain
integer x = 1248
integer y = 136
integer width = 27
integer height = 1060
end type

event constructor;call super::constructor;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:
// constructor
// Description:
// Initialize the splitbar and register surrounding window controls.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

of_Register(tv_1, LEFT)
of_Register(lv_1, RIGHT)
of_Register(st_2, LEFT)
of_Register(st_1, RIGHT)
end event