File: w_master.srw
Size: 3356
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:26:19 +0100
$PBExportComments$Extended for PFC Examples Application.
global type w_master from pfc_w_master
end type
end forward

global type w_master from pfc_w_master
end type
global w_master w_master

type variables
end variables

forward prototypes
public function string of_getexampletitle (string as_classname)
end prototypes

public function string of_getexampletitle (string as_classname);integer li_rc
string   ls_title
n_ds     lds_titles

lds_titles = create n_ds
lds_titles.dataobject = "d_titles"
If lds_titles.of_settransobject(SQLCA) <> 1 Then Return "!"

li_rc = lds_titles.Retrieve(as_classname)

If li_rc < 0 Then
   of_Messagebox("w_master_examplestitle", "Database Error", "Cannot connect to database.", stopsign!, OK!, 1)
   return '!'
elseif li_rc = 0 Then
   return ""
   ls_title = lds_titles.GetItemString(1, "title")
End If

Return ls_title
end function

on w_master.create
call super::create
end on

on w_master.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event open;call super::open;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:         open
// Description:      Retrieves the example's title from the database.  Embedded SQL is
//                   passed to the SQL Spy, if valid.
string   ls_title

If this.ClassName ( ) = "w_examplemain" Then Return

If ( Pos ( this.title, "PFC Example" ) > 0 ) Then  
   ls_title = of_GetExampleTitle ( this.ClassName ( ) )
   If ls_title <> '!' Then 
      this.title = ls_title
   End If
End If
of_SetPreference ( True )

If IsValid(inv_preference) Then
   If gnv_app.of_IsRegistryAvailable() Then
      inv_preference.of_Center ( ) 
   End If
End If
end event

event activate;call super::activate;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:         activate
// Description:      Takes away the user's ability to customize the toolbar if the window
//                   is the application's main window.
gnv_app.iapp_object.ToolbarUserControl = false

return 1
end event

event pfc_endtran;call super::pfc_endtran;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:         pfc_endtran
// Arguments:     ai_update_results    The results of the PFC Save Process (of_Update()).
// Returns:       integer, SUCCESS = 1, ERR = -1
// Description:      The default transaction management for updateable examples.
integer  li_rc

// Commit or rollback based on update
if ai_update_results = 1 then
   li_rc = sqlca.of_Commit()
   if li_rc >= 0 then
      return 1
      MessageBox(this.title, "Commit failed.")
      return -1
   end if
   if sqlca.sqlcode < 0 then 
      MessageBox(this.title, "Rollback failed.")
      return -1
   end if
end if

return 1
end event

event pfc_begintran;call super::pfc_begintran;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:         pfc_begintran
// Description:      Perform begin transaction processing.
return sqlca.of_Begin()
end event