File: pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection.sru
Size: 47968
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:29:23 +0100
$PBExportComments$PFC DataWindow Row Selection service
global type pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection from n_cst_dwsrv
end type
end forward

global type pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection from n_cst_dwsrv
event type integer pfc_clicked ( integer ai_xpos,  integer ai_ypos,  long al_row,  ref dwobject adwo_obj )
event pfc_lbuttondown ( unsignedlong aul_flags,  integer ai_xpos,  integer ai_ypos )
event pfc_lbuttonup ( unsignedlong aul_flags,  integer ai_xpos,  integer ai_ypos )
event pfc_rbuttonup ( integer ai_xpos,  integer ai_ypos,  long al_row,  dwobject adwo_obj )
event pfc_rbuttondown ( integer ai_xpos,  integer ai_ypos,  long al_row,  dwobject dwo_obj )
event type integer pfc_rowfocuschanged ( long al_row )
end type
global pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection

type variables
//Style constants:
constant integer SINGLE =0
constant integer MULTIPLE =1
constant integer EXTENDED =2

// Service Behavior.
integer  ii_style=0        

// Previous row and keys attributes.
long  il_prevclickedrow =0    // Previous clickedrow.
long  il_currclickedrow =0 // Currently clickedrow.
long  il_prevrow=0   // Used to determine row deletions.
long  il_prevrowcount=0 // Used to determine row deletions.
boolean  ib_prevcntrl =False  // State of the CNTRL key at the time il_prevclickedrow was captured. 
boolean  ib_prevshift =False  // State of the SHIFT key at the time il_prevclickedrow was captured. 

// Keyboard (rowfocuschanged) support
boolean  ib_keyboard=True  // Should keyboard support be active.

// Current Anchor row.
long  il_anchorrow=0    

// Is the Left Button currently pressed?
boolean  ib_lbuttonpressed=False 

// Is the Right Button currently pressed?
boolean  ib_rbuttonpressed=False 

end variables

forward prototypes
public function long of_selectedcount (ref long al_selectedrows[])
public function integer of_invertselection ()
protected function integer of_rowselectsingle (long al_row)
protected function integer of_rowselectmulti (long al_row)
protected function integer of_rowselectext (long al_row, boolean ab_cntrlpressed, boolean ab_shiftpressed)
protected function integer of_buttonup ()
public function integer of_setstyle (integer ai_style)
public function integer of_GetStyle ()
public function integer of_rowselect (long al_row)
protected function integer of_keybrowselectext (long al_row, boolean ab_cntrlpressed, boolean ab_shiftpressed)
protected function integer of_keybrowselect (long al_row)
public function integer of_setkeyboard (boolean ab_switch)
public function integer of_getinfo (ref n_cst_infoattrib anv_infoattrib)
public function integer of_getpropertyinfo (ref n_cst_propertyattrib anv_attrib)
public function boolean of_IsKeyboard ()
end prototypes

event pfc_clicked;call super::pfc_clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:         pfc_clicked
// Arguments:
// ai_xpos:    x position clicked
// ai_ypos:    y position clicked
// al_row:     row clicked
// adwo_obj:   DWobject clicked
// Returns:       Integer
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:  Clicked behavior.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
// 6.0   Added keyboard support.
// 6.0   Took out check for "Detail" bandpointer to allow for keyboard support.
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

// Make sure request is valid.
If IsNull(idw_requestor) Or Not IsValid(idw_requestor) Then Return -1
If IsNull(adwo_obj) Then Return -1
If IsNull(al_row) or al_row <=0 Then Return -1

// Keep track of the currently clicked row.
il_currclickedrow = al_row

// Process clicked behavior depending on selection option
Return of_RowSelect(al_row)

end event

event pfc_lbuttondown;call n_cst_dwsrv::pfc_lbuttondown;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  pfc_lbuttondown
// (Arguments:
// aul_flags: passed from lbuttondown event in pfc_u_dw
// ai_xpos: x-position of the mouse passed from lbuttondown event in pfc_u_dw
// ai_ypos: y-position of the mouse passed from lbuttondown event in pfc_u_dw
// (Returns:  None)
// Description:  Process row-selection when left-mouse button is pressed
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

//Store in service that the Left Button is Pressed.
ib_lbuttonpressed = TRUE

// Clear other button.
ib_rbuttonpressed = FALSE
end event

event pfc_lbuttonup;call super::pfc_lbuttonup;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  pfc_lbuttonup
// (Arguments:
// aul_flags: passed from lbuttonup event in pfc_u_dw
// ai_xpos: x-position of the mouse passed from lbuttondown event in pfc_u_dw
// ai_ypos: y-position of the mouse passed from lbuttondown event in pfc_u_dw
// (Returns:  None)
// Description:  Process row-selection when left-mouse button is released
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

// Store in service that the Left Button is no longer Pressed.
ib_lbuttonpressed = FALSE

// Clear other button.
ib_rbuttonpressed = FALSE

// Perform the Button Up processing.
end event

event pfc_rbuttonup;call super::pfc_rbuttonup;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  pfc_rbuttonup
// (Arguments:
// ai_xpos:    x position clicked
// ai_ypos:    y position clicked
// al_row:     row clicked
// adwo_obj:   DWobject clicked
// (Returns:  None)
// Description:  Process row-selection when right-mouse button is released
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

// Store in service that the Button is no longer Pressed.
ib_rbuttonpressed = FALSE

// Clear other button.
ib_lbuttonpressed = FALSE

// Perform the Button Up processing.
end event

event pfc_rbuttondown;call super::pfc_rbuttondown;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  pfc_rbuttondown
// (Arguments:
// ai_xpos:    x position clicked
// ai_ypos:    y position clicked
// al_row:     row clicked
// adwo_obj:   DWobject clicked
// (Returns:  None)
// Description:  Process row-selection when right-mouse button is pressed
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

//Store in service that the Button is Pressed.
ib_rbuttonpressed = TRUE

// Clear other button.
ib_lbuttonpressed = FALSE

// Make sure request is valid.
If IsNull(idw_requestor) Or Not IsValid(idw_requestor) Then Return
If IsNull(al_row) or al_row <=0 Then Return

// Keep track of the currently clicked row.
il_currclickedrow = al_row

// Process behavior depending on selection option

end event

event pfc_rowfocuschanged;call super::pfc_rowfocuschanged;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:         pfc_rowfocuschanged
// Arguments:
// al_row:     row clicked
// Returns:       Integer
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:  Provide Keyboard support.  Prior to performing the keyboard 
//    processing; a) check that the rowfocuschange was not caused by a 
//    rowdeletion or b) check if the required processing was already 
//    processed on the clicked action.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

Integer  li_rc=1
boolean  lb_rowdeletion=False
boolean  lb_rowclicked=False

// Validate required reference.
If IsNull(idw_requestor) Or Not IsValid(idw_requestor) Then
   Return -1
End If

// Only perform when the keyboard support is active.
If ib_keyboard Then
   // Determine if this rowchange was caused by a RowDeletion operation.
   // (Note: al_row=1 is needed for dwSharing.)
   lb_rowdeletion = ((al_row = il_prevrow -1 Or al_row=1) And &
                     idw_requestor.RowCount() = il_prevrowcount -1)

   // Determine if this rowchange was caused by a Clicked operation.
   lb_rowclicked = (il_currclickedrow = al_row)

   // Process row when not a rowdeletion or rowclicked operation.
   If (Not lb_rowdeletion) And (Not lb_rowclicked) Then
      // Process keyboard behavior depending on selection option
      li_rc = of_KeybRowSelect(al_row)
   End If
End If

// Reset the currently Clicked row.
il_currclickedrow = 0

// Keep track of the previous row and previous rowcount to catch for 
// RowDeletion operations.
il_prevrow = al_row
il_prevrowcount = idw_requestor.RowCount()

Return li_rc
end event

public function long of_selectedcount (ref long al_selectedrows[]);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_SelectedCount
// Access:        Public
// Arguments:     none
// Returns:       Long
//                The number of selected rows in the datawindow.
//                -1 if an error occurs
// Description:   Count selected rows.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
long  ll_selected=0
long  ll_counter=0

//Check for any requirements.
If IsNull(idw_requestor) Or Not IsValid(idw_requestor) Then Return -1

//Loop and count the number of selected rows.
   ll_selected = idw_requestor.GetSelectedRow ( ll_selected )
   IF ll_selected > 0 THEN
      al_selectedrows[ll_counter] = ll_selected
LOOP WHILE ll_selected > 0

Return ll_counter

end function

public function integer of_invertselection ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_InvertSelection
// Access:    Public
// Arguments: None
// Returns:   Integer
// Description:  Reverses the selection (highlight) on all rows
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
long  ll_max
long  ll_i

// Validate the datawindow reference.
If IsNull(idw_requestor) Or Not IsValid(idw_requestor) Then Return -1

// Get the row count.
ll_max = idw_requestor.RowCount ( ) 

// Prevent flickering and improve performance.
idw_requestor.SetReDraw ( FALSE ) 

// Invert row by row.
FOR ll_i = 1 to ll_max
   idw_requestor.SelectRow ( ll_i, NOT (idw_requestor.IsSelected(ll_i)) ) 

// Prevent flickering and improve performance.
idw_requestor.SetReDraw ( TRUE ) 

Return 1

end function

protected function integer of_rowselectsingle (long al_row);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:   of_RowSelectSingle
// Access:     Protected
// Arguments:  Long
// al_row      The clicked row, passed from pfc_u_dw's Clicked event argument
// Returns:    Integer
//             1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:  Selects the clicked row and de-selects any previously
//               selected rows.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

// Check arguments.
If IsNull(al_row) or al_row <0 Then
   Return -1
End If

// Deselect all rows.
idw_Requestor.SelectRow ( 0, FALSE ) 

// Select the one row.
idw_Requestor.SelectRow ( al_row, TRUE ) 

// Set the one row as the current row.
If idw_Requestor.GetRow() <> al_row Then
   idw_Requestor.SetRow ( al_row ) 
End If

Return 1

end function

protected function integer of_rowselectmulti (long al_row);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:   of_RowSelectMulti
// Access:     Protected
// Arguments:  Long
//   al_row    The clicked row, passed from pfc_u_dw's Clicked event argument
// Returns:    Integer
//             1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:  Selects/De-Selects the clicked row depending on its present
//               state.  Does not de-select previously selected rows.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

// Check arguments.
If IsNull(al_row) or al_row <0 Then
   Return -1
End If

// Select or Deselect the row.
idw_Requestor.SelectRow ( al_row,  NOT (idw_Requestor.IsSelected(al_row)) ) 

// Make the row the current row.
If idw_Requestor.GetRow() <> al_row Then
   idw_Requestor.SetRow ( al_row ) 
End If

Return 1

end function

protected function integer of_rowselectext (long al_row, boolean ab_cntrlpressed, boolean ab_shiftpressed);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:   of_RowSelectExt
// Access:     Protected
// Arguments:
// al_row            The row on which some action is required.
// ab_cntrlpressed   Flag stating if the CNTRL key is pressed.
// ab_shiftpressed   Flag stating if the SHIFT key is pressed.
// Returns:       Integer
// Description:  Performs specific Extended select processing on a row.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

integer  li_i
boolean  lb_waitforbuttonup=False
boolean  lb_takenoaction=False

// Check arguments.
If IsNull(al_row) or al_row <0 Then
   Return -1
End If

// @@
// n_cst_conversion lc
// gnv_app.inv_debug.of_Message( 'Row='+string(al_row)+ &
//                            '* Ctrl='+lc.of_String(ab_cntrlpressed) + &
//                            '* Shift='+lc.of_String(ab_shiftpressed) + &
//                            '* lbutton = '+lc.of_String(ib_lbuttonpressed)+ &
//                            '* rbutton = '+lc.of_String(ib_rbuttonpressed))

// On the first part of the 'IF' statement:
//    If the LEFTBUTTON is pressed, the CNTRL key down, and the SHIFT is up - Then
//    according to Win95 the processing will be performed (by this same function)
//    when the Button is released.  
// On the second part of the 'IF' statement:
//    If the BUTTON is pressed, the CNTRL key down, and the SHIFT is up - Then
//    according to Win95 the processing will be performed (by this same function)
//    when the Button is released.  
If ((ib_lbuttonpressed or ib_rbuttonpressed) And ab_cntrlpressed And ab_shiftpressed=False) Or &
   (idw_requestor.IsSelected(al_row) And ib_lbuttonpressed And &
   ab_cntrlpressed=False And ab_shiftpressed=False)  Then
   // Wait for the button up to process click.
   lb_waitforbuttonup = True
ElseIf idw_requestor.IsSelected(al_row) And ib_rbuttonpressed And &
   ab_cntrlpressed=False And ab_shiftpressed=False  Then
   // Right Clicking on an already Highlighted row requires a No Action process.
   lb_takenoaction = True
End If

If lb_waitforbuttonup Then
   // Handle processing when the Button is released.
   il_prevclickedrow  = al_row
   ib_prevcntrl = ab_cntrlpressed
   ib_prevshift = ab_shiftpressed
   // gnv_app.inv_debug.of_Message( 'Wait for button up process.')   
   Return 1
End If

// There is no Previous row information.
il_prevclickedrow  = 0
ib_prevcntrl = False
ib_prevshift = False

If lb_takenoaction Then
   // Take the No Action Process.
   // @@
   // gnv_app.inv_debug.of_Message( 'No Action process.')
   Return 1
End If

// Perform now.  This is either:
//    1) Processing that does not wait for the Left Button to be released.
//    or
//    2) Processing which waited for the Left Button to be released.
//       The lbuttonup event then called this function with the following
//       variables: (il_prevclickedrow, il_prevcntrl, il_prevshift)

If ab_cntrlpressed And ab_shiftpressed=False Then
   // Select or De-Select (as appropriate) the current row.
   idw_requestor.SelectRow ( al_row, Not idw_requestor.IsSelected(al_row) ) 

   // Store new Anchor Row.
   il_anchorrow = al_row

ElseIf ab_cntrlpressed Or ab_shiftpressed Then

   /* Note: The valid combinations here are:                               */
   /*             ab_cntrlpressed=True  and ab_shiftpressed=True           */
   /*             ab_cntrlpressed=False and ab_shiftpressed=True           */
   /*             ab_cntrlpressed=True  and ab_shiftpressed=False +++++++  */ 
   /*    +++++++ Because of the "If" prior to this "ElseIf", it is         */
   /*    impossible for ab_cntrlpressed=True and ab_shiftpressed=False.    */
   If ab_cntrlpressed=False Then
      //Clear all previously selected rows.  
      idw_requestor.SelectRow (0, false)  
   End If
   // If there is no anchor row, then only select the row that was clicked.
   If il_anchorrow   = 0 Then
      idw_requestor.SelectRow ( al_row, TRUE )
      // Prevent flickering.  Improve performance.
      idw_requestor.SetReDraw ( FALSE ) 

      // Select all rows in between anchor row and current row */
      If il_anchorrow > al_row Then
         FOR li_i = il_anchorrow to al_row STEP -1
            idw_requestor.SelectRow ( li_i, TRUE ) 
         FOR li_i = il_anchorrow to al_row
            idw_requestor.SelectRow ( li_i, TRUE ) 
      END If 

      // Prevent flickering.  Improve performance.
      idw_requestor.SetReDraw ( TRUE ) 
   END If
   // Unselect all previous rows (if any) and select the current row.
   of_RowSelectSingle (al_row)

   // Store new Anchor Row.
   il_anchorrow = al_row
End If
// Make the row the current row.
If idw_Requestor.GetRow() <> al_row Then
   idw_Requestor.SetRow ( al_row ) 
End If   
Return 1
end function

protected function integer of_buttonup ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_ButtonUp
// Access:        Protected
// Arguments:     None
// Returns:       Integer 
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:   Perform the Button Up processing.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
// 6.0   Use of constants within services.
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

integer li_rc = 1

// Make sure request is valid.
If IsNull(idw_requestor) Or Not IsValid(idw_requestor) Then Return -1

// Process clicked behavior depending on selection option
CHOOSE CASE ii_style
      // No Action.

      // No Action

      // Win 95 style of processing Control-clicks on Extended Selections.
      If il_prevclickedrow > 0 Then
         li_rc = of_RowSelectExt ( il_prevclickedrow ,ib_prevcntrl, ib_prevshift)
      End If      

// There is no Previous row information.
il_prevclickedrow  = 0
ib_prevcntrl = False
ib_prevshift = False

Return li_rc
end function

public function integer of_setstyle (integer ai_style);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_SetStyle
// Access:        Public
// Arguments:
// ai_selectoption   The style of row selection desired.
//                   Values are: 
//                        0 = Single row selection
//                        1 = Multiple row selection
//                        2 = Extended row selection capabilities
// Returns:       Integer
//                 1 = success
//                -1 = The selection style requested is not available
// Description:   Set an indicator in this service for the desired 
//                row selection style. 
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
// 6.0   Use of constants within services.
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

//Check arguments
IF IsNull(ai_style) THEN
   Return -1

CHOOSE CASE ai_style
      ii_style = ai_style
      Return 1

Return -1 

end function

public function integer of_GetStyle ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:   of_GetStyle
// Access:     Public
// Arguments:  None
// Returns:    Integer 
//             0 = Single row selection is enabled.
//             1 = Multiple row selection is enabled.
//             2 = Extended row selection is enabled.
// Description:  To determine the type of row selection option that is set
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

Return ii_style
end function

public function integer of_rowselect (long al_row);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_RowSelect
// Access:        public
// Arguments:
// al_row         The row on which some action is required.
// Returns:       Integer
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:  Calls the appropriate specific select processing on a row.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
// 6.0   Use of constants within services.
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

integer  li_rc=-1

CHOOSE CASE ii_style
      li_rc = of_RowSelectSingle ( al_row )

      li_rc = of_RowSelectMulti ( al_row ) 

      li_rc = of_RowSelectExt (al_row, KeyDown(KeyControl!), Keydown(KeyShift!)) 
Return li_rc
end function

protected function integer of_keybrowselectext (long al_row, boolean ab_cntrlpressed, boolean ab_shiftpressed);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:   of_KeybRowSelectExt
// Access:     Protected
// Arguments:
// al_row            The row on which some action is required.
// ab_cntrlpressed   Flag stating if the CNTRL key is pressed.
// ab_shiftpressed   Flag stating if the SHIFT key is pressed.
// Returns:       Integer
// Description:  Performs specific KeyBoard driven Extended select processing
//    on a row.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

integer  li_i

// Check arguments.
If IsNull(al_row) or al_row <=0 Then
   Return -1
End If

// There is no Previous row information.
il_prevclickedrow  = 0
ib_prevcntrl = False
ib_prevshift = False

If ab_shiftpressed Then

   //Clear all previously selected rows.  
   idw_requestor.SelectRow (0, false)  
   // If there is no anchor row, then only select the row that was clicked.
   If il_anchorrow   = 0 Then
      idw_requestor.SelectRow ( al_row, TRUE )
      // Prevent flickering.  Improve performance.
      idw_requestor.SetReDraw ( FALSE ) 

      // Select all rows in between anchor row and current row */
      If il_anchorrow > al_row Then
         FOR li_i = il_anchorrow to al_row STEP -1
            idw_requestor.SelectRow ( li_i, TRUE ) 
         FOR li_i = il_anchorrow to al_row
            idw_requestor.SelectRow ( li_i, TRUE ) 
      END If 

      // Prevent flickering.  Improve performance. ?
      idw_requestor.SetReDraw ( TRUE ) 
   END If

ElseIf ab_cntrlpressed Then
   // No action desired. Just let RowFocusIndicator show current row.
   // Unselect all previous rows (if any) and select the current row.
   of_RowSelectSingle (al_row)

   // Store new Anchor Row.
   il_anchorrow = al_row
End If
// Make the row the current row.
If idw_Requestor.GetRow() <> al_row Then
   idw_Requestor.SetRow ( al_row ) 
End If   
Return 1
end function

protected function integer of_keybrowselect (long al_row);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_KeybRowSelect
// Access:        protected
// Arguments:
// al_row         The row on which some action is required.
// Returns:       Integer
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:  Calls the appropriate specific select processing on a row.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

integer  li_rc=-1

CHOOSE CASE ii_style
      li_rc = of_RowSelectSingle ( al_row )

      // No Action.

      li_rc = of_KeyBRowSelectExt (al_row, Keydown(KeyControl!), Keydown(KeyShift!)) 
Return li_rc
end function

public function integer of_setkeyboard (boolean ab_switch);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_SetKeyboard
// Access:        Public
// Arguments:
// ab_switch      Should keyboard (rowfocuschanged) support be active.
// Returns:       Integer
//                 1 = success
//                -1 = error
// Description:   Should keyboard (rowfocuschanged) support be active.
//    *Note: This can be used to disable the keyboard behavior for special cases.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

//Check arguments
IF IsNull(ab_switch) THEN
   Return -1

ib_keyboard = ab_switch
Return 1 

end function

public function integer of_getinfo (ref n_cst_infoattrib anv_infoattrib);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_GetInfo
// Access:        Public
// Arguments:     
//    anv_infoattrib (By reference) The Information attributes.
// Returns:       Integer
//  1 for success.
// -1 for error.
// Description:  
//  Gets the Service Information.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0    Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

// Populate Information.
anv_infoattrib.is_name = 'Row Selection'
anv_infoattrib.is_description = &
   'Provides the datawindow with either Singlerow selection, '+&
   'Multirow selection, or Extendedrow selection.' 

Return 1
end function

public function integer of_getpropertyinfo (ref n_cst_propertyattrib anv_attrib);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_GetPropertyInfo
// Access:        Public
// Arguments:     
//    anv_attrib  (By ref.) The Property Information attributes.
// Returns:       Integer
//  1 for success.
// -1 for error.
// Description:  
//  Gets the Service Property Information.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0    Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

n_cst_infoattrib lnv_infoattrib

// Get the first two attributes from the Main Information attributes.
anv_attrib.is_name = lnv_infoattrib.is_name
anv_attrib.is_description = lnv_infoattrib.is_description

// Set the rest of the attributes.
anv_attrib.is_propertypage = {'u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvrowselection'}
anv_attrib.ib_switchbuttons = True

Return 1
end function

public function boolean of_IsKeyboard ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsKeyboard
// Access:        Public
// Arguments:     None
// Returns:       Boolean
//                True if the keyboard (rowfocuschanged) support is active.
// Description:   Reports if the keyboard (rowfocuschanged) support is active.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

Return ib_keyboard

end function

on pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection.create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
end on