File: w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt.srw
Size: 17085
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:33:45 +0100
$PBExportComments$Manage window/control/user relationships
global type w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt from w_sheet
end type
type tv_apps from u_tv within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
end type
type dw_controls from u_dw within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
end type
type rb_active from u_rb within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
end type
type rb_all from u_rb within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
end type
type gb_display from u_gb within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
end type
type ddplb_users from dropdownpicturelistbox within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
end type
type st_users from u_st within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
end type
type st_bar from u_st_splitbar within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
end type
end forward

global type w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt from w_sheet
int X=37
int Y=212
int Width=2926
int Height=1632
boolean TitleBar=true
string Title="User/Object Management"
string MenuName="m_pfcsecurity_info_mgmt"
long BackColor=80263328
tv_apps tv_apps
dw_controls dw_controls
rb_active rb_active
rb_all rb_all
gb_display gb_display
ddplb_users ddplb_users
st_users st_users
st_bar st_bar
end type
global w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt

type variables
constant string TAB = '~t'
string      is_app
string      is_window
string      is_user
string      is_controlfilter
dragobject  idrg_prevobj
n_ds     ids_users
n_ds     ids_controls
long     il_offsets[]
end variables

forward prototypes
protected subroutine of_SetFilter ()
protected function integer of_loadcontrols ()
end prototypes

protected subroutine of_SetFilter ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function: of_SetFilter
// Access:  protected
// Arguments : None
// Returns:  None
// Description:  Filter the dw_controls datawindow
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
string ls_filter
ls_filter = "application =  '"+ is_app + "' and window = '"+is_window+"' and user_name = '"+is_user+"'"+is_controlfilter

if dw_controls.setfilter(ls_filter) < 1 then
end if

end subroutine

protected function integer of_loadcontrols ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_LoadControls
// Access:  protected
// Arguments : None
// Returns:  integer
//          1 = success
//          -1 = failure
// Description:  for the current, application, window and user; populate the dw_control datawindow
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
integer li_rc
long ll_row,ll_num_controls,ll_row_found,ll_num_rows
string ls_control , ls_buffer, ls_row,ls_desc,ls_object_type,ls_exp
boolean lb_filter

// all keys must be present 
if len(is_app) = 0 or len(is_window) = 0 or len(is_user) = 0 then return -1

lb_filter = rb_all.checked 
rb_all.event clicked() // set the all filter

if dw_controls.rowcount() = 0 then // ok, first time retrival to we need to add in all of the controls that are not currently set 
   ll_num_rows = dw_controls.retrieve(is_app,is_window,is_user)
   ll_num_controls = ids_controls.retrieve(is_app,is_window) // first get the list of controls for this window
   for ll_row = 1 to ll_num_controls
      ls_control = ids_controls.object.control[ll_row]
      ls_exp = 'Control = "'+ls_control+'"'
      ll_row_found = dw_controls.find(ls_exp,1,ll_num_rows)
      if ll_row_found = 0 then // not already on the list so lets add the control
         ls_desc = ids_controls.object.description[ll_row]
         ls_object_type = ids_controls.object.object_type[ll_row]
         ls_row = is_app + TAB + is_window + TAB +  ls_control +  TAB + is_user + TAB + 'N' + TAB + ls_desc + TAB + ls_object_type
         if len(ls_buffer) = 0 then
            ls_buffer = ls_row
            ls_buffer = ls_buffer + '~r~n' + ls_row
         end if
      end if
   lb_filter = true  // sine this is a new entry let's show all of the controls
end if
// reset everything back
if lb_filter then 
   rb_active.checked = false
   rb_all.checked = true
   rb_all.event clicked()
   rb_all.checked = false
   rb_active.checked = true
   rb_active.event clicked()
end if

return 1

end function

on w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt.create
int iCurrent
call super::create
if this.MenuName = "m_pfcsecurity_info_mgmt" then this.MenuID = create m_pfcsecurity_info_mgmt
this.tv_apps=create tv_apps
this.dw_controls=create dw_controls
this.rb_active=create rb_active
this.rb_all=create rb_all
this.gb_display=create gb_display
this.ddplb_users=create ddplb_users
this.st_users=create st_users
this.st_bar=create st_bar
end on

on w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt.destroy
call super::destroy
if IsValid(MenuID) then destroy(MenuID)
end on

event open;call super::open;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Object Name:  w_pfcsecurity_info_mgmt
// Description:  Allows the setting of security for a window user combination
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see


dw_controls.of_SetSort(true) // turn on sorting
dw_controls.inv_sort.of_SetColumnHeader (true) // use header clicking only for sorting

// Register the datasource for each level of the tree
// Parameters are: level, datawindow object, transaction object, column to display as the label, 
// the retrieval arguments, and whether the DW object is to be used recursively.
tv_apps.of_SetDatasource(1, "d_pfcsecurity_applications", gnv_app.inv_trans, "description", "", False, 1, 2)
tv_apps.of_SetDatasource(2, "d_pfcsecurity_windows", gnv_app.inv_trans, "window", ":parent.1.application", False, 3, 4)

ids_users = create n_ds
ids_users.dataobject = 'd_pfcsecurity_users'

ids_controls = create n_ds
ids_controls.dataobject = 'd_pfcsecurity_templateupdate'

end event

event resize;call super::resize;//// resize to fit
//tv_apps.Height = newheight - tv_apps.Y
//dw_controls.Height = tv_apps.Height - dw_controls.y
//st_bar.Height = tv_apps.Height + 70
//dw_controls.Width = newwidth - (dw_controls.X + ii_baroffset)
end event

event pfc_postopen;// set up the treeviews, create and populate the datastores

integer  li_picture
long     ll_cnt, ll_row
string   ls_entry

// retrieve the treeview level 1

ll_cnt = ids_users.retrieve() // populate the users drop down list box
for ll_row = 1 to ll_cnt
   if ids_users.object.user_type[ll_row] = 0 then
      li_picture = 1
      li_picture = 2
   end if
   ls_entry =[ll_row] + ' : ' + ids_users.object.description[ll_row] 
   ddplb_users.additem(ls_entry, li_picture)

end event

event close;call w_sheet::close;// destroy created controls
destroy ids_users
destroy ids_controls
end event

event pfc_endtran;call super::pfc_endtran;// commit the transaction
commit using gnv_app.inv_trans;
if gnv_app.inv_trans.sqlcode = 0 then 
   return 1
   return  -1
end if
end event

event pfc_postupdate;call w_sheet::pfc_postupdate;// clear and reload the controls datawindow
return 1
end event

event pfc_preupdate;call w_sheet::pfc_preupdate;
// We need to do several things here
// 1. Discard (not delete) all rows that are marked as newunmodified
// 2. Discard all rows that are marked as newmodfied and have a status of 'NotSet'
// 3. Delete all rows that have a status of 'NotSet'

long ll_num_rows
integer li_rc

dw_controls.setfilter('isRowNew() and  not isRowModified()')
ll_num_rows = dw_controls.rowcount()
if ll_num_rows > 0 then li_rc = dw_controls.rowsdiscard(1,ll_num_rows,primary!)

dw_controls.setfilter('isRowNew() and  isRowModified() and status = "N"')
ll_num_rows = dw_controls.rowcount()
if ll_num_rows > 0 then li_rc = dw_controls.rowsdiscard(1,ll_num_rows,primary!)

//dw_controls.setfilter('isRowModified() and status = "N"')
dw_controls.setfilter('status = "N"')
ll_num_rows = dw_controls.rowcount()
if ll_num_rows > 0 then li_rc = dw_controls.rowsmove(1,ll_num_rows,primary!,dw_controls,1,delete!)

// remove the filter

return  1

end event

event pfc_preclose;call w_sheet::pfc_preclose;return this.event pfc_preupdate()
end event

event pfc_preopen;this.of_setresize(true)
inv_resize.of_SetOrigSize(dw_controls.x + dw_controls.width + 4,dw_controls.y + dw_controls.height + 4)
il_offsets[1] = st_users.x - st_bar.x
il_offsets[2] = ddplb_users.x - st_bar.x
il_offsets[3] = gb_display.x - st_bar.x
il_offsets[4] = rb_active.x - st_bar.x
il_offsets[5] = rb_all.x - st_bar.x

end event

type tv_apps from u_tv within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
int X=0
int Y=0
int Width=613
int Height=1428
int TabOrder=10
boolean LinesAtRoot=true
boolean HideSelection=false
string PictureName[]={"Application5!",&
long PictureMaskColor=12632256
int StatePictureWidth=16
int StatePictureHeight=16
long StatePictureMaskColor=12632256
long BackColor=1090519039
FontCharSet FontCharSet=Ansi!
end type

event selectionchanged;// keep track of what application and window is active
Integer  li_cnt
TreeViewItem   ltvi_This
n_ds lds_obj
long ll_row
long ll_parenthandle

this.GetItem(newhandle, ltvi_This)

if  ltvi_this.level >= 1 then // get application info
   ll_parenthandle = newhandle
   for li_cnt = 2 to ltvi_this.level 
      ll_parenthandle = this.finditem ( parenttreeitem!, ll_parenthandle )
   this.of_GetDataRow (ll_parenthandle,lds_obj,ll_row)
   is_app = lds_obj.object.application[ll_row]
end if

if  ltvi_this.level = 2 then // get window info
   is_window = ltvi_this.label
end if

end event

event getfocus;call u_tv::getfocus;// keep track of who had focus last
idrg_prevobj = this
end event

type dw_controls from u_dw within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
int X=626
int Y=152
int Width=2226
int Height=1268
int TabOrder=20
string DataObject="d_pfcsecurity_info_update"
boolean HScrollBar=true
end type

event retrievestart;call u_dw::retrievestart;return 2 // append data
end event

event getfocus;call u_dw::getfocus;// keep track of who had focus last
idrg_prevobj = this
end event

event pfc_prermbmenu;call super::pfc_prermbmenu;// Set up the PopUp Menu.
am_dw.m_table.m_dash11.visible = false
am_dw.m_table.m_insert.visible = False
am_dw.m_table.m_addrow.visible = False
am_dw.m_table.m_delete.visible = False

end event

type rb_active from u_rb within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
int X=1833
int Y=60
int Width=384
int Height=52
string Text="Active &Only"
boolean Checked=true
long TextColor=33554432
long BackColor=77956459
end type

event clicked;call u_rb::clicked;//set the filter criteria and filter the datawindow
is_controlfilter = " and status <> 'N'"

end event

type rb_all from u_rb within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
int X=2226
int Y=60
int Width=169
int Height=52
string Text="&All"
long TextColor=33554432
long BackColor=77956459
end type

event clicked;call u_rb::clicked;//set the filter criteria and filter the datawindow
is_controlfilter = ""

end event

type gb_display from u_gb within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
int X=1797
int Y=0
int Width=631
int Height=132
int TabOrder=30
string Text="&Display Controls"
long BackColor=77956459
end type

type ddplb_users from dropdownpicturelistbox within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
int X=823
int Y=28
int Width=910
int Height=1076
BorderStyle BorderStyle=StyleLowered!
boolean Sorted=false
boolean VScrollBar=true
int Accelerator=117
long TextColor=33554432
int TextSize=-8
int Weight=400
string FaceName="MS Sans Serif"
FontFamily FontFamily=Swiss!
FontPitch FontPitch=Variable!
long PictureMaskColor=12632256
end type

event selectionchanged;// save off the selected user

is_user = this.text(index)
is_user = trim(left(is_user,pos(is_user,':') - 1))

end event

type st_users from u_st within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
int X=663
int Y=20
int Width=169
int Height=52
string Text="&Users :"
long TextColor=33554432
long BackColor=77956459
end type

type st_bar from u_st_splitbar within w_pfcsecurity_infomgmt
int X=617
int Y=4
int Width=9
int Height=1428
end type

event lbuttonup;call super::lbuttonup;// custom movements here since the splitter bar code 'resizes' the object as well as moving it.
st_users.x = il_offsets[1] + st_bar.x
ddplb_users.x  = il_offsets[2] + st_bar.x
gb_display.x = il_offsets[3] + st_bar.x
rb_active.x = il_offsets[4]+ st_bar.x
rb_all.x = il_offsets[5] + st_bar.x

end event