File: pfcscanner_n_cst_string.sru
Size: 37882
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:33:30 +0100
$PBExportComments$A copy of the PFC_n_cst_string service object from the PFCAPSRV.PBL. Renamed to pfcscanner_n_cst_string.
global type pfcscanner_n_cst_string from nonvisualobject
end type
end forward

global type pfcscanner_n_cst_string from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

type variables
end variables

forward prototypes
public function long of_parsetoarray (string as_source, string as_delimiter, ref string as_array[])
public function string of_gettoken (ref string as_source, string as_separator)
public function string of_padleft (string as_source, long al_length)
public function string of_padright (string as_source, long al_length)
public function boolean of_islower (string as_source)
public function boolean of_isupper (string as_source)
public function boolean of_iswhitespace (string as_source)
public function boolean of_isalpha (string as_source)
public function boolean of_isalphanum (string as_source)
public function string of_quote (string as_source)
public function boolean of_isspace (string as_source)
public function boolean of_ispunctuation (string as_source)
public function long of_lastpos (string as_source, string as_target, long al_start)
public function long of_lastpos (string as_source, string as_target)
public function string of_globalreplace (string as_source, string as_old, string as_new, boolean ab_ignorecase)
public function string of_globalreplace (string as_source, string as_old, string as_new)
public function long of_countoccurrences (string as_source, string as_target)
public function long of_countoccurrences (string as_source, string as_target, boolean ab_ignorecase)
public function string of_righttrim (string as_source)
public function string of_lefttrim (string as_source)
public function string of_lefttrim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces)
public function string of_lefttrim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces, boolean ab_remove_nonprint)
public function string of_righttrim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces)
public function string of_righttrim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces, boolean ab_remove_nonprint)
public function string of_trim (string as_source)
public function string of_trim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces)
public function string of_trim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces, boolean ab_remove_nonprint)
public function string of_getkeyvalue (string as_source, string as_keyword, string as_separator)
public function integer of_setkeyvalue (ref string as_source, string as_keyword, string as_keyvalue, string as_separator)
public function string of_wordcap (string as_source)
public function string of_removenonprint (string as_source)
public function boolean of_isempty (string as_source)
public function boolean of_isprintable (string as_source)
public function boolean of_isformat (string as_source)
public function string of_removewhitespace (string as_source)
public function boolean of_IsComparisonOperator (string as_source)
public function boolean of_IsArithmeticOperator (string as_source)
public function long of_arraytostring (string as_source[], string as_delimiter, ref string as_ref_string)
end prototypes

public function long of_parsetoarray (string as_source, string as_delimiter, ref string as_array[]);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:  of_ParseToArray
long     ll_DelLen, ll_Pos, ll_Count, ll_Start, ll_Length
string   ls_holder

//Check for NULL
IF IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(as_delimiter) Then
   long ll_null
   Return ll_null
End If

//Check for at leat one entry
If Trim (as_source) = '' Then
   Return 0
End If

//Get the length of the delimeter
ll_DelLen = Len(as_Delimiter)

ll_Pos =  Pos(Upper(as_source), Upper(as_Delimiter))

//Only one entry was found
if ll_Pos = 0 then
   as_Array[1] = as_source
   return 1
end if

//More than one entry was found - loop to get all of them
ll_Count = 0
ll_Start = 1
Do While ll_Pos > 0
   //Set current entry
   ll_Length = ll_Pos - ll_Start
   ls_holder = Mid (as_source, ll_start, ll_length)

   // Update array and counter
   ll_Count ++
   as_Array[ll_Count] = ls_holder
   //Set the new starting position
   ll_Start = ll_Pos + ll_DelLen

   ll_Pos =  Pos(Upper(as_source), Upper(as_Delimiter), ll_Start)

//Set last entry
ls_holder = Mid (as_source, ll_start, Len (as_source))

// Update array and counter if necessary
if Len (ls_holder) > 0 then
   as_Array[ll_Count] = ls_holder
end if

//Return the number of entries found
Return ll_Count
end function

public function string of_gettoken (ref string as_source, string as_separator);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_GetToken
long     ll_pos
string   ls_ret

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(as_separator) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

// Get the position of the separator
ll_pos = Pos(as_source, as_separator)  

// Compute the length of the token to be stripped off of the source string.

// If no separator, the token to be stripped is the entire source string
if ll_pos = 0 then
   ls_ret = as_source
   as_source = "" 
   // Otherwise, return just the token and strip it & the separator from the source string
   ls_ret = Mid(as_source, 1, ll_pos - 1)
   as_source = Right(as_source, Len(as_source) - (ll_pos+Len(as_separator)-1) )
end if

return ls_ret
end function

public function string of_padleft (string as_source, long al_length);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_PadLeft
string   ls_return

//Check for Null Parameters.
IF IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(al_length) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

//Check for the lengths
If al_length <= Len(as_Source) Then
   //Return the original string
   Return as_source
End If

//Create the left padded string
ls_return = space(al_length - Len(as_Source)) + as_source

//Return the left padded string
Return ls_return
end function

public function string of_padright (string as_source, long al_length);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_PadRight
string   ls_return

//Check for Null Parameters.
IF IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(al_length) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

//Check for the lengths
If al_length <= Len(as_Source) Then
   //Return the original string
   Return as_source
End If

//Create the right padded string
ls_return = as_source + space(al_length - Len(as_Source))

//Return the right padded string
Return ls_return
end function

public function boolean of_islower (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsLower
//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   boolean lb_null
   Return lb_null
End If

If as_source = Lower(as_source) Then
   Return True
   Return False
End If
end function

public function boolean of_isupper (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsUpper

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   boolean lb_null
   Return lb_null
End If

If as_source = Upper(as_source) Then
   Return True
   Return False
End If
end function

public function boolean of_iswhitespace (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsWhiteSpace
long     ll_count=0
long     ll_length
char     lc_char[]
integer  li_ascii

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   boolean lb_null
   Return lb_null
End If

//Get the length
ll_length = Len (as_source)

//Check for at least one character
If ll_length=0 Then
   Return False
End If

//Move string into array of chars
lc_char = as_source

//Perform loop around all characters
//Quit loop if Non WhiteSpace character is found
do while ll_count<ll_length
   ll_count ++
   //Get ASC code of character.
   li_ascii = Asc (lc_char[ll_count])
   If li_ascii=8  or       /* BackSpae */          & 
      li_ascii=9  or       /* Tab */               & 
      li_ascii=10 or       /* NewLine */           & 
      li_ascii=11 or       /* Vertical Tab */      & 
      li_ascii=12 or       /* Form Feed */         & 
      li_ascii=13 or       /* Carriage Return */   &
      li_ascii=32 Then     /* Space */    
      //Character is a WhiteSpace.
      //Continue with the next character.
      /* Character is Not a White Space. */
      Return False
   End If
// Entire string is White Space.
return True
end function

public function boolean of_isalpha (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsAlpha
long     ll_count=0
long     ll_length
char     lc_char[]
integer  li_ascii

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   boolean lb_null
   Return lb_null
End If

//Get the length
ll_length = Len (as_source)

//Check for at least one character
If ll_length=0 Then
   Return False
End If

//Move string into array of chars
lc_char = as_source

//Perform loop around all characters
//Quit loop if Non Alpha character is found
do while ll_count<ll_length
   ll_count ++
   //Get ASC code of character.
   li_ascii = Asc (lc_char[ll_count])
   // 'A'=65, 'Z'=90, 'a'=97, 'z'=122
   if li_ascii<65 or (li_ascii>90 and li_ascii<97) or li_ascii>122 then
      /* Character is Not an Alpha */
      Return False
   end if
// Entire string is alpha.
return True
end function

public function boolean of_isalphanum (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsAlphaNum
long ll_count=0
long ll_length
char lc_char[]
integer  li_ascii

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   boolean lb_null
   Return lb_null
End If

//Get the length
ll_length = Len (as_source)

//Check for at least one character
If ll_length=0 Then
   Return False
End If

//Move string into array of chars
lc_char = as_source

//Perform loop around all characters.
//Quit loop if Non Alphanemeric character is found.
do while ll_count<ll_length
   ll_count ++
   //Get ASC code of character.
   li_ascii = Asc (lc_char[ll_count])
   // '0'= 48, '9'=57, 'A'=65, 'Z'=90, 'a'=97, 'z'=122
   If li_ascii<48 or (li_ascii>57 and li_ascii<65) or &
      (li_ascii>90 and li_ascii<97) or li_ascii>122 then
      /* Character is Not an AlphaNumeric */
      Return False
   end if
// Entire string is AlphaNumeric.
return True
end function

public function string of_quote (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_Quote

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   Return as_source
End If

// Enclosed original string in quotations.
return '"' + as_source + '"'
end function

public function boolean of_isspace (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsSpace

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   boolean lb_null
   Return lb_null
End If

//Check for an empty string
If Len(as_source)=0 Then
   Return False
End If

If Trim(as_source) = '' Then
   // Entire string is made of spaces.
   return True
end if

//String is not made up entirely of spaces.
Return False
end function

public function boolean of_ispunctuation (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsPunctuation
long     ll_count=0
long     ll_length
char     lc_char[]
integer  li_ascii

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   boolean lb_null
   Return lb_null
End If

//Get the length
ll_length = Len (as_source)

//Check for at least one character
If ll_length=0 Then
   Return False
End If

//Move string into array of chars
lc_char = as_source

//Perform loop around all characters
//Quit loop if Non Punctuation character is found
do while ll_count<ll_length
   ll_count ++
   //Get ASC code of character.
   li_ascii = Asc (lc_char[ll_count])
   If li_ascii=33 or       /* '!' */       & 
      li_ascii=34 or       /* '"' */       & 
      li_ascii=39 or       /* ''' */       & 
      li_ascii=44 or       /* ',' */       & 
      li_ascii=46 or       /* '.' */       & 
      li_ascii=58 or       /* ':' */       & 
      li_ascii=59 or       /* ';' */       &    
      li_ascii=63 Then     /* '?' */
      //Character is a punctuation.
      //Continue with the next character.
      Return False
   End If
// Entire string is punctuation.
return True
end function

public function long of_lastpos (string as_source, string as_target, long al_start);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_LastPos  
Long  ll_Cnt, ll_Pos

//Check for Null Parameters.
IF IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(as_target) or IsNull(al_start) Then
   Return ll_Cnt
End If

//Check for an empty string
If Len(as_Source) = 0 Then
   Return 0
End If

// Check for the starting position, 0 means start at the end.
If al_start=0 Then  
End If

//Perform find
For ll_Cnt = al_start to 1 Step -1
   ll_Pos = Pos(as_Source, as_Target, ll_Cnt)
   If ll_Pos = ll_Cnt Then 
      //String was found
      Return ll_Cnt
   End If

//String was not found
Return 0
end function

public function long of_lastpos (string as_source, string as_target);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_LastPos  

//Check for Null Parameters.
IF IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(as_target) Then
   Long ll_null
   Return ll_null
End If

//Set the starting position and perform the search
Return of_LastPos (as_source, as_target, Len(as_Source))
end function

public function string of_globalreplace (string as_source, string as_old, string as_new, boolean ab_ignorecase);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_GlobalReplace
Long  ll_Start, ll_OldLen, ll_NewLen
String ls_Source

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(as_old) or IsNull(as_new) or IsNull(ab_ignorecase) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

//Get the string lenghts
ll_OldLen = Len(as_Old)
ll_NewLen = Len(as_New)

//Should function respect case.
If ab_ignorecase Then
   as_old = Lower(as_old)
   ls_source = Lower(as_source)
   ls_source = as_source
End If

//Search for the first occurrence of as_Old
ll_Start = Pos(ls_Source, as_Old)

Do While ll_Start > 0
   // replace as_Old with as_New
   as_Source = Replace(as_Source, ll_Start, ll_OldLen, as_New)
   //Should function respect case.
   If ab_ignorecase Then 
      ls_source = Lower(as_source)
      ls_source = as_source
   End If
   // find the next occurrence of as_Old
   ll_Start = Pos(ls_Source, as_Old, (ll_Start + ll_NewLen))

Return as_Source
end function

public function string of_globalreplace (string as_source, string as_old, string as_new);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_GlobalReplace
//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(as_old) or IsNull(as_new) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

//The default is to ignore Case
as_Source = of_GlobalReplace (as_source, as_old, as_new, True)

Return as_Source
end function

public function long of_countoccurrences (string as_source, string as_target);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_CountOccurrences
Long  ll_Count

//Check for parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(as_target) Then
   long ll_null
   Return ll_null
End If

//Default is to ignore case.
ll_Count = of_CountOccurrences (as_source, as_target, True)

Return ll_Count
end function

public function long of_countoccurrences (string as_source, string as_target, boolean ab_ignorecase);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_CountOccurrences
Long  ll_Count, ll_Pos, ll_Len

//Check for parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(as_target) or IsNull(ab_ignorecase) Then
   long ll_null
   Return ll_null
End If

//Should function ignore case?
If ab_ignorecase Then
   as_source = Lower(as_source)
   as_target = Lower(as_target)
End If

ll_Len = Len(as_Target)
ll_Count = 0

ll_Pos = Pos(as_source, as_Target)

Do While ll_Pos > 0
   ll_Count ++
   ll_Pos = Pos(as_source, as_Target, (ll_Pos + ll_Len))

Return ll_Count
end function

public function string of_righttrim (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_RightTrim

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

// Remove spaces=True, NonPrintCharacters=False
return of_RightTrim (as_source, True, False)
end function

public function string of_lefttrim (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_LeftTrim

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

// Remove spaces=True, NonPrintCharacters=False
return of_LeftTrim (as_source, True, False)
end function

public function string of_lefttrim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_LeftTrim

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(ab_remove_spaces) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

// Remove spaces=ab_remove_spaces, NonPrintCharacters=False
return of_LeftTrim (as_source, ab_remove_spaces, False)
end function

public function string of_lefttrim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces, boolean ab_remove_nonprint);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_LeftTrim
char     lc_char
boolean  lb_char
boolean  lb_printable_char

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(ab_remove_spaces) or IsNull(ab_remove_nonprint) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

If ab_remove_spaces and ab_remove_nonprint Then
   // Remove spaces and nonprintable characters from the beginning of a string.
   do while Len (as_source) > 0 and not lb_char
      lc_char = as_source
      if of_IsPrintable(lc_char) and Not of_IsSpace(lc_char) then
         lb_char = true
         as_source = Mid (as_source, 2)
      end if
   return as_source
ElseIf ab_remove_nonprint Then
   // Remove nonprintable characters from the beginning of a string.
   do while Len (as_source) > 0 and not lb_printable_char
      lc_char = as_source
      if of_IsPrintable(lc_char) then
         lb_printable_char = true
         as_source = Mid (as_source, 2)
      end if
   return as_source
ElseIf ab_remove_spaces Then
   //Remove spaces from the beginning of a string.
   return LeftTrim(as_source)
End If

return as_source
end function

public function string of_righttrim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_RightTrim

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(ab_remove_spaces) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

// Remove spaces=ab_remove_spaces, NonPrintCharacters=False
return of_RightTrim (as_source, ab_remove_spaces, False)
end function

public function string of_righttrim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces, boolean ab_remove_nonprint);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_RightTrim
boolean  lb_char
char     lc_char
boolean  lb_printable_char

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(ab_remove_spaces) or IsNull(ab_remove_nonprint) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

If ab_remove_spaces and ab_remove_nonprint Then
   // Remove spaces and nonprintable characters from the end of a string.
   do while Len (as_source) > 0 and not lb_char
      lc_char = Right (as_source, 1)
      if of_IsPrintable(lc_char) and Not of_IsSpace(lc_char) then
         lb_char = true
         as_source = Left (as_source, Len (as_source) - 1)
      end if
   return as_source
ElseIf ab_remove_nonprint Then
   // Remove nonprintable characters from the end of a string.
   do while Len (as_source) > 0 and not lb_printable_char
      lc_char = Right (as_source, 1)
      if of_IsPrintable(lc_char) then
         lb_printable_char = true
         as_source = Left (as_source, Len (as_source) - 1)
      end if
   return as_source
ElseIf ab_remove_spaces Then
   //Remove spaces from the end of a string.
   return RightTrim(as_source)
End If

return as_source
end function

public function string of_trim (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_Trim

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

// Remove Spaces=True, NonPrintCharacters=False
return of_Trim (as_source, True, False)
end function

public function string of_trim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_Trim

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(ab_remove_spaces) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

// Remove Spaces=ab_remove_spaces, NonPrintCharacters=False
return of_Trim (as_source, ab_remove_spaces, False)
end function

public function string of_trim (string as_source, boolean ab_remove_spaces, boolean ab_remove_nonprint);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_Trim

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(ab_remove_spaces) or IsNull(ab_remove_nonprint) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

If ab_remove_spaces and ab_remove_nonprint Then
   // Remove spaces and nonprintable characters from the beginning and end 
   // of a string.
   as_source = of_LeftTrim (as_source, ab_remove_spaces, ab_remove_nonprint)
   as_source = of_RightTrim(as_source, ab_remove_spaces, ab_remove_nonprint)

ElseIf ab_remove_nonprint Then
   // Remove nonprintable characters from the beginning and end
   // of a string.
   as_source = of_LeftTrim (as_source, ab_remove_spaces, ab_remove_nonprint)
   as_source = of_RightTrim(as_source, ab_remove_spaces, ab_remove_nonprint)

ElseIf ab_remove_spaces Then
   //Remove spaces from the beginning and end of a string.
   as_source = Trim(as_source)

End If

return as_source
end function

public function string of_getkeyvalue (string as_source, string as_keyword, string as_separator);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_GetKeyValue
boolean  lb_done=false
integer  li_keyword, &
         li_separator, &
string   ls_keyvalue, ls_source, ls_exact

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(as_keyword) or IsNull(as_separator) Then
   string ls_null
   SetNull (ls_null)
   Return ls_null
End If

//Initialize key value
ls_keyvalue = ''

do while not lb_done
   li_keyword = Pos (Lower(as_source), Lower(as_keyword))
   if li_keyword > 0 then
      ls_source = as_source
      as_source = LeftTrim(Right(as_source, Len(as_source) - (li_keyword + Len(as_keyword) - 1)))
      // see if this is an exact match.  Either the match will be at the start of the string or
      // the match will be after a separator character.  So check for both cases
      li_equal = li_keyword - len(as_separator)
      If li_equal > 0 Then
         // not the start so see if this is a compound occurance separated by the separator string
         ls_exact = mid(ls_source, li_equal, len(as_separator))  
         If ls_exact <> as_separator Then
            // not the separator string so continue looking
         End IF
      End If

      if Left(as_source, 1) = "=" then
         li_separator = Pos (as_source, as_separator, 2)
         if li_separator > 0 then
            ls_keyvalue = Mid(as_source, 2, li_separator - 2)
            ls_keyvalue = Mid(as_source, 2)
         end if
         ls_keyvalue = Trim(ls_keyvalue)
         lb_done = true
      end if
      lb_done = true
   end if

return ls_keyvalue
end function

public function integer of_setkeyvalue (ref string as_source, string as_keyword, string as_keyvalue, string as_separator);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_SetKeyValue
integer  li_found=-1
integer  li_keyword, &
         li_separator, &
string   ls_temp

//Check paramemeters
If IsNull(as_source) or IsNull(as_keyword) or IsNull(as_keyvalue) or IsNull(as_separator) Then
   integer li_null
   SetNull (li_null)
   Return li_null
End If

   li_keyword = Pos (Lower(as_source), Lower(as_keyword), li_keyword + 1)
   if li_keyword > 0 then
      ls_temp = LeftTrim (Right (as_source, Len(as_source) - (li_keyword + Len(as_keyword) - 1)))
      if Left (ls_temp, 1) = "=" then
         li_equal = Pos (as_source, "=", li_keyword + 1)
         li_separator = Pos (as_source, as_separator, li_equal + 1)
         if li_separator > 0 then
            as_source = Left(as_source, li_equal) + as_keyvalue + as_separator + Right(as_source, Len(as_source) - li_separator)
            as_source = Left(as_source, li_equal) + as_keyvalue
         end if
         li_found = 1
      end if
   end if
loop while li_keyword > 0

return li_found
end function

public function string of_wordcap (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_WordCap
long     ll_pos
boolean  lb_capnext
string   ls_ret
long     ll_stringlength
char     lc_char
char     lc_string[]

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

//Get and check length
ll_stringlength = Len(as_source)
If ll_stringlength = 0 Then
   Return as_source
End If

//Convert all characters to lowercase and put it into Character Array
lc_string = Lower(as_source)

//The first character should be capitalized
lb_capnext = TRUE

//Loop through the entire string
For ll_pos = 1 to ll_stringlength
   //Get one character at a time
   lc_char = lc_string[ll_pos]
   If Not of_IsAlpha(lc_char) Then
      //The next character should be capitalized
      lb_capnext = True
   ElseIf lb_capnext Then
      //Capitalize this Alphabetic character
      lc_string[ll_pos] = Upper(lc_char)
      //The next character should not be capitalized
      lb_capnext = False
   End If

//Copy the Character array back to a string variable
ls_ret = lc_string

//Return the 
return ls_ret
end function

public function string of_removenonprint (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_RemoveNonPrint
char     lch_char
boolean  lb_printable_char
long     ll_pos = 1
long     ll_loop
string   ls_source
long     ll_source_len

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

ls_source = as_source
ll_source_len = Len(ls_source)

// Remove nonprintable characters 
FOR ll_loop = 1 TO ll_source_len
   lch_char = Mid(ls_source, ll_pos, 1)
   if of_IsPrintable(lch_char) then
      ll_pos ++   
      ls_source = Replace(ls_source, ll_pos, 1, "")
   end if 

Return ls_source
end function

public function boolean of_isempty (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsEmpty

if IsNull(as_source) or Len(as_source)=0 then
   //String is empty
   Return True
end if
//String is Not empty
return False
end function

public function boolean of_isprintable (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsPrintable
long     ll_count=0
long     ll_length
char     lc_char[]
integer  li_ascii

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   boolean lb_null
   Return lb_null
End If

//Get the length
ll_length = Len (as_source)

//Check for at least one character
If ll_length=0 Then
   Return False
End If

//Move string into array of chars
lc_char = as_source

//Perform loop around all characters
//Quit loop if NonPrintable character is found
do while ll_count<ll_length
   ll_count ++
   //Get ASC code of character.
   li_ascii = Asc (lc_char[ll_count])
   // 'space'=32, '~'=126
   if li_ascii<32 or li_ascii>126 then
      /* Not a printable character */
      Return False
   end if
// Entire string is of printable characters.
return True
end function

public function boolean of_isformat (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsFormat
long     ll_count=0
long     ll_length
char     lc_char[]
integer  li_ascii

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   boolean lb_null
   Return lb_null
End If

//Get the length
ll_length = Len (as_source)

//Check for at least one character
If ll_length=0 Then
   Return False
End If

//Move string into array of chars
lc_char = as_source

//Perform loop around all characters
//Quit loop if Non Operator character is found
do while ll_count<ll_length
   ll_count ++
   //Get ASC code of character.
   li_ascii = Asc (lc_char[ll_count])
   If (li_ascii>=33 and li_ascii<=47) or &
      (li_ascii>=58 and li_ascii<=64) or &
      (li_ascii>=91 and li_ascii<=96) or &
      (li_ascii>=123 and li_ascii<=126) Then
      //Character is a Format.
      //Continue with the next character.
      Return False
   End If
// Entire string is made of Format characters.
return True
end function

public function string of_removewhitespace (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_RemoveWhiteSpace
char     lch_char
boolean  lb_printable_char
long     ll_pos = 1
long     ll_loop
string   ls_source
long     ll_source_len

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   string ls_null
   Return ls_null
End If

ls_source = as_source
ll_source_len = Len(ls_source)

// Remove WhiteSpace characters 
FOR ll_loop = 1 TO ll_source_len
   lch_char = Mid(ls_source, ll_pos, 1)
   if Not of_IsWhiteSpace(lch_char) then
      ll_pos ++   
      ls_source = Replace(ls_source, ll_pos, 1, "")
   end if 

Return ls_source
end function

public function boolean of_IsComparisonOperator (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsComparisonOperator
long     ll_count=0
long     ll_length
char     lc_char[]
integer  li_ascii

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   boolean lb_null
   Return lb_null
End If

//Get the length
ll_length = Len (as_source)

//Check for at least one character
If ll_length=0 Then
   Return False
End If

//Move string into array of chars
lc_char = as_source

//Perform loop around all characters
//Quit loop if Non Operator character is found
do while ll_count<ll_length
   ll_count ++
   //Get ASC code of character.
   li_ascii = Asc (lc_char[ll_count])
   If li_ascii=60 or       /* < less than */  & 
      li_ascii=61 or       /* = equal */      & 
      li_ascii=62 Then     /* > greater than */
      //Character is an Comparison Operator.
      //Continue with the next character.
      Return False
   End If
// Entire string is made of Comparison Operators.
return True
end function

public function boolean of_IsArithmeticOperator (string as_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_IsArithmeticOperator
long     ll_count=0
long     ll_length
char     lc_char[]
integer  li_ascii

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_source) Then
   boolean lb_null
   Return lb_null
End If

//Get the length
ll_length = Len (as_source)

//Check for at least one character
If ll_length=0 Then
   Return False
End If

//Move string into array of chars
lc_char = as_source

//Perform loop around all characters
//Quit loop if Non Operator character is found
do while ll_count<ll_length
   ll_count ++
   //Get ASC code of character.
   li_ascii = Asc (lc_char[ll_count])
   If li_ascii=40 or       /* ( left parenthesis */    & 
      li_ascii=41 or       /* ) right parenthesis */   & 
      li_ascii=43 or       /* + addition */            & 
      li_ascii=45 or       /* - subtraction */         & 
      li_ascii=42 or       /* * multiplication */      & 
      li_ascii=47 or       /* / division */            & 
      li_ascii=94 Then     /* ^ power */  
      //Character is an operator.
      //Continue with the next character.
      Return False
   End If
// Entire string is made of arithmetic operators.
return True
end function

public function long of_arraytostring (string as_source[], string as_delimiter, ref string as_ref_string);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_ArrayToString
long     ll_DelLen, ll_Pos, ll_Count, ll_ArrayUpBound
string   ls_holder
boolean  lb_EntryFound = False

//Get the array size
ll_ArrayUpBound = UpperBound(as_source[])

//Check parameters
IF IsNull(as_delimiter) or (Not ll_ArrayUpBound>0) Then
   Return -1
End If

//Reset the Reference string
as_ref_string = ''

For ll_Count = 1 to ll_ArrayUpBound
   // Include any entries that match an empty string 
   If ll_Count = 1 Then
      //Initialize string
      as_ref_string = as_source[ll_Count]
      //Concatenate to string
      as_ref_string = as_ref_string + as_delimiter + as_source[ll_Count]
   End If

return 1
end function

on pfcscanner_n_cst_string.create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on pfcscanner_n_cst_string.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
end on