File: ehlpdhtm.js
Size: 118547
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 16:23:01 +0100
Type: js
// eHelp® Corporation Dynamic HTML JavaScript 
// Copyright© 1998-2000 eHelp® Corporation.All rights reserved.
// Version=4.45
// Warning:Do not modify this file.It is generated by RoboHELP® and changes will be overwritten.
//// Segment Begin -- (JavaScript 1.0)
/// Section Begin - General (JavaScript 1.0)
var HH_ChmFilename = "";
var HH_WindowName = "";
var HH_GlossaryFont = "";
var HH_Glossary = "";
var HH_Avenue = "";
var HH_ActiveX = false;
//Begin to support previous generic parameters
//Get the information about the browser.
var gstrBsAgent     = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var gnBsVer         = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var gbBsIE          = (gstrBsAgent.indexOf('msie') != -1);
var gbBsNS          = (gstrBsAgent.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) && ((gstrBsAgent.indexOf('spoofer') == -1) && (gstrBsAgent.indexOf('compatible') == -1));
var gbBsOpera       = (gstrBsAgent.indexOf('opera') != -1);
var gbBsIE3Before   = ((gbBsIE) && (gnBsVer <= 2));
var gbBsNS3Before   = ((gbBsNS) && (gnBsVer <= 3));
var gbBsNS2         = ((gbBsNS) && (gnBsVer <= 2));
var gbBsNS3         = ((gbBsNS) && (gnBsVer == 3));
var gbBsIE300301    = ((gbBsIE) && (gnBsVer == 2) && ((gstrBsAgent.indexOf("3.00") != -1)||(gstrBsAgent.indexOf("3.0a") != -1)||(gstrBsAgent.indexOf("3.0b")!=-1)||(gstrBsAgent.indexOf("3.01")!=-1)));
var gbBsIE302       = ((gbBsIE) && (gnBsVer == 2) && (gstrBsAgent.indexOf("3.02") != -1));
var gbBsNS4         = ((gbBsNS) && (gnBsVer >= 4));
var gbBsIE4         = ((gbBsIE) && (gnBsVer >= 4));
var gbBsIE5         = ((gbBsIE) && (gnBsVer >= 5));
var gbBsIE55        = false;
gbBsIE = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1);
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) {
    gbBsIE4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1);
    if (gbBsIE4) {
        if (gstrBsAgent.indexOf("msie 5.0") != -1) {
            gbBsIE5 = true;
        if (gstrBsAgent.indexOf("msie 5.5") != -1) { // curently IE 5.5 has some buggy stuff. we need do some remedy to our code.
            gbBsIE55 = true;
var gbBsMac         = (gstrBsAgent.indexOf('mac') != -1);
var gbBsWindows     = ((gstrBsAgent.indexOf('win') != -1) || (gstrBsAgent.indexOf('16bit') != -1));
var gbBsOp3         = (gstrBsAgent.indexOf('opera') != -1);
// Utilities functions.
function BsscHasExtJs()
    if( gbBsIE3Before || gbBsNS3Before)
        return false;
    return true;
// Register event handler
var gBsOnLoads          = new Array();  // An array holds all the onload event handler.
var gBsOnClicks         = new Array();  // An array holds all the onClick event handler.
var gBsOnUnLoads        = new Array();  // An array holds all the OnUnLoad event handler.
var gBsOnMouseOvers     = new Array();  // An array holds all the OnMouseOver event handler.
var gBsOnMouseOuts      = new Array();  // An array holds all the OnMouseOut event handler.
var gbOrignalOnMouseDown = null;
function BsscRegisterOnLoad(funcHandler)
    var nLength = gBsOnLoads.length;
    gBsOnLoads[nLength] = funcHandler;
function BsscRegisterOnClick(funcHandler)
    var nLength = gBsOnClicks.length;
    gBsOnClicks[nLength] = funcHandler;
function BsscRegisterOnUnLoad(funcHandler)
    var nLength = gBsOnUnLoads.length;
    gBsOnUnLoads[nLength] = funcHandler;
function BsscRegisterOnMouseOver(funcHandler)
    var nLength = gBsOnMouseOvers.length;
    gBsOnMouseOvers[nLength] = funcHandler;
function BsscRegisterOnMouseOut(funcHandler)
    var nLength = gBsOnMouseOuts.length;
    gBsOnMouseOuts[nLength] = funcHandler;
function BsGeneralOnLoad()
    if (!gbBsIE4 && !gbBsNS4)
    // Make everything visible in navigator
    if (gbBsNS4) {
        // Make some special effects items visible
        for (var iLayer = 0; iLayer < document.layers.length; iLayer++) {
            document.layers[iLayer].visibility = "show";
            document.layers[iLayer].left = 0;
// If resize the netscape browser, need to reload it.
function BsReDo()
  if (innerWidth != origWidth || innerHeight != origHeight)
// End of the local functions.
// The following functions are used by the html files.
function BSSCOnLoad()
    if( !BsscHasExtJs() )
    for (var nElement = gBsOnLoads.length - 1; nElement >= 0; nElement--)
function BSSCOnClick()
    if (!BsscHasExtJs()) return;
    for (var nElement = gBsOnClicks.length - 1; nElement >= 0; nElement--)
function BSSCOnUnload()
    if (!BsscHasExtJs()) return;
    for (var nElement = gBsOnUnLoads.length - 1; nElement >= 0; nElement--)
function BSSCOnMouseOver()
    if (!BsscHasExtJs()) return;
    for (var nElement = gBsOnMouseOvers.length - 1; nElement >= 0; nElement--)
function BSSCOnMouseOut()
    if (!BsscHasExtJs()) return;
    for (var nElement = gBsOnMouseOuts.length - 1; nElement >= 0; nElement--)
// End of invocation of the event handle functions.
// Add the GereralOnLoad to the onload array.
if (typeof(BsscRegisterOnLoad) != "undefined")
if (gbBsNS4) {
    origWidth = innerWidth;
    origHeight = innerHeight;
    onresize = BsReDo;
//End to support previous generic parameters
//Begin to support previous HHActiveX invoking
function BsHHActivateComponents()
    if( HH_ActiveX && (HH_ChmFilename != "") && ((self == top) || (self == top.frames[0])))
        var objBody = document.all.tags("BODY")[0];
        if( typeof(objBody) == "object" )
            objBody.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", '<OBJECT ID="HHComponentActivator" CLASSID="CLSID:399CB6C4-7312-11D2-B4D9-00105A0422DF" width=0 height=0></OBJECT>');
            if (HHComponentActivator.object)
                HHComponentActivator.Activate(HH_ChmFilename, HH_WindowName, HH_GlossaryFont, HH_Glossary, HH_Avenue);
function BsHHActivXOnLoad()
    if( gbBsIE4 )
if( typeof(BsscRegisterOnLoad) != "undefined" )
//End to support previous HHActiveX invoking
/// Section End - General (JavaScript 1.0)
/// Section Begin  - Popup and Related Topic (JavaScript 1.0)
//Begin to support previous popup functions
//  Begin DHTML Popup Functions
//variables used to isolate the browser type
var gBsDoc          = null;         
var gBsSty          = null;
var gBsHtm          = null;
var gBsStyVisShow   = null;
var gBsStyVisHide   = null;
var gBsClientWidth  = 640;
var gBsClientHeight = 480;
var gBsBrowser      = null;
// here is the varible for judge popup windows size. these parameter is for IE5.0, it may need adjust for others.
var gBRateH_W       = 0.618; // 1.618 Golden cut.
var gBMaxXOfParent  = 0.8; 
var gBMaxYOfParent  = 0.8;
var gBscrollHeight   = 16;
var gBscrollWidth   =  16;
var gBpermitXDelta  = 3;
var gBpermitYDelta  = 3;
var arrayPopupURL = new Array();
var arrayAbsPopupURL = new Array();
var arrayDirty = new Array();
function setAbsPopupURL(nIndex, strURL)
    arrayAbsPopupURL[nIndex] = strURL;
function getAbsPopupURL(nIndex)
    if (nIndex == -1 || arrayAbsPopupURL.length <= nIndex) return null;
        return arrayAbsPopupURL[nIndex];
function getPopupURL(nIndex)
    if (nIndex == -1 || arrayPopupURL.length <= nIndex) return null;
        return arrayPopupURL[nIndex];
function getPopupID(nIndex)
    return gstrPopupID + nIndex;
function getPopupShadowID(nIndex)
    return gstrPopupShadowID + nIndex;
function getPopupTopicID(nIndex)
    return gstrPopupTopicID + nIndex;
function getPopupIFrameID(nIndex)
    return gstrPopupIFrameID + nIndex;
function getPopupIFrameName(nIndex)
    return gstrPopupIFrameName + nIndex;
function getPopupTopicStyle(nIndex)
    return eval("document.all['" + getPopupTopicID(nIndex) + "']").style;
function getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex)
    return eval("document.all['" + getPopupShadowID(nIndex) + "']").style;
function getPopupIFrame(nIndex)
    return eval("document.frames['" + getPopupIFrameName(nIndex) + "']");
function getPopupDivStyle(nIndex)
    return eval("document.all['" + getPopupID(nIndex) + "']").style;
function getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex)
    return eval("document.all['" + getPopupIFrameName(nIndex) + "'].style");
function findDiv(strURL)
    var i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < arrayPopupURL.length; i ++ ) {
        if (arrayPopupURL[i] == strURL) {
            return i;
    return -1;
var gnToken = -1;
function takeToken()
    gnToken ++;
    if (gnToken > 10000) gnToken = 0;
    return gnToken;
function IsValidToken(nToken)
    return (gnToken == nToken);
function addDiv(strURL)
    var i = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i < arrayPopupURL.length; i ++) {
        if (arrayPopupURL[i] == null) {
            arrayPopupURL[i] = strURL;
            return i;
    arrayPopupURL[i] = strURL;
    arrayDirty[i] = true;
    return i;
function setDirty()
    var i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < arrayPopupURL.length; i ++ )
        arrayDirty[i] = true;
function IsDirty(nIndex)
    if (nIndex == -1)
        return true;
        if (arrayDirty.length > nIndex) 
            return arrayDirty[nIndex];
            return true;
function hideAll()
    var i = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i < arrayPopupURL.length; i ++ )
        getPopupDivStyle(i).visibility = gBsStyVisHide;
function getCurrentPopupIFrame()
    var i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < arrayPopupURL.length; i ++)
        if (getPopupDivStyle(i).visibility == gBsStyVisShow)
            return getPopupIFrame(i);
    return null;
function setClear(nIndex)
    if (nIndex != -1)
        arrayDirty[nIndex] = false;
function _BSSCCreatePopupDiv(strURL)
    var nIndex = findDiv(strURL);
    if (nIndex == -1 ) {
        nIndex = addDiv(strURL);
    else {
        if (IsDirty(nIndex)) {
            if("object" == typeof(getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document))
                getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location.href = strURL;
    return nIndex;
//the browser information itself
function _BSPSBrowserItself()
    var agent  = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    this.major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
    this.minor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
    this.ns    = ((agent.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) && ((agent.indexOf('spoofer') == -1) && (agent.indexOf('compatible') == -1)));
    this.ns2   = ((this.ns) && (this.major == 2));
    this.ns3   = ((this.ns) && (this.major == 3));
    this.ns4   = ((this.ns) && (this.major >= 4));    = (agent.indexOf("msie") != -1);
    this.ie3   = (( && (this.major == 2));
    this.ie4   = (( && (this.major >= 4));
    this.op3   = (agent.indexOf("opera") != -1);
    if (this.ns4)
        gBsDoc      = "document";
        gBsSty      = "";
        gBsHtm      = ".document";
        gBsStyVisShow   = "show";
        gBsStyVisHide   = "hide";
    else if (this.ie4)
        gBsDoc       = "document.all";
        gBsSty      = ".style";
        gBsHtm      = "";
        gBsStyVisShow   = "visible";
        gBsStyVisHide   = "hidden";
//Here is the browser type 
function _BSPSGetBrowserInfo()
    gBsBrowser  = new _BSPSBrowserItself();
//Get client size info
function _BSPSGetClientSize()
    if (gBsBrowser.ns4)
        gBsClientWidth  = innerWidth;
        gBsClientHeight = innerHeight;
    else if (gBsBrowser.ie4)
        gBsClientWidth  = document.body.clientWidth;
        gBsClientHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
var gstrPopupID = 'BSSCPopup';
var gstrPopupShadowID = 'BSSCPopupShadow';
var gstrPopupTopicID = 'BSSCPopupTopic';
var gstrPopupIFrameID = 'BSSCPopupIFrame';
var gstrPopupIFrameName = 'BSSCPopupIFrameName';
var gstrPopupSecondWindowName = 'BSSCPopup';
var gPopupWindow = null;
var gnPopupClickX = 0;
var gnPopupClickY = 0;
var gnPopupScreenClickX = 0;
var gnPopupScreenClickY = 0;
var gbPopupTimeoutExpired = false;
function DHTMLPopupSupport()
    if ((gbBsIE4) && (!gbBsMac)) {
        return true;
    return false;
function BSSCPopup_IsPopup()
    if (DHTMLPopupSupport() && ( != -1)) {
        return true;
    } else if ((gbBsNS4 || gbBsIE4) && ( != -1)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
// If there is a hyperlink in a popup window, display the hyperlink in
// the original window.
if (BSSCPopup_IsPopup() && !gbBsIE4) {
    document.write("<base target=\"_parent\">");
// Local functions.
function BsPopup_CreateDiv(nIndex)
    // DO NOT SET Width and height for the div, otherwize it will make IE4 popup do not work when view the topic alone.
    var strPopupDiv = "<DIV ID='" + getPopupID(nIndex) + "' STYLE='position:absolute; top:-100; left:0; z-index:600; visibility:hidden;'>";
    strPopupDiv += "<DIV ID='" + getPopupShadowID(nIndex) + "' STYLE=\"position:absolute;top:0; left:0;  background-color:#C0C0C0;\"></DIV>";
    strPopupDiv += "<DIV ID='" + getPopupTopicID(nIndex) + "' STYLE=\"position:absolute;top:0; left:0;  background-color:#FFFFFF;border:1px #000000 outset;\">";
    strPopupDiv += "<IFRAME ID='" + getPopupIFrameID(nIndex) + "' name='" + getPopupIFrameName(nIndex) + "' src = '" + getPopupURL(nIndex) + "' frameborder=0 scrolling=auto></IFRAME>";
    strPopupDiv += "</DIV></DIV>";
    var objBody = document.all.tags("BODY")[0];
    if( typeof(objBody) != "object" )
    objBody.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", strPopupDiv);
function BSSCPopup_Timeout(nIndex, nToken)
    if (!IsValidToken(nToken)) return;
    if ((getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.readyState == "complete") &&
        (getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.body != null)) {
        window.getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).visibility = gBsStyVisShow;
        window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired = true;
        getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.body.onclick = BSSCPopupClicked;
        if (gbOrignalOnMouseDown == null)
            gbOrignalOnMouseDown = document.onmousedown;
        document.onmousedown = BSSCPopupParentClicked;
    } else {
        setTimeout("BSSCPopup_Timeout(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + ")", 100);
// VH 08/10/00 
// do not change target to parent if the href is using javascript
function BSSCPopup_ChangeTargettoParent(tagsObject)
    var collA = tagsObject.all.tags("A");
    var collIMG = tagsObject.all.tags("IMG");
function BSSCPopup_ChangeTargettoParent2(colls)
    var j = 0;
    if (colls != null)  {
        for (j = 0; j < colls.length; j ++ )
            var strtemp = colls[j].href;
            strtemp = strtemp.toLowerCase();
            if (strtemp.indexOf("javascript:") == -1)
                colls[j].target = "_parent";
function BSPSPopupTopicWinHelp(strURL)
function _BSSCPopup(strURL, width, height)
    var cuswidth = 0;
    var cusheight = 0;
    if ("undefined" != typeof(width) && "undefined" != typeof(height)) {
        cuswidth = width;
        cusheight= height;
    if (DHTMLPopupSupport()) {
        // If we are already in a popup, replace the contents
    //  if (BSSCPopup_IsPopup()) {
    //      parent._BSSCPopup(strURL, cuswidth, cusheight);
    //  } else {
            var nToken = takeToken(); // take  token first.
            var nIndex = _BSSCCreatePopupDiv(strURL);
            window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired = false;
            var ntWidth = gBsClientWidth;
            var ntHeight = gBsClientHeight;
            if (ntWidth != gBsClientWidth || ntHeight != gBsClientHeight) {
            if (IsDirty(nIndex)) {
                if (gbBsMac) {
                    setTimeout("BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + "," + cuswidth + "," + cusheight  +")", 400);
                } else {
                    setTimeout("BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + "," + cuswidth + "," + cusheight + ")", 100);
            else {
                MoveDivAndShow(nIndex ,nToken, cuswidth, cusheight);
    //  }
    } else {
        _BSSCPopup2(strURL, cuswidth, cusheight);
function _BSSCPopup2(strURL, width, height)
    if ( == gstrPopupSecondWindowName) {
        window.location = strURL;
    } else {
        if (!gbBsMac || !gBsBrowser.ns4) {
        var nX = 0;
        var nY = 0;
        var nHeight = 300;
        var nWidth = 400;
        if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
            nHeight = height;
            nWidth = width;
        nX = window.gnPopupScreenClickX;
        nY = window.gnPopupScreenClickY;
        if (nY + nHeight + 40 > screen.availHeight) {
            nY = screen.availHeight - nHeight - 40;
        if (nX + nWidth + 40 > screen.availWidth) {
            nX = screen.availWidth - nWidth - 40;
        // Launch a separate window
        var strParam = "titlebar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes";
        if (gBsBrowser.ns) {
            strParam += ",OuterHeight=" + nHeight + ",OuterWidth=" + nWidth;
            strParam += ",screenX=" + nX + ",screenY=" + nY;
            strParam += ",dependent=yes";
        else {
            strParam += ",height=" + nHeight + ",width=" + nWidth;
            strParam += ",left=" + nX + ",top=" + nY;
        window.gPopupWindow =, gstrPopupSecondWindowName, strParam);
        if (gBsBrowser.ns4) {
            window.gPopupWindow.captureEvents(Event.CLICK | Event.BLUE);
            window.gPopupWindow.onclick = NonIEPopup_HandleClick;
            window.gPopupWindow.onblur = NonIEPopup_HandleBlur;
        else if (gBsBrowser.ie4)
            setTimeout("setPopupFocus();", 100);
function setPopupFocus()
function NonIEPopup_HandleBlur(e)
function NonIEPopup_HandleClick(e)
    // Because navigator will give the event to the handler before the hyperlink, let's
    // first route the event to see if we are clicking on a Popup menu in a popup.
    // If a popup menu is active then don't do anything with the click
    if (window.gPopupWindow.gbInPopupMenu) {
        window.gPopupWindow.onclick = NonIEPopup_HandleClick;
        return false;
    // Close the popup window
    if ( != null) {
        window.location.href =;
        if ("javascript:void(0)") == -1 &&"javascript:null") == -1 &&"BsscPopup") == -1) {
    } else {
    return false;
function BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(nIndex, nToken, cuswidth, cusheight)
    if (typeof(window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document) == "unknown") {
        _BSSCPopup2(getPopupURL(nIndex), cuswidth, cusheight);
    if (!IsValidToken(nToken)) return;
    if ((window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.readyState == "complete") &&
        (window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.body != null)) {
            if (window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location.href.indexOf("about:blank") != -1) { // add this check. IE will use about:blank" as the default vaule for Iframe.
                window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location = getPopupURL(nIndex);
                setTimeout("BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + "," + cuswidth + "," + cusheight + ")", 200);
                    setAbsPopupURL(nIndex, window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location.href); // change URL to abs url.
                    BSSCPopup_ResizeAfterLoad(nIndex, nToken, cuswidth, cusheight);
    } else {
        setTimeout("BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + "," + cuswidth + "," + cusheight + ")", 200);
function BSSCPopup_ResizeAfterLoad(nIndex, nToken, cuswidth, cusheight)
    if (window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired) return;
    if (!IsValidToken(nToken)) return;
    getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).visibility = gBsStyVisHide;
    // Determine the width and height for the window
    //var size = new BSSCSize(0, 0);
    //BSSCGetContentSize(window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex), size);
    //var nWidth = size.x;
    //var nHeight = size.y;
    var size = new BSSCSize(0, 0);
    if (cuswidth <= 0 || cusheight <= 0)
        BSSCGetContentSize(window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex), size);
    else {
        size.x = cuswidth;
        size.y = cusheight;
    // Determine the width and height for the window
    var nWidth = size.x;
    var nHeight = size.y;
    if (nWidth < 40 || nHeight < 40) return;  // there must be something terribly wrong.
    window.getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).pixelWidth = nWidth;
    window.getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).pixelHeight = nHeight;
    window.getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).pixelWidth = nWidth;
    window.getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).pixelHeight = nHeight;
    window.getPopupTopicStyle(nIndex).pixelWidth = nWidth;
    window.getPopupTopicStyle(nIndex).pixelHeight = nHeight;
    if (gbBsIE55)
        window.getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).pixelWidth = nWidth + 2;
        window.getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).pixelHeight = nHeight + 2;
        window.getPopupTopicStyle(nIndex).pixelWidth = nWidth + 2;
        window.getPopupTopicStyle(nIndex).pixelHeight = nHeight + 2;
    window.getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).pixelWidth = nWidth;
    window.getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).pixelHeight = nHeight;
    if (gbBsIE55)
        window.getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).top = 0;
        window.getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).left = 0;
    var strURL = getPopupURL(nIndex);
    if (strURL.indexOf("#") != -1)
        getPopupIFrame(nIndex).location.href = strURL;  // reload again, this will fix the bookmark misunderstand in IE5.
    MoveDivAndShow(nIndex, nToken, cuswidth, cusheight);
function MoveDivAndShow(nIndex, nToken, cuswidth, cusheight)
    if (window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location.href != getAbsPopupURL(nIndex)) { // if redirect, reload again.
            window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location = getPopupURL(nIndex);
            setTimeout("BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + "," + cuswidth + "," + cusheight + ")", 200);
    // Determine the position of the window
    var nClickX = window.gnPopupClickX;
    var nClickY = window.gnPopupClickY;
    var nTop = 0;
    var nLeft = 0;
    var nWidth = window.getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).pixelWidth;
    var nHeight = window.getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).pixelHeight;
    if (nClickY + nHeight + 20 < gBsClientHeight + document.body.scrollTop) {
        nTop = nClickY + 10;
    } else {
        nTop = (document.body.scrollTop + gBsClientHeight) - nHeight - 20;
    if (nClickX + nWidth < gBsClientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft) {
        nLeft = nClickX;
    } else {
        nLeft = (document.body.scrollLeft + gBsClientWidth) - nWidth - 8;
    if (nTop < document.body.scrollTop ) nTop  = document.body.scrollTop + 1;
    if (nLeft< document.body.scrollLeft) nLeft = document.body.scrollLeft + 1;
    window.getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).left = nLeft;
    window.getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).top = nTop;
    // Set the location of the background blocks
    window.getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).left = 6;
    window.getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).top = 6;
    if (gbBsIE55)
        window.getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).left = 4;
        window.getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).top = 4;
    if (gbBsMac) {
        // Total hack on the iMac to get the IFrame to position properly
        window.getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).pixelLeft = 100;
        window.getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).pixelLeft = 0;
        // Explicitly call BSSCOnLoad because the Mac doesn't seem to do it
    BSSCPopup_Timeout(nIndex , nToken );
function    BSSCSize(x, y)
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
function BSSCGetContentSize(thisWindow, size)
    if (!((gBsBrowser.ie4) || (gBsBrowser.ns4)))
    if (gbBsMac) {
        size.x = 300;
        size.y = 300;
    // Resize the width until it is wide enough to handle the content
    // The trick is to start wide and determine when the scrollHeight changes
    // because then we know a scrollbar is necessary. We can then go back
    // to the next widest size (for no scrollbar)
    var ClientRate = gBsClientHeight / gBsClientWidth;
    var GoldenSize = new BSSCSize(0,0);
    GoldenSize.x = gBsClientWidth * gBMaxXOfParent;
    GoldenSize.y = gBsClientHeight *gBMaxYOfParent ;
    if (ClientRate > gBRateH_W) {
        GoldenSize.y = GoldenSize.x * gBRateH_W;
    else {
        GoldenSize.x = GoldenSize.y / gBRateH_W;
    // Try to using parent specified max x.
    var x = 0;
    var maxgoldx = GoldenSize.x;
    var maxx = gBsClientWidth * gBMaxXOfParent;
    // This double resize causes the document to re-render (and we need it to)
    thisWindow.moveTo(10000,10000); // this is used to fix the flash on IE4.
    thisWindow.resizeTo(1, 1);
    thisWindow.resizeTo(1, 1);
    thisWindow.resizeTo(maxgoldx, thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight);
    thisWindow.resizeTo(maxgoldx, thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight);
    var miny = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight;
    if (miny > GoldenSize.y) // the popup does not fix in the parent wanted golden area. so try to expand itself as large as it can
        thisWindow.resizeTo(maxx , thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight);
        thisWindow.resizeTo(maxx , thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight);
        miny =  thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight;
        maxy = gBsClientHeight * gBMaxYOfParent;
        if (miny > maxy) { // the popup must have a scroll, OK let it be.
            miny = maxy;
            size.x = maxx;
            size.y = maxy;
            thisWindow.document.body.scroll = 'yes'; // At this time we do want to show scroll any more. so it will looks better a little.
        else { // popup still can fit in the parent area by someway. now we choose the same h/w rate as parent.
            size.y = miny;
            //  downsize from maxx , now I try to using binary divide.
            x = maxx;
            deltax = -maxx/2;
            //j = 0;
            while (true) {
                x = x + deltax;
                thisWindow.resizeTo(x, miny);
                thisWindow.resizeTo(x, miny);
                diffy = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight - x * ClientRate;
                if (diffy >  gBpermitYDelta ) // it is higher than wanted, so x need to be wide a little bitter
                    deltax = Math.abs(deltax) /2;
                else if (diffy <  -gBpermitYDelta) // it is shorter than wanted, so x need to be narrow a little bitter
                    deltax = -Math.abs(deltax) /2;
                    // the y is close enough to wanted.
                if (Math.abs(deltax) < gBpermitXDelta) // the next change is too slight and it can be ignore.
            size.x = thisWindow.document.body.scrollWidth; //+ gBscrollWidth;
            size.y = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;// + gBscrollHeight; 
            thisWindow.document.body.scroll = 'no'; // At this time we do not want to show scroll any more. so it will looks better a little.
        // Handle absurd cases just in case IE flakes
    //      if (size.y < 100) {
    //          size.y = 100;
    //      }
    else {
        // VH 08/06/00 . OK there is another case we did not check before.
        if (thisWindow.document.body.scrollWidth > maxgoldx) {
            size.x = maxx; 
            size.y = miny;  
            thisWindow.document.body.scroll = 'yes'; // At this time we do want to show scroll any more. so it will looks better a little.
        else {
            //  downsize from maxgoldx , now I try to using binary divide.
            x = maxgoldx;
            deltax = -maxgoldx/2;
            //i = 0;
            while (true) {
                x = x + deltax;
                thisWindow.resizeTo(x, miny);
                thisWindow.resizeTo(x, miny);
                diffy = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight - x * gBRateH_W;
                if (diffy >  gBpermitYDelta ) // it is higher than wanted, so x need to be wide a little bitter
                    deltax = Math.abs(deltax) /2;
                else if (diffy <  -gBpermitYDelta) // it is shorter than wanted, so x need to be narrow a little bitter
                    deltax = -Math.abs(deltax) /2;
                    // the y is close enough to wanted.
                if (Math.abs(deltax) < gBpermitXDelta) // the next change is too slight and it can be ignore.
                //i ++;
            size.x = thisWindow.document.body.scrollWidth ;//+ gBscrollWidth;
            size.y = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight ;//+ gBscrollHeight; 
            thisWindow.document.body.scroll = 'no'; // At this time we do not want to show scroll any more. so it will looks better a little.
    // no reload no scrollbar.
    //size.x = size.x + 16;  //reserve a width for scrollbar (IE 4.0 only)
    thisWindow.resizeTo(size.x, size.y);
    thisWindow.resizeTo(size.x, size.y);
function BSSCPopupParentClicked()
    if (!window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired) {
        return false;
    document.onmousedown = gbOrignalOnMouseDown;
    // Simply hide the popup
    window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired = false;
    return true;
function BSSCPopupClicked()
    if (!window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired) {
        return false;
    var popupIFrame = getCurrentPopupIFrame();
    if (popupIFrame == null) {
        return true;
    if ("undefined" != typeof(popupIFrame.gbInPopupMenu) &&
        popupIFrame.gbInPopupMenu) {
        return true;
    if (!((popupIFrame.window.event != null) &&
        (popupIFrame.window.event.srcElement != null) &&
        ((popupIFrame.window.event.srcElement.tagName == "A") ||
        (popupIFrame.window.event.srcElement.tagName == "IMG")))) {
        document.onmousedown = gbOrignalOnMouseDown;
    // Simply hide the popup
        window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired = false;
        return true;
//trace the mouse over's position for hotspot
function  BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event)
    if (gBsBrowser.ie4) {
        window.gnPopupClickX = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
        window.gnPopupClickY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
        window.gnPopupScreenClickX = event.screenX;
        window.gnPopupScreenClickY = event.screenY;
    } else if (gBsBrowser.ns4) {
        window.gnPopupClickX = event.pageX - window.pageXOffset;
        window.gnPopupClickY = event.pageY - window.pageYOffset;
        window.gnPopupScreenClickX = event.screenX - window.pageXOffset;
        window.gnPopupScreenClickY = event.screenY - window.pageYOffset;
function BSSCHidePopupWindow()
    if (window.gPopupWindow != null) {
        if (gBsBrowser.ns4) {
            if ((typeof window.gPopupWindow != "undefined") && (!window.gPopupWindow.closed)) {
                window.gPopupWindow = null;
// Add the PopupOnClick to the onclick array.
if (typeof(BsscRegisterOnClick) != "undefined")
//End to support previous popup functions
//Begin to support previous relative topics
//If webHelp needs Related Topics DHTMLcode, it's supposed to add it here
var gbPopupMenuTimeoutExpired = false;
var gbInPopupMenu = false;
var gbPopupMenuTopicList = null;
// Popup Menu code
var g_bIsPopupMenuInit = false;
function _WritePopupMenuLayer()
    if (!g_bIsPopupMenuInit)
      if (gbBsNS4) {
//Do not try to write ininle styles for NS!  NS can not handle it and will not stop downloading the html page...
       document.write("<DIV CLASS='WebHelpPopupMenu' ID='PopupMenu'></DIV>");
      } else{
      document.write("<DIV ID='PopupMenu' STYLE='position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; z-index:4; visibility:hidden;'></DIV>");
      if (gbBsIE4) {
        document.write("<STYLE TYPE='text/css'>");
        if (gbBsMac) {
            document.write(".PopupOver {font-family:'Arial'; color:white; background:navy; font-size:10pt; text-decoration:none;}");
            document.write(".PopupNotOver {font-family:'Arial'; color:black; background:#c0c0c0; font-size:10pt; text-decoration:none;}");
        } else {
            document.write(".PopupOver {font-family:'Arial'; color:white; background:navy; font-size:8pt; text-decoration:none;}");
            document.write(".PopupNotOver {font-family:'Arial'; color:black; background:#c0c0c0; font-size:8pt; text-decoration:none;}");
      g_bIsPopupMenuInit = true;
//Define variable arguments as: strTitle, strUrl
function MTE() 
    this.strTitle = MTE.arguments[0];
    if (MTE.arguments.length > 1)
        this.strURL = MTE.arguments[1];
        this.strURL = this.strTitle;
// If the topic list is set, it is an array of TopicEntry objects (defined in WebHelp3.js)
function PopupMenu_SetTopicList(aPopupTopicArray)
    gbPopupMenuTopicList = aPopupTopicArray;
//Seek for the bsscright frame 
function _SeekFrameByName( cRoot, strName )
    if( cRoot == null ) return null;
    if( cRoot.frames == null )  return null;
    if( cRoot.frames[strName] != null ) return cRoot.frames[strName];
    for (var i=0; i<cRoot.frames.length; i++)
        var cObj = _SeekFrameByName( cRoot.frames(i).document, strName );
        if( cObj != null )      return cObj;
    return null;
function _GetFrameByName( cRoot, strName )
    if( cRoot == null ) return null;
    var cRet = _SeekFrameByName(cRoot, strName);
    if( cRet != null )  return cRet;
    if (cRoot.parent != cRoot)
        return _GetFrameByName( cRoot.parent, strName );
        return null;
//var gbOriPopupMenuClick = null;
function _PopupMenu_Invoke(fn_arguments)
    // Make sure we have reasonable arguments
    var argLen = fn_arguments.length;
    if (argLen < 3) {
        return false;
    // Check to see if we only have one target
    var strTarget = "";
    var targetDoc = null;
    if (fn_arguments[1] == '') {
        if (BSSCPopup_IsPopup()) {
            targetDoc = parent;
            strTarget = "TARGET= _parent";
            targetDoc = window.document;
    } else {
        targetDoc = _GetFrameByName( parent, fn_arguments[1] );
        strTarget = "TARGET='" + fn_arguments[1] + "'";
    if ((!gbBsIE4 && !gbBsNS4) || ((gbBsMac) && (gbBsIE4) && (window.event.srcElement.tagName == "AREA"))) {
        var argLen  = fn_arguments.length;
        // Create the window that the hyperlinks will go into
        var nHeight = argLen * 15;
        var nWidth = 400;
        var strParam = "titlebar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=auto";
        strParam += ",height=" + nHeight + ",width=200";
        strParam += ",resizable";
        // Create a temporary window first to ensure the real popup comes up on top
        var wndTemp ="", "temp", strParam);
        // Create the real popup window
        var wndPopupLinks ="", "popuplinks", strParam);
        // Close the temporary
        wndPopupLinks.document.write("<body onBlur=\'self.focus();\'>");
        var strParaLine = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < (argLen - 2) / 2; i++) {
            strParaLine = "";
            strParaLine += "<a href=\"javascript:";
            if (gbBsIE) {
                strParaLine += "onBlur=null; ";
            strParaLine += "opener.location=\'";
            strParaLine += fn_arguments[2 * i + 3];
            strParaLine += "\';close();\"";
            strParaLine += strTarget;
            strParaLine += ">";
            strParaLine += fn_arguments[2 * i + 2];
            strParaLine += "</a>";
            strParaLine += "<br>";
        window.gbInPopupMenu = true;
        if (!gbBsIE) {
        return false;
    if (((argLen < 5) && ((isNaN(fn_arguments[2])) || (gbPopupMenuTopicList == null))) ||
        ((argLen < 4) && ((!isNaN(fn_arguments[2])) && (gbPopupMenuTopicList != null)))) {
        // Get the place that we will be putting the topic into
        var strURL = "";
        if (isNaN(fn_arguments[2]) ||  (gbPopupMenuTopicList == null)) {
            strURL = fn_arguments[3];
        else    {
            strURL = gbPopupMenuTopicList[fn_arguments[2]].strURL;
        if (targetDoc != null) {
            targetDoc.location.href = strURL;
        else {
        window.gbInPopupMenu = true;
        return false;
    var strMenu = "";
    if (gbBsNS4) {
        strMenu = '<TABLE BORDER="1" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=3 BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0">';
    } else {
        strMenu = '<TABLE STYLE="border:2px outset white;" CELLSPACING=0';
        if (gbBsMac) {
            strMenu += ' CELLPADDING=4';
        } else {
            strMenu += ' CELLPADDING=2';
        strMenu += ' BGCOLOR=#c0c0c0>';
    // Add each of the items
    var i = 2;
    while (i <= argLen - 1) {
        strMenu += '<TR><TD><NOBR>'
        // If the destination is a number then look it up in the topic list
        if (isNaN(fn_arguments[i]) ||  (gbPopupMenuTopicList == null)) {
            strMenu += '<DIV STYLE="padding-left:3pt; padding-right:3pt;"><A HREF="' + fn_arguments[i + 1] + '"' + strTarget;
        } else {
            strMenu += '<DIV STYLE="padding-left:3pt; padding-right:3pt;"><A HREF="' + gbPopupMenuTopicList[fn_arguments[i]].strURL + '"' + strTarget;
        strMenu += ' onclick="PopupMenu_HandleClick(event);"';
        strMenu += ' onmouseover="PopupMenu_Over(event);"';
        strMenu += ' onmouseout="PopupMenu_Out(event);"';
        strMenu += '>';
        if (isNaN(fn_arguments[i]) || (gbPopupMenuTopicList == null)) {
            strMenu += '<SPAN CLASS="PopupNotOver">' + fn_arguments[i] + '</SPAN>';
        } else {
            strMenu += '<SPAN CLASS="PopupNotOver">' + gbPopupMenuTopicList[fn_arguments[i]].strTitle + '</SPAN>';
        strMenu += '</A></DIV></NOBR></TD></TR>';
        if (isNaN(fn_arguments[i]) || (gbPopupMenuTopicList == null)) {
            i += 2;
        } else {
            i += 1;
    strMenu += "</TABLE>";
    if (gbBsMac) {
    // totally hack. because ie5 in mac need something. </TABLE> is one of them. mac is mad.
        strMenu +="<TABLE></TABLE>";
    var layerPopup = null;
    var stylePopup = null;
    var nEventX = 0;
    var nEventY = 0;
    var nWindowWidth = 0;
    if (gbBsIE4) {
        layerPopup = document.all["PopupMenu"];
        layerPopup.innerHTML = strMenu;
        stylePopup =;
        // Get the position of the item causing the event (relative to its parent)
        nEventX = window.event.clientX;
        nEventY = window.event.clientY;
        if (nEventY + layerPopup.scrollHeight + 10 < gBsClientHeight) {
            nEventY += document.body.scrollTop + 10;
        } else {
            nEventY = (document.body.scrollTop + gBsClientHeight) - layerPopup.scrollHeight - 20;
        } = nEventY;
        var nPopupWidth = layerPopup.scrollWidth;
        if (gbBsMac) {
            nPopupWidth = 80; // we have no idea how to get the dynamic width of the popup.
        if (nEventX + nPopupWidth + 20 > gBsClientWidth) {
            if (gBsClientWidth - nPopupWidth < 5) {
                stylePopup.left = 5;
            } else {
                stylePopup.left = gBsClientWidth - nPopupWidth - 5;
        } else {
            stylePopup.left = nEventX + document.body.scrollLeft + 20;
        stylePopup.visibility = "visible";
        document.onclick = PopupMenu_HandleClick;
    } else if (gbBsNS4) {
        layerPopup = document.layers.PopupMenu;
        layerPopup.visibility = "hide";
        stylePopup = layerPopup.document;
        var e = fn_arguments[0];
        nEventX = e.pageX;
        nEventY = e.pageY;
        if (nEventY + layerPopup.clip.height + 20 < window.pageYOffset + gBsClientHeight) {
            nEventY += 20;
        } else {
            nEventY = gBsClientHeight + window.pageYOffset- layerPopup.clip.height - 20;
        } = nEventY;
        if (nEventX + layerPopup.clip.width + 20 > gBsClientWidth + window.pageXOffset) {
            if (gBsClientWidth + window.pageXOffset - layerPopup.clip.width < 20) {
                nEventX = 5;
            } else {
                nEventX = gBsClientWidth + window.pageXOffset - layerPopup.clip.width - 20;
        } else {
            nEventX += 20;
        layerPopup.left = nEventX;
        layerPopup.visibility = "show";
//      window.captureEvents(Event.CLICK | Event.MOUSEDOWN);
//      window.onclick = PopupMenu_HandleClick;
        window.onmousedown = PopupMenu_HandleClick;
    window.gbInPopupMenu = true;
    window.gbPopupMenuTimeoutExpired = false;
    setTimeout("PopupMenu_Timeout();", 100);
    return false;
function PopupMenu_Timeout()
    window.gbPopupMenuTimeoutExpired = true;
function PopupMenu_Over(e)
    if (gbBsIE4) {
        e.srcElement.className = "PopupOver";
    } else if (gbBsNS4) {
//      this.bgColor = "red";
// = "PopupOver";
function PopupMenu_Out(e)
    if (gbBsIE4) {
        e.srcElement.className = "PopupNotOver";
    } else if (gbBsNS4) {
        this.bgColor = "#f0f0f0";
function PopupMenu_HandleClick(e)
    if (!window.gbPopupMenuTimeoutExpired) {
    window.gbInPopupMenu = false;
    if (gbBsNS4) {
//      window.releaseEvents(Event.CLICK);
    var layerPopup = null;
    var stylePopup = null;
    if (gbBsIE4) {
        layerPopup = document.all["PopupMenu"];
        stylePopup =;
        stylePopup.visibility = "hidden";
    } else if (gbBsNS4) {
        layerPopup = document.layers.PopupMenu;
        layerPopup.visibility = "hide";
//  if (gbOriPopupMenuClick!= null)
//      document.onclick = gbOriPopupMenuClick;
// This function should be deleted when all old projects are cleaned up
function BSPSWritePopupFrameForIE4()
    return false;
function BSSCPopup_ClickMac()
    if ((!DHTMLPopupSupport()) && (gbBsIE4))
        var bClickOnAnchor = false;
        var el;
        if ((window.event != null) &&
            (window.event.srcElement != null))
            el = window.event.srcElement;
            while (el != null)
                if ((el.tagName == "A") || (el.tagName == "AREA"))  {
                    bClickOnAnchor = true;
                if (el.tagName == "BODY") {
                el = el.parentElement;
        if (BSSCPopup_IsPopup())
            if (!bClickOnAnchor) {
                parent.window.gPopupWindow = null;
            bClosePopupWindow = true;
            if ((bClickOnAnchor) &&
                (el.href) &&
                ((el.href.indexOf("javascript:BSSCPopup") != -1) || (el.href.indexOf("javascript:null") != -1) || (el.href.indexOf("javascript:void(0)") != -1)))
                bClosePopupWindow = false;
            if (bClosePopupWindow)
                if (window.gPopupWindow != null && !window.gPopupWindow.closed )
function BsPopupOnClick()
    if (!gbBsIE4)
function _BSSCOnError(message)
    if(-1 != message.indexOf("denied") 
        || -1 != message.indexOf("Object required"))
     return true;
//End to support previous relative topics
/// Section End  - Popup and Related Topic (JavaScript 1.0)
/// Section Begin - Embedded Stub (JavaScript 1.0)
var s_strAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var s_nVer     = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var s_bIE  = (s_strAgent.indexOf('msie') != -1);
var s_bNS  = (s_strAgent.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) && ((s_strAgent.indexOf('spoofer') == -1) && (s_strAgent.indexOf('compatible') == -1));
var s_bOpera    = (s_strAgent.indexOf('opera') != -1);
var s_bIE3Before = ((s_bIE) && (s_nVer <= 2));
var s_bNS3Before = ((s_bNS) && (s_nVer <= 3));
var s_bNS2      = ((s_bNS) && (s_nVer <= 2));
var s_bNS3      = ((s_bNS) && (s_nVer == 3));
var s_bIE300301 = ((s_bIE) && (s_nVer == 2) && ((s_strAgent.indexOf("3.00") != -1)||(s_strAgent.indexOf("3.0a") != -1)||(s_strAgent.indexOf("3.0b")!=-1)||(s_strAgent.indexOf("3.01")!=-1)));
var s_bIE302    = ((s_bIE) && (s_nVer == 2) && (s_strAgent.indexOf("3.02") != -1));
function HasExtJs()
    if (s_bIE3Before) { return false;}
    if (s_bNS3Before) { return false;}
    if (typeof (BsGeneralOnLoad) == "undefined"){ return false; }
    return true;
function BSSCCreatePopupDiv()
function WritePopupMenuLayer()
    if (HasExtJs()) {_WritePopupMenuLayer();}
function BSSCPopup(strURL, width, height)
    if (HasExtJs()) { 
        _BSSCPopup(strURL, width, height);
        //Create a temporary window first to ensure the real popup comes up on top
        var wndTemp = null;
        if (!s_bNS3) {
            wndTemp ="", "temp", "titlebar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=3,width=4");
        // Create the real popup window
        var wndPopup =, "BSSCPopup", "titlebar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=300,width=400");
        // Close the temporary
        if (!s_bNS3) {
        } else {
var gbWndTemp = null, gbWndPopupLinks = null;
var gbstrParaTotal = "";
function PopupMenu_Invoke()
    if (HasExtJs()) {
        return _PopupMenu_Invoke(PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments);
    if (s_bNS3Before || s_bIE3Before )  {
        var argLen  = PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments.length;
        if (argLen < 5) {
            window.document.location.href = PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments[3];
            return false;
        gbWndTemp = null;
        gbWndPopupLinks = null;
        gbstrParaTotal = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < (argLen - 2) / 2; i++) {
            var strParaLine = "";
            if (s_bNS2 || s_bOpera){
                strParaLine += "<a href=\"";
                strParaLine += PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments[2 * i + 3];
                strParaLine += "\">"
                strParaLine += PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments[2 * i + 2];
                strParaLine += "</a>";
            } else {
                strParaLine += "<a href=\"javascript:";
                strParaLine += "gotoUrl(\'";
                strParaLine += PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments[2 * i + 3];
                strParaLine += "\');\"";
                if (PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments[1] != '') {
                    strParaLine += " TARGET='" + PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments[1] + "'";
                strParaLine += ">";
                strParaLine += PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments[2 * i + 2];
                strParaLine += "</a>";
            strParaLine += "<br>";
            gbstrParaTotal += strParaLine;
        var nHeight = argLen * 15;
        var nWidth = 400;
        var strParam = "titlebar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=auto";
        strParam += ",height=" + nHeight + ",width=200,resizable";
        //Create a temporary window first to ensure the real popup comes up on top
        //var wndTemp = null;
        if (!s_bNS3) {
            gbWndTemp ="", "temp", "titlebar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=3,width=4");
        gbWndPopupLinks ="", "popuplinks", strParam);
        setTimeout("Wait_PopupMenuReady()", 100);
    return true;
function Wait_PopupMenuReady() 
    if (gbWndPopupLinks != null && "object" == typeof(gbWndPopupLinks.document)) {
        setTimeout("Wait_PopupMenuReady()", 100);
function PopupMenu_InvokeReady()
    if (gbWndPopupLinks != null) {"text/html");
        if (s_bNS2 || s_bOpera) {
            gbWndPopupLinks.document.write("<base href=\"" + location +"\">");
        } else {
            //YJ: IE301,302 and NS3.x works fine
            gbWndPopupLinks.document.write("function gotoUrl(aUrl) {opener.window.location=aUrl; close();}");
        gbWndPopupLinks.document.write("</head><body onBlur=\'self.focus();\'>");
        // Close the temporary
        if (!s_bNS3 && gbWndTemp != null) {
        }else {
        return true;
    return false;
/// Section End - Embedded Stub (JavaScript 1.0)
//// Segment End -- (JavaScript 1.0)
//// Segment Begin -- (JavaScript 1.2)
/// Section Begin  - kadov DHTM (JavaScript 1.2)
//Begin to support extended and dropdown text effects.
function kadovIsParagraph(el)
    return( el.tagName == "P" || el.tagName.indexOf("H") == 0 ) ? true : false;
function kadovInitEachChild(el)
    for(var i=0; i<el.children.length; i++)
        var child = el.children[i];
        if( child.tagName == "SCRIPT" || child.tagName == "!" )
        if( != "" )
            // to wipe out the onload effects
            var onLoadEffect = "x-on-pageload" );
            if( (onLoadEffect != null) && (onLoadEffect > "") )
       "x-on-pageload", "" );
            var href = child.getAttribute("href")
            if( href != null && href > "" && href.indexOf( "BSSCPopup" ) >= 0 )
                kadovFilePopupInit(; // Init for Popup
            else if( child.className == "dropspot" || child.className == "expandspot" || 
                     child.className == "glossterm" )
                kadovTextPopupInit(;// Init for Expanding/Glossary or DropDown text
            else if( child.className == "trigger")
                kadovInitTrigger(;// Init for Trigger
                kadovInitEffects(;// Init for DHTML effects
                CEngine.SetOneTargetInitialState( );
        if( (child.tagName == "IMG") && (child.getAttribute("dynsrc") > "") )
            child.start = "mouseover";// to start a AVI file. fileopen doesn't work
function kadovRetrieveTextInner(el)
    var x = "";
    if( (!el) || (el.tagName == "!") || (el.tagName == "SCRIPT" ))
        return x;
    if( kadovIsParagraph(el) )
        var strNewID = " ";
        if( != "" )
            strNewID += "id=" + + "_NewSpan ";
        x = "<span" + strNewID + "style='" + + "'>" + el.innerHTML + "</span>";
        for(var i=0; i<el.children.length; i++)
            x += kadovRetrieveTextInner( el.children[i] );
    return x;
function kadovRetrieveCleanHTML( strRawHTML, strTagOpen, strTagClose, nDistance )
    var nTagOpen = strRawHTML.indexOf( strTagOpen, 0 );
    if( nTagOpen < 0 )
        return strRawHTML;
    var nTagClose = strRawHTML.indexOf( strTagClose, nTagOpen);
    if( nTagClose < nTagOpen )
        return strRawHTML;
    if( typeof(nDistance) == "number" && nDistance > 0 )
        if( (nTagClose - nTagOpen) != nDistance )
            return strRawHTML;
    var strCleanOnce = strRawHTML.substring(0, nTagOpen) + strRawHTML.substr(nTagClose + strTagClose.length) ;
    return  kadovRetrieveCleanHTML( strCleanOnce, strTagOpen, strTagClose );
function kadovAdjustObjectTag(strRawHTML, nStartPos)
{// adjust object tag for related topics HTML control, because innerHTML misses out the item settings
    //Is there any DTC?
    var strDTCTagOpen = '<!--Metadata type="DesignerControl" startspan';
    var strDTCTagClose = '<!--Metadata type="DesignerControl" endspan-->';
    var nDTCTagOpen = strRawHTML.indexOf( strDTCTagOpen, nStartPos );
    if( nDTCTagOpen < 0 )
        return strRawHTML;
    var nDTCTagClose = strRawHTML.indexOf( strDTCTagClose, nDTCTagOpen );
    if( nDTCTagClose < nDTCTagOpen)
        return strRawHTML; // no Design Time Controls;
    //Is the DTC HTML Help Control?
    var strRTObjTagOpen = 'classid=clsid:ADB880A6-D8FF-11CF-9377-00AA003B7A11';
    var strRTObjTagClose = '</OBJECT>';
    var nRTObjTagOpen = strRawHTML.indexOf( strRTObjTagOpen, nDTCTagOpen );
    if( nRTObjTagOpen < nDTCTagOpen )
        return strRawHTML;
    var nRTObjTagClose = strRawHTML.indexOf( strRTObjTagClose, nRTObjTagOpen );
    if( nRTObjTagClose < nRTObjTagOpen )
        return strRawHTML; // is not a HTML help control
    // Is it a related Topics html help control?
    var strRTObjLabel = '<PARAM NAME=\"Command\" VALUE=\"Related Topics';
    if( strRawHTML.indexOf(strRTObjLabel, nRTObjTagOpen) < 0 )
        return strRawHTML;
    // does the commented object tag contain a items parameters     
    var strRTItemsOpen = '<param name=Items value="';
    var strRTItemsClose = '$$**$$" >';
    var nRTItemsOpen = strRawHTML.indexOf(strRTItemsOpen, nDTCTagOpen);
    if( nRTItemsOpen < nDTCTagOpen )
        return strRawHTML;
    var nRTItemsClose = strRawHTML.indexOf(strRTItemsClose, nRTItemsOpen);
    if( nRTItemsClose < nRTItemsOpen )
        return strRawHTML;
    // found a items string
    var strItems = strRawHTML.substring( nRTItemsOpen + strRTItemsOpen.length, nRTItemsClose);
    if( strItems.length < 1 )
        return strRawHTML;
    // to reconstruct the item(s) param tag(s)
    var strItemsArray = strItems.split('$$**$$');
    if( strItemsArray.length < 1 )
        return strRawHTML;
    var strRunTimeItemParam = "";
    for( var i = 0; i < strItemsArray.length; i++ )
        strRunTimeItemParam += '<PARAM  NAME="Item' + (i+1);
        strRunTimeItemParam += '"' + '  VALUE="';
        strRunTimeItemParam += strItemsArray[i];
        strRunTimeItemParam += '">';
    // to insert the reconstructed item params into runtime object tag
    var strAdjustedHTML = strRawHTML.substring(0,nRTObjTagClose) + strRunTimeItemParam + strRawHTML.substring(nRTObjTagClose, strRawHTML.length);
    return kadovAdjustObjectTag(strAdjustedHTML, nDTCTagClose + strDTCTagClose.length);
function kadovTextPopupOnLoad( el )
    if( !CCSSP.bIsWinOS )
    if( typeof(el) == "string" )
        el = document.all.item(el);
    var src = el.getAttribute( "x-use-popup" );
    var name = src;
    if( src.substr(0,1) == "#" ) 
        name = src.substr(1, src.length-1);
    var srcDiv = document.all.item(name);
    if( !srcDiv )
        return 1;
    var type = el.getAttribute( "x-popup-type" );
    var setup = el.getAttribute( "x-tmp-setup" );
    var newId = name;
    if( newId.indexOf( "_tmp") <= 0 )
        newId += "_tmp";
    if( !setup )
        el.setAttribute( "x-tmp-setup", 1 );
        if( type == "pulldown"  )
            var strAdjust = kadovAdjustObjectTag(srcDiv.innerHTML,0);
            var strCleanHTML = kadovRetrieveCleanHTML(strAdjust, "<!--", "-->");
            strCleanHTML = kadovRetrieveCleanHTML(strCleanHTML, "<SCRIPT", "/SCRIPT>");
            //work around the bug in HH.exe that highlight the phrases when use Search tab
            //this approach is just removing the <FONT...> tag inserted by Microsoft in the runtime
            strCleanHTML = kadovRetrieveCleanHTML(strCleanHTML, "<FONT color=#", "\">", 52);
            var strStyle = " style='display:none; position:relative;";
            var newDiv = "<div class=droptext id=" + newId + strStyle + "'>" + strCleanHTML + "</div>";
            srcDiv.outerHTML = ""; // empty the original DIV tag
            var elParentPra = kadovFindParentParagraph(el);
            if( elParentPra )
                elParentPra.insertAdjacentHTML( "AfterEnd", newDiv );
        else if( type == "expanding"  )
            var inner = kadovRetrieveTextInner(srcDiv);
            if( inner == "" )
                inner = srcDiv.innerHTML;
            var strAdjust = kadovAdjustObjectTag(inner,0);
            var strCleanHTML = kadovRetrieveCleanHTML(strAdjust, "<!--", "-->");
            strCleanHTML = kadovRetrieveCleanHTML(strCleanHTML, "<SCRIPT", "/SCRIPT>");
            var strClassName = (el.className == "glossterm") ? "glosstext" : "expandtext";
            var newSpan = "<span class=" + strClassName + " style='display: none;' id=" + newId + ">&nbsp;" + strCleanHTML + "</span>";
            srcDiv.outerHTML = ""; // empty the original DIV tag
            el.insertAdjacentHTML( "AfterEnd", newSpan );
function kadovTextPopup( el )
    if( (!CCSSP.bIsWinOS) || (window.event == null) )
    window.event.cancelBubble = true;
    if( typeof(el) == "string" )
        el = document.all.item(el);
    var src = el.getAttribute( "x-use-popup" );
        return 1;
    var name = src;
    if( src.substr(0,1) == "#" ) 
        name = src.substr(1, src.length-1) + "_tmp";
    var srcDiv = document.all.item(name);
    if( !srcDiv )
        return 1;
    var type = el.getAttribute( "x-popup-type" );
    var setup = el.getAttribute( "x-tmp-setup" );
    if( srcDiv )
        if( == "" )
   = "none";
   = "";
            if( typeof(srcDiv.bInitialized) == "undefined" )
                srcDiv.bInitialized = true;
function kadovFindParentParagraph( el )
    if( typeof(el) == "string" )
        el = document.all.item(el);
    if( (!el) || el.tagName == "BODY" )
        return null;
    if( kadovIsParagraph(el.parentElement) )
        return el.parentElement;
        return kadovFindParentParagraph( el.parentElement );
//Begin HTML code invoked function
function kadovRegisterEventHandler( obj, strEvent, strEventHandler )
    if( !gbBsIE4 )
    CCSSP.RegisterEventHandler( obj, strEvent, strEventHandler );
function kadovTextPopupInit( el )
    if( (!gbBsIE4) || (!CCSSP.bIsWinOS) )
    if( typeof(el) == "string" )
        el = document.all.item(el);
    if( el != null )
        CCSSP.RegisterEventHandler( el, "onclick", "kadovTextPopup(" + +");" );
        CCSSP.RegisterEventHandler( window, "onload", "kadovTextPopupOnLoad(" + +");" );
//End HTML code invoked function
//End to support extended and dropdown text effects.
//Begin to convert iWrite format to RoboEditor Format for DHTML effects
function kadovInitTriggersInHead( )
  if( Object.xDelayedInitElements )
     var x = Object.xDelayedInitElements;
     for(i=0; i<x.length; i++)
        kadovInitTrigger( x[i] );
//Begin HTML code invoked function
function kadovFilePopupInit( el )
    if( !gbBsIE4 )
    if( typeof(el) == "string" )
        el = document.all.item(el);
    if( el != null )
        CCSSP.RegisterEventHandler( el, "onmouseover", "BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" );
function kadovInitTrigger( element )
    if( !gbBsIE4 )
    var srcElement = element;
    if( typeof(srcElement) == "string" )
        srcElement = document.all.item(element,0);
        if(srcElement == null)
    if( !kadovIsParentVisible(srcElement) )
    var targets = srcElement.getAttribute( "x-targets" );
    var arrOneTarget = targets.split( "," );
    for( var i = 0; i < arrOneTarget.length; i ++ )
        bsscFXInit( element, arrOneTarget[i], null, null, null, null );
function kadovIsParentVisible( el )
    if( typeof(el) == "string" )
        el = document.all.item(el);
    if( (!el) || el.tagName == "BODY" )
        return true;
    if( == 'none' ) //el.visibility == 'hidden' || 
        return false;
        return kadovIsParentVisible( el.parentElement );
function kadovInitEffects( element )
    if( !gbBsIE4 )
    var srcElement = element;
    if( typeof(srcElement) == "string" )
        srcElement = document.all.item(element,0);
        if(srcElement == null)
    if( !kadovIsParentVisible(srcElement) )
    kadovInitEffect( srcElement, "x-on-hover" );
    kadovInitEffect( srcElement, "x-on-pageclick" );
    kadovInitEffect( srcElement, "x-on-pageload" );
    kadovInitEffect( srcElement, "x-on-trigger-1" );
    kadovInitEffect( srcElement, "x-on-trigger-2" );
//End HTML code invoked function
function kadovInitEffect( element, prop )
    var values = null;
    if( element.getAttribute( "currentStyle" ) )
        values = element.currentStyle.getAttribute( prop );
        values = prop );
    if( !values )
    var functions = new Array();
    var nIdx = 0, nStart = 0;
    var nNext = values.indexOf( "\)", 0);
    while( nNext >= 0 && nNext < values.length )
        functions[nIdx] = values.substr( nStart, nNext-nStart+1);
        nStart = nNext + 1;
        nNext = values.indexOf( "\)", nStart);
    for( var i=0; i<functions.length; i++)
        var id = element.getAttribute( "id" );
        var translatedProp = kadovTranslateProp(prop);
        var lp = functions[i].indexOf( "(" );
        var fnname = functions[i].substring(0, lp);
        var srcargs = functions[i].substring(lp+1, functions[i].length-1);
        var nClickTimes = 1;
        var arrForClickCount = srcargs.split( "," );
        for( var j = 0; j < arrForClickCount.length; j++ )
        {// to locate and get the "clicks=99" settings
            var nPageClick = arrForClickCount[j].indexOf("clicks");
            if( nPageClick >= 0 )
                nPageClick = arrForClickCount[j].indexOf("=");
                if( nPageClick > 0 )
                    nClickTimes = arrForClickCount[j].substring( nPageClick + 1, arrForClickCount[j].length) * 1;
        var args = srcargs;
        if( j < arrForClickCount.length )
        {// to strip out the "clicks=99" from the arguments string
            args = "";
            for( var k = 0; k < arrForClickCount.length; k ++ )
                if( k != j )
                    args += arrForClickCount[k];
                    if( k < arrForClickCount.length - 1 )
                        args += ",";
        bsscFXInit( null, id, translatedProp, fnname, args, nClickTimes );
function kadovTranslateProp( prop )
    switch( prop )
    case "x-on-hover" :     return "bsschover";
    case "x-on-pageclick" : return "bsscpageclick";
    case "x-on-pageload" :  return "bsscpageload";
    case "x-on-trigger-1" : return "bssctrigger1";
    case "x-on-trigger-2" : return "bssctrigger2";
    return null;
//End to convert iWrite format to RoboEditor Format for DHTML effects
//Begin the definition of one entry to DHTML effects
function bsscFXInit( trigger_ID, target_ID, event_type, 
    action_type, action_setting, event_addional )
    if( !CCSSP.bIsWinOS || typeof(target_ID) != "string" )//MUST have a target_ID
        return; // we don't support Navigator yet
    if( typeof(event_type) == "string" )
        event_type = event_type.toLowerCase();
    if( typeof(action_type) == "string" )
        action_type = action_type.toLowerCase();
    if( typeof(action_setting) == "string" )
         action_setting = action_setting.toLowerCase();
    // to get the target element then add it to the target list
    var eleTarget = CCSSP.GetObject( target_ID );
    if( (eleTarget != null) && (event_type != null) && (action_type != null) )
        CEngine.AddOneTarget( target_ID, eleTarget );
        CEngine.BuildTargetObject(target_ID, event_type, action_type, action_setting, event_addional);
    // to validate the trigger_ID parameter
    if( typeof(trigger_ID) == "string" && trigger_ID != "" )
        CEngine.BuildTriggerObject( trigger_ID, target_ID );
//End the definition of one entry to DHTML effects
/// Section End  - kadov DHTM (JavaScript 1.2)
/// Section Begin  - CCSSP DHTM (JavaScript 1.2)
//Begin JavaScript libary for cross-platform positioning object.
function CCSSP(){} // constructor of CCSSP class
CCSSP.strAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); 
CCSSP.nAppVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
CCSSP.bIsWinOS = ((CCSSP.strAgent.indexOf("win") >= 0) || (CCSSP.strAgent.indexOf("16bit") >= 0));
CCSSP.bIsMacOS = (CCSSP.strAgent.indexOf("mac") >= 0);
CCSSP.bIsIE = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") >= 0);
CCSSP.bIsIE4 = (CCSSP.bIsIE && (CCSSP.nAppVersion >= 4));
CCSSP.bIsIE5 = (CCSSP.bIsIE4 && (CCSSP.strAgent.indexOf("msie 5") != -1) )
CCSSP.bIsNav = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0);
CCSSP.bIsNav4 = (CCSSP.bIsNav && (CCSSP.nAppVersion >= 4));
CCSSP.GetObject = function( obj )
{//convert object name string or reference into a valid object reference
    if( typeof(obj) == "object" )
        return obj;
    else if( typeof(obj) == "string" && obj != "")
        if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
            return eval("document." + obj);
            return eval("document.all." + obj);
        return null;
CCSSP.MoveObjectTo = function(obj, x, y)
{//positioning an object at a specific pixel coordinate
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
    { = x; = y;
CCSSP.MoveObjectBy = function(obj, dx, dy)
{//moveing a object by x and/or y pixel
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
    { += dx; += dy;
CCSSP.SetObjectBGColor = function(obj, color)
{//set the background color of an object
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        obj.bgColor = color;
    else = color;
CCSSP.ShowObject = function(obj, bShow)
{// set the object to be visible or invisible
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        obj.visibility = (bShow == true) ? 'show' : 'hide';
    else = (bShow == true) ? 'visible' : 'hidden';// when hidden, it still occupy some space.
CCSSP.GetObjectLeft = function(obj)
{// retrieve the x coordinate of a posionable object
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return obj.left;
CCSSP.GetObjectTop = function(obj)
{// retrieve the y coordinate of a posionable object
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
CCSSP.GetObjectContainLeft = function(obj)
{// retrieve the x coordinate of a posionable object relative to it's parent element
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return obj.pageX;
        if( obj == document.body )
            return obj.clientLeft;
            return obj.offsetLeft;
CCSSP.GetObjectWindowLeft = function(obj)
{// retrieve the x coordinate of a posionable object relative to browser window
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return obj.pageX;
        var nOffsetWindowLeft = 0;
        for(var element = obj; element; element = element.offsetParent)
            nOffsetWindowLeft += CCSSP.GetObjectContainLeft(element);
        return nOffsetWindowLeft;
CCSSP.GetObjectContainTop = function(obj)
{// retrieve the y coordinate of a posionable object relative to it's parent element
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return obj.pageY;
        if( obj == document.body )
            return obj.clientTop;
            return obj.offsetTop;
CCSSP.GetObjectWindowTop = function(obj)
{// retrieve the y coordinate of a posionable object relative to browser window
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return obj.pageY;
        var nOffsetWindowTop = 0;
        for(var element = obj; element; element = element.offsetParent)
            nOffsetWindowTop += CCSSP.GetObjectContainTop(element);
        return nOffsetWindowTop;
CCSSP.GetObjectHeight = function(obj)
{// retrieve the height of a posionable object
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return obj.clip.height;
        return obj.offsetHeight;
CCSSP.GetObjectWidth = function(obj)
{// retrieve the width of a posionable object
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return obj.clip.width;
        return obj.offsetWidth;
CCSSP.RegisterEventHandler = function( srcObj, rawEventName, funcHandler )
{ // to add the "funcHandler" as the "rawEventName" 's handler to the "srcObj" object,the original event handler will be combined
    var oldHandler = "";
    var oldInlineHandler = srcObj[rawEventName.toLowerCase()];
    if( oldInlineHandler != null )
        var functionDefinition = oldInlineHandler.toString();
        var bodyStart = functionDefinition.indexOf( "{" );
        var bodyEnd = functionDefinition.lastIndexOf( "}" );
        if( bodyStart > 0 || bodyEnd > bodyStart )
            oldHandler = functionDefinition.substr( bodyStart + 1, bodyEnd - bodyStart - 2 );
    else if( CCSSP.bIsIE4 )
    { //search for <SCRIPT> tag which define the event handler
        for( var i = 0; i < document.scripts.length; i++ ) 
            var script = document.scripts[i];
            if( (script.htmlFor == || script.htmlFor == srcObj ) && script.event == rawEventName )
                oldHandler = script.innerHTML;
    if( oldHandler.indexOf(funcHandler) >= 0 )
        return;// to prevent register the funtion twice.
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 ) // only "onload, onresize, onfocus" apply to window
    {// other raw events will apply to layer
        var noOn = rawEventName.substring(2, rawEventName.length);
        if( typeof(noOn) == "string" && noOn.length > 3 )
            srcObj.captureEvents( Event[noOn.toUpperCase()] );
    var newHandler = oldHandler;
    if( newHandler.length == 0 )
        newHandler = funcHandler;
        newHandler += "; " + funcHandler;
    srcObj[rawEventName.toLowerCase()] = new Function( newHandler );
CCSSP.GetWindowHeight = function()
{// retrieve the height of available content in browser window
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return window.innerHeight;
        return document.body.clientHeight;
CCSSP.GetWindowBottom = function()
{// retrieve the bottom postion of browser window
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return window.outerHeight + window.pageYOffset;
        return document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop;
CCSSP.GetWindowWidth = function()
{// retrieve the width of available content in browser window
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return window.innerWidth;
        return document.body.clientWidth;
CCSSP.GetWindowRight = function()
{// retrieve the right postion of browser window
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return window.outerWidth + window.pageXOffset;
        return document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft;
CCSSP.TrimString = function( objString, subtrim )
{// to trim the "subtrim" in the beginning and ending of a string object
    if( typeof(subtrim) != "string" || subtrim == null )
        return objString;
    var strHead = objString.substring(0, 1);
    var strRear = objString.substring(objString.length-1, objString.length);
    if( strHead != subtrim && strRear != subtrim )
        return objString;
    var spacePos = objString.indexOf(subtrim);
    if( spacePos < 0 )
        return objString;
    else if( spacePos == objString.length - 1 )
        return objString.substring(0, spacePos);
        var newString = objString.substring( spacePos + 1, objString.length);
        return CCSSP.TrimString( newString, subtrim );
CCSSP.TrimSpace = function( objString )
    var Trim1 = CCSSP.TrimString( objString, " ");
    return CCSSP.TrimString( Trim1, "\'");
CCSSP.GetEventElement = function( navEventObject )
{// to get the element who fired the current event
    if( CCSSP.bIsNav4 )
        return event.srcElement;
CCSSP.PrepareFilter = function( Obj )
{//to prepare for making the filter work = "";
    if( != "" || != "" || == "absolute" )
        return; = CCSSP.GetObjectHeight(Obj);
CCSSP.IsDescendant = function( progenitor, progeny )
    if( typeof(progeny) == "undefined" || progeny == null )
        return false;
    else if( progeny == progenitor )
        return true; 
    else if( == ) 
        return true; 
    else if( progeny.parentElement == progenitor.parentElement )
        return false;
        return CCSSP.IsDescendant( progenitor, progeny.parentElement );
CCSSP.IsTextTag = function( Obj )
    if( typeof( Obj.tagName ) == "undefined" )
        return false;
    return( Obj.tagName.indexOf("H") == 0 || Obj.tagName == "P" || 
            Obj.tagName == "FONT" || Obj.tagName == "SPAN" );
//End JavaScript libary for cross-platform positioning object.
/// Section End  - CCSSP DHTM (JavaScript 1.2)
/// Section Begin  - CCSSP DHTM 1 (JavaScript 1.2)
//Begin the definition of class CTrigger
function CTrigger( TriggerElement )
    // object : the trigger element. Never be null. 
    this.eleTrigger = TriggerElement;
    // number : the click counter number: only 3 values: 0,1,2;
    this.nCounter = 0; 
    //object as associative array of string:
    // the associate target ID strings; one element at least.           
    this.objStrTarget = new Object(); = "hand";
    if( this.eleTrigger.tagName == "AREA" && this.eleTrigger.getAttribute("href") == "" )
        this.eleTrigger.setAttribute("href", "#") // to make a hand cursor for image map
CTrigger.prototype.AddTargetID = function( strTargetID )
{// add one target ID string to the objStrTarget
    if( typeof(strTargetID) != "string" )
        return ;
    if( typeof(this.objStrTarget[strTargetID]) != "string" )
        this.objStrTarget[strTargetID] = strTargetID;
CTrigger.prototype.OnTriggerClick = function()
{// to activate all asociated target
    var strEventType = ( (this.nCounter++)% 2 == 0 ) ? 
        "bssctrigger1" : "bssctrigger2";
    // to enumerate associative target element's ID string
    for( var strTargetID in this.objStrTarget ) 
        CEngine.SendEventToOneTarget( strTargetID, strEventType );
//End the definition of class CTrigger
//Begin the definition of class CTarget
function CTarget( TargetElement )
    // object : the target element. Never be null.
    this.eleTarget = TargetElement;
    this.objManager = new Object(); // object: the event manager
CTarget.nPageClickCounter = 0;// static class property.
CTarget.prototype.GetAgencyObject = function(str_action_type,action_setting )
{// return the action agency ( effect )object's refernece 
    switch( str_action_type )
    case "show":return new CAgencyShow( this.eleTarget, true ) ;
    case "hide":return new CAgencyShow( this.eleTarget, false ) ;
    case "flyin" : 
        return new CAgencyFly(this.eleTarget, action_setting, true);
    case "flyout" : 
        return new CAgencyFly(this.eleTarget, action_setting, false);
    case "spiralin" : 
        return new CAgencySpiral(this.eleTarget, action_setting, true);
    case "spiralout" : 
        return new CAgencySpiral(this.eleTarget, action_setting, false);
    case "zoomin" :
        return new CAgencyZoom(this.eleTarget, action_setting, true);
    case "zoomout" : 
        return new CAgencyZoom(this.eleTarget, action_setting, false);
    case "elastic" : 
        return new CAgencyElastic(this.eleTarget, action_setting);
    case "fadein" : 
        return (CCSSP.bIsIE4)? new CAgencyAlpha(this.eleTarget, action_setting, true) : null;
    case "fadeout" :
        return (CCSSP.bIsIE4)? new CAgencyAlpha(this.eleTarget, action_setting, false) : null;
    case "rockrollstatic" :
    case "rockroll" :
        return (CCSSP.bIsIE4)? new CAgencyWave(this.eleTarget, action_setting, false) : null;
    case "glow":
        return (CCSSP.bIsIE4)? new CAgencyGlow(this.eleTarget,action_setting) : null;
    case "dropshadow":
        return (CCSSP.bIsIE4)? new CAgencyDropShadow(this.eleTarget,action_setting) : null;
    case "transition" :
        return (CCSSP.bIsIE4)? new CAgencyRevealTrans(this.eleTarget,action_setting) : null;
    case "blur" :
        return (CCSSP.bIsIE4)? new CAgencyBlur(this.eleTarget,action_setting) : null;
    case "fliph" : // all these 4 do NOT need any parameters
    case "flipv" :
    case "invert":
    case "gray" :
        return (CCSSP.bIsIE4)? new CAgencyChangeFilter(this.eleTarget, str_action_type) : null;
    case "fontchange": // the effects below change the style on the fly, so won't work in Navigator
        return (CCSSP.bIsIE4)? new CAgencyFontChange(this.eleTarget,action_setting) : null;
    case "boderchange": 
    case "stylechange":
        return (CCSSP.bIsIE4)? new CAgencyChangeStyle(this.eleTarget,action_setting) : null;
    default: return null;
CTarget.prototype.SetEventManager = function( 
{// to set the event manager with specified action 
    if( typeof( one_event_type ) != "string" || 
        typeof( str_action_type ) != "string"||
        typeof( action_setting ) != "string" )
        return false;
    if( typeof(this.objManager[one_event_type]) == "undefined" )
        this.objManager[one_event_type] = new Object();
        this.objManager[one_event_type].length = 0;
    var eventAgency = this.GetAgencyObject(str_action_type,action_setting);
    if( eventAgency != null )
        var ct = this.objManager[one_event_type].length ++;
        this.objManager[one_event_type][ct] = eventAgency;
        if( one_event_type == "bsscpageclick" )
        {// to deal with the "number of pageclick" stuff
            if( typeof(event_additional) == "number" )
                this.objManager[one_event_type][ct].nPageClick = event_additional;
            else // set the default number 
                this.objManager[one_event_type][ct].nPageClick = 1;
            if( (typeof(this.objManager.nMinPageClickIndex) == "undefined") ||
                (this.objManager[one_event_type][ct].nPageClick < 
                    this.objManager[one_event_type][this.objManager.nMinPageClickIndex].nPageClick) )
                this.objManager.nMinPageClickIndex = ct;
        //hide the object blindly,SetState function will take care of the final correct state
        if( ((one_event_type == "bsscpageclick") && 
             (this.objManager[one_event_type][ct].nPageClick == 1)) ||
            one_event_type == "bsscpageload" ||
            one_event_type == "bssctrigger1" )
            CCSSP.ShowObject( this.eleTarget, false );
        if( one_event_type == "bssctrigger1" || one_event_type == "bssctrigger2" )
            if( typeof( this.strTriggerEvent ) == "undefined" )
                this.strTriggerEvent = ( one_event_type == "bssctrigger1" ) ? "bssctrigger2" : "bssctrigger1";
        return true;
    return false;
CTarget.prototype.OnEvent = function( strBsscEvent )
{// response to the event ( bssc format )
    if( typeof(this.objManager[strBsscEvent]) == "object" )
    { // to get the event agency from the event manager
        var eventAgency = this.objManager[strBsscEvent];
        for( var i = 0; i < eventAgency.length; i++ )
            if( strBsscEvent == "bsscpageclick" && 
                eventAgency[i].nPageClick != CTarget.nPageClickCounter )
            else if( strBsscEvent == "bsschover" && event.type == "mouseout" )
            else // to invoke the unified function in effect object 
CTarget.prototype.SetState = function( strBsscEvent )
    if( typeof(this.objManager[strBsscEvent]) != "object" )
        return false;
    // to get the event agency from the event manager
    var eventAgency = this.objManager[strBsscEvent];
    if( strBsscEvent == "bsscpageclick" )
    {// we only set the initial state for the minium number of pageclick 
        return true;
        for( var i = 0; i < eventAgency.length; i++ )
            eventAgency[i].PrepareEffect(); // to invoke the unified function in effect object   
        if( i > 0 )
            return true;
            return false;
//End the definition of class CTarget
//Begin the definition of CEngine class
function CEngine(){}// all properities are going be "class" properities
// object : as associative array of trigger objects
CEngine.objTrigger = new Object();
// object : as associative array of target objects 
CEngine.objTarget = new Object(); 
// Array : each element is a CAgencyXXX animation object
CEngine.arrAnimation = new Array();
CEngine.PerformAnimation = function( nIndex )
{// animation : update effects function
CEngine.AddOneTrigger = function(TriggerID,TriggerElement)
{// add one Trigger object into the trigger array
    if( typeof(TriggerID) != "string" || TriggerElement == null ||
        typeof(TriggerElement) != "object" )
    if( typeof(CEngine.objTrigger[TriggerID] ) != "object" )
        CEngine.objTrigger[TriggerID] = new CTrigger(TriggerElement);
CEngine.AddOneTarget = function(TargetID, TargetElement)
{// add one Target object into the target array
    if( typeof(TargetID) != "string" || TargetElement == null ||
        typeof(TargetElement) != "object" )
    if( typeof(CEngine.objTarget[TargetID]) != "object" )
        CEngine.objTarget[TargetID] = new CTarget( TargetElement );
CEngine.SendEventToOneTarget = function(strTargetID, strBsscEvent )
{// to activate one target object
    if( typeof(CEngine.objTarget[strTargetID]) == "object" ) 
        if( strBsscEvent == "bssctrigger1" || strBsscEvent == "bssctrigger2" )
        {//now, the "bssctrigger1" and "bssctrigger2" work like a toggle
            if( strBsscEvent == CEngine.objTarget[strTargetID].strTriggerEvent )
                strBsscEvent = (strBsscEvent == "bssctrigger1") ? "bssctrigger2" : "bssctrigger1";
            CEngine.objTarget[strTargetID].strTriggerEvent = strBsscEvent;
        CEngine.objTarget[strTargetID].OnEvent( strBsscEvent );
CEngine.SendEventToAllTarget = function( strBsscEvent )
{ //to activate all target associative to the BSSC event
    for( var strTargetID in CEngine.objTarget ) //to enumerate all target
        CEngine.SendEventToOneTarget( strTargetID, strBsscEvent );
CEngine.SetOneTargetInitialState = function( strTargetID )
{// only invoked after ALL effects for the target have been set
    if( typeof(CEngine.objTarget[strTargetID]) == "object" ) 
    {// to get target object
        var objTarget = CEngine.objTarget[strTargetID];
        if( objTarget.SetState( "bsscpageload" ) == false )
            objTarget.SetState( "bsscpageclick" );
            objTarget.SetState( "bssctrigger1" );
CEngine.AdjustPageClickCounter = function()
    var nAdjustedClickCounter = CTarget.nPageClickCounter;
    var bAdjusted = false;
    for( var strTargetID in CEngine.objTarget ) //to enumerate all target
    {// try to find the minum pageCliclConter greater than CTarget.nPageClickCounter
        var objEventPageClick = CEngine.objTarget[strTargetID].objManager.bsscpageclick;
        if( objEventPageClick != null )
            for( var i = 0; i < objEventPageClick.length; i++ )
                var nOtherPageClick = objEventPageClick[i].nPageClick;
                if( nOtherPageClick == CTarget.nPageClickCounter )
                if( nOtherPageClick > CTarget.nPageClickCounter )
                    if( !bAdjusted )
                        nAdjustedClickCounter = nOtherPageClick;
                        bAdjusted = true;
                    else if( nOtherPageClick < nAdjustedClickCounter )
                        nAdjustedClickCounter = nOtherPageClick;
    CTarget.nPageClickCounter = nAdjustedClickCounter;
CEngine.OnPageLoad = function()
    // first, to set all target's initial state
    for( var strTargetID in CEngine.objTarget )
        CEngine.SetOneTargetInitialState( strTargetID );
    // to invoke all target's onpageload handler
    CEngine.SendEventToAllTarget( "bsscpageload" );
CEngine.OnPageClick = function()
{ // to invoke all target's onpageclick handler
    var src = CCSSP.GetEventElement( arguments[0] );
    if( src == null )
    var objClickedTrigger = null;
    for( var strTriggerID in CEngine.objTrigger )
    { // to detect which trigger is clicked
        if( CCSSP.IsDescendant( CEngine.objTrigger[strTriggerID].eleTrigger,src) )
            objClickedTrigger = CEngine.objTrigger[strTriggerID];
    if( objClickedTrigger != null) // the clicked trigger found
    else // no trigger is clicked
    { // to send PageClick event to all target
        CEngine.SendEventToAllTarget( "bsscpageclick" );
CEngine.OnMouseOver = function()
{ // to invoke all target's onpageload handler
    var src = CCSSP.GetEventElement( arguments[0] );
    if( src == null )
    var strHoveredTargetID = null;
    for( var strTargetID in CEngine.objTarget )
    { // to detect which Target is hovering on
        if( CCSSP.IsDescendant( CEngine.objTarget[strTargetID].eleTarget, src ) )
            strHoveredTargetID = strTargetID;
    if( strHoveredTargetID != null ) // the hovered target found
        CEngine.SendEventToOneTarget( strHoveredTargetID, "bsschover" );
CEngine.BuildTargetObject = function(target_ID,event_type,action_type,
            action_setting, event_additional)
{// to build target object 
    // to get the target object
    if( typeof( CEngine.objTarget[target_ID] ) != "object" )
        return false;// the engine's AddOneTarget function might have failed.
    var TargetObject = CEngine.objTarget[target_ID];
    // to prepare the parameters for the event manager
    var arrEvent = event_type.split("|"); // to split the combined event_type string
    var arrAction = action_type.split("|");//to split the combined action_type string
    for( var trim = 0; trim < arrEvent.length; trim++ )
        arrEvent[trim] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrEvent[trim]);
    for( trim = 0; trim < arrAction.length; trim++ )
        arrAction[trim] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAction[trim]);
    var arrSetting = new Array(); 
    if( typeof(action_setting) == "string" )
        arrSetting = action_setting.split("|");// to split the combined action_setting string
    // to calibrate the arrays
    for( var i = arrSetting.length; i < arrAction.length; i++ )
        if( typeof(arrSetting[i]) != "string" )
             arrSetting[i] = "";
    // to prepare for dealing with the absolute posioning element
    TargetObject.eleTarget.ABSX = CCSSP.GetObjectLeft( TargetObject.eleTarget );
    TargetObject.eleTarget.ABSY = CCSSP.GetObjectTop( TargetObject.eleTarget );
    if( arrEvent.length > 1 )
    {// if event is combined, it must be : "bssctrigger1 | bssctrigger2"
        if( arrAction.length != 2 )
            return false; // if event is combined, there must be 2 actions
        for( i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ )
            if( TargetObject.SetEventManager(arrEvent[i], arrAction[i], 
                arrSetting[i], event_additional) == false )
                return false; // the event manager has not been set up
    else // the event_type string is not combined
        for( i = 0 ; i < arrAction.length; i++ )
            TargetObject.SetEventManager(event_type, arrAction[i], arrSetting[i], event_additional);
            // to validate the event manager
            if( typeof(TargetObject.objManager[event_type]) != "object" ||
                    typeof(TargetObject.objManager[event_type][i]) != "object" )
                return false; // the event manager has not been set up
    return true;
CEngine.BuildTriggerObject = function(trigger_ID, target_ID)
{// to build the trigger object
    var arrTrigger = trigger_ID.split("|"); // to split the combined trigger_ID string
    for( var i = 0; i < arrTrigger.length; i ++ )
    {// to get the trigger element then add it to the trigger list
        arrTrigger[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace( arrTrigger[i] );
        var eleTrigger = CCSSP.GetObject( arrTrigger[i] );
        if( eleTrigger == null )
            continue; // the trigger_ID string in the HTML code maybe wrong
        CEngine.AddOneTrigger( arrTrigger[i], eleTrigger );
        // to get the target object
        if( typeof( this.objTrigger[arrTrigger[i]] ) != "object" )
            continue;// the engine's AddOneTarget function might have failed.
        CEngine.objTrigger[arrTrigger[i]].AddTargetID( target_ID );
//End the definition of CEngine class
/// Section End  - CCSSP DHTM 1 (JavaScript 1.2)
/// Section Begin  - CCSSP DHTM 2 (JavaScript 1.2)
//Begin the definition of CAgencyXXXX classes
//Begin of the CAgencyShow definition
function CAgencyShow( element, bIsShow )
    this.ele = element;
    this.bIsShow = bIsShow;
CAgencyShow.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject( this.ele, !this.bIsShow );
CAgencyShow.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject( this.ele, this.bIsShow );
CAgencyShow.prototype.EndEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject( this.ele, !this.bIsShow );
// End of the CAgencyShow definition
// Begin of CAgencyFly definition
function CAgencyFly( element, settings, bIsIn )
    this.ele = element;
    this.bIsIn = bIsIn;
    this.duration = 1000; // default
    this.direction = "right";
    var arrAllSet = settings.split(",");
    for( var i = 0; i < arrAllSet.length; i ++ )
    {// to retrieve the setting
        arrAllSet[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAllSet[i]);
        var arrOneSet = arrAllSet[i].split("=");
        for( var j = 0; j < arrOneSet.length; j++ )
            arrOneSet[j] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrOneSet[j]);
        switch( arrOneSet[0] )
        case "speed" : this.duration = 100000/arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "direction" : this.direction = arrOneSet[1]; break;
    if( CCSSP.bIsIE5 && != "absolute" ) = "relative";
    this.timer = null;
    this.aniIndex = CEngine.arrAnimation.length;
    CEngine.arrAnimation[this.aniIndex] = this;
CAgencyFly.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, !this.bIsIn );
CAgencyFly.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
    if( this.timer == null )
    var percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime)/this.duration;
    if( percent >= 1.0 )
        var newX = this.startX*(1.0-percent) +  this.finalX*percent;
        var newY = this.startY*(1.0-percent) +  this.finalY*percent;
        CCSSP.MoveObjectTo(this.ele, newX, newY);
        if( this.timer == null )
            this.timer = setInterval("CEngine.PerformAnimation(" + this.aniIndex + ")", 20 );
CAgencyFly.prototype.EndEffect = function()
    clearInterval( this.timer );
    this.timer = null;
    if( this.bIsIn ) // FlyIn
        CCSSP.MoveObjectTo(this.ele, this.finalX, this.finalY);
    else // FlyOut
        CCSSP.MoveObjectTo(this.ele, this.startX, this.startY);
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, this.bIsIn );
CAgencyFly.prototype.ResetParameters = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, true );
    this.startX = 0;
    this.startY = 0;
    this.finalX = 0;
    this.finalY = 0; 
    var offsetLeft = CCSSP.GetObjectWindowLeft(this.ele) + this.ele.offsetWidth;
    var offsetTop = CCSSP.GetObjectWindowTop(this.ele) + this.ele.offsetHeight;
    var offsetRight = CCSSP.GetWindowRight();
    var offsetBottom = CCSSP.GetWindowBottom();
    if( this.bIsIn )
    { // FlyIn
        this.finalX = this.ele.ABSX;
        this.finalY = this.ele.ABSY;
        switch( this.direction )
        case "right": this.startX = offsetRight; this.startY = this.finalY; break;
        case "left": this.startX = -offsetLeft;  this.startY = this.finalY; break;
        case "down": this.startY = offsetBottom; this.startX = this.finalX; break;
        case "up":  this.startY = -offsetTop;    this.startX = this.finalX; break;
        case "downright":
            this.startX = ( offsetBottom < offsetRight) ? offsetBottom : offsetRight;
            this.startY = this.startX;      break;
        case "upright":
            this.startX = (offsetTop < offsetRight)? offsetTop : offsetRight;
            this.startY = -this.startX;     break;
        case "upleft":
            this.startX = -((offsetTop < offsetRight)? offsetTop : offsetRight);
            this.startY = this.startX;      break;
        case "downleft":
            this.startX = -(( offsetBottom < offsetRight) ? offsetBottom : offsetRight);
            this.startY = -this.startX;     break;
    { // FlyOut
        this.startX = this.ele.ABSX;
        this.startY = this.ele.ABSY;
        switch( this.direction )
        case "right": this.finalX = offsetRight;  this.finalY = this.startY; break;
        case "left": this.finalX = -offsetLeft;   this.finalY = this.startY;  break;
        case "down": this.finalY = offsetBottom;  this.finalX = this.startX; break;
        case "up":  this.finalY = -offsetTop;     this.finalX = this.startX; break;
        case "downright":
            this.finalX = ( offsetBottom < offsetRight) ? offsetBottom : offsetRight;
            this.finalY = this.finalX;      break;
        case "upright":
            this.finalX = (offsetTop < offsetRight)? offsetTop : offsetRight;
            this.finalY = -this.finalX;     break;
        case "upleft":
            this.finalX = -((offsetTop < offsetRight)? offsetTop : offsetRight);
            this.finalY = this.finalX;      break;
        case "downleft":
            this.finalX = -(( offsetBottom < offsetRight) ? offsetBottom : offsetRight);
            this.finalY = -this.finalX;     break;
    CCSSP.MoveObjectTo(this.ele, this.startX, this.startY);
    this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
// End of the CAgencyFly definition
// Begin of CAgencySpiral
function CAgencySpiral( element, settings, bIsIn )
    this.ele = element;
    this.bIsIn = bIsIn;
    this.duration = 1000; // default
    var arrAllSet = settings.split(",");
    for( var i = 0; i < arrAllSet.length; i ++ )
    {// to retrieve the setting
        arrAllSet[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAllSet[i]);
        var arrOneSet = arrAllSet[i].split("=");
        for( var j = 0; j < arrOneSet.length; j++ )
            arrOneSet[j] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrOneSet[j]);
        switch( arrOneSet[0] )
        case "speed" : this.duration = 100000/arrOneSet[1]; break;
    if( CCSSP.bIsIE5 && != "absolute" ) = "relative";
    this.timer = null;
    this.aniIndex = CEngine.arrAnimation.length;
    CEngine.arrAnimation[this.aniIndex] = this;
CAgencySpiral.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, !this.bIsIn );
CAgencySpiral.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
    if( this.timer == null )
    var percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime)/this.duration;
    if( percent >= 1.0 )
        var rf = (this.bIsIn)? (1.0 - percent) : percent; 
        var t = (1.0-rf) * 4.0 * Math.PI
        var rxP = (this.bIsIn)? this.startX : this.finalX; 
        var ryP = (this.bIsIn)? this.startY : this.finalY; 
        var rx = (Math.abs(rxP) < 200) ? Math.abs(rxP) : 200;
        var ry = (Math.abs(ryP) < 200) ? Math.abs(ryP) : 200;
        var newX = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.cos(t)*rx) + this.ele.ABSX;
        var newY = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.sin(t)*ry) + this.ele.ABSY;
        CCSSP.MoveObjectTo(this.ele, newX, newY);
        if( this.timer == null )
            this.timer = setInterval("CEngine.PerformAnimation(" + this.aniIndex + ")", 20 );
CAgencySpiral.prototype.EndEffect = function()
    clearInterval( this.timer );
    this.timer = null;
    if( this.bIsIn ) // In
        CCSSP.MoveObjectTo(this.ele, this.finalX, this.finalY);
    else // Out
        CCSSP.MoveObjectTo(this.ele, this.startX, this.startY);
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, this.bIsIn );
CAgencySpiral.prototype.ResetParameters = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, true );
    this.startX = (this.bIsIn)? CCSSP.GetWindowRight() : this.ele.ABSX;
    this.startY = (this.bIsIn)? CCSSP.GetWindowBottom() : this.ele.ABSY;
    this.finalX = (this.bIsIn)? this.ele.ABSX : CCSSP.GetWindowRight();
    this.finalY = (this.bIsIn)? this.ele.ABSY : CCSSP.GetWindowBottom(); 
    CCSSP.MoveObjectTo(this.ele, this.startX, this.startY);
    this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
// End of CAgencySpiral
// Begin of CAgencyElastic
function CAgencyElastic( element, settings)
    this.ele = element;
    this.duration = 1000; // default
    this.direction = "right";
    var arrAllSet = settings.split(",");
    for( var i = 0; i < arrAllSet.length; i ++ )
    {// to retrieve the setting
        arrAllSet[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAllSet[i]);
        var arrOneSet = arrAllSet[i].split("=");
        for( var j = 0; j < arrOneSet.length; j++ )
            arrOneSet[j] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrOneSet[j]);
        switch( arrOneSet[0] )
        case "speed" : this.duration = 100000/arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "direction" : this.direction = arrOneSet[1]; break;
    if( CCSSP.bIsIE5 && != "absolute" ) = "relative";
    this.timer = null;
    this.aniIndex = CEngine.arrAnimation.length;
    CEngine.arrAnimation[this.aniIndex] = this;
CAgencyElastic.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, false );
CAgencyElastic.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
    if( this.timer == null )
    var percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime)/this.duration;
    if( percent >= 1.0 )
        var newX = this.startX;
        var newY = this.startY;
        var rf = Math.exp(-percent*3);
        var t = percent * 1.5 * Math.PI
        var rx = (Math.abs(this.startX) > Math.abs(this.startY)) ? this.startX : this.startY;
        switch (this.direction )
        case "left":   
        case "right" : newX = rf*Math.cos(t)*rx + this.ele.ABSX; break;
        case "up":     
        case "down" :  newY = rf*Math.cos(t)*rx + this.ele.ABSX; break;
        CCSSP.MoveObjectTo(this.ele, newX, newY);
        if( this.timer == null )
            this.timer = setInterval("CEngine.PerformAnimation(" + this.aniIndex + ")", 20 );
CAgencyElastic.prototype.EndEffect = function()
    CCSSP.MoveObjectTo(this.ele, this.finalX, this.finalY);
    clearInterval( this.timer );
    this.timer = null;
CAgencyElastic.prototype.ResetParameters = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, true );
    this.startX = this.ele.ABSX;
    this.finalX = this.ele.ABSX;
    this.startY = this.ele.ABSY;
    this.finalY = this.ele.ABSY;
    switch (this.direction)
    case "left":  this.startX = -this.ele.offsetWidth; break;
    case "right": this.startX = this.ele.offsetWidth;  break;
    case "up":    this.startY = -this.ele.offsetHeight;break;
    case "down":  this.startY = this.ele.offsetHeight; break;
    CCSSP.MoveObjectTo(this.ele, this.startX, this.startY);
    this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
// End of CAgencyElastic
// Begin of CAgencyZoom
function CAgencyZoom( element, settings, bIsIn)
    this.ele = element;
    this.duration = 1000; // default
    var arrAllSet = settings.split(",");
    for( var i = 0; i < arrAllSet.length; i ++ )
    {// to retrieve the setting
        arrAllSet[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAllSet[i]);
        var arrOneSet = arrAllSet[i].split("=");
        for( var j = 0; j < arrOneSet.length; j++ )
            arrOneSet[j] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrOneSet[j]);
        switch( arrOneSet[0] )
        case "speed" : this.duration = 100000/arrOneSet[1]; break;
    this.bIsIn = bIsIn;
    this.timer = null;
    this.aniIndex = CEngine.arrAnimation.length;
    CEngine.arrAnimation[this.aniIndex] = this;
CAgencyZoom.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, false);
CAgencyZoom.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
    if( this.timer == null )
    var percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime)/this.duration;
    if( percent >= 1.0 )
        var nFactorIn = Math.ceil(50+50*percent);
        var nFactorOut = Math.ceil(100+200*(1-percent));
        var AlterFontsize = ((this.bIsIn)? nFactorIn : nFactorOut) + "%";
        var AlterFactor = ((this.bIsIn)? nFactorIn : nFactorOut) / 100;
        this.UpdateEffectAllChildren(this.ele, AlterFontsize, AlterFactor);
        for(var index = 0; index < this.ele.all.length; index++)
            this.UpdateEffectAllChildren(this.ele.all[index], AlterFontsize, AlterFactor);
        if( this.timer == null )
            this.timer = setInterval("CEngine.PerformAnimation(" + this.aniIndex + ")", 20 );
CAgencyZoom.prototype.UpdateEffectAllChildren = function(child, FontSize, Factor)
    if( CCSSP.IsTextTag(child) ) = FontSize;
        if( typeof(child.orgWidth) == "number" )
   = Factor * child.orgWidth;
        if( typeof(child.orgHeight) == "number" )
   = Factor * child.orgHeight;
CAgencyZoom.prototype.EndEffect = function()
    for(var index = 0; index < this.ele.all.length; index++)
    clearInterval( this.timer );
    this.timer = null;
CAgencyZoom.prototype.EndEffectAllChildren = function( child )
    if( CCSSP.IsTextTag(child) ) = child.orgFontSize;
        if( typeof(child.intactWidth) != "undefined" )
            child.width = child.intactWidth;
            child.height = child.intactHeight;
        else if( typeof( != "undefined" )
CAgencyZoom.prototype.ResetParameters = function()
    this.ResetParametersAllChildren( this.ele );
    for(var index = 0; index < this.ele.all.length; index++)
    this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
CAgencyZoom.prototype.ResetParametersAllChildren = function( child )
    CCSSP.ShowObject(child, true );
    if( (child.tagName == "DIV") && (child.parentElement.tagName == "TD") )
        child.width = "100%";// if the div is inside a cell of table, we need the this hack
    if( CCSSP.IsTextTag(child) )
        child.orgFontSize =;
        if( child.width > "" || child.height > "" )
            child.orgWidth = child.intactWidth = child.width;
            child.orgHeight = child.intactHeight = child.height;
        else if( ( typeof(child.orgWidth) != "number" ) && (typeof(child.orgHeight) != "number") )
            child.orgWidth = =;
            child.orgHeight = =;
// End of CAgencyZoom
//// the following effects will use IE's exclusive "filter" function ////
// Begin of CAgencyAlpha definition
function CAgencyAlpha( element, settings, bIsIn )
{// because of "visual filter" style, this won't work in Navigator
    this.ele = element;
    this.bIsIn = bIsIn;
    // to set the default value
    this.startOpacity = (this.bIsIn) ? 0 : 100;
    this.endOpacity = (this.bIsIn) ? 100 : 0;
    this.duration = 1000; // default
    var arrAllSet = settings.split(",");
    for( var i = 0; i < arrAllSet.length; i ++ )
    {// to retrieve the setting
        arrAllSet[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAllSet[i]);
        var arrOneSet = arrAllSet[i].split("=");
        for( var j = 0; j < arrOneSet.length; j++ )
            arrOneSet[j] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrOneSet[j]);
        switch( arrOneSet[0] )
        case "speed" : this.duration = 100000/arrOneSet[1]; break;
    this.timer = null;
    this.aniIndex = CEngine.arrAnimation.length;
    CEngine.arrAnimation[this.aniIndex] = this;
CAgencyAlpha.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
{// to set the visual filter function
    // the visual filter ONLY work when set by "Width and Height" or
    // absolute position for DIV, SPAN and normal tag ( such as p )
    // but, "absolute" cause the following elements overlap, so:
    CCSSP.PrepareFilter( this.ele );
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, !this.bIsIn );
CAgencyAlpha.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
{// to set the visual filter function
    if( this.timer == null )
    if( typeof(this.ele.filters.alpha) != "object" )
    var percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime)/this.duration;
    if( percent >= 1.0 )
    else if( typeof(this.ele.filters.alpha) == "object" )
        this.ele.filters.alpha.opacity = this.startOpacity*(1.0-percent) + this.endOpacity*percent;
        if( this.timer == null )
            this.timer = setInterval("CEngine.PerformAnimation(" + this.aniIndex + ")", 20 );
CAgencyAlpha.prototype.EndEffect = function()
{// to remove the visual filter function
    clearInterval( this.timer );
    this.timer = null; = "";
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, this.bIsIn );
CAgencyAlpha.prototype.ResetParameters = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, true ); = "alpha(opacity=" + this.startOpacity + ")";
    this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
// End of the CAgencyAlpha definition
// Begin of CAgencyWave definition
function CAgencyWave( element, settings )
{// because of "visual filter" style, this won't work in Navigator
    this.ele = element;
    this.duration = 0; // default
    this.strength = 10;
    this.freq = 1;
    this.lightstrength = 1;
    var arrAllSet = settings.split(",");
    for( var i = 0; i < arrAllSet.length; i ++ )
    {// to retrieve the setting
        arrAllSet[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAllSet[i]);
        var arrOneSet = arrAllSet[i].split("=");
        for( var j = 0; j < arrOneSet.length; j++ )
            arrOneSet[j] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrOneSet[j]);
        switch( arrOneSet[0] )
        case "duration" : this.duration = 100000/arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "strength" : this.strength = arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "freq" : this.freq = arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "lightstrength" : this.lightstrength = arrOneSet[1]; break;
    this.timer = null;
    this.aniIndex = CEngine.arrAnimation.length;
    CEngine.arrAnimation[this.aniIndex] = this;
CAgencyWave.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
{// to set the visual filter function
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, true );
CAgencyWave.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
{// to set the visual filter function
    if( this.timer == null )
    if( typeof(this.ele.filters.wave) != "object" )
    if( this.duration > 0 )
        var percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime)/this.duration;
        if( percent >= 1.0 )
    this.ele.filters.wave.phase += 5;
    this.ele.filters.wave.phase %= 100;
    if( this.timer == null )
        this.timer = setInterval("CEngine.PerformAnimation(" + this.aniIndex + ")", 50 );
CAgencyWave.prototype.EndEffect = function()
{// to remove the visual filter function = "";
    clearInterval( this.timer );
    this.timer = null;
CAgencyWave.prototype.ResetParameters = function()
    this.PrepareEffect(); = "wave(strength=" + this.strength + ",freq=" + 
     this.freq +", lightstrength=" + this.lightstrength +",phase=0);";
    this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
// End of the CAgencyWave definition
// Begin of CAgencyGlow definition
function CAgencyGlow( element, settings )
{// because of "visual filter" style, this won't work in Navigator
    this.ele = element;
    // to set the default value
    this.glowColor = "green";
    this.glowStrength = "3";
    var arrAllSet = settings.split(",");
    for( var i = 0; i < arrAllSet.length; i ++ )
        arrAllSet[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAllSet[i]);
        var arrOneSet = arrAllSet[i].split("=");
        for( var j = 0; j < arrOneSet.length; j++ )
            arrOneSet[j] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrOneSet[j]);
        switch( arrOneSet[0] )
        case "color" : this.glowColor = arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "strength" : this.glowStrength = arrOneSet[1]; break;
CAgencyGlow.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, true );
    if( != "" )
    {//style.backgroundColor somehow stop the visual filter
        this.ele.intactBackgroundColor =; = "";
CAgencyGlow.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
{// to set the visual filter function
    this.PrepareEffect(); = "glow(Color=" + this.glowColor + ", Strength=" + 
        this.glowStrength + ", enabled=true" +")";
CAgencyGlow.prototype.EndEffect = function()
{// to remove the visual filter function = "";
    if( typeof(this.ele.intactBackgroundColor) != "undefined" ) = this.ele.intactBackgroundColor;
// End of the CAgencyGlow definition
// Begin of CAgencyDropShadow definition
function CAgencyDropShadow( element, settings )
{// because of "visual filter" style, this won't work in Navigator
    this.ele = element;
    // to set the default value
    this.shadowColor = "black"; 
    this.shadowOffx = "1";
    this.shadowOffy = "1";
    var arrAllSet = settings.split(",");
    for( var i = 0; i < arrAllSet.length; i ++ )
        arrAllSet[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAllSet[i]);
        var arrOneSet = arrAllSet[i].split("=");
        for( var j = 0; j < arrOneSet.length; j++ )
            arrOneSet[j] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrOneSet[j]);
        switch( arrOneSet[0] )
        case "color" : this.shadowColor = arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "offx" : this.shadowOffx = arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "offy" : this.shadowOffy = arrOneSet[1]; break;
CAgencyDropShadow.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, true );
    if( != "" )
    {//style.backgroundColor somehow stop the visual filter
        this.ele.intactBackgroundColor =; = "";
CAgencyDropShadow.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
{// to set the visual filter function
    this.PrepareEffect(); = "dropshadow(color=" + this.shadowColor + ", offx=" + 
        this.shadowOffx + ", offy=" + this.shadowOffy + ")";
CAgencyDropShadow.prototype.EndEffect = function()
{// to remove the visual filter function = "";
    if( typeof(this.ele.intactBackgroundColor) != "undefined" ) = this.ele.intactBackgroundColor;
// End of the CAgencyDropShadow definition
// Begin of CAgencyRevealTrans definition
function CAgencyRevealTrans( element, settings )
{// because of "visual filter" style, this won't work in Navigator
    this.ele = element;
    // to set the default value
    this.duration = 1.0; //The value is specified in seconds.milliseconds format (0.0000).
    this.transition = 0;
    var arrAllSet = settings.split(",");
    for( var i = 0; i < arrAllSet.length; i ++ )
        arrAllSet[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAllSet[i]);
        var arrOneSet = arrAllSet[i].split("=");
        for( var j = 0; j < arrOneSet.length; j++ )
            arrOneSet[j] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrOneSet[j]);
        switch( arrOneSet[0] )
        case "type" : this.transition = arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "duration" : this.duration = 100/arrOneSet[1]; break;
CAgencyRevealTrans.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject( this.ele, false);
CAgencyRevealTrans.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
{// to set the visual filter function
    if( typeof( this.ele.filters.RevealTrans ) == "object" )
        if( this.ele.filters.RevealTrans.status == 2 )
    this.PrepareEffect(); = "RevealTrans(duration=" + this.duration + 
        ", transition=" + this.transition + ")";
    if( typeof( this.ele.filters.RevealTrans ) == "object" )
        CCSSP.ShowObject( this.ele, true);;  
        CCSSP.ShowObject( this.ele, true);
CAgencyRevealTrans.prototype.EndEffect = function()
    if( typeof( this.ele.filters.RevealTrans ) == "object" )
        this.ele.filters.RevealTrans.stop(); = "";
// End of the CAgencyRevealTrans definition
// Begin of CAgencyBlur definition
function CAgencyBlur( element, settings )
{// because of "visual filter" style, this won't work in Navigator
    this.ele = element;
    // to set the default value
    this.strength = "5";
    this.direction = "90";
    var arrAllSet = settings.split(",");
    for( var i = 0; i < arrAllSet.length; i ++ )
        arrAllSet[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAllSet[i]);
        var arrOneSet = arrAllSet[i].split("=");
        for( var j = 0; j < arrOneSet.length; j++ )
            arrOneSet[j] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrOneSet[j]);
        switch( arrOneSet[0] )
        case "strength" : this.strength = arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "direction" : this.direction = arrOneSet[1]; break;
CAgencyBlur.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, true );
CAgencyBlur.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
{// to set the visual filter function
    CCSSP.PrepareFilter(this.ele); = "blur(strength=" + this.strength + 
        ", direction=" + this.direction + ")";
CAgencyBlur.prototype.EndEffect = function()
{// to remove the visual filter function = "";
// End of the CAgencyBlur definition
// Begin of CAgencyChangeFilter definition
function CAgencyChangeFilter( element, settings ) // flipH, flipV, invert, grey,
{// because of "visual filter" style, this won't work in Navigator
    this.ele = element;
    // to set the default value
    this.filterFunction = settings;
CAgencyChangeFilter.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, true );
CAgencyChangeFilter.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
{// to set the visual filter function
    CCSSP.PrepareFilter(this.ele); = this.filterFunction;
CAgencyChangeFilter.prototype.EndEffect = function()
{// to remove the visual filter function = "";
// End of the CAgencyChangeFilter definition
// The effects below change the style on the fly, so they won't work in Navigator
// Begin of CAgencyFontChange definition, 
function CAgencyFontChange( element, settings )
{//this class can be replace by CAgencyChangeStyle,provided the "settings" is standard CSS string.
    this.ele = element;
    // to retrieve the original font style
    this.RetrieveOldFont( this.ele );
    // to set the default font to change
    this.newfontFamily = this.ele.oldFontFamily;
    this.newfColor = this.ele.oldColor;
    this.newtextDecoration = this.ele.oldTextDecoration;
    this.newfontWeight = this.ele.oldFontWeight;
    this.newfontStyle = this.ele.oldFontStyle;
    this.newfontSize = this.ele.oldFontSize;
    this.newBackgroundColor = this.ele.oldBackgroundColor;
    var arrAllSet = settings.split(",");
    for( var i = 0; i < arrAllSet.length; i ++ )
    {// to retrieve the setting
        arrAllSet[i] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrAllSet[i]);
        var arrOneSet = arrAllSet[i].split("=");
        for( var j = 0; j < arrOneSet.length; j++ )
            arrOneSet[j] = CCSSP.TrimSpace(arrOneSet[j]);
        switch( arrOneSet[0] )
        case "font-family" : this.newfontFamily = arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "color" : this.newfColor = arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "underline" : this.newtextDecoration = (arrOneSet[1]=="on")? "underline" : "none"; break;
        case "bold" : this.newfontWeight = (arrOneSet[1]=="on")? "bold" : "normal"; break;
        case "italic" : this.newfontStyle = (arrOneSet[1]=="on")? "italic" : "normal"; break;
        case "size" : this.newfontSize = arrOneSet[1]; break;
        case "background-color" : this.newBackgroundColor = arrOneSet[1]; break;
CAgencyFontChange.prototype.RetrieveOldFont = function(objChild)
    if( typeof(objChild.oldFontFamily) == "undefined" )
        objChild.oldFontFamily =;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldColor) == "undefined" )
        objChild.oldColor =;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldTextDecoration) == "undefined" )
        objChild.oldTextDecoration =;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldFontWeight) == "undefined" )
        objChild.oldFontWeight =;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldFontStyle) == "undefined" )
        objChild.oldFontStyle =;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldFontSize) == "undefined" )
        objChild.oldFontSize =;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldBackgroundColor) == "undefined" )
        objChild.oldBackgroundColor =;
CAgencyFontChange.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    // as for expanding text, the child is created after the constructor called
    for(var index = 0; index < this.ele.all.length; index++)
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, true );
CAgencyFontChange.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
{// to change the font
    this.UpdateEffectAllChildren( this.ele );
    for( var index = 0; index < this.ele.all.length; index++)
CAgencyFontChange.prototype.UpdateEffectAllChildren = function(objChild)
{ = this.newfontFamily; = this.newfColor; = this.newtextDecoration; = this.newfontWeight; = this.newfontStyle; = this.newfontSize; = this.newBackgroundColor;
CAgencyFontChange.prototype.EndEffect = function()
{// to reinstate the original font style
    this.EndEffectAllChildren( this.ele );
    for( var index = 0; index < this.ele.all.length; index++)
CAgencyFontChange.prototype.EndEffectAllChildren = function( objChild )
    if( typeof(objChild.oldFontFamily) != "undefined" ) = objChild.oldFontFamily;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldColor) != "undefined" ) = objChild.oldColor;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldFontWeight) != "undefined" ) = objChild.oldFontWeight;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldFontStyle) != "undefined" ) = objChild.oldFontStyle;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldFontSize) != "undefined" ) = objChild.oldFontSize;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldTextDecoration) != "undefined" ) = objChild.oldTextDecoration;
    if( typeof(objChild.oldBackgroundColor) != "undefined" ) = objChild.oldBackgroundColor;
// End of the CAgencyFontChange definition
// Begin of the CAgencyChangeStyle definition
function CAgencyChangeStyle( element, settings )
{//this class can be replace by CAgencyChangeStyle,provided the "settings" is standard CSS string.
    this.ele = element;
    // to retrieve the original style
    this.oldstyle =;
    // to set the default style
    this.newStyle = this.oldstyle;
    if( typeof(settings) == "string" && settings.length > 1 )
        this.newStyle = this.oldstyle + " " + settings;
CAgencyChangeStyle.prototype.PrepareEffect = function()
    CCSSP.ShowObject(this.ele, true );
CAgencyChangeStyle.prototype.UpdateEffect = function()
{// to change the style = this.newStyle;
CAgencyChangeStyle.prototype.EndEffect = function()
{// to reinstate the original style = this.oldStyle;
// End of the CAgencyChangeStyle definition
//End the definition of CAgencyXXXX classes
//Begin to collaborate with other event handler settings 
CCSSP.RegisterEventHandler( window, "onload", "CEngine.OnPageLoad();BSSCOnLoad();kadovInitTriggersInHead();");
CCSSP.RegisterEventHandler( document, "onclick", "CEngine.OnPageClick();BSSCOnClick();");
CCSSP.RegisterEventHandler( document, "onmouseover", "CEngine.OnMouseOver();BSSCOnMouseOver();" );
CCSSP.RegisterEventHandler( document, "onmouseout", "CEngine.OnMouseOver();BSSCOnMouseOut();" );
CCSSP.RegisterEventHandler( window, "onunload", "BSSCOnUnload();");
//End to collaborate with other event handler settings
/// Section End  - CCSSP DHTM 2 (JavaScript 1.2)
//// Segment End -- (JavaScript 1.2)