File: w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt.srw
Size: 8767
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 16:23:04 +0100
$PBExportComments$Manage window template information
global type w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt from w_sheet
end type
type dw_deletedcontrols from u_dw within w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt
end type
type dw_windows from u_dw within w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt
end type
type st_bar from u_st_splitbar within w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt
end type
type tv_apps from u_tvs within w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt
end type
end forward

global type w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt from w_sheet
int X=160
int Y=200
int Width=2734
int Height=1656
boolean TitleBar=true
string Title="Template Management"
string MenuName="m_pfcsecurity_template_mgmt"
long BackColor=80263328
event ue_delete_window ( )
dw_deletedcontrols dw_deletedcontrols
dw_windows dw_windows
st_bar st_bar
tv_apps tv_apps
end type
global w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt

type variables

string   is_app
string   is_window
dragobject idrg_prevobj

end variables

event ue_delete_window;// if a window is deleted then we have to also delete any rows in the template table and the security_info table
// we are assuming that there is no cascading delete referntial integrity rules or triggers in place
int li_rc
long ll_handle,ll_cnt

if len(is_window) = 0 then
   messagebox(this.title,'No object is currently selected')
end if

li_rc = messagebox(this.title,'Ok to delete all controls for object : '+is_window+'. Doing this will also cause any other changes you have made to be updated to the database at this time.',question!,okcancel!,2)
if li_rc = 2 then return

// delete any records in the security_info table for this application,window, use the hidden datawindow so that PFC will automatically update it for me
dw_deletedcontrols.retrieve(is_app, is_window)
ll_cnt = dw_deletedcontrols.rowcount()
dw_deletedcontrols.rowsmove(1, ll_cnt, primary!, dw_deletedcontrols, 1, delete!)

// delete the template rows
ll_cnt = dw_windows.rowcount()
dw_windows.rowsmove(1, ll_cnt, primary!, dw_windows, 1, delete!)

// remove the treeview item for the window
tv_apps.event pfc_DeleteItem()

this.event post pfc_save()

end event

on w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt.create
int iCurrent
call super::create
if this.MenuName = "m_pfcsecurity_template_mgmt" then this.MenuID = create m_pfcsecurity_template_mgmt
this.dw_deletedcontrols=create dw_deletedcontrols
this.dw_windows=create dw_windows
this.st_bar=create st_bar
this.tv_apps=create tv_apps
end on

on w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt.destroy
call super::destroy
if IsValid(MenuID) then destroy(MenuID)
end on

event open;call super::open;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Object Name:  w_pfcsecurity_template
// Description:  Edit the controls that are on of a window
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License Version 2.1, February 1999
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
integer li_rc

// Register the datasource for each level of the tree
tv_apps.inv_levelsource.of_register(1, "description", "", "d_pfcsecurity_applications", gnv_app.inv_trans, "")
tv_apps.inv_levelsource.of_register(2, "window", ":parent.1.application", "d_pfcsecurity_windows", gnv_app.inv_trans, "")

// pictures are already defined on the tree
tv_apps.inv_levelsource.of_setpicturecolumn(1, "1")
tv_apps.inv_levelsource.of_setselectedpicturecolumn(1, "2")
tv_apps.inv_levelsource.of_setpicturecolumn(2, "3")
tv_apps.inv_levelsource.of_setselectedpicturecolumn(2, "4")


end event

event pfc_postopen;// populate the treeview
tv_apps.event pfc_populate(0)
end event

event pfc_endtran;call super::pfc_endtran;// commit the transaction
commit using gnv_app.inv_trans;
if gnv_app.inv_trans.sqlcode = 0 then 
   return 1
   return  -1
end if
end event

event pfc_preopen;this.of_setresize(TRUE)
inv_resize.of_setOrigSize(dw_windows.x + dw_windows.width + 4,tv_apps.y+tv_apps.height + 4)

end event

type dw_deletedcontrols from u_dw within w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt
int X=1198
int Y=324
int TabOrder=10
boolean Visible=false
boolean Enabled=false
string Tag="This DW is hidden so that updates to it and the template dw will be syncronized by PFC"
string DataObject="d_pfcsecurity_controllistdel"
end type

type dw_windows from u_dw within w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt
int X=645
int Y=16
int Width=2021
int Height=1428
int TabOrder=30
string DataObject="d_pfcsecurity_templateupdate"
boolean HScrollBar=true
end type

event retrievestart;call u_dw::retrievestart;return 2 // append data
end event

event getfocus;call u_dw::getfocus;// keep track of who had focus last
idrg_prevobj = this
end event

event pfc_prermbmenu;call super::pfc_prermbmenu;// Set up the PopUp Menu.
am_dw.m_table.m_insert.visible = False
am_dw.m_table.m_addrow.visible = False

end event

type st_bar from u_st_splitbar within w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt
int X=635
int Y=20
int Width=9
int Height=1420
end type

type tv_apps from u_tvs within w_pfcsecurity_templatemgmt
int X=9
int Y=16
int Width=622
int Height=1428
int TabOrder=20
boolean BringToTop=true
boolean LinesAtRoot=true
string PictureName[]={"Application5!",&
end type

event constructor;of_setlevelsource(true)
end event

event getfocus;call super::getfocus;// keep track of who had focus last
idrg_prevobj = this
end event

event selectionchanged;// keep track of the current application and window
Integer  li_RC
long     ll_row, ll_parenthandle
string   ls_filter
TreeViewItem   ltvi_This
n_ds     lds_obj

this.GetItem(newhandle, ltvi_This)
choose case ltvi_this.level 
   case 1
      is_window = ''
      ls_filter = "application =  '"+ is_app + "' and window = '"+is_window+"'"
      if dw_windows.setfilter(ls_filter) < 1 then
         messagebox('Selectionchanging', ls_filter)
      end if
   case 2
      ll_parenthandle = this.finditem ( parenttreeitem!, newhandle )
      inv_levelsource.of_GetdataRow(ll_parenthandle, lds_obj, ll_row)
      is_app = lds_obj.object.application[ll_row]
      is_window = ltvi_this.label
      ls_filter = "application =  '"+ is_app + "' and window = '"+is_window+"'"
      if dw_windows.setfilter(ls_filter) < 1 then
         messagebox('Selectionchanging', ls_filter)
      end if
      if dw_windows.rowcount() = 0 then
         li_rc = dw_windows.retrieve(is_app, is_window)
      end if
end choose

end event

event pfc_retrieve;call super::pfc_retrieve;any    la_args[20]
integer  li_level

if isvalid(inv_levelsource) then
   li_level = of_getnextlevel(al_parent)
   inv_levelsource.of_getargs(al_parent, li_level, la_args)
end if

return this.of_retrieve(al_parent, la_args, ads_data)
end event

event pfc_preinsertitem;call super::pfc_preinsertitem;// change the picture based on the object type
If atvi_item.level = 2 Then
end if
end event