File: pfcscanner_n_cst_securityscanner.sru
Size: 19605
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 16:23:05 +0100
$PBExportComments$PFC Security Scanner service
global type pfcscanner_n_cst_securityscanner from nonvisualobject
end type
end forward

global type pfcscanner_n_cst_securityscanner from nonvisualobject
end type
global pfcscanner_n_cst_securityscanner pfcscanner_n_cst_securityscanner

type variables
pfcscanner_n_ds            ids_info
pfcscanner_n_ds            ids_apps
pfcscanner_n_ds            ids_updates
pfcscanner_n_cst_string    inv_string
string                        is_liblist[]
string                     is_app
string                     is_keyword = 'microhelp'
string                     is_separator = ';'
boolean                    ib_initscanning = false
transaction                itr_trans
end variables

forward prototypes
public function integer of_scandatawindow (string as_dataobjectname, string as_library)
public function integer of_initscanprocess (transaction a_trans, string as_app, string as_lib_list[])
protected function string of_getdesc (classdefinition a_class)
protected function string of_getmenudesc (classdefinition a_class)
protected function integer of_getscankeys (classdefinition a_control, ref string as_name, ref string as_desc, ref string as_type)
protected function string of_gettag (string as_tag)
protected function integer of_initialvalue (classdefinition a_class, string as_property, ref any aa_value)
protected function integer of_scandataobject (string as_dataobject, string as_dwname, string as_object)
protected function integer of_setsyntax (string as_dataobject, datastore ads_datastore)
public function integer of_update ()
protected function integer of_addobject (string as_app, string as_winname, string as_object, string as_objecttype, string as_desc)
protected function integer of_explodeobject (string as_object, classdefinition a_class, string as_name)
public function integer of_scanobject (string as_object, string as_library)
end prototypes

public function integer of_scandatawindow (string as_dataobjectname, string as_library);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_ScanDatawindow
// Description:   Scans the datawindow object and captures the information about each column
//                called from the scan window for an individual dw selection
// get known columns
If ids_updates.Retrieve ( is_app, as_dataobjectname )   < 0 Then Return -2

Return of_ScanDataObject ( as_dataobjectname, as_dataobjectname, "" ) 
end function

public function integer of_initscanprocess (transaction a_trans, string as_app, string as_lib_list[]);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_InitScanProcess
// Description:   Initialize the database connection, application and library 
//                   search path. Used when scanning applications
SetPointer ( HourGlass! )

If a_trans.dbHandle ( ) = 0 Then Return -1

ids_updates.DataObject = "d_pfcsecurity_templateupdate"
ids_apps.DataObject = "d_pfcsecurity_applookup"

ids_updates.SetTransObject ( a_trans ) 
ids_apps.SetTransObject ( a_trans ) 

is_app = Lower ( as_app ) 
is_liblist = as_lib_list
If ids_apps.Retrieve ( is_app )  = 0 Then // if the application does not exist in the database, add it
   ids_apps.ImportString ( is_app + "~t" + is_app ) 
End If

ib_initscanning = True
itr_trans = a_trans

Return 1
end function

protected function string of_getdesc (classdefinition a_class);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:   of_GetDesc
// Description:  Return additional information about an object. 
//               Look for attributes in the following order
//               1. Text, if there is no text attribute or it is empty then look for
//               2. Tag
any      la_initialvalue
integer  li_rc
string      ls_desc

SetPointer ( HourGlass! )
// get the value of the text property
li_rc = of_InitialValue ( a_class, "text", la_initialvalue )
If li_rc > 0 Then
   ls_desc = String ( la_initialvalue ) 
   // get the value of the tag property
   li_rc = of_InitialValue ( a_class, "tag", la_initialvalue )
   If li_rc > 0 Then
      ls_desc = String ( la_initialvalue ) 
      // parse the tag value
      If ls_desc <> "" Then ls_desc = of_GetTag ( ls_desc ) 
      ls_desc = ""
   End If   
End If

Return ls_desc
end function

protected function string of_getmenudesc (classdefinition a_class);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:            of_GetMenuDesc
// Description:      Return additional information about an object. 
//                   Look for attributes in the following order
//                   1. Text, if there is no text attribute or it is empty then look for
//                   2. Tag
long ll_idx, ll_cnt, ll_pos
string ls_desc, ls_piece1, ls_piece2, ls_value
string   ls_script[]

SetPointer ( HourGlass! )
// get the variables from the class definition
// for a menu, the attributes are set in the create script
ll_cnt = UpperBound ( a_class.ScriptList ) 
For ll_idx = 1 To ll_cnt
   If a_class.ScriptList[ll_idx].Name = "create" Then
      // found - so return success
      ls_value = a_class.ScriptList[ll_idx].Source
   End If

// check to see if we have anything to parse
If ls_value = "" Then Return ""
inv_string.of_ParseToArray ( ls_value, "~r~n", ls_script ) 
ll_cnt = UpperBound ( ls_script ) 
For ll_idx = 1 to ll_cnt
   If Pos ( Lower ( ls_script[ll_idx] ) , "this.text" )  > 0 Then
      ls_desc = inv_string.of_GetKeyValue ( ls_script[ll_idx], "this.text", "=" ) 
   End If

If ls_desc <> "" Then
   ls_desc = inv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_desc, "~"", "" ) 
   ls_desc = inv_string.of_RemoveNonPrint ( ls_desc ) 
   ll_pos = Pos ( ls_desc, "&&" ) 
   If ll_pos > 0 Then
      ls_piece1 = Mid ( ls_desc, 1, ll_pos - 1 ) 
      ls_piece2 = Mid ( ls_desc, ll_pos ) 
      ls_piece1 = inv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_piece1, "&", "" ) 
      ls_piece2 = inv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_piece2, "&", "" ) 
      ls_desc = ls_piece1 + "&" + ls_piece2
      ls_desc = inv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_desc, "&", "" ) 
   End If
   ll_pos = Pos ( ls_desc, "~~t" ) 
   If ll_pos > 0 Then
      ls_piece1 = Mid ( ls_desc, 1, ll_pos - 1 ) 
      ls_piece2 = Mid ( ls_desc, ll_pos + 2 ) 
      ls_desc = ls_piece1 + ls_piece2
   End If
End If

Return ls_desc
end function

protected function integer of_getscankeys (classdefinition a_control, ref string as_name, ref string as_desc, ref string as_type);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:         of_getscankeys
If Not IsValid ( a_control )  or IsNull ( a_control ) Then Return -1

SetPointer ( HourGlass! )

as_name = a_control.Name
as_name = Mid ( as_name, Pos ( as_name, "`" )  + 1 ) 
as_desc = of_GetDesc ( a_control ) 
as_type = a_control.DataTypeOf

// change for backwards compatibility
If as_type = "menu" Then 
   as_type = "menuitem"
   as_desc = of_GetMenuDesc ( a_control ) 
End If

Return 1
end function

protected function string of_gettag (string as_tag);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:            of_GetTag
// Description:      Parses the passed string. If the string is empty it returns an empty string
//                   if the string contains a keyword that matches what is in ics_keyword 
//                   (default is 'microhelp', default separator is ';') then the value for the keyword is returned
//                   if none of the aboove is true then the original string is returned
string ls_value

SetPointer ( HourGlass! )

// check arguments
If as_tag = "" Then Return ""

ls_value = inv_string.of_GetKeyValue ( as_tag, is_keyword, is_separator ) 
If ls_value = "" Then ls_value = as_tag

Return ls_value
end function

protected function integer of_initialvalue (classdefinition a_class, string as_property, ref any aa_value);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:         of_InitialValue
// Description:      Scan a class definitions variablelist looking for a property,
//                If found Then return the property's value
long     ll_idx, ll_cnt

SetPointer ( HourGlass! )

as_property = Trim ( Lower ( as_property ) )

// get the variables from the class definition
ll_cnt = UpperBound ( a_class.VariableList ) 
For ll_idx = 1 To ll_cnt
   If as_property = a_class.VariableList[ll_idx].Name Then
      // found - so return success
      aa_value = a_class.VariableList[ll_idx].InitialValue
      Return 1 
   End If

// variable not found so return error
Return -1
end function

protected function integer of_scandataobject (string as_dataobject, string as_dwname, string as_object);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:            of_ScanDataObject
// Description:      Scans the datawindow object and captures the information about each column
string ls_dwname, ls_query, ls_token, ls_ans, ls_name
int li_colcnt=0, li_posi

SetPointer ( HourGlass! )

ls_dwname = as_object 
If Len ( as_object )  > 0 Then ls_dwname += "."

If of_SetSyntax ( as_dwname, ids_info )  < 0 Then Return -1

ls_query = ids_info.Describe ( "Datawindow.Objects" ) 
ls_query = Lower ( ls_query ) 

// strip apart the tab seperated string
Do While Len ( ls_query )  > 0  
   li_posi = Pos ( ls_query, "~t" ) 
   If li_posi = 0 Then 
      // no more tabs so take what's left of the string
      li_posi = Len ( ls_query ) 
      li_posi = li_posi - 1
   End If
   ls_token = Left ( ls_query, li_posi )  // grab off the token
   ls_query = Mid ( ls_query, li_posi + 2 )  // skip past the tab 
   If Len ( ls_token )  > 0 Then 
      ls_ans = ids_info.Describe ( ls_token + ".Type " ) 
      ls_ans = Lower ( ls_ans ) 
      If Pos ( ls_ans, "column" )  > 0 Then // is it a column?
         ls_name = ls_dwname + ls_token
         If Not IsNull ( ls_name )  And Len ( Trim ( ls_name ) )  > 0 Then 
            // get the descriptive info
            ls_ans =ids_info.Describe ( ls_token + ".dbName " )  + " : " + &
               ids_info.Describe ( ls_token + ".ColType" )  
               of_addobject ( is_app, as_dataobject, ls_name, "Column", ls_ans )   
         End If
      End If
   End If

Return li_colcnt
end function

protected function integer of_setsyntax (string as_dataobject, datastore ads_datastore);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_setsyntax
// Description:   Create the syntax in as_dataobject and place it in ads_datastore.
//                Scan the list of libraries until the dataobject is found
string ls_syntax, ls_errors
integer li_cnt, li_idx

SetPointer ( HourGlass! )

If IsNull ( as_dataobject ) Then Return -1
If Len ( trim ( as_dataobject ) ) = 0 Then Return -1

If IsNull ( ads_datastore )  Then Return -1
If Not IsValid ( ads_datastore )  Then Return -1

li_cnt = UpperBound ( is_liblist ) 
li_idx = 1
Do While li_idx <= li_cnt
   ls_syntax = LibraryExport ( is_liblist[li_idx], as_dataobject, ExportDataWindow! )
   If Len ( ls_syntax )  > 0 Then Exit
If Len ( ls_syntax )  = 0 Then Return -1

ads_datastore.Create ( ls_syntax, ls_errors ) 
If Len ( ls_errors )  > 0 Then Return -1

Return 1
end function

public function integer of_update ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:   of_update
// Description:  Save the changes. Delete rows that belong to controls that no longer exist
integer  li_rc
long     ll_rowcnt, ll_modcount

SetPointer ( HourGlass! )

li_rc = ids_apps.Update ( True, False ) 
If li_rc >= 0 Then 
   li_rc = ids_updates.Update ( True, False ) 
End If

If li_rc < 1 Then
   RollBack Using itr_trans;
   If itr_trans.sqlcode <> 0 Then Return -2
   Return -1
   Commit Using itr_trans;
   If itr_trans.SQLCode <> 0 Then Return -2
   ids_apps.ResetUpdate ( )
   ids_updates.ResetUpdate ( )
   Return 1
End If
end function

protected function integer of_addobject (string as_app, string as_winname, string as_object, string as_objecttype, string as_desc);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:   of_addobject
integer li_rc
long ll_row
string ls_importstring

SetPointer ( HourGlass! )

// remove potential CRLF pairs
as_desc = inv_string.of_RemoveNonPrint ( as_desc )  

ll_row = ids_updates.Find ( "application='" + as_app + "' and window = '" + as_winname + "' and control = '" + &
                           as_object + "'", 1, ids_updates.RowCount ( ) ) 
If ll_row > 0 Then 
   ids_updates.object.object_type.Current[ll_row] = as_objecttype
   ids_updates.object.description.Current[ll_row] = as_desc
   ls_importstring = as_app + "~t" + as_winname + "~t" + as_object + "~t" + as_objecttype + "~t" + as_desc
   li_rc = ids_updates.ImportString ( ls_importstring )  
   If li_rc < 0 Then
      MessageBox ( "Security Scanner","Error on importstring. Error code = " + String ( li_rc ) + ". Attempted to import the following string ~r~n" + ls_importstring ) 
   End If
End If

Return li_rc
end function

protected function integer of_explodeobject (string as_object, classdefinition a_class, string as_name);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:         of_ExplodeObject
// Description:   Recursively scan an object.
any la_initial
integer li_rc
long ll_cnt, ll_idx, ll_n, ll_nested
string ls_name, ls_desc, ls_objecttype, ls_dataobject
classdefinition l_control, l_ancestor, l_nested

SetPointer ( HourGlass! )

// see how many objects to be scaned
ll_cnt = UpperBound ( a_class.NestedClassList ) 
If ll_cnt = 0 Then 
   // does not have any nested classes so get the class it self
   of_GetScanKeys ( a_class, ls_name, ls_desc, ls_objecttype ) 
   ls_name = as_name + ls_name
   of_AddObject ( is_app, as_object, ls_name, ls_objecttype, ls_desc )
   // get the controls on the object
   For ll_idx = 1 To ll_cnt
      l_control = a_class.NestedClassList[ll_idx]
      // do not scan system structures or structure datatypes.  Or NVO?
      If Not l_control.IsStructure Then
         of_GetScanKeys ( l_control, ls_name, ls_desc, ls_objecttype ) 
         ls_name = as_name + ls_name
         of_AddObject ( is_app, as_object, ls_name, ls_objecttype, ls_desc )
         Choose Case l_control.DataTypeOf 
            Case "datawindow" 
               li_rc = of_InitialValue ( l_control, "dataobject", la_initial )
               If li_rc > 0 Then
                  ls_dataobject = string ( la_initial ) 
                  If ls_dataobject <> "" Then 
                     of_ScanDataObject ( as_object, ls_dataobject, ls_name ) 
                  End If
               End If
            Case "menu"
               //  Make sure you add "this" control if it was not already added
               of_GetScanKeys ( a_class, ls_name, ls_desc, ls_objecttype ) 
               ls_name = as_name + ls_name
               of_AddObject ( is_app, as_object, ls_name, ls_objecttype, ls_desc )

               ll_nested = UpperBound ( l_control.NestedClassList ) 
               For ll_n = 1 to ll_nested
                  l_nested = l_control.NestedClassList[ll_n]
                  of_ExplodeObject ( as_object, l_nested, "" ) 
                  of_GetScanKeys ( a_class, ls_name, ls_desc, ls_objecttype ) 
                  ls_name = as_name + ls_name
                  of_AddObject ( is_app, as_object, ls_name, ls_objecttype, ls_desc )
            Case "tab", "userobject"
               If UpperBound( l_control.Nestedclasslist ) > 0 Then
                  of_explodeObject( as_object, l_control, ls_name + "." )
               End If
            Case Else
            End Choose
      End If
End If

Return 1
end function

public function integer of_scanobject (string as_object, string as_library);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:         of_scanobject
// Description:   Capture information about the controls and other classes on the object.
any      la_initial
long  ll_r, ll_rows
int li_rc
string   ls_menu, ls_name, ls_desc, ls_objecttype
classdefinition l_class

SetPointer ( HourGlass! )
// check arguments
If IsNull ( as_object ) Or Len ( trim ( as_object ) ) = 0 Then Return -1
If IsNull ( as_library ) Or Len ( trim ( as_library ) ) = 0 Then Return -1

// get known controls
ll_rows = ids_updates.Retrieve ( is_app, as_object ) 

//  Delete all the objects since we are scanning again
For ll_r = 1 to ll_rows
   ids_updates.DeleteRow ( 0 )
ids_updates.Update ( )

// load the object being scaned from the pbl
l_class = FindClassDefinition ( as_object, is_liblist )  
If Not IsValid ( l_class ) Then Return -1

If l_class.DataTypeOf = "nonvisualobject" Then Return 1
// scan the object for controls to be secured - recursively
If of_ExplodeObject ( as_object, l_class, "" )  < 0 Then Return -1

If l_class.DataTypeOf = "window" Then
   //  find the name of the menu from the class definition
   li_rc = of_InitialValue ( l_class, "menuname", la_initial ) 
   If li_rc > 0 Then 
      // load the menu from the pbl and scan it
      ls_menu = la_initial
      //  Ptrack # 497952, windows without menus are not scanned
      If Len ( trim ( ls_menu ) ) = 0 or IsNull ( ls_menu )  Then Return 1
      l_class = FindClassDefinition ( ls_menu, is_liblist ) 
      of_GetScanKeys ( l_class, ls_name, ls_desc, ls_objecttype ) 
      If ls_desc = "" Then ls_desc = "Top Level Menu Object"
      // If ls_name has not been scanned before Then add it
      of_AddObject ( is_app, as_object, ls_name, ls_objecttype, ls_desc ) 
   End If
   If IsValid ( l_class )  Then of_ExplodeObject ( as_object, l_class, "" ) 
End If

Return 1
end function

on pfcscanner_n_cst_securityscanner.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on pfcscanner_n_cst_securityscanner.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on

event constructor;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:         Constructor
// Description:   Create all needed  datastore objects
ids_updates = create pfcscanner_n_ds

ids_apps = create pfcscanner_n_ds

ids_info = create pfcscanner_n_ds
end event

event destructor;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:         Destructor
// Description:   Destroy all created datastore objects
If IsValid ( ids_updates ) Then Destroy ids_updates
If IsValid ( ids_info ) Then Destroy ids_info
If IsValid ( ids_apps ) Then Destroy ids_apps
end event