File: pfc_n_cst_resize.sru
Size: 46336
Date: Sat, 08 May 2021 23:34:22 +0200
$PBExportComments$PFC Resize service
global type pfc_n_cst_resize from n_base
end type
end forward

global type pfc_n_cst_resize from n_base
event type integer pfc_resize ( unsignedlong aul_sizetype,  integer ai_newwidth,  integer ai_newheight )
end type
global pfc_n_cst_resize pfc_n_cst_resize

type variables
// Predefined resize constants.
Constant String FIXEDRIGHT =  'FixedToRight'
Constant String FIXEDBOTTOM = 'FixedToBottom'
Constant String FIXEDRIGHTBOTTOM = 'FixedToRight&Bottom'
Constant String SCALE = 'Scale'
Constant String SCALERIGHT = 'ScaleToRight'
Constant String SCALEBOTTOM = 'ScaleToBottom'
Constant String SCALERIGHTBOTTOM = 'ScaleToRight&Bottom'
Constant String FIXEDRIGHT_SCALEBOTTOM = 'FixedToRight&ScaleToBottom'
Constant String FIXEDBOTTOM_SCALERIGHT = 'FixedToBottom&ScaleToRight'
// The following five resize constants added in v12.5
constant string FIXEDCENTER            = 'FixedToCenter'
constant string FIXEDCENTERTOP         = 'FixedToCenterTop'
constant string FIXEDCENTERBOTTOM      = 'FixedToCenterBottom'
constant string FIXEDCENTERLEFT        = 'FixedToCenterLeft'
constant string FIXEDCENTERRIGHT       = 'FixedToCenterRight'

constant string  DRAGOBJECT = 'dragobject!'
constant string  LINE = 'line!'
constant string  OVAL = 'oval!'
constant string  RECTANGLE = 'rectangle!'
constant string  ROUNDRECTANGLE = 'roundrectangle!'
constant string  MDICLIENT = 'mdiclient!'

constant string  ics_dragobject = 'dragobject!' // Obsoleted in 6.0
constant string  ics_line = 'line!'    // Obsoleted in 6.0
constant string  ics_oval = 'oval!'    // Obsoleted in 6.0
constant string  ics_rectangle = 'rectangle!'   // Obsoleted in 6.0
constant string  ics_roundrectangle = 'roundrectangle!' // Obsoleted in 6.0
constant string ics_mdiclient = 'mdiclient!' // Obsoleted in 6.0

long  il_parentminimumwidth=0
long  il_parentminimumheight=0
long  il_parentprevwidth=-1
long  il_parentprevheight=-1

integer  ii_rounding = 5

// 7.0   Instance variable datatype changed from os_resize to n_cst_resizeattrib type
// 7.0   Instance variable name changed from istr_registered to inv_registered
n_cst_resizeattrib   inv_registered[]

// 7.0   This variable is obsolete.  Left in for migration purposes.
n_cst_resizeattrib   istr_registered[]
end variables

forward prototypes
public function integer of_unregister (windowobject awo_control)
public function integer of_register (windowobject awo_control, string as_method)
public function integer of_setminsize (integer ai_minwidth, integer ai_minheight)
public function integer of_SetOrigSize (integer ai_width, integer ai_height)
public function integer of_register (windowobject awo_control, integer ai_movex, integer ai_movey, integer ai_scalewidth, integer ai_scaleheight)
protected function integer of_register (windowobject awo_control, boolean ab_scale, integer ai_movex, integer ai_movey, integer ai_scalewidth, integer ai_scaleheight)
protected function string of_typeof (windowobject awo_control)
public function integer of_getminmaxpoints (windowobject awo_control[], ref integer ai_min_x, ref integer ai_min_y, ref integer ai_max_x, ref integer ai_max_y)
protected function integer of_resize (integer ai_newwidth, integer ai_newheight)
end prototypes

event pfc_resize;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  resize
// Description:
// Send resize notification to services.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the MIT License

 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
Return of_Resize(ai_newwidth, ai_newheight)
end event

public function integer of_unregister (windowobject awo_control);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_UnRegister  
// Access:        public
// Arguments:     
// awo_control    The control to unregister.
// Returns:       integer
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:   Unregister a control that was previously registered.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
// 6.0   Changed to support for weighted movement and sizing of controls.
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the MIT License

 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
integer        li_upperbound
integer        li_cnt
integer        li_registered_slot

//Check parameters
If IsNull(awo_control) or (not IsValid(awo_control)) Then
   Return -1
End If

//Confirm that the user object has already been initialized
If il_parentprevheight=-1 And il_parentprevwidth=-1 Then
   Return -1
End If

//Get the current UpperBound
li_upperbound = UpperBound (inv_registered[])

//Find the registered object
li_registered_slot = 0
For li_cnt = 1 to li_upperbound
   If inv_registered[li_cnt].wo_control = awo_control Then
      li_registered_slot = li_cnt
   End If

//If the control was not previously registered, return
//an error code.
If li_registered_slot = 0 Then
   Return -1
End If

//Unregister the control
n_cst_resizeAttrib                  lnvo_resizeAttrib
inv_registered[li_registered_slot]  = lnvo_resizeAttrib

Return 1
end function

public function integer of_register (windowobject awo_control, string as_method);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_Register
// Access:        public
// Arguments:     
// awo_control    The window object being registered.
// as_method      The desired resize/move method.
//                Valid values are:
//                 'FixedToRight'
//                 'FixedToBottom'
//                 'FixedToRight&Bottom'
//                 'Scale'
//                 'ScaleToRight'
//                 'ScaleToBottom'
//                 'ScaleToRight&Bottom'
//                 'FixedToRight&ScaleToBottom'
//                 'FixedToBottom&ScaleToRight'
//                 'FixedToCenter'       (fixed relative to center)
//                 'FixedToCenterTop'    (fixed to top, but relative to horizontal center)
//                 'FixedToCenterBottom' (fixed to bottom, but relative to horizontal center)
//                 'FixedToCenterLeft'   (fixed to left side, but relative to vertical center)
//                 'FixedToCenterRight'  (fixed to right side, but relative vertical center)
// Returns:       integer
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:   Register a control which needs to either be moved or resized
//                when the parent object is resized. 
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
// 6.0   Changed to use constants for checking resize method.
// 6.0   Changed to support for weighted movement and sizing of controls.
// 12.5  Add five resize/move methods related to center of window.
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the MIT License

 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
constant integer DONT_MOVE = 0   // Scale 0% prevents objects from moving during resize.
constant integer CENTERED = 50   // Scale 50% keeps objects centered as window resizes.
constant integer FULL_PERCENT= 100
integer        li_movex, li_movey
integer        li_scalewidth, li_scaleheight
boolean        lb_scale=False

//Check parameters
If IsNull(awo_control) or (not IsValid(awo_control)) or IsNull(as_method) Then
   Return -1
End If

//Translate and finish validating parameteters
Choose Case Lower(as_method)
   Case Lower(FIXEDRIGHT)
      li_movex = FULL_PERCENT          // X-position fixed to right side
      li_movey = DONT_MOVE             // Y-position fixed to top
   Case Lower(FIXEDBOTTOM)
      li_movex = DONT_MOVE             // X-position fixed to left side
      li_movey = FULL_PERCENT          // Y-position fixed to bottom
      li_movex = FULL_PERCENT          // X-position fixed to right side
      li_movey = FULL_PERCENT          // Y-position fixed to bottom
   Case Lower(SCALE)
      lb_scale = True                  // Width & Height both scale
   Case Lower(SCALERIGHT)
      li_scalewidth = FULL_PERCENT     // Width scales, but not Height
   Case Lower(SCALEBOTTOM)
      li_scaleheight = FULL_PERCENT    // Height scales, but not Width
      li_scalewidth = FULL_PERCENT     // Width scales
      li_scaleheight = FULL_PERCENT    // Height scales
      li_movex = FULL_PERCENT          // X-position fixed to right side
      li_scaleheight = FULL_PERCENT    // Height scales
      li_movey = FULL_PERCENT          // Y-position fixed to bottom side
      li_scalewidth = FULL_PERCENT     // Width scales
   Case Lower(FIXEDCENTER)
      li_movex = CENTERED              // X-position fixed to center
      li_movey = CENTERED              // Y-position fixed to center
      li_movex = CENTERED              // X-position fixed to center
      li_movey = FULL_PERCENT          // Y-position fixed to bottom
      li_movex = CENTERED              // X-position fixed to center
      li_movey = DONT_MOVE             // Y-position fixed to top
      li_movex = DONT_MOVE             // X-position fixed to left
      li_movey = CENTERED              // Y-position fixed to center
      li_movex = FULL_PERCENT          // X-position fixed to right
      li_movey = CENTERED              // Y-position fixed to center
Case Else
      Return -1
End Choose

Return of_Register(awo_control, lb_scale, &
      li_movex, li_movey, li_scalewidth, li_scaleheight)
end function

public function integer of_setminsize (integer ai_minwidth, integer ai_minheight);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_SetMinSize
// Access:        public
// Arguments:     
// ai_minwidth    The minimum width for the parent object.
// ai_minheight   The minimum height for the parent object.
// Returns:       integer
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:   Sets the current object minimum size attributes.
//                Note: the service object needs to be initialized (of_SetOrigSize())
//                prior to setting the Minimum size of the object.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the MIT License

 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

//Check parameters
If IsNull(ai_minwidth) or IsNull(ai_minheight) Then
   Return -1
End If

//Confirm that the user object has already been initialized
If il_parentprevheight=-1 And il_parentprevwidth=-1 Then
   Return -1
End If

//Set the minimum values for the width and height
il_parentminimumwidth = ai_minwidth
il_parentminimumheight = ai_minheight

Return 1
end function

public function integer of_SetOrigSize (integer ai_width, integer ai_height);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_SetOrigSize
// Access:        public
// Arguments:     
// ai_width       The current width of the parent object.
// ai_height      The current height of the parent object.
// Returns:       integer
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:   Initializes the Resize object by setting the current object
//                size.
//                Note: the service object needs to be initialized (this function)
//                prior to the registering (of_register()) of objects.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the MIT License

 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

//Check parameters
If IsNull(ai_width) or IsNull(ai_height) Then
   Return -1
End If

//Set the current width and height
il_parentprevwidth = ai_width
il_parentprevheight = ai_height

Return 1
end function

public function integer of_register (windowobject awo_control, integer ai_movex, integer ai_movey, integer ai_scalewidth, integer ai_scaleheight);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_Register
// Access:        public
// Arguments:     
//  awo_control   The window object being registered.
//  ai_movex         The percentage to move the object along the x axis.
//  ai_movey         The percentage to move the object along the y axis.
//  ai_scalewidth    The percentage to scale the object along the x axis.
//  ai_scaleheight   The percentage to scale the object along the y axis.
// Returns:       integer
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:   Register a control which needs to either be moved or resized
//                when the parent object is resized.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0    Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the MIT License

 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
boolean     lb_scale=False

Return of_Register (awo_control, lb_scale, ai_movex, ai_movey, &
      ai_scalewidth, ai_scaleheight)
end function

protected function integer of_register (windowobject awo_control, boolean ab_scale, integer ai_movex, integer ai_movey, integer ai_scalewidth, integer ai_scaleheight);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_Register
// Access:        public
// Arguments:     
//  awo_control      The window object being registered.
//  ab_scale         If the object should be registered as a Scale type.
//  ai_movex         The percentage to move the object along the x axis.
//  ai_movey         The percentage to move the object along the y axis.
//  ai_scalewidth    The percentage to scale the object along the x axis.
//  ai_scaleheight   The percentage to scale the object along the y axis.
// Returns:       integer
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:   Register a control which needs to either be moved or resized
//                when the parent object is resized.  The action taken on this
//                control depends on the four attributes: ai_movex, ai ai_movey,
//                ai_scalewidth, ai_scaleheight.
//                Note: the service object needs to be initialized (of_SetOrigSize())
//                prior to any registering (this function) of objects.
// Revision History
// Version
// 6.0    Initial version
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the MIT License

 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
dragobject     ldrg_cntrl
oval           loval_cntrl
line           ln_cntrl
rectangle      lrec_cntrl
roundrectangle lrrec_cntrl

integer        li_x, li_y, li_width, li_height
integer        li_upperbound
integer        li_cnt
integer        li_slot_available
boolean        lb_movex=False, lb_movey=False
boolean        lb_scalewidth=False, lb_scaleheight=False

//Check parameters
If IsNull(awo_control) or Not IsValid(awo_control) or &
   IsNull(ab_scale) or &
   IsNull(ai_movex) or ai_movex<0 or ai_movex>100 or &
   IsNull(ai_movey) or ai_movey<0 or ai_movey>100 or &
   IsNull(ai_scalewidth) or ai_scalewidth<0 or ai_scalewidth>100 or & 
   IsNull(ai_scaleheight) or ai_scaleheight<0 or ai_scaleheight>100 Then
   Return -1
End If

//Translate parameteters.
If ab_scale Then
   ai_movex = 0
   ai_movey = 0
   ai_scalewidth = 0
   ai_scaleheight = 0
End If
lb_movex = (ai_movex > 0)
lb_movey = (ai_movey > 0)
lb_scalewidth = (ai_scalewidth > 0)
lb_scaleheight = (ai_scaleheight > 0)

//Confirm that the user object has already been initialized
If il_parentprevheight=-1 And il_parentprevwidth=-1 Then
   Return -1
End If

//Get the previous Bound
li_upperbound = UpperBound (inv_registered[])

//Determine if there is an open slot available other than a
//new entry on the array
li_slot_available = 0
For li_cnt = 1 to li_upperbound
   If IsNull(inv_registered[li_cnt].wo_control) Or &
      Not IsValid(inv_registered[li_cnt].wo_control) Then
      If li_slot_available = 0 Then
         //Get the first slot found
         li_slot_available = li_cnt
      End If
      //Check if control has already been registered
      If inv_registered[li_cnt].wo_control = awo_control Then
         Return -1
      End If
   End If

//If an available slot was not found then create a new entry
If li_slot_available = 0 Then
   li_slot_available = li_upperbound + 1
   // reset slot because it may still contain values from previous object (#10999)
   n_cst_resizeAttrib   lnvo_resizeAttrib
   inv_registered[li_slot_available]   = lnvo_resizeAttrib
End If

//Register the new object

//Validate and set typeof value
Choose Case of_TypeOf(awo_control)
      //Store a reference to the control
      ldrg_cntrl = awo_control
      //Store the type of the control to speed access to its attributes
      inv_registered[li_slot_available].s_typeof = DRAGOBJECT     
      //Store the position and size of control
      li_x = ldrg_cntrl.X
      li_y = ldrg_cntrl.Y
      li_width = ldrg_cntrl.Width
      li_height = ldrg_cntrl.Height
   Case LINE
      ln_cntrl = awo_control
      inv_registered[li_slot_available].s_typeof = LINE     
      li_x = ln_cntrl.BeginX
      li_y = ln_cntrl.BeginY
      li_width = ln_cntrl.EndX
      li_height = ln_cntrl.EndY
   Case OVAL
      loval_cntrl = awo_control
      inv_registered[li_slot_available].s_typeof = OVAL        
      li_x = loval_cntrl.X
      li_y = loval_cntrl.Y
      li_width = loval_cntrl.Width
      li_height = loval_cntrl.Height      
      lrec_cntrl = awo_control
      inv_registered[li_slot_available].s_typeof = RECTANGLE      
      li_x = lrec_cntrl.X
      li_y = lrec_cntrl.Y
      li_width = lrec_cntrl.Width
      li_height = lrec_cntrl.Height    
      lrrec_cntrl = awo_control
      inv_registered[li_slot_available].s_typeof = ROUNDRECTANGLE          
      li_x = lrrec_cntrl.X
      li_y = lrrec_cntrl.Y
      li_width = lrrec_cntrl.Width
      li_height = lrrec_cntrl.Height      
   Case Else
      //An unknown control type has been encountered
      Return -1
End Choose

//Register the actual object
inv_registered[li_slot_available].wo_control = awo_control
inv_registered[li_slot_available].s_classname = awo_control.ClassName()

//Set the behavior attributes
inv_registered[li_slot_available].b_movex = lb_movex
inv_registered[li_slot_available].i_movex = ai_movex
inv_registered[li_slot_available].b_movey = lb_movey
inv_registered[li_slot_available].i_movey = ai_movey
inv_registered[li_slot_available].b_scalewidth = lb_scalewidth
inv_registered[li_slot_available].i_scalewidth = ai_scalewidth
inv_registered[li_slot_available].b_scaleheight = lb_scaleheight
inv_registered[li_slot_available].i_scaleheight = ai_scaleheight
inv_registered[li_slot_available].b_scale = ab_scale

//Set the initial position/size attributes
inv_registered[li_slot_available].r_x = li_x
inv_registered[li_slot_available].r_y = li_y
inv_registered[li_slot_available].r_width = li_width
inv_registered[li_slot_available].r_height = li_height

Return 1
end function

protected function string of_typeof (windowobject awo_control);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_TypeOf
// Access:        protected
// Arguments:     
// awo_control    The window object for which a type is needed.
// Returns:       string
//                Describes the type of the object.
//                '!' if an error occurs.
// Description:   Determines on the type of an object for the purposes of 
//                getting to its attributes.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
// 6.0   Changed to use new constants.
// 7.0   Added new controls hprogressbar!, htrackbar!, vprogressbar!,
//       vtrackbar!, picturehyperlink!, statichyperlink!
// 2019 R2 Added bew controls animation!, datepicker!, inkedit!, 
//       inkpicture!, monthcalendar!, ribbonbar!, webbrowser!
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the MIT License

 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

//Check parameters
If IsNull(awo_control) or (not IsValid(awo_control)) Then
   Return '!'
End If

//Validate and set typeof value
Choose Case awo_control.TypeOf()
   Case  checkbox!, commandbutton!, datawindow!, dropdownlistbox!, dropdownpicturelistbox!, &
         editmask!, graph!, groupbox!, hprogressbar!, hscrollbar!, htrackbar!, listbox!,  &
         listview!, multilineedit!, olecontrol!, olecustomcontrol!, omcontrol!, omcustomcontrol!,  &
         omembeddedcontrol!, picture!, picturebutton!, picturehyperlink!, picturelistbox!,  &
         radiobutton!, richtextedit!, singlelineedit!, statichyperlink!, statictext!,  &
         tab!, treeview!, userobject!, vprogressbar!, vscrollbar!, vtrackbar!, &
         animation!, datepicker!, inkedit!, inkpicture!, monthcalendar!, ribbonbar!, webbrowser!
      Return DRAGOBJECT
   Case  line!
      Return LINE
   Case  oval!
      Return OVAL
   Case  rectangle!
      Return RECTANGLE
   Case  roundrectangle!
   Case  mdiclient!
      Return MDICLIENT
End Choose

Return '!'
end function

public function integer of_getminmaxpoints (windowobject awo_control[], ref integer ai_min_x, ref integer ai_min_y, ref integer ai_max_x, ref integer ai_max_y);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:      of_GetMinMaxPoints
// Access:        public
// Arguments:     
// awo_control[]  The control array for whom the Min and Max attributes are needed.
// ai_min_x       The minimum X point found by looking at the X attributes of all
//                   the controls on the control array (by reference).
// ai_min_y       The minimum Y point found by looking at the X attributes of all
//                   the controls on the control array (by reference).
// ai_max_x       The maximum X point found by adding the X and Width attributes
//                   of all the controls on the control array (by reference).
// ai_max_y       The maximum Y point found by adding the Y and Height attributes
//                   of all the controls on the control array (by reference).
// Returns:       integer
//                1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:   Determines the four extreme points of the controls within a 
//                control array by looking at the X, Y, Width, Height, BeginX, 
//                BeginY, EndX, EndY attributes.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version
// 6.0   Changed to use new constants.
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the MIT License

 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
dragobject     ldrg_cntrl
oval           loval_cntrl
line           ln_cntrl
rectangle      lrec_cntrl
roundrectangle lrrec_cntrl

integer        li_x, li_y, li_width, li_height, li_temp
integer        li_upperbound
integer        li_cnt

//Check arguments
If IsNull(awo_control) or IsNull(awo_control[]) or UpperBound(awo_control[])=0 Then
   Return -1
End If


//Get the Control upper bound
li_upperbound = UpperBound (awo_control[])

//Determine position of the right most and bottom most control.
For li_cnt = 1 to li_upperbound
   If IsValid(awo_control[li_cnt]) Then
      Choose Case of_TypeOf(awo_control[li_cnt])
         Case DRAGOBJECT
            //Set a reference to the control.
            ldrg_cntrl = awo_control[li_cnt]
            //Get the position, width, and height of the control.
            li_x = ldrg_cntrl.X
            li_y = ldrg_cntrl.Y
            li_width = ldrg_cntrl.Width
            li_height = ldrg_cntrl.Height
         Case LINE
            ln_cntrl = awo_control[li_cnt]
            li_x = ln_cntrl.BeginX
            li_y = ln_cntrl.BeginY
            li_width = ln_cntrl.EndX
            li_height = ln_cntrl.EndY
            //Correct for lines that may have the End points 
            //before to the Begin points.
            If li_width >= li_x Then
               li_width = li_width - li_x
               li_temp = li_x
               li_x = li_width
               li_width = li_temp - li_x
            End If   
            If li_height >= li_y Then
               li_height = li_height - li_y
               li_temp = li_y
               li_y = li_height
               li_height = li_temp - li_y
            End If
         Case OVAL
            loval_cntrl = awo_control[li_cnt]
            li_x = loval_cntrl.X
            li_y = loval_cntrl.Y
            li_width = loval_cntrl.Width
            li_height = loval_cntrl.Height      
         Case RECTANGLE
            lrec_cntrl = awo_control[li_cnt]
            li_x = lrec_cntrl.X
            li_y = lrec_cntrl.Y
            li_width = lrec_cntrl.Width
            li_height = lrec_cntrl.Height    
            lrrec_cntrl = awo_control[li_cnt]
            li_x = lrrec_cntrl.X
            li_y = lrrec_cntrl.Y
            li_width = lrrec_cntrl.Width
            li_height = lrrec_cntrl.Height
         Case MDICLIENT
         Case Else
            //An unknown control type has been encountered
            Return -1
      End Choose
      //Determine the Min and Max points
      If li_x < ai_min_x Then ai_min_x = li_x
      If li_y < ai_min_y Then ai_min_y = li_y
      If li_x + li_width > ai_max_x Then ai_max_x = li_x + li_width
      If li_y + li_height > ai_max_y Then ai_max_y = li_y + li_height
   End If

Return 1
end function

protected function integer of_resize (integer ai_newwidth, integer ai_newheight);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Protected Function:     of_Resize
// Arguments:              ai_newwidth    The new width of the parent object.
//                         ai_newheight   The new height of the parent object.
// Returns:                integer
//                         1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
// Description:            Moves or resizes objects that were registered with the service.
//                         Performs the actions that were requested via the
//                         of_SetOrigSize() and of_Register functions.
// Rev. History            Version
//                         5.0      Initial version
//                         6.0      Changed to support for weighted movement and sizing of controls.
//                         6.0      Changed to use new constants.
//                         8.0      Changed from Move for drawing objects to setting X and Y
//                         12.5     Vertical lines not resizing correctly,
//                                  EndY is not being set.  (Issue #11801 - 7/25/2014)
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the MIT License

 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see

//Note: For the line control: the width and height variables are
//                            used to hold EndX and EndY attributes.
//Temporary controls to get to attributes
dragobject     ldrg_cntrl
oval           loval_cntrl
line           lln_cntrl
rectangle      lrec_cntrl
roundrectangle lrrec_cntrl

//Local variables
integer        li_upperbound
integer        li_cnt
integer        li_x, li_y, li_width, li_height
integer        li_deltawidth, li_deltaheight
real           lr_ratiowidth, lr_ratioheight
real           lr_move_deltax, lr_move_deltay
real           lr_resize_deltawidth, lr_resize_deltaheight

//Confirm that the user object has already been initialized
If il_parentprevheight=-1 And il_parentprevwidth=-1 Then
   Return -1
End If

//Check the parameters
If IsNull(ai_newwidth) or IsNull(ai_newheight) Then
   return -1
End If

//Prevent the contents of the windows from resizing past the min width/height
If ai_newwidth < il_parentminimumwidth   Then ai_newwidth = il_parentminimumwidth
If ai_newheight < il_parentminimumheight Then ai_newheight = il_parentminimumheight

//Set the deltas/ratios for the width and height as compared to the previous size
li_deltawidth  = ai_newwidth  - il_parentprevwidth 
li_deltaheight = ai_newheight - il_parentprevheight
If il_parentprevwidth=0 Then il_parentprevwidth=1
If il_parentprevheight=0 Then il_parentprevheight=1   
lr_ratiowidth  = ai_newwidth  / il_parentprevwidth
lr_ratioheight = ai_newheight / il_parentprevheight

//Only continue if the size has changed
If li_deltawidth=0 And li_deltaheight=0 Then Return 1

//Set the new previous size
il_parentprevwidth = ai_newwidth
il_parentprevheight = ai_newheight

// Loop through all registered controls - Moving and resizing as appropriate

//Loop trough all controls
li_upperbound = UpperBound (inv_registered[])
For li_cnt = 1 to li_upperbound
   //Initialize variables
   li_x = 0
   li_y = 0 
   li_width = 0
   li_height = 0
   lr_move_deltax = 0   
   lr_move_deltay = 0
   lr_resize_deltawidth = 0   
   lr_resize_deltaheight = 0  
   If IsValid(inv_registered[li_cnt].wo_control) Then
      //Get attribute information from the appropriate control
      Choose Case inv_registered[li_cnt].s_typeof
         Case DRAGOBJECT
            ldrg_cntrl = inv_registered[li_cnt].wo_control
            li_x = ldrg_cntrl.X
            li_y = ldrg_cntrl.Y
            li_width = ldrg_cntrl.Width
            li_height = ldrg_cntrl.Height
         Case LINE
            // For the line control, the width and height variables 
            // are used to hold EndX and EndY attributes
            lln_cntrl = inv_registered[li_cnt].wo_control
            li_x = lln_cntrl.BeginX
            li_y = lln_cntrl.BeginY
            li_width = lln_cntrl.EndX
            li_height = lln_cntrl.EndY
         Case OVAL
            loval_cntrl = inv_registered[li_cnt].wo_control
            li_x = loval_cntrl.X
            li_y = loval_cntrl.Y
            li_width = loval_cntrl.Width
            li_height = loval_cntrl.Height   
         Case RECTANGLE
            lrec_cntrl = inv_registered[li_cnt].wo_control
            li_x = lrec_cntrl.X
            li_y = lrec_cntrl.Y
            li_width = lrec_cntrl.Width
            li_height = lrec_cntrl.Height
            lrrec_cntrl = inv_registered[li_cnt].wo_control       
            li_x = lrrec_cntrl.X
            li_y = lrrec_cntrl.Y
            li_width = lrrec_cntrl.Width
            li_height = lrrec_cntrl.Height            
         Case Else
            Return -1
      End Choose
      //Correct for any rounding or moving/resizing of objects trough
      //any other means
      If abs(inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x - li_x) > ii_rounding Then
         inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x = li_x
      End If            
      If abs(inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y - li_y) > ii_rounding Then
         inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y = li_y
      End If      
      If abs(inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width - li_width) > ii_rounding And &
         li_width > inv_registered[li_cnt].i_widthmin Then
         inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width = li_width
      End If                     
      If abs(inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height - li_height) > ii_rounding And &
         li_height > inv_registered[li_cnt].i_heightmin Then
         inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height = li_height
      End If         
      //Define the deltas for this control:  Move and Resize
      If inv_registered[li_cnt].b_scale Then
         lr_move_deltax = (inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x * lr_ratiowidth) - inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x
         lr_move_deltay = (inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y * lr_ratioheight) - inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y
         lr_resize_deltawidth = (inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width * lr_ratiowidth) - inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width
         lr_resize_deltaheight = (inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height * lr_ratioheight) - inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height
         // Prevent the weighted value from being overriden.
         If inv_registered[li_cnt].b_movex And inv_registered[li_cnt].i_movex = 0 Then
            inv_registered[li_cnt].i_movex = 100
         End If
         If inv_registered[li_cnt].b_movey And inv_registered[li_cnt].i_movey = 0 Then
            inv_registered[li_cnt].i_movey = 100
         End If
         If inv_registered[li_cnt].b_scalewidth And inv_registered[li_cnt].i_scalewidth=0 Then
            inv_registered[li_cnt].i_scalewidth = 100
         End If
         If inv_registered[li_cnt].b_scaleheight And inv_registered[li_cnt].i_scaleheight=0 Then
            inv_registered[li_cnt].i_scaleheight = 100
         End If         
         // Support for weighted movement and sizing of controls.
         If inv_registered[li_cnt].b_movex Then 
            lr_move_deltax = li_deltawidth * inv_registered[li_cnt].i_movex / 100
         End If
         If inv_registered[li_cnt].b_movey Then 
            lr_move_deltay = li_deltaheight * inv_registered[li_cnt].i_movey / 100
         End If
         If inv_registered[li_cnt].b_scalewidth Then 
            lr_resize_deltawidth = li_deltawidth * inv_registered[li_cnt].i_scalewidth / 100
         End If
         If inv_registered[li_cnt].b_scaleheight Then 
            lr_resize_deltaheight = li_deltaheight * inv_registered[li_cnt].i_scaleheight /100
         End If
      End If

      //If appropriate move the control along the X and Y attribute.
      If lr_move_deltax <> 0 Or lr_move_deltay <> 0 Then 
         //Save the 'exact' X and Y attributes.
         inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x + lr_move_deltax      
         inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y + lr_move_deltay
         Choose Case inv_registered[li_cnt].s_typeof
            Case DRAGOBJECT
               IF ldrg_cntrl.TypeOf() = WebBrowser! THEN
                  // Workaround for Bug 4853 in PB 2019 R2, Build 2328
                  ldrg_cntrl.X = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x
                  ldrg_cntrl.Y = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y
                  ldrg_cntrl.Move (inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x, inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y)
               END IF
            Case LINE
               //X moving
               lln_cntrl.BeginX = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x
               inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width + lr_move_deltax             
               lln_cntrl.EndX = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width
               //Y moving
               lln_cntrl.BeginY = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y
               inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height + lr_move_deltay
               lln_cntrl.EndY = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height               
            Case OVAL
               loval_cntrl.X = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x
               loval_cntrl.Y = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y
            Case RECTANGLE
               lrec_cntrl.X = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x
               lrec_cntrl.Y = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y
            Case ROUNDRECTANGLE
               lrrec_cntrl.X = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_x
               lrrec_cntrl.Y = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_y
         End Choose  
      End If /* Move */
      //If appropriate Resize the Width And Height of the control.
      //Performing one Resize instead of changing Width and Height individually.
      If lr_resize_deltawidth <> 0 Or lr_resize_deltaheight <> 0 Then      
         //Save the 'exact' Width and Height attributes.
         inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width + lr_resize_deltawidth 
         inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height + lr_resize_deltaheight    
         Choose Case inv_registered[li_cnt].s_typeof
            Case DRAGOBJECT
               IF ldrg_cntrl.TypeOf() = WebBrowser! THEN
                  // Workaround for Bug 4853 in PB 2019 R2, Build 2328
                  ldrg_cntrl.Width = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width
                  ldrg_cntrl.Height = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height
                  ldrg_cntrl.Resize (inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width, inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height)
               END IF
               li_width = ldrg_cntrl.Width
               li_height = ldrg_cntrl.Height
            Case LINE
               lln_cntrl.EndX = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width
               lln_cntrl.EndY = inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height   // Issue #11801 - 7/25/2014 (Added)
            Case OVAL
               loval_cntrl.Resize (inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width, inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height)
               li_width = loval_cntrl.Width
               li_height = loval_cntrl.Height               
            Case RECTANGLE
               lrec_cntrl.Resize (inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width, inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height)
               li_width = lrec_cntrl.Width
               li_height = lrec_cntrl.Height 
            Case ROUNDRECTANGLE
               lrrec_cntrl.Resize (inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width, inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height)
               li_width = lrrec_cntrl.Width
               li_height = lrrec_cntrl.Height               
         End Choose     
         //Determine if the object does not support the requested Width or Height.
         //Used to determine if the object was resized by any other means.
         If li_width > inv_registered[li_cnt].r_width + ii_rounding Then //with rounding (#11000)
            inv_registered[li_cnt].i_widthmin = li_width
            inv_registered[li_cnt].i_widthmin = 0
         End If
         If li_height > inv_registered[li_cnt].r_height + ii_rounding Then //with rounding (#11000)
            inv_registered[li_cnt].i_heightmin = li_height
            inv_registered[li_cnt].i_heightmin = 0
         End If               
      End If /* Resize */

   End If /* If IsValid(inv_registered[li_cnt].wo_control) Then */
Next /* For li_cnt = 1 to li_upperbound */

Return 1
end function

on pfc_n_cst_resize.create
call super::create
end on

on pfc_n_cst_resize.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event constructor;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Event:  pfc_n_cst_resize
// Description:
// Resize service.
// Revision History
// Version
// 5.0   Initial version - Claudio J. Quant
 * Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class Libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted in accordance with the MIT License

 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals and was originally based on software copyright (c) 
 * 1996-2004 Sybase, Inc.  For more
 * information on the Open Source PowerBuilder Foundation Class
 * Libraries see
end event