File: n_fileinfo.sru
Size: 5612
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2017 17:30:57 +0200
$PBExportComments$Retrieve version string from a file
global type n_fileinfo from nonvisualobject
end type
type os_fileversioninfo from structure within n_fileinfo
end type
type os_transarray from structure within n_fileinfo
end type
end forward

type os_fileversioninfo from structure
   string      ProductName
   string      ProductVersion
   string      OriginalFilename
   string      FileDescription
   string      FileVersion
   string      CompanyName
   string      LegalCopyright
   string      LegalTrademarks
   string      InternalName
   string      PrivateBuild
   string      SpecialBuild
   string      Comments
end type

type os_transarray from structure
   unsignedinteger      wlanguageid
   unsignedinteger      wcharacterset
end type

global type n_fileinfo from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

type prototypes
Subroutine CopyMemory ( &
   Ref string Destination, &
   ulong Source, &
   long Length &
   ) Library  "kernel32.dll" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory"

Subroutine CopyMemory ( &
   Ref structure Destination, &
   ulong Source, &
   long Length &
   ) Library  "kernel32.dll" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory"

Function long GetFileVersionInfoSize ( &
   string lptstrFilename, &
   Ref ulong lpdwHandle &
   ) Library "version.dll" Alias For "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA"

Function boolean GetFileVersionInfo( &
   string lptstrFilename, &
   long dwHandle, &
   long dwLen, &
   Ref string lpData &
   ) Library "version.dll" Alias For "GetFileVersionInfoA"

Function boolean VerQueryValue( &
   Ref string lpBlock, &
   string lpSubBlock, &
   Ref long lpBuffer, &
   Ref uint puLen &
   ) Library "version.dll" Alias For "VerQueryValueA"

end prototypes

forward prototypes
public function string of_hex (unsignedlong aul_decimal)
public function boolean of_getfileversioninfo (string as_filename, ref os_fileversioninfo astr_fvi)
public function string of_get_fileversion (string as_filename)
public function string of_hex (unsignedlong aul_decimal)
public function boolean of_getfileversioninfo (string as_filename, ref os_fileversioninfo astr_fvi)
public function string of_get_fileversion (string as_filename)
end prototypes

public function string of_hex (unsignedlong aul_decimal);// convert number to hex string
String ls_hex
Char lch_hex[0 to 15] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', &
                     'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}

   ls_hex = lch_hex[mod (aul_decimal, 16)] + ls_hex
   aul_decimal /= 16
Loop Until aul_decimal= 0

Return ls_hex

end function

public function boolean of_getfileversioninfo (string as_filename, ref os_fileversioninfo astr_fvi);ulong   dwHandle
ulong dwLength
string   ls_versionkeys[12] = { "ProductName", "ProductVersion", &
         "OriginalFilename", "FileDescription", "FileVersion", &
         "CompanyName", "LegalCopyright", "LegalTrademarks", &
         "InternalName", "PrivateBuild", "SpecialBuild", "Comments" }
string   ls_versioninfo[12]

dwLength = GetFileVersionInfoSize( as_filename, dwHandle )
IF dwLength <= 0 THEN
   // No version information available
   Return False

OS_TRANSARRAY  lst_trans
string      ls_Buff, ls_key, ls_language, ls_charset
uint        lui_length
integer     i
long        ll_pointer

// Allocate version information buffer
ls_Buff = Space( dwLength )
ls_key = Space(80)

// Get version information
IF NOT GetFileVersionInfo( as_filename, dwHandle, dwLength, ls_Buff ) THEN
   Return False

// Get the structure language ID and character set
ls_key = "\VarFileInfo\Translation"
IF NOT VerQueryValue( ls_Buff, ls_key, ll_pointer, lui_length ) THEN
   Return False

// ll_pointer contains a pointer to the structure, copy that into a local variable
CopyMemory( lst_trans, ll_pointer, lui_length )

// Convert the langid and char set into 4-digit hex value
ls_language  = of_Hex( lst_trans.wLanguageId )
ls_language  = Fill( '0', 4 - Len( ls_language ) ) + ls_language

ls_charset = of_Hex( lst_trans.wCharacterSet )
ls_charset = Fill( '0', 4 - Len( ls_charset ) ) + ls_charset

// If version info exists, and the key query is successful, add
//  the value.  Otherwise, the value for the key is NULL.
FOR i = 1 TO 12 
   ls_key = "\StringFileInfo\" + ls_language + ls_charset + "\" + ls_versionkeys[i]
   IF NOT VerQueryValue( ls_buff, ls_key, ll_pointer, lui_length ) OR &
      lui_length <= 0 THEN
      ls_versioninfo[i] = ""
      // ll_pointer contains a pointer to the string, copy that into a local variable
//    lui_length = lui_length * 2   // this line needed in PB10 due to Unicode
      ls_versioninfo[i] = Space( lui_length )
      CopyMemory( ls_versioninfo[i], ll_pointer, lui_length )

astr_fvi.ProductName = ls_versioninfo[1]
astr_fvi.ProductVersion = ls_versioninfo[2]
astr_fvi.OriginalFilename = ls_versioninfo[3]
astr_fvi.FileDescription = ls_versioninfo[4]
astr_fvi.FileVersion = ls_versioninfo[5]
astr_fvi.CompanyName = ls_versioninfo[6]
astr_fvi.LegalCopyright = ls_versioninfo[7]
astr_fvi.LegalTrademarks = ls_versioninfo[8]
astr_fvi.InternalName = ls_versioninfo[9]
astr_fvi.PrivateBuild = ls_versioninfo[10]
astr_fvi.SpecialBuild = ls_versioninfo[11]
astr_fvi.Comments = ls_versioninfo[12]

Return True

end function

public function string of_get_fileversion (string as_filename);// return FileVersion string

this.of_GetFileVersionInfo(as_filename, lstr_fvi)

Return lstr_fvi.FileVersion

end function

on n_fileinfo.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on n_fileinfo.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on