File: w_treeview.srw
Size: 11025
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 04:19:28 +0200
global type w_treeview from window
end type
type lv_files from u_listview within w_treeview
end type
type st_splitbar from u_splitbar_vertical within w_treeview
end type
type cb_cancel from commandbutton within w_treeview
end type
type tv_drives from treeview within w_treeview
end type
end forward

global type w_treeview from window
integer width = 4439
integer height = 2708
boolean titlebar = true
string title = "File Explorer"
boolean controlmenu = true
long backcolor = 67108864
string icon = "AppIcon!"
boolean center = true
event ue_postopen ( )
lv_files lv_files
st_splitbar st_splitbar
cb_cancel cb_cancel
tv_drives tv_drives
end type
global w_treeview w_treeview

type prototypes

end prototypes

type variables
Datastore ids_sorter
Long il_handle

end variables

forward prototypes
public subroutine wf_populate_listview (long al_handle)
end prototypes

event ue_postopen();n_filesys ln_fsys
String ls_image, ls_drive[], ls_label[]
Integer li_cnt, li_max
ULong lul_type[]
TreeViewItem ltvi_item
Long ll_MyDocuments, ll_MyComputer


// Insert My Documents
ltvi_item.Expanded = False
ltvi_item.Data = ln_fsys.of_GetFolderPath(ln_fsys.CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS)
ltvi_item.Label = "My Documents"
ltvi_item.PictureIndex = 8
ltvi_item.SelectedPictureIndex = 8
ltvi_item.Children = ln_fsys.of_DirsExist(ltvi_item.Data, False)
ll_MyDocuments = tv_drives.InsertItemLast(0, ltvi_item)

// Insert My Computer
ltvi_item.Expanded = True
ltvi_item.Data = ""
ltvi_item.Label = "My Computer"
ltvi_item.PictureIndex = 1
ltvi_item.SelectedPictureIndex = 1
ll_MyComputer = tv_drives.InsertItemLast(0, ltvi_item)

// add drives to My Computer
li_max = ln_fsys.of_GetDrives(ls_drive, lul_type, ls_label)
For li_cnt = 1 To li_max
   // define the item
   ltvi_item.Expanded = False
   ltvi_item.Data = ls_drive[li_cnt] + ":"
   ltvi_item.Label = ls_label[li_cnt] + " (" + ltvi_item.Data + ")"
   ltvi_item.PictureIndex = lul_type[li_cnt]
   ltvi_item.SelectedPictureIndex = lul_type[li_cnt]
   ltvi_item.Children = ln_fsys.of_DirsExist(ltvi_item.Data, False)
   // insert the item
   tv_drives.InsertItemLast(ll_MyComputer, ltvi_item)

// select My Documents

end event

public subroutine wf_populate_listview (long al_handle);n_filesys ln_fsys
TreeViewItem ltvi_item
ListViewItem llvi_item
String ls_path, ls_name[], ls_fullname, ls_filename
String ls_filetype, ls_prevextn, ls_extn
Integer li_cnt, li_max, li_item
DateTime ldt_write[], ldt_modified
Boolean lb_subdir[]
Double ld_size[]
Long ll_sorttype, ll_filesize, ll_row, ll_max
Long ll_index, ll_large, ll_small, ll_folder, ll_unknown

il_handle = al_handle

tv_drives.GetItem(al_handle, ltvi_item)
ls_path = ltvi_item.Data
If ls_path = "" Then Return

// destroy and create new image list

// add shell icons
ll_unknown = lv_files.of_ImportSmallIcon("shell32.dll", 1)     // Unknown
ll_folder  = lv_files.of_ImportSmallIcon("shell32.dll", 4)     // Folder

// get the list of files
li_max = ln_fsys.of_getfiles(ls_path, False, ls_name, &
               ld_size, ldt_write, lb_subdir)
If li_max = -1 Then
   MessageBox(This.title, &
      "There is no disk in drive " + ls_path, Exclamation!)
   // load files & directories into datawindow for sorting
   For li_cnt = 1 To li_max
      If lb_subdir[li_cnt] Then
         ll_sorttype = 0
         ll_filesize = 0
         ll_sorttype = 1
         ll_filesize = (ld_size[li_cnt] + 512) / 1024
         If ld_size[li_cnt] > 0 And ll_filesize = 0 Then
            ll_filesize = 1
         End If
      End If
      ls_fullname = ls_path + "\" + ls_name[li_cnt]
      ls_filename = ls_name[li_cnt]
      ls_filetype = lv_files.of_GetFileDescription(ls_fullname)
      ldt_modified = ldt_write[li_cnt]
      ll_row = ids_sorter.InsertRow(0)
      ids_sorter.SetItem(ll_row, "sorttype", ll_sorttype)
      ids_sorter.SetItem(ll_row, "fullname", ls_fullname)
      ids_sorter.SetItem(ll_row, "filename", ls_filename)
      ids_sorter.SetItem(ll_row, "filesize", ll_filesize)
      ids_sorter.SetItem(ll_row, "filetype", ls_filetype)
      ids_sorter.SetItem(ll_row, "modified", ldt_modified)
   // copy datawindow to listview
   ll_max = ids_sorter.RowCount()
   For ll_row = 1 To ll_max
      ll_sorttype = ids_sorter.GetItemNumber(ll_row, "sorttype")
      If ll_sorttype = 0 Then
         // directory
         ls_fullname  = ids_sorter.GetItemString(ll_row, "fullname")
         ls_filename  = ids_sorter.GetItemString(ll_row, "filename")
         ldt_modified = ids_sorter.GetItemDateTime(ll_row, "modified")
         // add directory item
         llvi_item.Data = ls_fullname
         llvi_item.Label = ls_filename
         llvi_item.PictureIndex = ll_folder
         li_item = lv_files.AddItem(llvi_item)
         // fill in additional columns
         lv_files.SetItem(li_item, 2, "")
         lv_files.SetItem(li_item, 3, "File Folder")
         lv_files.SetItem(li_item, 4, String(ldt_modified))
         // file
         ls_fullname  = ids_sorter.GetItemString(ll_row, "fullname")
         ls_filename  = ids_sorter.GetItemString(ll_row, "filename")
         ldt_modified = ids_sorter.GetItemDateTime(ll_row, "modified")
         ll_filesize  = ids_sorter.GetItemNumber(ll_row, "filesize")
         ls_filetype  = ids_sorter.GetItemString(ll_row, "filetype")
         // load associated icon
         ls_extn = Mid(ls_filename, Pos(ls_filename, "."))
         If Lower(ls_extn) = ".ico" Then
            // add associated icon
            If lv_files.of_ImportAssociatedIcon(ls_fullname, &
                              ll_large, ll_small) Then
               ll_index = ll_small
               ll_index = ll_unknown
            End If
            If ls_extn <> ls_prevextn Then
               ls_prevextn = ls_extn
               // add associated icon
               If lv_files.of_ImportAssociatedIcon(ls_fullname, &
                                 ll_large, ll_small) Then
                  ll_index = ll_small
                  ll_index = ll_unknown
               End If
            End If
         End If
         // add file item
         llvi_item.Data = ls_fullname
         llvi_item.Label = ls_filename
         llvi_item.PictureIndex = ll_index
         li_item = lv_files.AddItem(llvi_item)
         // fill in additional columns
         lv_files.SetItem(li_item, 2, "")
         lv_files.SetItem(li_item, 3, "File Folder")
         lv_files.SetItem(li_item, 4, String(ldt_modified))
         lv_files.SetItem(li_item, 2, String(ll_filesize, "#,##0") + " KB")
         lv_files.SetItem(li_item, 3, ls_filetype)
         lv_files.SetItem(li_item, 4, String(ldt_modified))
      End If
End If

end subroutine

on w_treeview.create
this.lv_files=create lv_files
this.st_splitbar=create st_splitbar
this.cb_cancel=create cb_cancel
this.tv_drives=create tv_drives
end on

on w_treeview.destroy
end on

event open;// create sorter datastore
ids_sorter = Create Datastore
ids_sorter.DataObject = "d_filesorter"

// associate objects with splitbar
st_splitbar.of_set_minsize(500, 500)

this.Event Post ue_postopen()

end event

type lv_files from u_listview within w_treeview
integer x = 1353
integer y = 28
integer width = 3040
integer height = 2372
integer taborder = 20
integer textsize = -8
string facename = "Tahoma"
listviewview view = listviewreport!
end type

event constructor;call super::constructor;// add columns to report view
this.AddColumn("Name", Left!, 1250)
this.AddColumn("Size", Right!, 350)
this.AddColumn("Type", Left!, 750)
this.AddColumn("Date Modified", Left!, 550)

end event

event destructor;call super::destructor;this.of_DestroyImageLists()

end event

event doubleclicked;call super::doubleclicked;TreeViewItem ltvi_item
ListViewItem llvi_item
String ls_data
Long ll_handle

this.GetItem(index, llvi_item)
ls_data = String(llvi_item.Data)

If llvi_item.PictureIndex = 2 Then
   // double clicked on a folder, find it in the treeview
   ll_handle = tv_drives.FindItem(ChildTreeItem!, il_handle)
   do while ll_handle > 0
      tv_drives.GetItem(ll_handle, ltvi_item)
      If ls_data = String(ltvi_item.Data) Then
      End If
      ll_handle = tv_drives.FindItem(NextTreeItem!, ll_handle)
   // double clicked on a file
   MessageBox(llvi_item.Label, ls_data)
End If

end event

type st_splitbar from u_splitbar_vertical within w_treeview
integer x = 1335
integer y = 32
integer height = 2372
end type

event destructor;call super::destructor;// save location

end event

event constructor;call super::constructor;// restore location

end event

type cb_cancel from commandbutton within w_treeview
integer x = 37
integer y = 2464
integer width = 334
integer height = 100
integer taborder = 20
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
string text = "Cancel"
boolean cancel = true
end type

event clicked;Close(Parent)

end event

type tv_drives from treeview within w_treeview
integer x = 37
integer y = 32
integer width = 1298
integer height = 2372
integer taborder = 10
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Tahoma"
long textcolor = 33554432
borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!
boolean linesatroot = true
boolean trackselect = true
string picturename[] = {"mycomputer.bmp","floppy.bmp","localdrive.bmp","netdrive.bmp","cdrom.bmp","folder.bmp","foldero.bmp","mydocuments.bmp"}
long picturemaskcolor = 536870912
long statepicturemaskcolor = 536870912
end type

event itempopulate;n_filesys ln_fsys
TreeViewItem ltvi_item
String ls_path, ls_name[]
DateTime ldt_write[]
Boolean lb_subdir[]
Double ld_size[]
Integer li_cnt, li_max

this.GetItem(handle, ltvi_item)
ls_path = ltvi_item.Data

li_max = ln_fsys.of_GetFiles(ls_path, False, ls_name, &
               ld_size, ldt_write, lb_subdir)

For li_cnt = 1 To li_max
   If lb_subdir[li_cnt] Then
      // define the item
      ltvi_item.Expanded = False
      ltvi_item.Data = ls_path + "\" + ls_name[li_cnt]
      ltvi_item.Label = ls_name[li_cnt]
      ltvi_item.PictureIndex = 6
      ltvi_item.SelectedPictureIndex = 7
      ltvi_item.Selected = False
      ltvi_item.Children = ln_fsys.of_DirsExist(ltvi_item.Data, False)
      // insert the item
      tv_drives.InsertItemLast(handle, ltvi_item)
   End if

end event

event selectionchanged;wf_populate_listview(newhandle)

end event