This program shows how you can use the WinInet API functions to perform various FTP functions including uploading and downloading files or creating and deleting directories. It is designed to be a basic FTP Client application and uses several other free components including DynamicMenus, ImageList and Filesys.
Win API Functions used:
CloseHandle | CreateFile |
FileTimeToLocalFileTime | FileTimeToSystemTime |
FormatMessage | FtpCommand |
FtpCreateDirectory | FtpDeleteFile |
FtpFindFirstFile | FtpGetCurrentDirectory |
FtpGetFile | FtpGetFileSize |
FtpOpenFile | FtpPutFile |
FtpRemoveDirectory | FtpRenameFile |
FtpSetCurrentDirectory | GetLastError |
HttpOpenRequest | HttpQueryInfo |
HttpSendRequest | InternetCloseHandle |
InternetConnect | InternetFindNextFile |
InternetGetLastResponseInfo | InternetOpen |
InternetReadFile | InternetSetOption |
InternetWriteFile | ReadFile |
WriteFile |
——— Last updated 01/18/2023 ———