File: n_cst_ghostscript.sru
Size: 7576
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2021 20:25:42 +0200
global type n_cst_ghostscript from nonvisualobject
end type
type process_information from structure within n_cst_ghostscript
end type
type startupinfo from structure within n_cst_ghostscript
end type
end forward

type process_information from structure
   long     hprocess
   long     hthread
   unsignedlong      dwprocessid
   unsignedlong      dwthreadid
end type

type startupinfo from structure
   unsignedlong      cb
   string      lpreserved
   string      lpdesktop
   string      lptitle
   unsignedlong      dwx
   unsignedlong      dwy
   unsignedlong      dwxsize
   unsignedlong      dwysize
   unsignedlong      dwxcountchars
   unsignedlong      dwycountchars
   unsignedlong      dwfillattribute
   unsignedlong      dwflags
   unsignedinteger      wshowwindow
   unsignedinteger      cbreserved2
   longptr     lpreserved2
   longptr     hstdinput
   longptr     hstdoutput
   longptr     hstderror
end type

global type n_cst_ghostscript from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

type prototypes
Function ULong GetTempPath ( &
   ULong nBufferLength, &
   Ref String lpBuffer &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "GetTempPathW"

Function ULong GetTempFileName ( &
   String lpPathName, &
   String lpPrefixString, &
   ULong uUnique, &
   Ref String lpTempFileName &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"  Alias For "GetTempFileNameW"

Function Boolean CreateProcess ( &
   String lpApplicationName, &
   Ref String lpCommandLine, &
   longptr lpProcessAttributes, &
   longptr lpThreadAttributes, &
   Boolean bInheritHandles, &
   ULong dwCreationFlags, &
   longptr lpEnvironment, &
   String lpCurrentDirectory, &
   STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, &
   Ref PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "CreateProcessW"

Function ULong WaitForSingleObject ( &
   Long hHandle, &
   ULong dwMilliseconds &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"

Function Boolean CloseHandle ( &
   Long hObject &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll"

end prototypes

type variables

Constant UInt SW_HIDE = 0
Constant ULong CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE    = 16
Constant ULong INFINITE = 4294967295   // 0xFFFFFFFF
Constant ULong MAX_PATH = 260

Constant String SybasePDF = "Sybase DataWindow PS"
//Constant String GhostExe = "gswin32c.exe"
Constant String GhostExe = "gswin64c.exe"

end variables

forward prototypes
private function long of_runandwait (string as_cmdline)
private function string of_getpsfilename ()
public function boolean of_saveaspdf (string as_pdfname, ref datastore ads_reports[])
public function boolean of_saveaspdf (string as_pdfname, ref datawindow adw_reports[])
private function boolean of_ghostscript (string as_pdfname, string as_psnames[])
private function boolean of_postscriptprint (ref datastore ads_report, string as_filename)
private function boolean of_postscriptprint (ref datawindow adw_report, string as_filename)
end prototypes

private function long of_runandwait (string as_cmdline);// run a program and wait for it to finish

Environment le_env
LongPtr ll_null
Long ll_ExitCode
ULong lul_CreationFlags
String ls_null


// initialize arguments
If le_env.ProcessBitness = 64 Then
   lstr_si.cb = 104
   lstr_si.cb = 68
End If
lstr_si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE

// create process/thread and execute the passed program
If CreateProcess(ls_null, as_cmdline, ll_null, &
         ll_null, False, lul_CreationFlags, ll_null, &
         ls_null, lstr_si, lstr_pi) Then
   // wait until process ends or timeout period expires
   ll_ExitCode = WaitForSingleObject(lstr_pi.hProcess, INFINITE)
   // close process and thread handles
   // return failure
   ll_ExitCode = -1
End If

Return ll_ExitCode

end function

private function string of_getpsfilename ();// returns an unique temp file name for the PostScript file

String ls_TempPath, ls_TempFile
ulong lul_Return

ls_TempPath = Space(MAX_PATH + 1)

lul_Return = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, ls_TempPath)
If (lul_Return > MAX_PATH) Or (lul_Return = 0) Then
   PopulateError(999, "Failed to determine the temp path")
   Return ls_TempFile
End If

ls_TempFile = Space(MAX_PATH + 1)

lul_Return = GetTempFileName(ls_TempPath, "ps", 0, ls_TempFile)
If lul_Return = 0 Then
   PopulateError(999, "Failed to generate a temp file name")
   Return ls_TempFile
End If

Return ls_TempFile

end function

public function boolean of_saveaspdf (string as_pdfname, ref datastore ads_reports[]);// save one or more DataStore objects to a single PDF

Long ll_idx, ll_max
String ls_PSfiles[]


ll_max = UpperBound(ads_reports)
For ll_idx = 1 To ll_max
   ls_PSfiles[ll_idx] = of_GetPSFilename()
   If Not of_PostScriptPrint(ads_reports[ll_idx], ls_PSfiles[ll_idx]) Then
      Return False
   End If

Return of_GhostScript(as_pdfname, ls_PSfiles)

end function

public function boolean of_saveaspdf (string as_pdfname, ref datawindow adw_reports[]);// save one or more DataWindow objects to a single PDF

Long ll_idx, ll_max
String ls_PSfiles[]


ll_max = UpperBound(adw_reports)
For ll_idx = 1 To ll_max
   ls_PSfiles[ll_idx] = of_GetPSFilename()
   If Not of_PostScriptPrint(adw_reports[ll_idx], ls_PSfiles[ll_idx]) Then
      Return False
   End If

Return of_GhostScript(as_pdfname, ls_PSfiles)

end function

private function boolean of_ghostscript (string as_pdfname, string as_psnames[]);// runs Ghostscript against the PostScript files

Long ll_RtnCode, ll_idx, ll_max
String ls_psnames, ls_cmdline

// build the command line
ll_max = UpperBound(as_psnames)
For ll_idx = 1 To ll_max
   ls_psnames += ' "' + as_psnames[ll_idx] + '"'
ls_cmdline =   GhostExe + ' -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite ' + &
               '-sOutputFile="' + as_pdfname + '" -c .setpdfwrite -f' + ls_psnames

// run Ghostscript and wait for it to finish
ll_RtnCode = of_RunAndWait(ls_CmdLine)

// delete the PostScript files
For ll_idx = 1 To ll_max

If ll_RtnCode < 0 Then
   PopulateError(999, "Failed to run " + GhostExe)
   Return False
End If

Return True

end function

private function boolean of_postscriptprint (ref datastore ads_report, string as_filename);// print the DataStore to a PostScript file

Long ll_RtnCode

ads_report.Object.DataWindow.Print.PrinterName = SybasePDF
ads_report.Object.DataWindow.Print.FileName    = as_filename

ll_RtnCode = ads_report.Print(False, False)
If ll_RtnCode < 0 Then
   PopulateError(999, "DataStore failed to print")
   Return False
End If

Return True

end function

private function boolean of_postscriptprint (ref datawindow adw_report, string as_filename);// print the DataWindow to a PostScript file

Long ll_RtnCode

adw_report.Object.DataWindow.Print.PrinterName = SybasePDF
adw_report.Object.DataWindow.Print.FileName    = as_filename

ll_RtnCode = adw_report.Print(False, False)
If ll_RtnCode < 0 Then
   PopulateError(999, "DataWindow failed to print")
   Return False
End If

Return True

end function

on n_cst_ghostscript.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on n_cst_ghostscript.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on