File: n_directory.sru
Size: 3051
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 21:14:38 +0100
$PBExportComments$Datastore to hold library directory
global type n_directory from datastore
end type
end forward

global type n_directory from datastore
string dataobject = "d_directory"
end type
global n_directory n_directory

forward prototypes
public function long of_importstring (string as_string)
public subroutine of_directory (string as_libname)
public function string of_replaceall (string as_oldstring, string as_findstr, string as_replace)
public subroutine of_load ()
end prototypes

public function long of_importstring (string as_string);String ls_newstring
Long ll_rc

// remove returns in comments
ls_newstring = of_replaceall(as_string, "~r~n", " ")

// import string
ll_rc = this.ImportString(ls_newstring, 1, 99999, 1, 3, 3)

Return ll_rc

end function

public subroutine of_directory (string as_libname);String ls_dir
Long ll_rc

this.Object.libname.Initial = as_libname

this.Object.objtype.Initial = "application"
ls_dir = LibraryDirectory(as_libname, DirApplication!)
ll_rc = this.of_importstring(ls_dir)

this.Object.objtype.Initial = "datawindow"
ls_dir = LibraryDirectory(as_libname, DirDataWindow!)
ll_rc = this.of_importstring(ls_dir)

this.Object.objtype.Initial = "function"
ls_dir = LibraryDirectory(as_libname, DirFunction!)
ll_rc = this.of_importstring(ls_dir)

this.Object.objtype.Initial = "menu"
ls_dir = LibraryDirectory(as_libname, DirMenu!)
ll_rc = this.of_importstring(ls_dir)

this.Object.objtype.Initial = "userobject"
ls_dir = LibraryDirectory(as_libname, DirUserObject!)
ll_rc = this.of_importstring(ls_dir)

this.Object.objtype.Initial = "window"
ls_dir = LibraryDirectory(as_libname, DirWindow!)
ll_rc = this.of_importstring(ls_dir)


end subroutine

public function string of_replaceall (string as_oldstring, string as_findstr, string as_replace);String ls_newstring
Long ll_findstr, ll_replace, ll_pos

// get length of strings
ll_findstr = Len(as_findstr)
ll_replace = Len(as_replace)

// find first occurrence
ls_newstring = as_oldstring
ll_pos = Pos(ls_newstring, as_findstr)

Do While ll_pos > 0
   // replace old with new
   ls_newstring = Replace(ls_newstring, ll_pos, ll_findstr, as_replace)
   // find next occurrence
   ll_pos = Pos(ls_newstring, as_findstr, (ll_pos + ll_replace))

Return ls_newstring

end function

public subroutine of_load ();Integer li_cnt, li_max
String ls_libname, ls_msg


li_max = UpperBound(gs_libnames)
FOR li_cnt = 1 TO li_max
   ls_libname = gs_libnames[li_cnt]
   ls_msg  = "Loading directory " + String(li_cnt) + " of "
   ls_msg += String(li_max) + " for " + ls_libname

gw_frame.SetMicroHelp(String(this.RowCount()) + " files were found!")

end subroutine
on n_directory.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on n_directory.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on