File: n_linectr.sru
Size: 4911
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 21:14:38 +0100
$PBExportComments$Datastore that holds results of line count
global type n_linectr from datastore
end type
end forward

global type n_linectr from datastore
string dataobject = "d_linectr_detail"
end type
global n_linectr n_linectr

forward prototypes
public subroutine of_count ()
public function integer of_count_lines (string as_source)
public subroutine of_nestedclass (ref classdefinition acd_object, string as_libname, string as_objname, string as_objtype)
end prototypes

public subroutine of_count ();ClassDefinition lcd_object
DataStore lds_dwsql
Long ll_row, ll_max, ll_newrow
Integer li_pct, li_lines, li_rc
String ls_libname, ls_objname, ls_objtype
String ls_object, ls_source, ls_msg


lds_dwsql = CREATE DataStore

ll_max = gn_dir.RowCount()
FOR ll_row = 1 TO ll_max
   li_pct = (ll_row / ll_max) * 100
   gw_frame.SetMicroHelp("Percent Complete: " + String(li_pct))
   ls_libname = gn_dir.GetItemString(ll_row, "libname")
   ls_objname = gn_dir.GetItemString(ll_row, "objname")
   ls_objtype = gn_dir.GetItemString(ll_row, "objtype")
   // analyze the object
   If ls_objtype = "datawindow" Then
      // extract source from the library
      ls_object = LibraryExport(ls_libname, ls_objname, ExportDataWindow!)
      // create datawindow into datastore
      li_rc = lds_dwsql.Create(ls_object, ls_msg)
      If li_rc = -1 Then
         MessageBox("Datawindow Create Error", ls_msg, StopSign!)
      End If
      ls_source = lds_dwsql.GetSQLSelect()
      // get the line count for this sql statement
      li_lines = this.of_count_lines(ls_source)
      If li_lines = 0 Then
         li_lines = Integer(lds_dwsql.Object.DataWindow.Column.Count)
         li_lines = li_lines + 1
      End If
      // insert row into resultset
      ll_newrow = this.InsertRow(0)
      this.SetItem(ll_newrow, "libname", ls_libname)
      this.SetItem(ll_newrow, "objtype", ls_objtype)
      this.SetItem(ll_newrow, "objname", ls_objname)
      this.SetItem(ll_newrow, "script", "datawindow sql")
      this.SetItem(ll_newrow, "lines", li_lines)
      // get class definition
      lcd_object = FindClassDefinition(ls_objname, gs_libnames)
      If IsNull(lcd_object) Then
         ls_msg = ls_objtype + " object " + ls_objname + " in library " + ls_libname
         MessageBox("FindClassDefinition Failed", ls_msg)
         // analyze the class
         this.of_nestedclass(lcd_object, ls_libname, ls_objname, ls_objtype)
      End If
   End If

DESTROY lds_dwsql


end subroutine
public function integer of_count_lines (string as_source);// count the number of lines in passed source code

Long ll_pos
Integer li_cnt

If Len(as_source) = 0 Then Return 0

ll_pos = Pos(as_source, "~r~n", 1)
DO WHILE ll_pos > 0
   li_cnt = li_cnt + 1
   ll_pos = Pos(as_source, "~r~n", ll_pos + 1)

Return li_cnt

end function

public subroutine of_nestedclass (ref classdefinition acd_object, string as_libname, string as_objname, string as_objtype);ClassDefinition lcd_nestedclass
String ls_event, ls_name, ls_msg
Integer li_cnt, li_max, li_lines
Long ll_newrow

// analyze class events
li_max = UpperBound(acd_object.ScriptList)
FOR li_cnt = 1 TO li_max
   ls_name  = acd_object.Name
   // check for scripts at this level
   If acd_object.ScriptList[li_cnt].IsLocallyScripted Then
      ls_event = acd_object.ScriptList[li_cnt].Name
      If ls_event = "create" Or ls_event = "destroy" Then
         // ignore create/destroy events, they are not coded by programmer
         // build the name of the script
         If ls_name = as_objname Then
            If acd_object.ScriptList[li_cnt].Kind = ScriptFunction! Then
               ls_name = "function " + ls_event
               ls_name = "event " + ls_event
            End If
            ls_name = ls_name + "::" + ls_event
         End If
         // get the line count for this script
         li_lines = this.of_count_lines(acd_object.ScriptList[li_cnt].Source) - 1
         // insert row into resultset
         If li_lines > 0 Then
            ll_newrow = this.InsertRow(0)
            this.SetItem(ll_newrow, "libname", as_libname)
            this.SetItem(ll_newrow, "objtype", as_objtype)
            this.SetItem(ll_newrow, "objname", as_objname)
            this.SetItem(ll_newrow, "script", ls_name)
            this.SetItem(ll_newrow, "lines", li_lines)
         End If
      End If
   End If

// analyze nested classes
li_max = UpperBound(acd_object.NestedClassList)
FOR li_cnt = 1 TO li_max
   lcd_nestedclass = acd_object.NestedClassList[li_cnt]
   // ignore object structures, a bug in pb causes stack fault
   If lcd_nestedclass.DataTypeOf <> "structure" Then
      this.of_nestedclass(lcd_nestedclass, as_libname, as_objname, as_objtype)
   End If

end subroutine

on n_linectr.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on n_linectr.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on