$PBExportHeader$w_main.srw forward global type w_main from window end type type st_1 from statictext within w_main end type type cb_close from commandbutton within w_main end type end forward global type w_main from window integer x = 155 integer y = 192 integer width = 1138 integer height = 528 boolean titlebar = true string title = "Mutex Example" boolean controlmenu = true long backcolor = 79416533 string icon = "AppIcon!" st_1 st_1 cb_close cb_close end type global w_main w_main on w_main.create this.st_1=create st_1 this.cb_close=create cb_close this.Control[]={this.st_1,& this.cb_close} end on on w_main.destroy destroy(this.st_1) destroy(this.cb_close) end on type st_1 from statictext within w_main integer x = 37 integer y = 32 integer width = 1029 integer height = 164 integer textsize = -10 integer weight = 400 fontcharset fontcharset = ansi! fontpitch fontpitch = variable! fontfamily fontfamily = swiss! string facename = "Arial" long textcolor = 33554432 long backcolor = 67108864 boolean enabled = false string text = "Use executable from this example and attempt to run two copies." boolean focusrectangle = false end type type cb_close from commandbutton within w_main integer x = 731 integer y = 288 integer width = 334 integer height = 100 integer taborder = 10 integer textsize = -8 integer weight = 400 fontcharset fontcharset = ansi! fontpitch fontpitch = variable! fontfamily fontfamily = swiss! string facename = "Arial" string text = "Close" boolean cancel = true end type event clicked;Close(Parent) end event
File: w_main.srw
Size: 1627
Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2019 22:43:26 +0100
Size: 1627
Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2019 22:43:26 +0100
- window w_main(srw)
- statictext st_1
- commandbutton cb_close