File: m_main.srm
Size: 36732
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 22:00:46 +0100
global type m_main from menu
end type
type m_file from menu within m_main
end type
type m_open from menu within m_file
end type
type m_saveas from menu within m_file
end type
type m_excel8 from menu within m_saveas
end type
type m_excel12 from menu within m_saveas
end type
type m_html from menu within m_saveas
end type
type m_json from menu within m_saveas
end type
type m_pdf from menu within m_saveas
end type
type m_psr from menu within m_saveas
end type
type m_text from menu within m_saveas
end type
type m_xml from menu within m_saveas
end type
type m_saveas from menu within m_file
m_excel8 m_excel8
m_excel12 m_excel12
m_html m_html
m_json m_json
m_pdf m_pdf
m_psr m_psr
m_text m_text
m_xml m_xml
end type
type m_-1 from menu within m_file
end type
type m_printersetup from menu within m_file
end type
type m_printchoose from menu within m_file
end type
type m_print from menu within m_file
end type
type m_-2 from menu within m_file
end type
type m_close from menu within m_file
end type
type m_mostrecent from menu within m_file
end type
type m_recentfiles from menu within m_file
end type
type m_-4 from menu within m_file
end type
type m_exit from menu within m_file
end type
type m_file from menu within m_main
m_open m_open
m_saveas m_saveas
m_-1 m_-1
m_printersetup m_printersetup
m_printchoose m_printchoose
m_print m_print
m_-2 m_-2
m_close m_close
m_mostrecent m_mostrecent
m_recentfiles m_recentfiles
m_-4 m_-4
m_exit m_exit
end type
type m_view from menu within m_main
end type
type m_bigtoolbarbuttons from menu within m_view
end type
type m_view from menu within m_main
m_bigtoolbarbuttons m_bigtoolbarbuttons
end type
type m_tools from menu within m_main
end type
type m_clearrecentfiles from menu within m_tools
end type
type m_registerfiletype from menu within m_tools
end type
type m_tools from menu within m_main
m_clearrecentfiles m_clearrecentfiles
m_registerfiletype m_registerfiletype
end type
type m_window from menu within m_main
end type
type m_tilevertical from menu within m_window
end type
type m_tilehorizontal from menu within m_window
end type
type m_layer from menu within m_window
end type
type m_cascade from menu within m_window
end type
type m_closeall from menu within m_window
end type
type m_window from menu within m_main
m_tilevertical m_tilevertical
m_tilehorizontal m_tilehorizontal
m_layer m_layer
m_cascade m_cascade
m_closeall m_closeall
end type
type m_help from menu within m_main
end type
type m_about from menu within m_help
end type
type m_help from menu within m_main
m_about m_about
end type
global type m_main from menu
m_file m_file
m_view m_view
m_tools m_tools
m_window m_window
m_help m_help
end type
end forward

global type m_main from menu
m_file m_file
m_view m_view
m_tools m_tools
m_window m_window
m_help m_help
end type
global m_main m_main

forward prototypes
public subroutine mf_bigtoolbarbuttons (boolean ab_checked)
end prototypes

public subroutine mf_bigtoolbarbuttons (boolean ab_checked);Application la_app

la_app = GetApplication()

la_app.ToolbarText = ab_checked

m_view.m_bigtoolbarbuttons.checked = ab_checked

end subroutine

on m_main.create
call super::create
this.text = "m_main"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_file=create m_file
this.m_view=create m_view
this.m_tools=create m_tools
this.m_window=create m_window
this.m_help=create m_help
end on

on m_main.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_file from menu within m_main
m_open m_open
m_saveas m_saveas
m_-1 m_-1
m_printersetup m_printersetup
m_printchoose m_printchoose
m_print m_print
m_-2 m_-2
m_close m_close
m_mostrecent m_mostrecent
m_recentfiles m_recentfiles
m_-4 m_-4
m_exit m_exit
end type

on m_file.create
call super::create
this.text = "&File"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_open=create m_open
this.m_saveas=create m_saveas
this.m_-1=create m_-1
this.m_printersetup=create m_printersetup
this.m_printchoose=create m_printchoose
this.m_print=create m_print
this.m_-2=create m_-2
this.m_close=create m_close
this.m_mostrecent=create m_mostrecent
this.m_recentfiles=create m_recentfiles
this.m_-4=create m_-4
this.m_exit=create m_exit
end on

on m_file.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_open from menu within m_file
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet
Integer li_rc
String ls_pathname, ls_filename

li_rc = GetFileOpenName("Select Powersoft Report", &
      ls_pathname, ls_filename, "psr", "Powersoft Report Files (*.psr),*.psr")

If li_rc = 1 Then
   OpenSheetWithParm(lw_sheet, ls_pathname, "w_sheet", gw_frame, 0, Layered!)
End If

end event

on m_open.create
call super::create
this.text = "&Open...~tCtrl+O"
this.shortcut = 335
this.microhelp = "Open a report file"
this.toolbaritemname = "open!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Open,Open a report file"
this.menuimage = "Open!"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_open.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_saveas from menu within m_file
m_excel8 m_excel8
m_excel12 m_excel12
m_html m_html
m_json m_json
m_pdf m_pdf
m_psr m_psr
m_text m_text
m_xml m_xml
end type

on m_saveas.create
call super::create
this.visible = false
this.text = "Save As"
this.enabled = false
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_excel8=create m_excel8
this.m_excel12=create m_excel12
this.m_html=create m_html
this.m_json=create m_json
this.m_pdf=create m_pdf
this.m_psr=create m_psr
this.m_text=create m_text
this.m_xml=create m_xml
end on

on m_saveas.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_excel8 from menu within m_saveas
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet

lw_sheet = ParentWindow


end event

on m_excel8.create
call super::create
this.text = "Excel8"
this.microhelp = "Save the report data as Excel8 (*.xls)"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_excel8.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_excel12 from menu within m_saveas
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet

lw_sheet = ParentWindow


end event

on m_excel12.create
call super::create
this.visible = false
this.text = "Excel12"
this.enabled = false
this.microhelp = "Save the report data as Excel12 (*.xlsx)"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_excel12.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_html from menu within m_saveas
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet

lw_sheet = ParentWindow


end event

on m_html.create
call super::create
this.text = "HTML"
this.microhelp = "Save the report data as HTML"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_html.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_json from menu within m_saveas
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet

lw_sheet = ParentWindow


end event

on m_json.create
call super::create
this.visible = false
this.text = "JSON"
this.enabled = false
this.microhelp = "Save the report data as JSON"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_json.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_pdf from menu within m_saveas
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet

lw_sheet = ParentWindow


end event

on m_pdf.create
call super::create
this.text = "PDF"
this.microhelp = "Save the report as PDF"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_pdf.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_psr from menu within m_saveas
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet

lw_sheet = ParentWindow


end event

on m_psr.create
call super::create
this.text = "PSR"
this.microhelp = "Save the report as PSR"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_psr.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_text from menu within m_saveas
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet

lw_sheet = ParentWindow


end event

on m_text.create
call super::create
this.text = "Text"
this.microhelp = "Save the report data as Tabbed Text"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_text.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_xml from menu within m_saveas
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet

lw_sheet = ParentWindow


end event

on m_xml.create
call super::create
this.text = "XML"
this.microhelp = "Save the report data as XML"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_xml.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_-1 from menu within m_file
end type

on m_-1.create
call super::create
this.text = "-"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_-1.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_printersetup from menu within m_file
end type

event clicked;PrintSetup()

end event

on m_printersetup.create
call super::create
this.text = "Printer Set&up..."
this.microhelp = "Set printer options"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_printersetup.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_printchoose from menu within m_file
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet

lw_sheet = ParentWindow

lw_sheet.Event PrintReport(True)

end event

on m_printchoose.create
call super::create
this.visible = false
this.text = "&Print~tCtrl+P"
this.enabled = false
this.shortcut = 336
this.microhelp = "Print the report"
this.toolbaritemvisible = false
this.menuimage = "print!"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_printchoose.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_print from menu within m_file
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet

lw_sheet = ParentWindow

lw_sheet.Event PrintReport(False)

end event

on m_print.create
call super::create
this.visible = false
this.text = "Print"
this.enabled = false
this.microhelp = "Print the report"
this.toolbaritemvisible = false
this.toolbaritemname = "print!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Print,Print the report"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_print.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_-2 from menu within m_file
end type

on m_-2.create
call super::create
this.text = "-"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_-2.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_close from menu within m_file
end type

event clicked;Close(this.ParentWindow)

end event

on m_close.create
call super::create
this.visible = false
this.text = "&Close~tCtrl+W"
this.shortcut = 343
this.microhelp = "Close the report window"
this.toolbaritemvisible = false
this.toolbaritemname = "close!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Close,Close the report window"
this.toolbaritemorder = 98
this.menuimage = "close!"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_close.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_mostrecent from menu within m_file
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet
String ls_pathname

ls_pathname = gn_mru.of_MostRecentFile()
If ls_pathname <> "" Then
   OpenSheetWithParm(lw_sheet, ls_pathname, "w_sheet", gw_frame, 0, Layered!)
End If

end event

on m_mostrecent.create
call super::create
this.text = "&Most Recent"
this.microhelp = "Open the most recent report file"
this.toolbaritemname = "redo!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Most Recent,Open the most recent report file"
this.menuimage = "Redo!"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_mostrecent.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_recentfiles from menu within m_file
end type

on m_recentfiles.create
call super::create
this.text = "&Recent Files"
this.microhelp = "Open a recent report file"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_recentfiles.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_-4 from menu within m_file
end type

on m_-4.create
call super::create
this.text = "-"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_-4.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_exit from menu within m_file
end type

event clicked;Close(gw_frame)

end event

on m_exit.create
call super::create
this.text = "E&xit~tAlt+F4"
this.shortcut = 627
this.microhelp = "Exit the program"
this.toolbaritemname = "exit!"
this.toolbaritemtext = "Exit,Exit the program"
this.toolbaritemorder = 99
this.menuimage = "exit!"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_exit.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_view from menu within m_main
m_bigtoolbarbuttons m_bigtoolbarbuttons
event create ( )
event destroy ( )
end type

on m_view.create
call super::create
this.text = "&View"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_bigtoolbarbuttons=create m_bigtoolbarbuttons
end on

on m_view.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_bigtoolbarbuttons from menu within m_view
event create ( )
event destroy ( )
end type

on m_bigtoolbarbuttons.create
call super::create
this.text = "Big Toolbar &Buttons"
this.microhelp = "Toggle the toolbar button size"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_bigtoolbarbuttons.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;If this.Checked Then
   gn_app.of_SetReg("Window", "ToolbarText", "false")
   gn_app.of_SetReg("Window", "ToolbarText", "true")
End If

end event

type m_tools from menu within m_main
m_clearrecentfiles m_clearrecentfiles
m_registerfiletype m_registerfiletype
end type

on m_tools.create
call super::create
this.text = "&Tools"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_clearrecentfiles=create m_clearrecentfiles
this.m_registerfiletype=create m_registerfiletype
end on

on m_tools.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_clearrecentfiles from menu within m_tools
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet
Integer li_rc

li_rc = MessageBox(this.Text, &
            "Do you really want to clear the Recent Files list?", &
            Question!, YesNo!)
If li_rc = 2 Then Return


// reset recent files on all sheets
lw_sheet = gw_frame.GetFirstSheet()
do while IsValid(lw_sheet)
   lw_sheet = gw_frame.GetNextSheet(lw_sheet)

end event

on m_clearrecentfiles.create
call super::create
this.text = "Clear Recent Files"
this.microhelp = "Clear the most recent files list"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_clearrecentfiles.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_registerfiletype from menu within m_tools
end type

on m_registerfiletype.create
call super::create
this.text = "Register File Type"
this.microhelp = "Register program to open PSR file type"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_registerfiletype.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;Integer li_rc

If gn_app.IsUserAnAdmin() Then
   li_rc = MessageBox(this.Text, &
               "Do you really want to register the program to open PSR files?", &
               Question!, YesNo!)
   If li_rc = 2 Then Return
   MessageBox(this.Text, "File Type Registration Complete!")
   MessageBox(this.Text, "This action requires the program to be run as administrator!", StopSign!)
End If

end event

type m_window from menu within m_main
m_tilevertical m_tilevertical
m_tilehorizontal m_tilehorizontal
m_layer m_layer
m_cascade m_cascade
m_closeall m_closeall
end type

on m_window.create
call super::create
this.text = "&Window"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_tilevertical=create m_tilevertical
this.m_tilehorizontal=create m_tilehorizontal
this.m_layer=create m_layer
this.m_cascade=create m_cascade
this.m_closeall=create m_closeall
end on

on m_window.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_tilevertical from menu within m_window
end type

on m_tilevertical.create
call super::create
this.text = "Tile &Vertical"
this.microhelp = "Arrange all as vertically tiled."
this.menuimage = "Tile!"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_tilevertical.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;gw_frame.ArrangeSheets(Tile!)

end event

type m_tilehorizontal from menu within m_window
end type

on m_tilehorizontal.create
call super::create
this.text = "Tile &Horizontal"
this.microhelp = "Arrange all as horizontally tiled."
this.menuimage = "Horizontal!"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_tilehorizontal.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;gw_frame.ArrangeSheets(TileHorizontal!)

end event

type m_layer from menu within m_window
end type

on m_layer.create
call super::create
this.text = "&Layer"
this.microhelp = "Arrange all as layered."
this.menuimage = "Layer!"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_layer.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;gw_frame.ArrangeSheets(Layer!)

end event

type m_cascade from menu within m_window
end type

on m_cascade.create
call super::create
this.text = "&Cascade"
this.microhelp = "Arrange all as cascaded."
this.menuimage = "Cascade!"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_cascade.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event clicked;gw_frame.ArrangeSheets(Cascade!)

end event

type m_closeall from menu within m_window
end type

event clicked;w_sheet lw_sheet

lw_sheet = gw_frame.GetActiveSheet()
do while IsValid(lw_sheet)
   lw_sheet = gw_frame.GetActiveSheet()

end event

on m_closeall.create
call super::create
this.text = "Close &All"
this.microhelp = "Close all report windows"
this.menuimage = "Custom009!"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_closeall.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_help from menu within m_main
m_about m_about
end type

on m_help.create
call super::create
this.text = "&Help"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
this.m_about=create m_about
end on

on m_help.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type m_about from menu within m_help
end type

event clicked;MessageBox("PSR Viewer", "Topwiz Software © 2019-2023")

end event

on m_about.create
call super::create
this.text = "&About"
this.microhelp = "&About the program"
this.menustyle = contemporarymenu!
this.menutextcolor = 134217735
this.menubackcolor = 134217732
this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.textsize = 8
this.weight = 400
this.facename = "Tahoma"
this.titlebackcolor = 134217730
this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256
this.menubitmaps = true
this.titlegradient = true
this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746
this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864
this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741
this.toolbargradient = true
this.bitmapgradient = true
end on

on m_about.destroy
call super::destroy
end on