File: w_main.srw
Size: 8447
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 19:38:04 +0200
global type w_main from window
end type
type mdi_1 from mdiclient within w_main
end type
type dw_info from u_base_datawindow within w_main
end type
type point from structure within w_main
end type
type minmaxinfo from structure within w_main
end type
end forward

type point from structure
   long     lx
   long     ly
end type

type minmaxinfo from structure
   point    ptreserved
   point    ptmaxsize
   point    ptmaxposition
   point    ptmintracksize
   point    ptmaxtracksize
end type

global type w_main from window
boolean visible = false
integer x = 23
integer y = 24
integer width = 4210
integer height = 2424
boolean titlebar = true
string title = "ZLib - Compression Library Example"
string menuname = "m_main"
boolean controlmenu = true
boolean minbox = true
boolean maxbox = true
boolean resizable = true
windowtype windowtype = mdihelp!
long backcolor = 67108864
string icon = "AppIcon!"
boolean center = true
event ue_openzip ( )
event ue_comments ( )
event ue_extract ( )
event ue_newzip ( )
event ue_addfile ( )
event getminmaxinfo pbm_getminmaxinfo
mdi_1 mdi_1
dw_info dw_info
end type
global w_main w_main

type prototypes
Subroutine GetMinMaxInfo ( &
   Ref MINMAXINFO d, &
   longptr s, &
   long l &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory"

Subroutine SetMinMaxInfo ( &
   longptr d, &
   long l &
   ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory"

end prototypes

type variables
Constant String WindowMemory = "Window\w_main"
n_dwautowidth in_dwaw
String is_zipfile

end variables

forward prototypes
public subroutine wf_staterestore ()
public subroutine wf_statesave ()
end prototypes

event ue_openzip();String ls_filename
Integer li_rc

li_rc = GetFileOpenName("Open Zip Archive", &
      is_zipfile, ls_filename, "ZIP", "Zip Archives (*.zip),*.ZIP")

If li_rc = 1 Then
   // get directory of zipfile
   dw_info.Event ue_populate()
End If

end event

event ue_comments();String ls_comment
Longptr ll_zipfile

If is_zipfile = "" Then Return

// open the zip archive
ll_zipfile = gn_zlib.of_unzOpen(is_zipfile)
If ll_zipfile > 0 Then
   // get global comment
   ls_comment = gn_zlib.of_unzGetGlobalComment(ll_zipfile)
   MessageBox("Global Comment", ls_comment)
   // close the zip archive
End If

end event

event ue_extract();String ls_name, ls_fullname, ls_filename
Longptr ll_zipfile
Long ll_row
Integer li_rc

ll_row = dw_info.GetRow()
If ll_row = 0 Then Return

// get file name and fullname
ls_name = dw_info.GetItemString(ll_row, "name")
ls_fullname = dw_info.GetItemString(ll_row, "fullname")

// get filename to extract to
li_rc = GetFileSaveName("Extract File", &
      ls_name, ls_filename, "", "All Files (*.*),*.*")
If li_rc = 1 Then
   // open the zip archive
   ll_zipfile = gn_zlib.of_unzOpen(is_zipfile)
   If ll_zipfile > 0 Then
      // extract the file
      gn_zlib.of_ExtractFile(ll_zipfile, ls_name, ls_fullname)
      // close the zip archive
   End If
End If

end event

event ue_newzip();Integer li_rc
String ls_fname

li_rc = GetFileSaveName("Create Zip Archive", &
      is_zipfile, ls_fname, "zip", "Zip Archives (*.zip),*.zip")
If li_rc = 1 Then
   this.Event ue_addfile()
End If

end event

event ue_addfile();Longptr ll_zipFile
Integer li_rc, li_file, li_count
String ls_title, ls_fname, ls_extn, ls_filter
String ls_folder, ls_initialdir, ls_pathname
String ls_filename[], ls_ImportFile
Boolean lb_folder = False


If lb_folder Then
   ls_title = "Add Folder to Archive"
   li_rc = GetFolder(ls_title, ls_folder)
   If li_rc = 1 Then
      // open zipfile
      ll_zipFile = gn_zlib.of_zipOpen(is_zipfile)
      // import selected folder
      gn_zlib.of_ImportFolder(ll_zipFile, ls_folder)
      // close zipfile
      gn_zlib.of_zipClose(ll_zipFile, "Zip archive created by PowerBuilder!")
   End If
   // get name of files to add
   ls_title = "Add Files to Archive"
   ls_filter = "All Files (*.*), *.*"
   li_rc = GetFileOpenName(ls_title, ls_pathname, ls_filename, &
               ls_extn, ls_filter, ls_initialdir)
   If li_rc = 1 Then
      // open zipfile
      ll_zipFile = gn_zlib.of_zipOpen(is_zipfile)
      // import selected files
      li_count = UpperBound(ls_filename)
      If li_count = 1 Then
         gn_zlib.of_ImportFile(ll_zipFile, ls_pathname, ls_filename[1])
         For li_file = 1 To li_count
            ls_ImportFile = ls_pathname + "\" + ls_filename[li_file]
            gn_zlib.of_ImportFile(ll_zipFile, ls_ImportFile, ls_filename[li_file])
      End If
      // close zipfile
      gn_zlib.of_zipClose(ll_zipFile, "Zip archive created by PowerBuilder!")
   End If
End If

// get directory of zipfile
dw_info.Event ue_populate()

end event

event getminmaxinfo;MINMAXINFO lstr_minmaxinfo

// copy the data to local structure
GetMinMaxInfo(lstr_minmaxinfo, minmaxinfo, 40)

// set the minimum size for our window
lstr_minmaxinfo.ptMinTrackSize.lx = UnitsToPixels(2500, XUnitsToPixels!) = UnitsToPixels(1650, YUnitsToPixels!)

// copy the structure back into memory
SetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO, lstr_minmaxinfo, 40)

// important: must return 0
Return 0

end event

public subroutine wf_staterestore ();Integer li_newwidth, li_newheight
String ls_toolbar, ls_state

gw_frame = this

// restore window state
ls_state = gn_app.of_GetReg(WindowMemory,"WindowState","Normal")
If Lower(ls_state) = "maximized" Then
   // maximize window
   gn_app.of_ShowWindow(gw_frame, Maximized!)
   // restore window size/position
   li_newwidth  = Integer(gn_app.of_GetReg(WindowMemory,"WindowWidth", String(this.Width)))
   li_newheight = Integer(gn_app.of_GetReg(WindowMemory,"WindowHeight", String(this.Height)))
   this.Resize(li_newwidth, li_newheight)
   this.X = Integer(gn_app.of_GetReg(WindowMemory,"WindowXPos", String(this.X)))
   this.Y = Integer(gn_app.of_GetReg(WindowMemory,"WindowYPos", String(this.Y)))
End If

// make visible after repositioned
this.Visible = True

end subroutine

public subroutine wf_statesave ();// save window state
If this.WindowState = Maximized! Then
   // window is maximized
   gn_app.of_SetReg(WindowMemory,"WindowState", "Maximized")
   If this.WindowState = Normal! Then
      // window is normal
      gn_app.of_SetReg(WindowMemory,"WindowState", "Normal")
      // remember window size/position
      gn_app.of_SetReg(WindowMemory,"WindowXPos", String(this.X))
      gn_app.of_SetReg(WindowMemory,"WindowYPos", String(this.Y))
      gn_app.of_SetReg(WindowMemory,"WindowWidth", String(this.Width))
      gn_app.of_SetReg(WindowMemory,"WindowHeight", String(this.Height))
   End If
End If

end subroutine

on w_main.create
if this.MenuName = "m_main" then this.MenuID = create m_main
this.mdi_1=create mdi_1
this.dw_info=create dw_info
end on

on w_main.destroy
if IsValid(MenuID) then destroy(MenuID)
end on

event resize;dw_info.Width  = this.WorkSpaceWidth() - 18
dw_info.Height = this.WorkSpaceHeight() - 75

end event

event open;// restore window state

end event

event close;// save window state

end event

type mdi_1 from mdiclient within w_main
long BackColor=268435456
end type

type dw_info from u_base_datawindow within w_main
event ue_populate ( )
integer x = 9
integer y = 164
integer width = 4091
integer height = 2016
string dataobject = "d_zipdirectory"
boolean hscrollbar = true
boolean vscrollbar = true
end type

event ue_populate();// get directory of created zipfile

String ls_import



Parent.title = "ZLib - " + is_zipfile

ls_import = gn_zlib.of_Directory(is_zipfile, False)




// resize columns



this.Event RowFocusChanged(1)

end event

event constructor;call super::constructor;// turn on gridsort arrows

// register window/datawindow
in_dwaw.of_register(Parent, dw_info)

end event