File: n_dwautowidth.sru
Size: 8734
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 21:14:39 +0100
$PBExportComments$Performs autowidth on grid datawindow columns
global type n_dwautowidth from nonvisualobject
end type
type os_size from structure within n_dwautowidth
end type
end forward

type os_size from structure
   long     cx
   long     cy
end type

global type n_dwautowidth from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

type prototypes
Function ulong GetDC ( &
   ulong hWnd &
   ) Library "user32.dll"

Function ulong SelectObject ( &
   ulong hdc, &
   ulong hWnd &
   ) Library "gdi32.dll"

Function boolean GetTextExtentPoint32 ( &
   ulong hdcr, &
   string lpString, &
   long nCount, &
   Ref os_size size &
   ) Library "gdi32.dll" Alias For "GetTextExtentPoint32A"

Function long ReleaseDC ( &
   ulong hWnd, &
   ulong hdcr &
   ) Library "user32.dll"

end prototypes
type variables
Constant Integer WM_GETFONT = 49
Window iw_parent
Datawindow idw_data
Integer ii_original[]

end variables

forward prototypes
public subroutine of_register (readonly window aw_parent, ref datawindow adw_datawindow)
public function long of_resize (string as_colname)
public function long of_resize (integer ai_colnbr)
public subroutine of_statictext_resize (ref statictext ast_text)
end prototypes

public subroutine of_register (readonly window aw_parent, ref datawindow adw_datawindow);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_dwautowidth.of_register
// PURPOSE:    This function saves a reference to the window and datawindow
//             in instance variables for use in the of_resize function. It
//             also saves the initial width of all visible columns to use as
//             minimum width.
// CALLED BY:  Usually called from Constructor event of the datawindow or right
//             after setting the .DataObject property of the dw control.
// ARGUMENTS:  aw_parent - Window that the datawindow is on
//             adw_datawindow - Datawindow whose columns will be resized
// RETURN:     Row containing the longest value
// ----------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
// 11/25/2002  Roland S    Initial creation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Integer li_col, li_max

// save references to parent window and datawindow
iw_parent = aw_parent
idw_data = adw_datawindow

// record column original size
li_max = Integer(adw_datawindow.Object.DataWindow.Column.Count)
FOR li_col = 1 TO li_max
   ii_original[li_col] = Integer(adw_datawindow.Describe("#" + String(li_col) + ".Width"))

end subroutine

public function long of_resize (string as_colname);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_dwautowidth.of_resize
// PURPOSE:    This function will change the column width so that the longest
//             value will fit.  The minimum width is the initial width set in
//             the datawindow painter.
// CALLED BY:  Usually called from RetrieveEnd event of the datawindow or
//             just after inserting/modifying the values in the column.
// ARGUMENTS:  as_colname - Column to be resized
// RETURN:     Row containing the longest value
// ----------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
// 11/25/2002  Roland S    Initial creation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Long ll_row, ll_max, ll_maxrow
ULong lul_Handle, lul_hDC, lul_hFont
Integer li_maxwidth, li_rc, li_size, li_colnbr
String ls_value, ls_format, ls_modify
StaticText lst_text
os_size lstr_Size

li_rc = iw_parent.OpenUserObject(lst_text)
If li_rc = 1 Then
   // get column number
   li_colnbr  = Integer(idw_data.Describe(as_colname + ".ID"))
   // get column format string
   ls_format = idw_data.Describe(as_colname + ".Format")
   // give static text same font properties as column
   lst_text.FaceName = idw_data.Describe(as_colname + ".Font.Face")
   lst_text.TextSize = Integer(idw_data.Describe(as_colname + ".Font.Height"))
   lst_text.Weight = Integer(idw_data.Describe(as_colname + ".Font.Weight"))
   // set italic property
   If idw_data.Describe(as_colname + ".Font.Italic") = "1" Then
      lst_text.Italic = True
      lst_text.Italic = False
   End If
   // set charset property
   CHOOSE CASE idw_data.Describe(as_colname + ".Font.CharSet")
      CASE "0"
         lst_text.FontCharSet = ANSI!
      CASE "2"
         lst_text.FontCharSet = Symbol!
      CASE "128"
         lst_text.FontCharSet = ShiftJIS!
      CASE "255"
         lst_text.FontCharSet = OEM!
         lst_text.FontCharSet = DefaultCharSet!
   // set family property
   CHOOSE CASE idw_data.Describe(as_colname + ".Font.Family")
      CASE "1"
         lst_text.FontFamily = Roman!
      CASE "2"
         lst_text.FontFamily = Swiss!
      CASE "3"
         lst_text.FontFamily = Modern!
      CASE "4"
         lst_text.FontFamily = Script!
      CASE "5"
         lst_text.FontFamily = Decorative!
         lst_text.FontFamily = AnyFont!
   // set pitch property
   CHOOSE CASE idw_data.Describe(as_colname + ".Font.Pitch")
      CASE "1"
         lst_text.FontPitch = Fixed!
      CASE "2"
         lst_text.FontPitch = Variable!
         lst_text.FontPitch = Default!
   // create device context for statictext
   lul_Handle = Handle(lst_text)
   lul_hDC = GetDC(lul_Handle)
   // get handle to the font used by statictext
   lul_hFont = Send(lul_Handle, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0)
   // Select it into the device context
   SelectObject(lul_hDC, lul_hFont)
   // walk thru each row of datawindow
   ll_max = idw_data.RowCount()
   FOR ll_row = 1 TO ll_max
      // get value from datawindow
      ls_value = RightTrim(String([ll_row, li_colnbr], ls_format))
      // determine text width
      If Not GetTextExtentPoint32(lul_hDC, ls_value, Len(ls_value), lstr_Size) Then
         ReleaseDC(lul_Handle, lul_hDC)
         Return -1
      End If
      // convert length in pixels to PBUnits
      li_size = PixelsToUnits(, XPixelsToUnits!)
      If li_size > li_maxwidth Then
         li_maxwidth = li_size
         ll_maxrow = ll_row
      End If
   // release the device context
   ReleaseDC(lul_Handle, lul_hDC)
   // modify the column width
   If li_maxwidth > ii_original[li_colnbr] Then
      ls_modify = as_colname + ".Width = " + String(li_maxwidth + 8)
      ls_modify = as_colname + ".Width = " + String(ii_original[li_colnbr])
   End If
   // destroy statictext
End If

Return ll_maxrow

end function

public function long of_resize (integer ai_colnbr);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_dwautowidth.of_resize
// PURPOSE:    This function gets the name for the passed column number
//             and passes it to the function that does the resizing.
// CALLED BY:  Usually called from RetrieveEnd event of the datawindow or
//             just after inserting/modifying the values in the column.
// ARGUMENTS:  ai_colnbr - Column to be resized
// RETURN:     Row containing the longest value
// ----------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
// 11/25/2002  Roland S    Initial creation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

String ls_colname

ls_colname = idw_data.Describe("#" + String(ai_colnbr) + ".Name")

Return this.of_resize(ls_colname)

end function

public subroutine of_statictext_resize (ref statictext ast_text);// resize static text control

os_size lstr_Size
ULong lul_handle, lul_hDC, lul_hFont
String ls_value
Integer li_size

// create device context for statictext
lul_Handle = Handle(ast_text)
lul_hDC = GetDC(lul_Handle)

// get handle to the font used by statictext
lul_hFont = Send(lul_Handle, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0)

// Select it into the device context
SelectObject(lul_hDC, lul_hFont)

// determine text length
ls_value = Trim(ast_text.text)
GetTextExtentPoint32(lul_hDC, ls_value, Len(ls_value), lstr_Size)

// convert length in pixels to PBUnits
li_size = PixelsToUnits(, XPixelsToUnits!) + 8

// release the device context
ReleaseDC(lul_Handle, lul_hDC)

// resize the statictext
ast_text.width = li_size

end subroutine

on n_dwautowidth.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on n_dwautowidth.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on