File: w_main.srw
Size: 5261
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 21:14:39 +0100
global type w_main from window
end type
type mdi_1 from mdiclient within w_main
end type
type dw_info from u_base_datawindow within w_main
end type
end forward

global type w_main from window
integer x = 23
integer y = 24
integer width = 4210
integer height = 2456
boolean titlebar = true
string title = "ZLib - Compression Library Example"
string menuname = "m_main"
boolean controlmenu = true
boolean minbox = true
boolean maxbox = true
boolean resizable = true
windowtype windowtype = mdihelp!
long backcolor = 67108864
string icon = "AppIcon!"
boolean center = true
event ue_openzip ( )
event ue_comments ( )
event ue_extract ( )
event ue_newzip ( )
mdi_1 mdi_1
dw_info dw_info
end type
global w_main w_main

type variables
n_dwautowidth in_dwaw
String is_zipfile

end variables

event ue_openzip();String ls_filename
Integer li_rc

li_rc = GetFileOpenName("Open Zip Archive", &
      is_zipfile, ls_filename, "ZIP", "Zip Archives (*.zip),*.ZIP")

If li_rc = 1 Then
   // get directory of zipfile
   dw_info.Event ue_populate()
End If

end event

event ue_comments();String ls_comment
ULong lul_unzFile

If is_zipfile = "" Then Return

// open the zip archive
lul_unzFile = gn_zlib.of_unzOpen(is_zipfile)
If lul_unzFile > 0 Then
   // get global comment
   ls_comment = gn_zlib.of_unzGetGlobalComment(lul_unzFile)
   MessageBox("Global Comment", ls_comment)
   // close the zip archive
End If

end event

event ue_extract();String ls_name, ls_fullname, ls_filename
ULong lul_unzFile
Long ll_row
Integer li_rc

ll_row = dw_info.GetRow()
If ll_row = 0 Then Return

// get file name and fullname
ls_name = dw_info.GetItemString(ll_row, "name")
ls_fullname = dw_info.GetItemString(ll_row, "fullname")

// get filename to extract to
li_rc = GetFileSaveName("Extract File", &
      ls_name, ls_filename, "", "All Files (*.*),*.*")
If li_rc = 1 Then
   // open the zip archive
   lul_unzFile = gn_zlib.of_unzOpen(is_zipfile)
   If lul_unzFile > 0 Then
      // extract the file
      gn_zlib.of_ExtractFile(lul_unzFile, ls_name, ls_fullname)
      // close the zip archive
   End If
End If

end event

event ue_newzip();n_getopenfilename ln_ofn
ULong lul_zipFile
Integer li_rc, li_file, li_count
String ls_title, ls_fname, ls_filter, ls_folder, ls_initialdir
String ls_pathname[], ls_filename[]
Boolean lb_folder = False

li_rc = GetFileSaveName("Create Zip Archive", &
      is_zipfile, ls_fname, "zip", "Zip Archives (*.zip),*.zip")
If li_rc = 1 Then
   If lb_folder Then
      ls_title = "Add Folder to Archive"
      li_rc = GetFolder(ls_title, ls_folder)
      If li_rc = 1 Then
         // open zipfile
         lul_zipFile = gn_zlib.of_zipOpen(is_zipfile)
         // import selected folder
         gn_zlib.of_ImportFolder(lul_zipFile, ls_folder)
         // close zipfile
         gn_zlib.of_zipClose(lul_zipFile, "Zip archive created by PowerBuilder!")
      End If
      // get name of files to add
      ls_title = "Add Files to Archive"
      ls_filter = "All Files (*.*), *.*"
      li_rc = ln_ofn.of_GetOpenFileName(Handle(this), ls_title, &
                           ls_pathname, ls_filename, ls_filter, ls_initialdir)
      If li_rc = 1 Then
         // open zipfile
         lul_zipFile = gn_zlib.of_zipOpen(is_zipfile)
         // import selected files
         li_count = UpperBound(ls_pathname)
         FOR li_file = 1 TO li_count
            gn_zlib.of_ImportFile(lul_zipFile, ls_pathname[li_file], ls_filename[li_file])
         // close zipfile
         gn_zlib.of_zipClose(lul_zipFile, "Zip archive created by PowerBuilder!")
      End If
   End If
   // get directory of zipfile
   dw_info.Event ue_populate()
End If

end event

on w_main.create
if this.MenuName = "m_main" then this.MenuID = create m_main
this.mdi_1=create mdi_1
this.dw_info=create dw_info
end on

on w_main.destroy
if IsValid(MenuID) then destroy(MenuID)
end on

event resize;dw_info.Width  = this.WorkSpaceWidth() - 18
dw_info.Height = this.WorkSpaceHeight() - 75

end event

type mdi_1 from mdiclient within w_main
long BackColor=268435456
end type

type dw_info from u_base_datawindow within w_main
event ue_populate ( )
integer x = 9
integer y = 164
integer width = 4091
integer height = 2016
string dataobject = "d_zipdirectory"
boolean hscrollbar = true
boolean vscrollbar = true
end type

event ue_populate();// get directory of created zipfile

String ls_import



Parent.title = "ZLib - " + is_zipfile

ls_import = gn_zlib.of_Directory(is_zipfile, False)




// resize columns


this.Event RowFocusChanged(1)

end event

event constructor;call super::constructor;// turn on gridsort arrows

// register window/datawindow
in_dwaw.of_register(Parent, dw_info)

end event