File: CommonClass.js
Size: 49820
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2007 15:37:06 +0100
Type: js
//      Copyright  Sybase, Inc. 1998-1999
//                       All Rights reserved.
//  Sybase, Inc. ("Sybase") claims copyright in this
//  program and documentation as an unpublished work, versions of
//  which were first licensed on the date indicated in the foregoing
//  notice.  Claim of copyright does not imply waiver of Sybase's
//  other rights.
//   This code is generated by the PowerBuilder HTML DataWindow generator.
//   It is provided subject to the terms of the Sybase License Agreement
//   for use as is, without alteration or modification.  
//   Sybase shall have no obligation to provide support or error correction 
//   services with respect to any altered or modified versions of this code.  
//       ***********************************************************
//       **     DO NOT MODIFY OR ALTER THIS CODE IN ANY WAY       **
//       ***********************************************************
//       ***************************************************************
//       **            DO NOT RELY ON IMPLEMENTATION!!!!              **
//       ***************************************************************
// Use the public interface only.
// these arrays will be filled with internationalized strings based on the server
var DW_shortDayNames = new Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat");
var DW_longDayNames = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
var DW_shortMonthNames = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
var DW_longMonthNames = new Array("January", "Febuary", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
// this is dependent on the control panel setting on the server
// it indicates the order of days (this is mm/dd/yyyy)
var DW_PARSEDT_monseq = 0;
var DW_PARSEDT_dayseq = 1;
var DW_PARSEDT_yearseq = 2;
// DWItemStatus
// Added to determine if dates are being processed in client side JavaScript.
var bDateTimeProcessingEnabled = false;
var gMask = "";
// common utility functions
function escapeString( inString )
    var index;
    var outString = "";
    var tempChar;
    // force to string type or charAt will fail!
    if (typeof inString != "string")
        inString = inString.toString();
    var strLength = inString.length;
    for ( index=0; index < strLength; index++ )
        tempChar = inString.charAt( index );
        if (tempChar == "\"" || tempChar == "'") 
            outString += "~" + tempChar;
        else if (tempChar == "\r")
            outString += "~r";
        else if (tempChar == "\n")
            outString += "~n";
            outString += tempChar;
    return outString;
function convertToRGB( color )
    var hexValue = "000000" + eval( color ).toString(16);
    hexValue = hexValue.substr( hexValue.length - 6, 6 );
    hexValue = hexValue.substr( 4, 2 ) + hexValue.substr( 2, 2 ) + hexValue.substr( 0, 2 );
    return hexValue;
// default event returns to 0
function _evtDefault (value)
    if (value + "" == "undefined")
        return 0;
    return value;
// need to double up because of template expander!
function DW_parseIsSpace(theChar)
    return /^\s$/.test(theChar);
function DW_parseIsDigit(theChar)
    return /^\d$/.test(theChar);
function DW_parseIsAlpha(theChar)
    return /^\w$/.test(theChar) && ! /^\d$/.test(theChar);
// auto binding of events expect <controlName>_<eventName>
function HTDW_eventImplemented(sEventName)
    // check if we already have one scripted
    if (this[sEventName] == null)
        // check for function with default name
        var testName = + '_' + sEventName;
        if (eval ('typeof ' + testName) == 'function')
            this[sEventName] = eval(testName);
    return this[sEventName] != null;
// utility functions
function allowInString (inString, refString)
    var index, tempChar;
    var strLength = inString.length;
    for (index=0; index < strLength; index++)
        tempChar= inString.charAt (index);
        if (refString.indexOf (tempChar)==-1)  
            return false;
    return true;
function DW_Trim(inString)
    var indexStart, indexEnd, tempChar, outString;
    var strLength = inString.length;
    // skip leading blanks
    for (indexStart=0; indexStart < strLength; indexStart++)
        tempChar= inString.charAt (indexStart);
        if (tempChar != " ")
    if (indexStart != strLength)
        // skip trailing blanks
        for (indexEnd=strLength-1; indexEnd > 0; indexEnd--)
            tempChar= inString.charAt (indexEnd);
            if (tempChar != " ")
        // get all chars in between
        outString = inString.substring(indexStart, indexEnd+1);
        outString = "";
    return outString;
function DW_Round(num, decPlaces)
    var powTen = Math.pow(10.0,decPlaces);
    num *= powTen;
    if (num >= 0)
        num = Math.floor(num + 0.5);
        num = Math.ceil(num - 0.5);
    return num / powTen;
function DW_IsNonNegativeNumber(inString, bNilIsNull)
    if (arguments.length < 2)
            bNilIsNull = false;
        if (inString == "")
            return bNilIsNull;
            var newString = DW_Trim(inString);      
            if (newString == "")                                
                return false;                                       
                var result = new DW_NumberClass();  
                if(DW_parseNumberStringAgainstMask(inString, result, false))    
                    if (result >= 0)                            
                        return true;                                
                return false;                                   
function DW_IsValidDisplayOrDataValue(inString, bNilIsNull)
    if (arguments.length < 2)
        bNilIsNull = false;
    if (inString == "")
        return bNilIsNull;
        var i;
        for(i = 0; i < this.displayValue.length; i++)
            if (inString == this.displayValue[i])
                return true;            
            if (inString == this.dataValue[i])
                return true;            
        return false;
function DW_IsNumber(inString, bNilIsNull)
    if (arguments.length < 2)
            bNilIsNull = false;
        if (inString == "")
            return bNilIsNull;
            var newString = DW_Trim(inString);      
            if (newString == "")        
                return false;       
                return DW_parseNumberStringAgainstMask(inString, null, true); 
// exprContext class
function HTDW_exprContextClass(dataWindow)
    this.dw = dataWindow;
    this.row = -1;
    this.currentText = "";
// Col0 class
function HTDW_Col0Class(rowId, dwItemStatus)
    this.colModified = new Array();
    this.rowId = rowId;
    this.itemStatus = dwItemStatus;
// Row class
function HTDW_RowClass(rowId)
    var col;
    // column 0 holds special data
    this[0] = new HTDW_Col0Class(rowId, arguments[1]);
    // get data values
    for (col = 1; col < arguments.length - 1; col++)
        this[0].colModified[col] = false;
        this[col] = arguments[col + 1];
    this.numCols = arguments.length - 1;
function HTDW_Row_generateChange (rowNum, rowObj)
    var col;
    var result;
    if (rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_MODIFIED ||
        rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW_MODIFIED)
        result = "(ModifyRow " + rowNum + " " + rowObj[0].rowId + " (";
        for (col = 1; col < rowObj.numCols; col++)
            if (rowObj[0].colModified[col])
                if (rowObj[col] == null)
                    result += "(" + col + " 1)";
                    result += "(" + col + " 0 '" + escapeString(rowObj[col]) + "')";
        result += "))";
        result = "";
    return result;
function HTDW_Row_dumpRow (rowNum, rowObj)
    var col;
    var result;
    result = "Row " + rowNum + "\n" + 
             "Modified:" + rowObj[0].itemStatus + "\n" +
             "RowId:" + rowObj[0].rowId + "\n" + 
             "NumCols:" + (rowObj.numCols - 1) + "\n";
    for (col = 1; col < rowObj.numCols; col++)
        result += "   Col " + col + " modified:" + rowObj[0].colModified[col] + " '" + rowObj[col] + "'\n";
    // alert (result);
    return result;
// set up class functions
HTDW_RowClass.generateChange = HTDW_Row_generateChange;
HTDW_RowClass.dumpRow = HTDW_Row_dumpRow;
function HTDW_ColumnGob(name, colNum, rowInDetail, region, bRequired, bNilIsNull, bFocusRect, formatFunc, getDisplayFormatFunc, getEditFormatFunc, column)
{ = name;
    this.colNum = colNum;
    this.rowInDetail = rowInDetail;
    this.region = region;
    this.bRequired = bRequired;
    this.bNilIsNull = bNilIsNull;
    this.bFocusRect = bFocusRect;
    this.bUseCodeTable = false;
    this.getDisplayFormat = getDisplayFormatFunc;
    this.getEditFormat = getEditFormatFunc;
    this.format = formatFunc;
    this.column = column;
function HTDW_ComputeGob(name, region, computeFunc, formatFunc, getDisplayFormatFunc)
{ = name;
    this.region = region;
    this.compute = computeFunc;
    this.getDisplayFormat = getDisplayFormatFunc;
    this.format = formatFunc;
// Depend classes common function
// DependCompute class
function HTDW_DependComputeUpdate(htmlDw, row, bSkipCurrent)
    var gob = this.gob;
    var control = htmlDw.findControl(, row, gob.region == 0);
    if (control != null && typeof gob.compute == "function")
        // body
        if (gob.region == 0)
            row = row;
        // header
        else if (gob.region == 1)
            row = htmlDw.firstRow;
        // footer or summary
        else if (gob.region == 2 || gob.region == 3)
            row = htmlDw.lastRow;
        var exprCtx = htmlDw.exprCtx;
        exprCtx.row = row;
        exprCtx.currentText = "";
        var value = gob.compute(exprCtx);
        if (control.type == "hidden" || control.type == "password" || 
            control.type == "text" || control.type == "textarea")
            var displayValue;
            if (gob.format != null && gob.getDisplayFormat != null)
                var formatString;
                if (typeof gob.getDisplayFormat == "string")
                    formatString = gob.getDisplayFormat;
                    formatString = gob.getDisplayFormat (exprCtx);
                displayValue = gob.format (formatString, value, control);
            else if (value != null)
                displayValue = value.toString();
                displayValue = "";
            control.value = displayValue;
function HTDW_DependCompute(gob)
    this.gob = gob;
    this.update = HTDW_DependComputeUpdate;
// DependColumn class
function HTDW_DependColumnUpdate(htmlDw, row, bSkipCurrent)
    var gob = this.gob;
    var control = htmlDw.findControl(, row, gob.region == 0);
    // don't mess with the current control if asked not to
    if (control != null && 
            ! (bSkipCurrent && control == htmlDw.currentControl))
        // body
        if (gob.region == 0)
            //row = row + gob.rowInDetail;
        // header
        else if (gob.region == 1)
            row = htmlDw.firstRow;
        // footer or summary
        else if (gob.region == 2 || gob.region == 3)
            row = htmlDw.lastRow;
        var value = htmlDw.rows[row][gob.colNum];
        if (control.type == "hidden" || control.type == "password" || 
            control.type == "text" || control.type == "textarea" ||
            control.type == "select-one")
            var displayValue;
            if (gob.format != null && gob.getDisplayFormat != null)
                var exprCtx = htmlDw.exprCtx;
                exprCtx.row = row;
                exprCtx.currentText = "";
                if (typeof gob.getDisplayFormat == "string")
                    formatString = gob.getDisplayFormat;
                    formatString = gob.getDisplayFormat (exprCtx);
                displayValue = gob.format (formatString, value, control);
            else if (value != null)
                displayValue = value.toString();
                displayValue = "";
            control.value = displayValue;
       else if(control.type == "checkbox")
         if (value != null)
                var displayValue;
                displayValue = value.toString();
                if ( (control.checked==true) &&  (displayValue!=control.value.toString()))
                else if  ((control.checked==false) && (displayValue!=control.value.toString()))
                control.value = displayValue;       
      else if(control.length>1)
                var r;
                for (r=0;r<control.length;r++)
                     displayValue = value.toString();
function HTDW_DependColumn(gob)
    this.gob = gob;
    this.update = HTDW_DependColumnUpdate;
// Column class
function HTDW_Column_addDepend(depend)
    if (this.dependents == null)
        this.dependents = new Array();
    this.dependents[this.dependents.length] = depend;
function HTDW_Column_updateDependents(htmlDw, row, bSkipCurrent)
    if (this.dependents != null)
        for (var i=0; i < this.dependents.length; ++i)
            this.dependents[i].update (htmlDw, row, bSkipCurrent);
function HTDW_ColumnClass(colId, name, convertFromStringFunc, typeValidationFunc, itemValidateFunc, validationMessageFunc, computeFunc, displayGobName)
    this.colId = colId; = name;
    this.dependents = null;
    this.convertFromString = convertFromStringFunc;
    this.validateByType = typeValidationFunc;
    this.validateItem = itemValidateFunc;
    this.validationError = validationMessageFunc;
    this.compute = computeFunc;
    this.displayGobName = displayGobName;
    // interface functions
    this.addDepend = HTDW_Column_addDepend;
    this.updateDependents = HTDW_Column_updateDependents;
    this.displayValue = new Array();
    this.dataValue = new Array()
// DataWindow class
function HTDW_findControl(gobName, row, bInBody)
    var control = null;
    var controlExists;
    var controlName = gobName;
    var controlObject;
    if (bInBody)
        controlName += "_" + row;
    if (this.dataForm + "" != "undefined")
        controlObject = 'this.dataForm.' + controlName;
        controlExists = eval('typeof ' + controlObject);
        if (controlExists == "object")
            control = eval(controlObject);
    else if (this.navLayerForms[0] + "" != "undefined") // try array of Netscape layered forms
        var rowObj = this.rows[row];
        var index = 0;
        if (bInBody)
            index = row * (rowObj.numCols - 1); // skip over for search
        for( ; index < this.navLayerForms.length; index++)
             if (this.navLayerForms[index].elements[0].name == controlName)
                 control = this.navLayerForms[index].elements[0];
        control = null;
    return control;
function HTDW_itemGainFocus(newRow,newCol,control,gob)
    var bRowChanged = false;
    var bReadOnlyControl = false;
    var bNegativeTabIndexControl = false;
    // default arguments
    control.row = newRow;
    control.col = newCol;
    control.gob = gob;
    // if in the middle of trying to force focus back
    // to a control, ignore all other focus stuff
    if (this.forcingBackFocusTo != null)
        // check if we have made it back yet
        if (this.forcingBackFocusTo == control)
            this.forcingBackFocusTo = null;
            this.currentControl = control;
        // don't do any other focus related stuff
    // bail if we think that the current control already has focus
    // (Could happen if a button is pressed)
    if (this.currentControl == control &&
        !(this.currentControl.type == "hidden" || this.currentControl.type == "password" ||
        this.currentControl.type == "text" || this.currentControl.type == "textarea"))
    // check control attri
    if (control.readOnly + "" != "undefined")
        bReadOnlyControl = control.readOnly;
    if (control.tabIndex + "" != "undefined")
        if(control.tabIndex < 0 )
            bNegativeTabIndexControl = true;
    if (bNegativeTabIndexControl)
        control.blur(); //don't allow focus.
    if (newRow != -1)
        if (newRow != this.currRow)
            bRowChanged = true;
            // row focus changing event
            if (this.eventImplemented("RowFocusChanging"))
                var result = _evtDefault(this.RowFocusChanging (this.currRow+1, newRow+1));
                // if 1 returned, don't allow focus to change (leave focus in last control to have gained focus
                if (result == 1)
                    // bail out early
        this.currRow = newRow;
    if (newCol != -1)
        this.currCol = newCol;
    this.currentControl = control;
    // update the displayed value to be in editible form
    if (newRow != -1 && newCol != -1 && 
        (this.currentControl.type == "hidden" || this.currentControl.type == "password" ||
         this.currentControl.type == "text" ||this.currentControl.type == "textarea"))
        var value = this.rows[newRow][newCol];
        if (gob.format != null)
            var displayValue;
            if (gob.getEditFormat != null)
                var formatString;
                if (typeof gob.getEditFormat == "string")
                    formatString = gob.getEditFormat;
                    var exprCtx = this.exprCtx;
                    exprCtx.row = control.row;
                    exprCtx.currentText = "";
                    formatString = gob.getEditFormat (exprCtx);
                displayValue = gob.format (formatString, value, this.currentControl);
            else if (value != null)
                displayValue = value.toString();
                displayValue = "";
            this.currentControl.value = displayValue;
        else if ( value != null )
            // Do not compare against Date/Time if no date fields have been defined
            if (!bDateTimeProcessingEnabled ||
               (value.toString != DW_DatetimeToString &&
                value.toString != DW_DateToString &&
                value.toString != DW_TimeToString))
                this.currentControl.value = value.toString( );
            this.currentControl.value = "";
    // can only programatically change border on IE4
    if (control.gob.bFocusRect && HTDW_DataWindowClass.isIE4)
        this.currentControlBorder =;
 = "dotted";
    // row focus changed event
    if (bRowChanged && this.eventImplemented("RowFocusChanged"))
        this.RowFocusChanged (newRow+1)
    // item focus changed event
    if (newCol != -1 && this.eventImplemented("ItemFocusChanged"))
        this.ItemFocusChanged (newRow+1, this.cols[newCol].name)
function HTDW_itemLoseFocus(control)
    var bReadOnlyControl = false;
    var bNegativeTabIndexControl = false;
    // check control attri
    if (control.readOnly + "" != "undefined")
        bReadOnlyControl = control.readOnly;
    if (control.tabIndex + "" != "undefined")
        if( control.tabIndex < 0 )
            bNegativeTabIndexControl = true;
    if (bNegativeTabIndexControl)
        return 2;
    // restore border
    // can only programatically change border on IE4
    if (control.gob.bFocusRect && HTDW_DataWindowClass.isIE4 && this.currentControl == control)
 = this.currentControlBorder;
    // don't do validation if in the middle of forcing focus
    // due to validation error (endless loop could happen)
    if (this.forcingBackFocusTo != null)
        return 2;
    if (this.currentControl != control)
        alert("Focus problem! Control losing focus is not current control!");
        // fake it out
        this.currentControl = control;
    var gob = control.gob;
    if (gob.getEditFormat != null)
        if (typeof gob.getEditFormat == "string")
        gMask = gob.getEditFormat;
            var exprCtx = this.exprCtx;
            exprCtx.row = control.row;
            exprCtx.currentText = "";
            gMask = gob.getEditFormat (exprCtx);
        // code table's edit format is a dummy "CodeTable" format for info.
        if (gob.bUseCodeTable)
            gMask = "";
    if (!control.bChanged)  // check if Change misfired (losing focus beyond frame?)
        var newValue;
        var row = control.row;
        var col = control.col;
        var rowObj = this.rows[row];
        var colObj = this.cols[col];
        if (control.type == "select-one")
            newValue = control.options[control.selectedIndex].value;
            newValue = control.value;
        if (newValue == "")
            if (control.gob.bNilIsNull)
                if (rowObj[col] != null)
                    control.bChanged = true;
            else if (rowObj[col] != null && rowObj[col] != "")  // for inserts
                control.bChanged = true;
        else if (colObj.convertFromString != null)
            var convertedValue;
            if (colObj.convertFromString == parseInt)
                var reg = /,/g;
                var noComma = newValue.replace(reg, "");
                convertedValue = colObj.convertFromString (noComma, 10);
                convertedValue = colObj.convertFromString (newValue);
            if (rowObj[col] != convertedValue)
                control.bChanged = true;
            if (rowObj[col] != newValue)
                control.bChanged = true;
    var result = this.AcceptText();
    gMask = "";
    if (result == 1)
        // reformat the data
        var gob = control.gob;
        var value = this.rows[control.row][gob.colNum];
        if (control.type == "hidden" || control.type == "password" || 
            control.type == "text" || control.type == "textarea")
            if (gob.format != null)
                var displayValue;
                if (gob.getDisplayFormat != null)
                    var formatString;
                    if (typeof gob.getDisplayFormat == "string")
                        formatString = gob.getDisplayFormat;
                        var exprCtx = this.exprCtx;
                        exprCtx.row = control.row;
                        exprCtx.currentText = "";
                        formatString = gob.getDisplayFormat (exprCtx);
                    displayValue = gob.format (formatString, value, this.currentControl);
                else if (value != null)
                    displayValue = value.toString();
                    displayValue = "";
                this.currentControl.value = displayValue;
            else if ( value != null )
                // Do not compare against Date/Time if no date fields have been defined
                if (!bDateTimeProcessingEnabled ||
                    (value.toString != DW_DatetimeToString &&
                     value.toString != DW_DateToString &&
                     value.toString != DW_TimeToString))
                     this.currentControl.value = value.toString( );
                this.currentControl.value = "";
    return result;
function HTDW_selectControlContent(control)
    var bNegativeTabIndexControl = false;
    if(control != null)
        if (control.tabIndex + "" != "undefined")
            if( control.tabIndex < 0 )
                bNegativeTabIndexControl = true;
function HTDW_getChanges()
    var changes = "";
    var index, rowObj;
    for (index=0; index < this.rows.length; ++index)
        rowObj = this.rows[index];
        if (rowObj != null)
            HTDW_RowClass.dumpRow (index, rowObj);
            changes += HTDW_RowClass.generateChange (index, rowObj);
    return changes;
function HTDW_itemError(row, col, exprCtx, bIsRequired)
    var colObj = this.cols[col];
    var result = 0;
    // item error event
    if (this.eventImplemented("ItemError"))
        result = _evtDefault(this.ItemError (row+1,, exprCtx.currentText))
    // map unknown results to 0
    if (result != 1 && result != 2 && result != 3)
        result = 0;
    if (result == 0)
        var sMessage;
        if (colObj.validationError != null)
            sMessage = colObj.validationError (exprCtx);
        else if (bIsRequired)
            sMessage = "Value required for item '" + + "'.";
            sMessage = "Item '" + exprCtx.currentText + "' does not pass validation test.";
        alert (sMessage);
    return result;
function HTDW_restoreFocus()
    if (this.currentControl != null)
        var bDocHasFocus = true;
        var bIsDefined = false;
        if ( (document.hasFocus + "" != "undefined") && (this.currentControl.setActive + "" != "undefined") )
            bIsDefined = true;
        if ( bIsDefined )
            bDocHasFocus = document.hasFocus();
        if(bDocHasFocus == false)
            this.currentControl.setActive(); // CR323659
function HTDW_setCheckboxValue(control, chkValue, unchkValue)
    if (control.checked)
        control.value = chkValue;
        control.value = unchkValue;
function HTDW_acceptText()
    // nothing to do if no current control
    if (this.currentControl == null)
        return 1;
    var control = this.currentControl;
    var row = control.row;
    var col = control.col;
    var bRequired = control.gob.bRequired;
    var colObj = this.cols[col];
    var bIsValid = true;
    var exprCtx = this.exprCtx;
    var validAction = 2;  // default to accept
    var newValue;
    var oldValue=exprCtx.currentText;
    if (control.type == "select-one")
        newValue = control.options[control.selectedIndex].value;
            return 1;
        newValue = control.value;
    exprCtx.row = row;
    exprCtx.currentText = newValue;
    // check if value required
    if (bRequired && ! control.bChanged)
        if (this.rows[row][col] == null)
            validAction = this.itemError (row, col, exprCtx, true);
    else if (bRequired && control.gob.bNilIsNull && newValue == "")
        validAction = this.itemError (row, col, exprCtx, true);
    if (control.bChanged)
        if (bIsValid && colObj.validateByType != null)
            bIsValid = colObj.validateByType(newValue, control.gob.bNilIsNull);
        if (bIsValid && colObj.validateItem != null)
            bIsValid = colObj.validateItem (exprCtx);
        // item changed event
        if (bIsValid && this.eventImplemented("ItemChanged"))
            validAction = _evtDefault(this.ItemChanged (row+1,, newValue));
            // map unknown results to 0
            if (validAction != 1 && validAction != 2)
                validAction = 0;
            // map itemChanged action codes to itemError action codes
            if (validAction == 0) // accept value
                validAction = 2;
                bIsValid = false;
                if (validAction == 1) // reject value, no focus change
                    validAction = 1;
                else // reject value, allow focus change
                    validAction = 3;
        if (! bIsValid)
            validAction = this.itemError (row, col, exprCtx, false);
        if (validAction == 2)
            var rowObj = this.rows[row];
            if (control.gob.bNilIsNull && newValue == "")
                if (rowObj[col] != null)
                    rowObj[col] = null;
                    if (rowObj[0].itemStatus != DW_ITEMSTATUS_MODIFIED &&
                        rowObj[0].itemStatus != DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW_MODIFIED)
                    rowObj[0].colModified[col] = true;          
                    if (rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_NOCHANGE)
                        rowObj[0].itemStatus = DW_ITEMSTATUS_MODIFIED;
                    else if (rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW)
                        rowObj[0].itemStatus = DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW_MODIFIED;
            else if (colObj.convertFromString != null)
                var convertedValue;
                if (colObj.convertFromString == parseInt)
                    convertedValue = colObj.convertFromString (newValue, 10);
                    convertedValue = colObj.convertFromString (newValue);
                if (rowObj[col] != convertedValue)
                    rowObj[col] = convertedValue;
                    if (rowObj[0].itemStatus != DW_ITEMSTATUS_MODIFIED &&
                        rowObj[0].itemStatus != DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW_MODIFIED)
                    rowObj[0].colModified[col] = true;          
                    if (rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_NOCHANGE)
                        rowObj[0].itemStatus = DW_ITEMSTATUS_MODIFIED;
                    else if (rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW)
                        rowObj[0].itemStatus = DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW_MODIFIED;
                if (rowObj[col] != newValue)
                    rowObj[col] = newValue;
                    if (rowObj[0].itemStatus != DW_ITEMSTATUS_MODIFIED &&
                        rowObj[0].itemStatus != DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW_MODIFIED)
                    rowObj[0].colModified[col] = true;          
                    if (rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_NOCHANGE)
                        rowObj[0].itemStatus = DW_ITEMSTATUS_MODIFIED;
                    else if (rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW)
                        rowObj[0].itemStatus = DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW_MODIFIED;
            control.bChanged = false;
            // skip current control
            colObj.updateDependents(this, row, true);
    // force focus back if an error (focus change will happen after we return!)
    if (validAction < 2)
        this.forcingBackFocusTo = control;
    var result = (validAction < 2) ? -1 : 1;
    return result;
    // this return will only be used if we are not an input form
    return 1;
// if false returned, don't allow focus to change or action to happen (leave focus in last control to have gained focus
function HTDW_itemClicked(row, col, objName)
    var evtResult = 0;
    // CR228156 - click on DDDW column fires a validation error in IE5.x - Partha
    if (this.currentControl != null)
    if ( this.currentControl.type == "select-one" )
        if ( HTDW_DataWindowClass.isIE4 
        && this.currentControl.gob.bRequired == true 
        && this.currentControl.value == "" )
                return false ;
        if (this.AcceptText() != 1)
            return false;
        else if (this.currentControl.type == "checkbox" 
        || this.currentControl.type == "radio" 
        || this.currentControl.type == "select-multiple" )
            if (this.AcceptText() != 1)
            return false;
    if (this.eventImplemented("Clicked"))
        evtResult = _evtDefault(this.Clicked (row+1, objName));
    // prevent clicked event from bubbling up in IE4 or higher
    if (HTDW_DataWindowClass.isIE4)
        window.event.cancelBubble = true;
    this.clickedRow = row;
    this.clickedCol = col;
    return evtResult != 1;
function HTDW_performAction(action)
    this.action = action;
    if (this.b4GLWeb)
        // cause the surrounding page to be submitted
    else // deal with it like in 7.0
            var rc = 0;
        // OnSubmit can prevent the page from being submitted by returning 1
        if (this.eventImplemented("OnSubmit"))
            rc = _evtDefault(this.OnSubmit ());
        if (rc == 0)
            this.actionField.value = this.action;
            this.contextField.value = this.GetFullContext();
function HTDW_GetFullContext()
    var     result = this.context;
    result += "(";
    result += this.getChanges();
    if (this.currRow != -1)
        result += "(row " + this.currRow + ")";
    if (this.sortString != null)
        result += "(sortString '" + escapeString (this.sortString) + "')";
    result += ")";
    return result ;
function HTDW_buttonPress(action, row, buttonName)
    var evtResult;
    // false from clicked will cancel processing
    if (!this.itemClicked(row, -1, buttonName))
    // button clicking event
    if (this.eventImplemented("ButtonClicking"))
        evtResult = _evtDefault(this.ButtonClicking (row+1, buttonName));
        // non-zero return will cancel processing
        if (evtResult != 0)
    // make sure all changes have been recorded
    if (action != "" && this.AcceptText() != 1)
        // cancel processing if AcceptText fails
    // update start event 
    if (action == "Update" && this.eventImplemented("UpdateStart"))
        evtResult = _evtDefault(this.UpdateStart ());
        // a return of 1 will cancel action
        if (evtResult == 1)
    if (action == "Print")
    // an action of "" is a user defined button which doesn't cause a page reload
    if (action != "")
        // button clicked event
        if (this.eventImplemented("ButtonClicked"))
            this.ButtonClicked (row+1, buttonName)
function HTDW_getColNum(col)
    if (typeof col == "string")
        for (var i=1; i< this.cols.length; ++i)
            var colObj = this.cols[i];
            if ( == col)
                return i;
        return col;
    // if we get here, then we couldn't find it
    return -1;
function HTDW_DeletedCount()
    return this.deletedCount;
function HTDW_DeleteRow(row)
    if(this.AcceptText() == 1)
        if (row > 0)
            this.currRow = row-1;
        this.performAction ("DeleteRow");
        return 1;
        return -1;
function HTDW_GetClickedColumn()
    return this.clickedCol;
function HTDW_GetClickedRow()
    return this.clickedRow + 1;
function HTDW_GetColumn()
    return this.currCol;
function HTDW_GetNextModified(startRow)
    var nextModified = 0;
    var index, rowObj;
    if (startRow == null)
        return null;
    for (index=startRow-1; index < this.rows.length; ++index)
        rowObj = this.rows[index];
        if (rowObj != null)
            if (rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_MODIFIED ||
                rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW_MODIFIED)
                nextModified = index+1;
    return nextModified;
function HTDW_GetRow()
    return this.currRow + 1;
function HTDW_GetItem(row, col)
    var result;
    var colNum = this.getColNum(col);
    var rowObj = this.rows[row-1];
    if (colNum == -1 ||
            (rowObj + "" == "undefined") || 
            rowObj[colNum] + "" == "undefined")
        result = -1;
        result = rowObj[colNum];
    return result;
function HTDW_GetItemStatus(row, col)
    if (row == null || col == null)
        return null;
    var dwItemStatus = DW_ITEMSTATUS_NOCHANGE;
    var colNum = this.getColNum(col);
    var rowObj = this.rows[row-1];
    if (colNum == -1 ||
            (rowObj + "" == "undefined") || 
            (colNum > 0 && rowObj[colNum] + "" == "undefined"))
        dwItemStatus = -1;
    else if (colNum == 0)
            dwItemStatus = rowObj[0].itemStatus;
        if (rowObj[0].colModified[colNum])
            dwItemStatus = DW_ITEMSTATUS_MODIFIED;
    return dwItemStatus;
function HTDW_InsertRow(row)
    if(this.AcceptText() == 1)
        this.currRow = row-1;
        this.performAction ("InsertRow");
        return 1;
        return -1;
function HTDW_ModifiedCount()
    return this.modifiedCount;
function HTDW_Retrieve()
    if(this.AcceptText() == 1)
        this.performAction ("Retrieve");
        return 1;
        return -1;
function HTDW_RowCount()
    return this.rowCount;
function HTDW_ScrollFirstPage()
    if(this.AcceptText() == 1)
        this.performAction ("PageFirst");
        return 1;
        return -1;
function HTDW_ScrollLastPage()
    if(this.AcceptText() == 1)
        this.performAction ("PageLast");
        return 1;
        return -1;
function HTDW_ScrollNextPage()
    if(this.AcceptText() == 1)
        this.performAction ("PageNext");
        return 1;
        return -1;
function HTDW_ScrollPriorPage()
    if(this.AcceptText() == 1)
        this.performAction ("PagePrior");
        return 1;
        return -1;
function HTDW_SetItem(row,col,value)
    var result;
    var colNum = this.getColNum(col);
    var rowObj = this.rows[row-1];
    if (colNum == -1 ||
            (rowObj + "" == "undefined") || 
            rowObj[colNum] + "" == "undefined")
        result = -1;
        if (rowObj[colNum] != value)
            rowObj[colNum] = value;
            if (rowObj[0].itemStatus != DW_ITEMSTATUS_MODIFIED &&
                rowObj[0].itemStatus != DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW_MODIFIED)
            rowObj[0].colModified[colNum] = true;
            if (rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_NOCHANGE)
                rowObj[0].itemStatus = DW_ITEMSTATUS_MODIFIED;
            else if (rowObj[0].itemStatus == DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW)
                rowObj[0].itemStatus = DW_ITEMSTATUS_NEW_MODIFIED;
        // update them all
        this.cols[colNum].updateDependents(this, row-1, false);
        result = 1;
    return result;
function HTDW_SetColumn(col)
    var result = -1;
    var colNum = this.getColNum(col);
    if (colNum != -1)
        var colObj = this.cols[colNum];
        if (typeof colObj != "undefined" && colObj.displayGobName != null)
            var control = this.findControl(colObj.displayGobName, this.currRow, true);
            // if we can't find a control, then we can't set the column
            if (control != null)
                // force focus onto the found control
                // the onFocus event will change the currency variables
                result = 1;
    return result;
function HTDW_SetRow(row)
    var result = -1;
    row -= 1;
    var colNum = this.currCol;
    if (colNum != -1)
        var colObj = this.cols[colNum];
        if (typeof colObj != "undefined" && colObj.displayGobName != null)
            var control = this.findControl(colObj.displayGobName, row, true);
            // if we can't find a control, then we can't set the row
            if (control != null)
                // force focus onto the found control, 
                // the onFocus event will change the currency variables
                result = 1;
    return result;
function HTDW_SetSort(sortString)
    this.sortString = sortString;
    return 1;
function HTDW_Sort()
    if(this.AcceptText() == 1)
        this.performAction ("Sort");
        return 1;
        return -1;
function HTDW_Update()
    if(this.AcceptText() == 1)
        this.performAction ("Update");
        return 1;
        return -1;
function DW_EditKeyPressed(nCase)
    if(nCase == 1)
        event.srcElement.value += String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode).toUpperCase();
        event.returnValue = false;
    else if (nCase == 2)
        event.srcElement.value += String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode).toLowerCase();
        event.returnValue = false;
function HTDW_DataWindowClass(name, submitForm, actionField, contextField)
    // if used in 4GL web, these will not be defined!
    if (arguments.length == 1)
        submitForm = null;
        actionField = null;
        contextField = null;
 = name;
    this.submitForm = submitForm;
    this.actionField = actionField;
    this.contextField = contextField;
    this.sortString = null;
    this.action = "";
    // private functions
    this.buttonPress = HTDW_buttonPress;
    this.performAction = HTDW_performAction;
    this.eventImplemented = HTDW_eventImplemented;
    this.itemClicked = HTDW_itemClicked;
    // public function
    this.GetFullContext = HTDW_GetFullContext;
    this.currRow = -1;
    this.currCol = -1;
    this.forcingBackFocusTo = null;
    this.currentControl = null;
    this.bSingleRow = false;
    this.gobs = new Object();
    this.rows = new Array();
    this.cols = new Array();
    this.navLayerForms = new Array();
    this.exprCtx = new HTDW_exprContextClass(this);
    // private functions
    this.getChanges = HTDW_getChanges;
    this.itemLoseFocus = HTDW_itemLoseFocus;
    this.selectControlContent = HTDW_selectControlContent;
    this.itemError = HTDW_itemError;
    this.itemGainFocus = HTDW_itemGainFocus;
    this.restoreFocus = HTDW_restoreFocus;
    this.findControl = HTDW_findControl;
    this.setCheckboxValue = HTDW_setCheckboxValue;
    // public functions
    this.AcceptText = HTDW_acceptText;
    // private functions
    this.getColNum = HTDW_getColNum;
    // public functions
    this.AcceptText = HTDW_acceptText;
    this.DeletedCount = HTDW_DeletedCount;
    this.DeleteRow = HTDW_DeleteRow;
    this.GetClickedColumn = HTDW_GetClickedColumn;
    this.GetClickedRow = HTDW_GetClickedRow;
    this.GetColumn = HTDW_GetColumn;
    this.GetNextModified = HTDW_GetNextModified;
    this.GetRow = HTDW_GetRow;
    this.GetItem = HTDW_GetItem;
    this.GetItemStatus = HTDW_GetItemStatus;
    this.InsertRow = HTDW_InsertRow;
    this.ModifiedCount = HTDW_ModifiedCount;
    this.Retrieve = HTDW_Retrieve;
    this.RowCount = HTDW_RowCount;
    this.ScrollFirstPage = HTDW_ScrollFirstPage;
    this.ScrollLastPage = HTDW_ScrollLastPage
    this.ScrollNextPage = HTDW_ScrollNextPage
    this.ScrollPriorPage = HTDW_ScrollPriorPage
    this.SetItem = HTDW_SetItem
    this.SetColumn = HTDW_SetColumn
    this.SetRow = HTDW_SetRow
    this.SetSort = HTDW_SetSort
    this.Sort = HTDW_Sort;
    this.Update = HTDW_Update
// determine the client browser
// this should be used only where ABSOLUTELY necessary
// Generic JavaScript should be used where ever possible
HTDW_DataWindowClass.isNav4 = false;
HTDW_DataWindowClass.isIE4 = false;
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4)
    HTDW_DataWindowClass.isNav4 = (navigator.appName == "Netscape");
    HTDW_DataWindowClass.isIE4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1);
function DW_ShowCodeTableDisplayValue(formatString, value)
    if (value == null)
        return "";
    var result = value.toString();
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < this.column.displayValue.length; i++)
        if (value.toString() == this.column.dataValue[i])
            result = this.column.displayValue[i];
            i = this.column.displayValue.length; 
   return result;
// between is inclusive
function DW_Between(val, test1, test2)
    if (val == null || test1 == null || test2 == null)
        return false;
    if (test1 <= val && val <= test2)
        return true;
        return false;
function DW_BetweenByFunc(val, test1, test2, func)
    return func(test1, val) >= 0 && func(val, test2) <= 0;
function DW_In(testValue)
    var bResult = false;
    for (var i=1; i < arguments.length; i++)
        if (arguments[i] == testValue)
            bResult = true;
    return bResult;
function DW_InByFunc(testValue, func)
    var bResult = false;
    for (var i=2; i < arguments.length; i++)
        if (func(arguments[i],testValue) == 0)
            bResult = true;
    return bResult;