File: DateTimeMgmt.js
Size: 48442
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2007 15:37:07 +0100
Type: js
//      Copyright  Sybase, Inc. 1998-1999
//                       All Rights reserved.
//  Sybase, Inc. ("Sybase") claims copyright in this
//  program and documentation as an unpublished work, versions of
//  which were first licensed on the date indicated in the foregoing
//  notice.  Claim of copyright does not imply waiver of Sybase's
//  other rights.
//   This code is generated by the PowerBuilder HTML DataWindow generator.
//   It is provided subject to the terms of the Sybase License Agreement
//   for use as is, without alteration or modification.  
//   Sybase shall have no obligation to provide support or error correction 
//   services with respect to any altered or modified versions of this code.  
//       ***********************************************************
//       **     DO NOT MODIFY OR ALTER THIS CODE IN ANY WAY       **
//       ***********************************************************
//       ***************************************************************
//       **            DO NOT RELY ON IMPLEMENTATION!!!!              **
//       ***************************************************************
// Use the public interface only.
// Date management code
// Added to determine if dates are being processed in client side JavaScript.
bDateTimeProcessingEnabled = true;
var DW_dayTable = new Array();
DW_dayTable[0] = new Array(0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
DW_dayTable[1] = new Array(0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
var DW_cumDayTable = new Array();
DW_cumDayTable[0] = new Array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365);
DW_cumDayTable[1] = new Array(0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366);
function DW_daysInCentury(year)
    return ((((year) / 100) % 4 ? 24 : 25) + 36500);
function DW_isLeap(year)
    return ((year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) || year%400 == 0);
function DW_dayOfYear(year, month, day)
    var i, aleap;
    aleap = DW_isLeap(year) ? 1 : 0;
    for (i = 1; i < month; i++)
        day += DW_dayTable[aleap][i];
    return day;                   // Offset from 0
function DW_dayOfCentury(year, month, day)
    var days, leaps;
    var years_in_century;
    /* Get number of years in the century. */
    years_in_century = Math.floor(year % 100);
    /* Get the number of days in year */
    days = DW_dayOfYear(year, month, day);;
    /* Add number of days in previous years */
    if (years_in_century != 0)
        leaps = Math.floor((years_in_century - 1) / 4);  /* num of inclusive leap years */
        leaps += (Math.floor(year / 100) % 4 ? 0 : 1); /* + 1 every 4 centuries */
        days += leaps * 366;
        days += (years_in_century - leaps) * 365;
    return days;
function DW_daysDiff(year1, mon1, day1, year2, mon2, day2)
    var days = 0;
    var no_centuries;
    var temp;
    var sign = 1;
    var i;
    // Swap dates if date1 < date2
    if ( year1 < year2 || 
            (year1 == year2 && (mon1 < mon2 || 
                                    (mon1 == mon2 && day1 < day2) ) ) )
        temp = year1; year1 = year2; year2 = temp;
        temp = mon1;  mon1 = mon2;   mon2 = temp;
        temp = day1;  day1 = day2;   day2 = temp;
        sign = -1;
    // Calculate difference in dates.
    no_centuries = Math.floor(year1 / 100) - Math.floor(year2 / 100);
    for (i = 0; i < no_centuries; i++)
        days += DW_daysInCentury (year2 + i * 100);
    days += DW_dayOfCentury (year1,mon1,day1) - DW_dayOfCentury (year2,mon2,day2); 
    // Set sign of days
    days *= sign;
    return (days);
// Notes   :  Jan 1, 1899 was a Sunday.
function DW_dayOfWeek(year, month, day)
    var days_from_1899;
    var weekday;
    // Get number of days since 01/01/1899.
    days_from_1899 = DW_daysDiff (year, month, day, 1899, 1, 1);
    // Mod by 7 to get day of week.
    weekday = days_from_1899 % 7;
    // CR 184356 - make sure we deal properly with dates less than 01/01/1899
    if (weekday < 0)
        weekday += 7;
    return (weekday);
function DW_daysInYear(year)
    return DW_isLeap(year) ? 366 : 365;
function DW_DateToString()
    return (this.year + 1900) + "/" + (this.month + 1)  + "/" +;
function DW_DatetimeToString()
    var outStr =  (this.year + 1900) + "/" + (this.month + 1)  + "/"  +  + " " + 
        this.hour + ":" + this.min + ":" + this.sec + ":";
    var tempStr = ""+ this.msec;
    var i = tempStr.length;
    outStr += "0";
   return outStr + this.msec;
function DW_TimeToString(theTime)
    var outStr = this.hour + ":" + this.min + ":" + this.sec + ":";
    inStr = inStr + this.msec;
    var i = inStr.length();    
     outStr = outStr +"0";
    outStr = outStr+inStr;
    return outStr;  
function DW_DateClass(year, month, day)
    if (arguments.length == 0)
        year = 0;
        month = 0;
        day = 0;
    this.year = year;
    this.month = month; = day;
    this.hour = 0;
    this.min = 0;
    this.sec = 0;
    this.msec = 0;
    this.toString = DW_DateToString;
function DW_TimeClass(hour, min, sec, msec)
    if (arguments.length == 0)
        hour = 0;
        min = 0;
        sec = 0;
        msec = 0;
    this.hour = hour;
    this.min = min;
    this.sec = sec;
    this.msec = msec;
    this.year = 0;
    this.month = 0; = 0;
    this.toString = DW_TimeToString;
function DW_DatetimeClass(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,msec)
    if (arguments.length == 0)
        year = 0;
        month = 0;
        day = 0;        
        hour = 0;
        min = 0;
        sec = 0;
        msec = 0;
     this.year = year;
     this.month = month; = day;
     this.hour = hour;
     this.min = min;
     this.sec = sec;
     this.msec = msec;
     this.toString = DW_DatetimeToString;
function DW_DatetimeClass2(date, time)
     this.year = date.year;
     this.month = date.month; =;
     this.hour = time.hour;
     this.min = time.min;
     this.sec = time.sec;
     this.msec = time.msec;
     this.toString = DW_DatetimeToString;
// These constants are used by the date parsing code
// these three are dependent on localization settings
//var DW_PARSEDT_monseq = 0;
//var DW_PARSEDT_dayseq = 1;
//var DW_PARSEDT_yearseq = 2;
var DW_PARSEDT_hourseq = 3;
var DW_PARSEDT_minseq = 4;
var DW_PARSEDT_secseq = 5;
var DW_PARSEDT_msecseq = 6;
function DW_monthSearch(inMonthName)
    var index;
    var inMonthLC = inMonthName.toLowerCase();
    // check short month names
    for (index=0; index < 12; index++)
        if (DW_shortMonthNames[index].toLowerCase() == inMonthLC)
            return index + 1;
    // check long month names
    for (index=0; index < 12; index++)
        if (DW_longMonthNames[index].toLowerCase() == inMonthLC)
            return index + 1;
   // if we get here, we couldn't find the name
   return -1;
// The function validates data against the following masks only.
// yy, yyyy, m, mm, mmm, mmmm, d, dd, h, hh, m, mm, s, ss, f to ffffff, a/p, A/P, am/pm, AM/PM
// Validates standard formats, i.e. [SHORTDATE], [LONGDATE], [TIME], [GENERAL]
// Accepts only the following 6 delimiters as legal separator
// '-', '/', ',', '.', ' ', ':'
// The function does not do any validation against illegal masks
function DW_parseDatetimeStringAgainstMask(inString, outDatetime, parseType, Mask)
    // Get encoded format against mask
    var format = new DW_DateEncodingClass(Mask);
    // if invald mask, return false
    if (! format.bValid) return false;
    // Create a new date class
    var dt = new DW_DateClass(0,0,1);
    var STATESECTION = 0;
    var STATENUMBER = 1;
    var currChar;
    var nextChar; 
    var charIndex = 0;
    var state;
    var key;            // To hold number and strings
    var nVal;           // To store integer value
    var index = 0;
    var encodedFormat = format.encodedFormat;
    var action;
    while (charIndex < inString.length && index < encodedFormat.length)
        // Now extract one token from encode string
        action = 0;
        if( index < encodedFormat.length)
            action = encodedFormat[index];
        // Initialize
        state = STATESECTION;
        key = "";
        nVal = 0;
        // Extract one token from inString
            currChar = inString.charAt (charIndex);
            if (state == STATESECTION)
                if (action == DWFMT_apCaps || action == DWFMT_apNCaps || action == DWFMT_ampmCaps || action == DWFMT_ampmNCaps) 
                    if (currChar == 'a' || currChar == 'A')
                        if((inString.charAt (charIndex+1) == 'm') || (inString.charAt (charIndex+1) == 'M'))
                            key = currChar + inString.charAt (charIndex+1);
                            charIndex += 2;
                            key = currChar;
                            charIndex ++;
                        state = STATESECTION;
                    else if ((currChar == 'p') || (currChar == 'P'))
                        if(inString.charAt (charIndex+1) == 'm' || inString.charAt (charIndex+1) == 'M')
                            key = currChar + inString.charAt (charIndex+1);
                            charIndex += 2;
                            key = currChar;
                            charIndex ++;
                        state = STATESECTION;
                        return false;
                else if (currChar == '-' ||     // New section
                currChar == '/' ||
                    currChar == ',' ||
                    currChar == '.' ||
                    currChar == ' ' ||
                    currChar == ':')
                    state = STATESEPARATOR;
                else if (DW_parseIsDigit(currChar))
                    state = STATENUMBER;
                else if (DW_parseIsAlpha(currChar))
                    state = STATEMONSTRING;
                    return false;
            else if(state == STATENUMBER)
                key += currChar;
                // accumulate until next char is not a digit
                if (!DW_parseIsDigit(inString.charAt (charIndex)))
                    state = STATESECTION;       // Change state for next char
                    nVal = key - 0;
            else if (state == STATEMONSTRING)
                key += currChar;
                if (!DW_parseIsAlpha(inString.charAt (charIndex)))
                    nVal = DW_monthSearch(key);
                    if (nVal == -1)
                        return false;
                    state = STATESECTION;
            else if (state == STATESEPARATOR) 
                key += currChar;  
                nextChar = inString.charAt (charIndex);
                if (!(nextChar == '-' ||     // New section
                    nextChar == '/' ||
                    nextChar == ',' ||
                    nextChar == '.' ||
                    nextChar == ' ' ||
                    nextChar == ':'))
                    state = STATESECTION;
                return false;        // Unspecified error
        }while(charIndex < inString.length && state != STATESECTION)
        // If both the tokens are matching - update date class and continue.
        if (typeof action == "string")
            if (key != action)
                return false;
        else if(action == DWFMT_2digityear)
            if(nVal < 0 || key.length != 2)
                return false;
            else if (nVal >= 50)
                nVal += 1900;
                nVal += 2000;
            dt.year = nVal;
        else if (action == DWFMT_4digityear)
            if(nVal < 0 || (key.length != 4 && key.length != 2))
                return false;
            if (key.length == 2)
                if (nVal >= 50) 
                    nVal += 1900
                    nVal += 2000;
            dt.year = nVal;
        else if (action == DWFMT_monthz || action == DWFMT_monthnz)
            if(nVal < 1 || nVal > 12 || key.length > 2)
                return false;
            dt.month = nVal;
        else if (action == DWFMT_monthshortname)
            if(nVal < 0 || key.length != 3)
                return false;
            dt.month = nVal;
        else if (action == DWFMT_monthlongname)
            if(nVal < 0)
                return false;
            if(key.length == 3 && nVal != 5) // May is only exception
                return false;
            dt.month = nVal;
        else if (action == DWFMT_dayz || action == DWFMT_daynz)
            if(nVal < 1 || nVal > 31 || key.length > 2)
                return false;
   = nVal;
        //The following masks are invalid input mask
        else if (action == DWFMT_dayshortname || action == DWFMT_daylongname)
            return false;
        else if (action == DWFMT_hourz || action == DWFMT_hournz)
            if(nVal < 0 || nVal > 23 || key.length > 2)
                return false;
            dt.hour = nVal;
        else if (action == DWFMT_minz || action == DWFMT_minnz)
            if(nVal < 0 || nVal > 59 || key.length > 2)
                return false;
            dt.min = nVal;
        else if (action == DWFMT_secz || action == DWFMT_secnz)
            if(nVal < 0 || nVal > 59 || key.length > 2)
                return false;
            dt.sec = nVal;
        else if (action == DWFMT_msec)
            if(nVal < 0 || nVal > 999999)
                return false;
            // Retreive next action
            action = 0;
            if( index < encodedFormat.length)
                action = encodedFormat[index];
            else return false;
            if((action > 6) || (key.length != action))
                return false;
            var tempStr = key + "000000";
            dt.msec = tempStr.substring(0, 6) - 0;
        else if (action == DWFMT_apCaps)
            if ((key != "A") && (key != "P"))
                return false;
            if (dt.hour > 12)
                return false;
            if (key == "A")
                if (dt.hour == 12)
                    return false;
                if (dt.hour == 0)
                    return false;
                else if(dt.hour < 12)
                    dt.hour += 12;
        else if (action == DWFMT_apNCaps)
            if ((key != "a") && (key != "p"))
                return false;
            if (dt.hour > 12)
                return false;
            if (key == "a")
                if (dt.hour == 12)
                    return false;
                if (dt.hour == 0)
                    return false;
                else if(dt.hour < 12)
                    dt.hour += 12;
        else if (action == DWFMT_ampmCaps)
            if ((key != "AM") && (key != "PM"))
                return false;
            if (dt.hour > 12)
                return false;
            if (key == "AM")
                if (dt.hour == 12)
                    return false;
                if (dt.hour == 0)
                    return false;
                else if(dt.hour < 12)
                    dt.hour += 12;
        else if (action == DWFMT_ampmNCaps)
            if ((key != "am") && (key != "pm"))
                return false;
            if (dt.hour > 12)
                return false;
            if (key == "am")
                if (dt.hour == 12)
                    return false;
                if (dt.hour == 0)
                    return false;
                else if(dt.hour < 12)
                    dt.hour += 12;
        else return false
    // whether we have reached at the end of both the string
    if (charIndex < inString.length)
        return false;
    // Do additional validation of the day against month and year
    if (parseType != DW_PARSEDT_TIME)
            var leapYear = DW_isLeap(dt.year) ? 1 : 0;
            if ( > DW_dayTable[leapYear][dt.month])
                return false;
    if (outDatetime != null)
        if (parseType == DW_PARSEDT_DATE || parseType == DW_PARSEDT_DATETIME)
            outDatetime.month = dt.month - 1;
            outDatetime.year = dt.year - 1900;
        if (parseType == DW_PARSEDT_TIME || parseType == DW_PARSEDT_DATETIME)
            outDatetime.sec = dt.sec;
            outDatetime.min = dt.min;
            outDatetime.hour = dt.hour;
            outDatetime.msec = dt.msec;
    return true;
function DW_parseDatetimeString(inString, outDatetime, parseType)
    if (gMask != "")
        return DW_parseDatetimeStringAgainstMask(inString, outDatetime, parseType, gMask);
    var STATESECTION = 0;
    var STATENUMBER = 1;
    var dt = new Array();            // date time array
    var key;           // To hold number and strings
    var currChar;
    var charIndex;
    var strLen = inString.length;
    var state;
    var seq;
    var bIllegal= false;
    var section;
    var i;
    // Initialize date/time array
    for (var i=0; i<= DW_PARSEDT_msecseq; i++)
        dt[i] = -1;
    if (parseType == DW_PARSEDT_TIME)
        section = DW_PARSEDT_hourseq;      // start at time section
        lastseq = DW_PARSEDT_msecseq;
    else if (parseType == DW_PARSEDT_DATETIME)
        section = 0;
        lastseq = DW_PARSEDT_msecseq;
        section = 0;            // start at first section
        lastseq = 2;            // end after date segments
    state = STATESECTION;
    for (charIndex = 0; charIndex < strLen && ! bIllegal;)
        currChar = inString.charAt (charIndex);
        if (state == STATESECTION)
            if (DW_parseIsSpace(currChar))
                charIndex++;          // skip white space
            else if ((currChar == 'a' || currChar == 'A') &&
                     (inString.charAt (charIndex+1) == 'm' || inString.charAt (charIndex+1) == 'M'))
                if (dt[DW_PARSEDT_hourseq] != -1)
                    if (dt[DW_PARSEDT_hourseq] == 0 &&
                        dt[DW_PARSEDT_minseq] <= 0)
                        bIllegal = true;
                        if (dt[DW_PARSEDT_hourseq] == 12)  // 12 a.m. = 00
                            dt[DW_PARSEDT_hourseq] = 0;
                        charIndex += 2;
                        section = lastseq;
                    bIllegal = true;
            else if ((currChar == 'p' || currChar == 'P') &&
                     (inString.charAt (charIndex+1) == 'm' || inString.charAt (charIndex+1) == 'M'))
                if (dt[DW_PARSEDT_hourseq] != -1)
                    charIndex += 2;
                    if (dt[DW_PARSEDT_hourseq] != 12)
                        dt[DW_PARSEDT_hourseq] += 12;
                        if (dt[DW_PARSEDT_hourseq] > 23)
                            bIllegal = true;
                            section = lastseq;
                    bIllegal = true;
            else if (section > lastseq) // too many sections
                bIllegal = true;
            else if (currChar == '-' ||     // New section
                     currChar == '/' ||
                     currChar == ',' ||
                     currChar == '.' ||
                     currChar == ':')
                if (section == 0 ||                 // Never done a section?
                    dt[section-1] == -1)        // Missed a section?
                    bIllegal = true;
            else if (DW_parseIsDigit(currChar))
                key = "";
                state = STATENUMBER;
            else if (DW_parseIsAlpha(currChar))
                if (section != DW_PARSEDT_monseq)
                    bIllegal = true;
                    state = STATEMONSTRING;
                key = "";
                bIllegal = true;
        else if(state == STATENUMBER)
            key += currChar;
            // accumulate until next char is not a digit
            if (!DW_parseIsDigit(inString.charAt (charIndex)))
                state = STATESECTION;       // Change state for next char
                var n = key - 0;
                var keyLength = key.length;
                if (section == 0 &&  keyLength == 4)
                    {           // year obviously first; force new format
                    DW_PARSEDT_yearseq = 0;
                    DW_PARSEDT_monseq = 1;
                    DW_PARSEDT_dayseq = 2;
                if (section == DW_PARSEDT_monseq)
                    if (n < 1 || n > 12)
                    bIllegal = true;
                else if (section == DW_PARSEDT_yearseq)
                    {       // valid size of year
                    if (n < 0 || !(keyLength == 2 || keyLength == 4))
                        bIllegal = true;
                    // e.g. if 01/01/50 then year is 1950
                    else if (n >= 50 && keyLength == 2)
                        n += 1900;
                    // e.g. if 01/01/49 then year is 2049
                    else if (n < 50 && keyLength == 2)
                        n += 2000;
                else if (section == DW_PARSEDT_dayseq)
                    if (n < 1 || n > 31)        // Do more validation later
                        bIllegal = true;
                else if (section == DW_PARSEDT_hourseq)
                    if (n < 0 || n > 23)
                        bIllegal = true;
                else if (section == DW_PARSEDT_minseq)
                    if (n < 0 || n > 59)
                        bIllegal = true;
                else if (section == DW_PARSEDT_secseq)    // seconds
                    if (n < 0 || n > 59)
                        bIllegal = true;
                else        // Micro seconds
                    if (n < 0 || n > 999999)
                        bIllegal = true;
                    else if (keyLength == 1)
                        n *= 100000;
                    else if (keyLength == 2)
                        n *= 10000;
                    else if (keyLength == 3)
                        n *= 1000;
                    else if (keyLength == 4)
                        n *= 100;
                    else if (keyLength == 5)
                        n *= 10;
                if (!bIllegal)
                    dt[section] = n;
        else if (state == STATEMONSTRING)
            key += currChar;
            if (!DW_parseIsAlpha(inString.charAt (charIndex)))
                var m;
                m = DW_monthSearch(key);
                if (m == -1)
                    bIllegal = true;
                    dt[section] = m;
                state = STATESECTION;
                if (inString.charAt (charIndex) == '.' &&  // Check for possible
                    key.length == 3 &&  // abbreviation of month
                    m != 5)         // "May" has no abbreviation
            bIllegal = true;        // Unspecified error
    if (bIllegal)
        return false;
    if (parseType != DW_PARSEDT_TIME)
        {   // We require month and day and year
        if (dt[DW_PARSEDT_monseq] == -1 ||
            dt[DW_PARSEDT_yearseq] == -1 ||
            dt[DW_PARSEDT_dayseq] == -1)
            return false;
    else if (dt[DW_PARSEDT_hourseq] == -1 )     // We require at least the hour
        return false;
    // Zero out uninitialized fields
    for (i=0; i <= DW_PARSEDT_msecseq; i++)
        if (dt[i] == -1)
            dt[i] = 0;
    // Do additional validation of the day and year
    if (parseType != DW_PARSEDT_TIME)
        var leapYear = DW_isLeap(dt[DW_PARSEDT_yearseq]) ? 1 : 0;
        if (dt[DW_PARSEDT_dayseq] > DW_dayTable[leapYear][dt[DW_PARSEDT_monseq]])
            return false;
        if (dt[DW_PARSEDT_yearseq] > 9999)
            return false;
    if (outDatetime != null)
        if (parseType == DW_PARSEDT_DATE || parseType == DW_PARSEDT_DATETIME)
   = dt[DW_PARSEDT_dayseq];
            outDatetime.month = dt[DW_PARSEDT_monseq]-1;
            outDatetime.year = dt[DW_PARSEDT_yearseq]-1900;
        if (parseType == DW_PARSEDT_TIME || parseType == DW_PARSEDT_DATETIME)
            outDatetime.sec = dt[DW_PARSEDT_secseq];
            outDatetime.min = dt[DW_PARSEDT_minseq];
            outDatetime.hour = dt[DW_PARSEDT_hourseq];
            outDatetime.msec = dt[DW_PARSEDT_msecseq];
    return true;
function DW_DateParse(inString)
    var result = new DW_DateClass();
    if (DW_parseDatetimeString (inString, result, DW_PARSEDT_DATE))
        return result;
        return null;
function DW_DatetimeParse(inString)
    var result = new DW_DatetimeClass();
    if (DW_parseDatetimeString (inString, result, DW_PARSEDT_DATETIME))
        return result;
        return null;
function DW_TimeParse(inString)
    var result = new DW_TimeClass();
    if (DW_parseDatetimeString (inString, result, DW_PARSEDT_TIME))
        return result;
        return null;
function DW_IsDatetime(inString, bNilIsNull)
    if (arguments.length < 2)
        bNilIsNull = false;
    if (inString == "")
        return bNilIsNull;
        return DW_parseDatetimeString (inString, null, DW_PARSEDT_DATETIME);
function DW_IsDate(inString, bNilIsNull)
    if (arguments.length < 2)
        bNilIsNull = false;
    if (inString == "")
        return bNilIsNull;
        return DW_parseDatetimeString (inString, null, DW_PARSEDT_DATE);
function DW_IsTime(inString, bNilIsNull)
    if (arguments.length < 2)
        bNilIsNull = false;
    if (inString == "")
        return bNilIsNull;
        return DW_parseDatetimeString (inString, null, DW_PARSEDT_TIME);
function DW_Now()
    var now = new Date();
    return new DW_TimeClass(now.getHours(), now.getMinutes(), now.getSeconds(), now.getMilliseconds());
function DW_Today()
    var now = new Date();
    var year = now.getYear();
    year -= 1900;
    return new DW_DateClass(year, now.getMonth(), now.getDate());
// Date formatting code
// these constants are for use in date formats
var DWFMT_daynz = 0;
var DWFMT_dayz = 1;
var DWFMT_dayshortname = 2;
var DWFMT_daylongname = 3;
var DWFMT_monthnz = 4;
var DWFMT_monthz = 5;
var DWFMT_monthshortname = 6;
var DWFMT_monthlongname = 7;
var DWFMT_2digityear = 8;
var DWFMT_4digityear = 9;
var DWFMT_hournz = 10;
var DWFMT_hourz = 11;
var DWFMT_minnz = 12;
var DWFMT_minz = 13;
var DWFMT_secnz = 14;
var DWFMT_secz = 15;
var DWFMT_msec = 16;
var DWFMT_apCaps = 17;
var DWFMT_apNCaps = 18;
var DWFMT_ampmCaps = 19;
var DWFMT_ampmNCaps = 20;
var DWFMT_changeToCurrent = 21;
function DW_DateEncodingClass(inString)
    var index;
    var currChar;
    var encodedFormat = new Array();
    var accum = "";
    var numInSection;
    var offset = 0;
    var bValid = true;
    var bGotHour = false;
    this.b24hr = true;
    this.color = "";
    var strLen = inString.length;
    for (index=0; index < strLen && bValid; )
        currChar = inString.charAt(index);
        // handle keywords
        if (currChar == "[")
            if (accum != "")
                encodedFormat[offset++] = accum;
            accum = "";
            for (; inString.charAt(index) != "]"; index++)
                accum += inString.charAt(index);
            index++; // skip ]
            var inlineEncoding = null;
            var keyword = accum.toUpperCase();
            if (keyword == "CURRENT")
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_changeToCurrent;
            else if (keyword == "GENERAL" || keyword == "SHORTDATE" || keyword == "DATE")
                inlineEncoding = new DW_DateEncodingClass(DW_shortDateFormat);
            else if (keyword == "LONGDATE")
                inlineEncoding = new DW_DateEncodingClass(DW_longDateFormat);
            else if (keyword == "TIME")
                inlineEncoding = new DW_DateEncodingClass(DW_timeFormat);
                if (!parseInt(accum)) 
                    this.color = accum.toLowerCase();
                    this.color = eval(accum);
                this.keyword = accum;
            // if we build another format, inline it into current one
            if (inlineEncoding != null && inlineEncoding.bValid)
                var innerFormat = inlineEncoding.encodedFormat;
                for (var j=0; j<innerFormat.length; j++)
                    encodedFormat[offset++] = innerFormat[j];
                if (keyword == "TIME")
                    this.b24hr = inlineEncoding.b24hr;
            accum = "";
        else if (currChar == "d" || currChar == "D")
            if (accum != "")
                encodedFormat[offset++] = accum;
            accum = "";
            // accumulate all the d's
            for (numInSection = 1; inString.charAt(index).toUpperCase() == "D"; index++, numInSection++)
            if (numInSection == 1)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_daynz;
            else if (numInSection == 2)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_dayz;
            else if (numInSection == 3)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_dayshortname;
            else if (numInSection == 4)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_daylongname;
                bValid = false;
        else if (currChar == "m" || currChar == "M")
            if (accum != "")
                encodedFormat[offset++] = accum;
            accum = "";
            // accumulate all the m's
            for (numInSection = 1; inString.charAt(index).toUpperCase() == "M"; index++, numInSection++)
            if (numInSection == 1)
                if ( bGotHour )
                    encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_minnz;
                    bGotHour = false;
                    encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_monthnz;
            else if (numInSection == 2)
                if ( bGotHour )
                    encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_minz;
                    bGotHour = false;
                    encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_monthz;
            else if (numInSection == 3)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_monthshortname;
            else if (numInSection == 4)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_monthlongname;
                bValid = false;
        else if(currChar == "y" || currChar == "Y")
            if (accum != "")
                encodedFormat[offset++] = accum;
            accum = "";
            // accumulate all the y's
            for (numInSection = 1; inString.charAt(index).toUpperCase() == "Y"; index++, numInSection++)
            if (numInSection == 2)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_2digityear;
            else if (numInSection == 4)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_4digityear;
                bValid = false;
        else if(currChar == "h" || currChar == "H")
            if (accum != "")
                encodedFormat[offset++] = accum;
            accum = "";
            bGotHour = true;
            // accumulate all the h's
            for (numInSection = 1; inString.charAt(index).toUpperCase() == "H"; index++, numInSection++)
            if (numInSection == 1)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_hournz;
            else if (numInSection == 2)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_hourz;
                bValid = false;
        else if(currChar == "m" || currChar == "M")
            if (accum != "")
                encodedFormat[offset++] = accum;
            accum = "";
            // accumulate all the m's
            for (numInSection = 1; inString.charAt(index).toUpperCase() == "M"; index++, numInSection++)
            if (numInSection == 1)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_minnz;
            else if (numInSection == 2)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_minz;
                bValid = false;
        else if(currChar == "s" || currChar == "S")
            if (accum != "")
                encodedFormat[offset++] = accum;
            accum = "";
            // accumulate all the s's
            for (numInSection = 1; inString.charAt(index).toUpperCase() == "S"; index++, numInSection++)
            if (numInSection == 1)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_secnz;
            else if (numInSection == 2)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_secz;
                bValid = false;
        else if(currChar == "f" || currChar == "F")
            if (accum != "")
                encodedFormat[offset++] = accum;
            accum = "";
            // accumulate all the f's
            for (numInSection = 1; inString.charAt(index).toUpperCase() == "F"; index++, numInSection++)
            if (numInSection <= 6)
                encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_msec;
                encodedFormat[offset++] = numInSection;
                bValid = false;
        else if(currChar == "a" ||
                    currChar == "A" ||
                    currChar == "p" ||
                    currChar == "P")
            if (accum != "")
                encodedFormat[offset++] = accum;
            accum = "";
            this.b24hr = false;
            nextChar = inString.charAt(index);
            if (nextChar.toUpperCase() == "M")
                index = index + 4;
                if (currChar == "A" || currChar == "P")
                    encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_ampmCaps;
                    encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_ampmNCaps;
                index = index + 2;
                if (currChar == "A" || currChar == "P")
                    encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_apCaps;
                    encodedFormat[offset++] = DWFMT_apNCaps;
        else if(currChar == "\\")
            accum += inString.charAt(index++);
        else if(currChar == "'")
            while (index < strLen)
                currChar = inString.charAt(index);
                if (currChar == "'")
                accum += currChar;
            // check if we fell off end before finding closing quotes
            if (index == strLen)
                bValid = false;
            index++; // skip trailing '
            accum += currChar;
    if (accum != "")
        encodedFormat[offset++] = accum;
    if (encodedFormat.length == 0 ) 
        bValid = false;
    this.bValid = bValid;
    this.encodedFormat = encodedFormat;
function DW_DateFormatClass(formatString)
    var semiOffset = formatString.indexOf(";");
    if (semiOffset != -1)
        this.mainFormat = new DW_DateEncodingClass(formatString.substring(0, semiOffset));
        this.nullFormat = new DW_DateEncodingClass(formatString.substring(semiOffset+1, formatString.length));
        this.bValid = this.mainFormat.bValid && this.nullFormat.bValid;
        this.mainFormat = new DW_DateEncodingClass(formatString);
        this.nullFormat = null;
        this.bValid = this.mainFormat.bValid;
function DW_FormatDate(formatString, value, control)
    var dateFormat = new DW_DateFormatClass(formatString);
    var result = "";
    var givenDate = null;
    var format;
    if (value != null)
        if (typeof(value) == "string")
            givenDate = DW_DateParse(value);
            givenDate = value;
    if (!dateFormat.bValid)
        if ( value == null )
            result = "";
        else if ( givenDate.toString == DW_DatetimeToString )
            dateFormat = new DW_DateFormatClass( "[SHORTDATE] [TIME]" );
        else if ( givenDate.toString == DW_DateToString )
            dateFormat = new DW_DateFormatClass( "[SHORTDATE]" );
        else if ( givenDate.toString == DW_TimeToString )
            dateFormat = new DW_DateFormatClass( "[TIME]" );
    if (dateFormat.bValid)
        if (value == null && dateFormat.nullFormat != null)
            format = dateFormat.nullFormat;
            format = dateFormat.mainFormat;
        var index;
        var encodedFormat = format.encodedFormat;
        var action;
        var ampm = (value == null || givenDate.hour < 12) ? 1 : 0;
        var hour, msec;
        for (index=0; index < encodedFormat.length ; index++)
            action = encodedFormat[index];
            if (typeof action == "string")
                result += action;
            else if (action == DWFMT_changeToCurrent)
                var dateCurrent = new DW_DatetimeClass2(DW_Today(), DW_Now());
                result = dateCurrent.toString();
            else if (action == DWFMT_dayz || action == DWFMT_daynz)
                if (action == DWFMT_dayz)
                    if (value == null)
                        result = "";
                    else if ( < 10)
                        result += "0";
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result +=;
            else if (action == DWFMT_dayshortname)
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += DW_shortDayNames[DW_dayOfWeek (givenDate.year + 1900, givenDate.month + 1,];
            else if (action == DWFMT_daylongname)
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += DW_longDayNames[DW_dayOfWeek (givenDate.year + 1900, givenDate.month + 1,];
            else if (action == DWFMT_monthz || action == DWFMT_monthnz)
                if (action == DWFMT_monthz)
                    if (value == null)
                        result = "";
                    else if ((givenDate.month + 1) < 10)
                        result += "0";
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += (givenDate.month + 1);
            else if (action == DWFMT_monthshortname)
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += DW_shortMonthNames[givenDate.month];
            else if (action == DWFMT_monthlongname)
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += DW_longMonthNames[givenDate.month];
            else if (action == DWFMT_2digityear)
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    var tempStr = (givenDate.year + 1900).toString();
                    var startPos = tempStr.length - 2;
                    result += tempStr.substring(startPos, startPos + 2);
            else if (action == DWFMT_4digityear)
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += (givenDate.year + 1900).toString();
            else if (action == DWFMT_hourz || action == DWFMT_hournz)
                if ( value == null )
                    hour = 0;
                    hour = givenDate.hour;
                if (! format.b24hr && hour > 12)
                    hour -= 12;
                if (action == DWFMT_hourz)
                    if (value == null)
                        result = "";
                    else if (hour < 10)
                        result += "0";
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += hour;
            else if (action == DWFMT_minz || action == DWFMT_minnz)
                if (action == DWFMT_minz)
                    if (value == null)
                        result = "";
                    else if (givenDate.min < 10)
                        result += "0";
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += givenDate.min;
            else if (action == DWFMT_secz || action == DWFMT_secnz)
                if (action == DWFMT_secz)
                    if (value == null)
                        result = "";
                    else if (givenDate.sec < 10)
                        result += "0";
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += givenDate.sec;
            else if (action == DWFMT_msec)
                var numMsecDigits = encodedFormat[index];
                if (value == null)
                    for (var j=0; j<numMsecDigits; j++)
                        result = "";
                    var tempStr = "000000" + givenDate.msec;
                    var valueStart = tempStr.length - 6;
                    result += tempStr.substring(valueStart, valueStart + numMsecDigits);
            else if (action == DWFMT_apCaps)
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += ampm ? "A" : "P";
            else if (action == DWFMT_apNCaps)
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += ampm ? "a" : "p";
            else if (action == DWFMT_ampmCaps)
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += ampm ? "AM" : "PM";
            else if (action == DWFMT_ampmNCaps)
                if (value == null)
                    result = "";
                    result += ampm ? "am" : "pm";
    if (this.bStylePositioning && format && format.bValid)  
        if ( format.color == "" || typeof format.color == "string")
   = format.color;
   = convertToRGB( format.color );
    return result;
function DW_DaysAfter(date1,date2)
    return DW_daysDiff (date1.year + 1900, date1.month + 1,,
                date2.year + 1900, date2.month + 1,;
function DW_SecondsAfter(time1,time2)
    var    secs;
    // Calculate difference in times.
    secs = (time1.hour * 3600 + time1.min * 60 + time1.sec) - (time2.hour * 3600 + time2.min * 60 + time2.sec);
    return (secs);
function DW_DatetimeToDate(inDatetime)
    return new DW_DateClass(inDatetime.year, inDatetime.month,;
function DW_DatetimeToTime(inDatetime)
    return new DW_TimeClass(inDatetime.hour, inDatetime.min, inDatetime.sec, inDatetime.msec);
function DW_RelativeDate(inDate, numDays)
    var year;
    var month;
    var day;
    var yearDays;
    var aleap;
    var newDate = new DW_DateClass (inDate.year, inDate.month,;
    if (numDays != 0)         // No days; then same date
        year = inDate.year + 1900;
        day = numDays + DW_dayOfYear(year, inDate.month+1, - 1;
        while (day >= (yearDays = DW_daysInYear(year)))
            day -= yearDays;
        while (day < 0)
            day += DW_daysInYear(--year);
        newDate.year = year - 1900;
        aleap = DW_isLeap(year) ? 1 : 0;
        for (month=0; month< 12 && day >= DW_cumDayTable[aleap][month]; month++)
        newDate.month = month - 1;
        newDateday = DW_dayTable[aleap][month] - (DW_cumDayTable[aleap][month] - day) + 1;
    return newDate;
function DW_RelativeTime(inTime, numSeconds)
    var result;
    var totalSeconds = inTime.sec + inTime.min * 60 + inTime.hour * 3600 + numSeconds;
    if (totalSeconds < 0)// Under flow
        result = null;
    else if (totalSeconds >= 24 * 3600) // over flow
        result = null;
        var hours = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 3600);
        var min = Math.floor((totalSeconds - hours * 3600) / 60);
        var sec = totalSeconds - min * 60 - hours * 3600;
        result = new DW_TimeClass (hours, min, sec);
    return result;
function DW_DatetimeCompare(date1, date2)
    var rc;
    if (date1.year != date2.year)
        rc = date1.year - date2.year;
    else if (date1.month != date2.month)
        rc = date1.month - date2.month;
    else if ( !=
        rc = -;
    else if (date1.hour != date2.hour)
        rc = date1.hour - date2.hour;
    else if (date1.min != date2.min)
        rc = date1.min - date2.min;
    else if (date1.sec != date2.sec)
        rc = date1.sec - date2.sec;
    else if (date1.msec < date2.msec)
        rc = -1;
    else if (date1.msec > date2.msec)
        rc = 1;
        rc = 0;
    return rc;
function DW_DateCompare(date1, date2)
    var rc;
    if (date1.year != date2.year)
        rc = date1.year - date2.year;
    else if (date1.month != date2.month)
        rc = date1.month - date2.month;
    else if ( !=
        rc = -;
        rc = 0;
    return rc;
function DW_TimeCompare(time1, time2)
    var rc;
    if (time1.hour != time2.hour)
        rc = time1.hour - time2.hour;
    else if (time1.min != time2.min)
        rc = time1.min - time2.min;
    else if (time1.sec != time2.sec)
        rc = time1.sec - time2.sec;
    else if (time1.msec < time2.msec)
        rc = -1;
    else if (time1.msec > time2.msec)
        rc = 1;
        rc = 0;
    return rc;
function DW_DayNumber(theDate)
    return DW_dayOfWeek (theDate.year + 1900, theDate.month + 1,;
function DW_DayName(theDate)
    var dayNumber = DW_dayOfWeek (theDate.year + 1900, theDate.month + 1,;
    return DW_longDayNames[dayNumber];