File: u_splitbar_horizontal.sru
Size: 7466
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 21:14:38 +0100
$PBExportComments$Horizontal splitbar object
global type u_splitbar_horizontal from statictext
end type
end forward

global type u_splitbar_horizontal from statictext
integer width = 901
integer height = 20
integer textsize = -10
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
string pointer = "SizeNS!"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 255
boolean focusrectangle = false
event mousedown pbm_lbuttondown
event mousemove pbm_mousemove
event mouseup pbm_lbuttonup
end type
global u_splitbar_horizontal u_splitbar_horizontal

type prototypes
Function ulong GetSysColor ( &
   integer nindex &
   ) Library "user32.dll"

end prototypes

type variables
Window iw_parent
String is_myname
PowerObject ipo_parent
Dragobject idrg_top[]
Dragobject idrg_bottom[]
Boolean ib_livesizing
String is_company
String is_appname
Integer ii_minrange = 100
Integer ii_maxrange = 100

end variables

forward prototypes
public function unsignedlong of_get_syscolor (integer ai_index)
public subroutine of_set_livesizing (boolean ab_flag)
public function window of_get_parentwindow ()
public function string of_get_objectname ()
public subroutine of_set_topobject (ref dragobject adrg_top)
public subroutine of_set_bottomobject (ref dragobject adrg_bottom)
public subroutine of_get_location ()
public subroutine of_set_location ()
public subroutine of_arrange_objects ()
public subroutine of_set_minsize (integer ai_minrange, integer ai_maxrange)
end prototypes

event mousedown;// make sure object stays on top

// set color to button shadow
If Not ib_livesizing Then
   this.BackColor = of_get_syscolor(16)
End If

end event

event mousemove;Integer li_pointer, li_minrange, li_maxrange
DragObject ldrg_parent

// if left button pressed, move object
If KeyDown(keyLeftButton!) Then
   // get location of mouse pointer
   If ipo_parent.TypeOf() = Window! Then
      li_pointer = iw_parent.PointerY()
      ldrg_parent = ipo_parent
      li_pointer = ldrg_parent.PointerY()
   End If
   // calculate the valid range of movement
   li_minrange = idrg_top[1].y + ii_minrange
   li_maxrange = (idrg_bottom[1].y + idrg_bottom[1].height) - ii_maxrange
   // move the splitbar if within the range
   If li_pointer > li_minrange And li_pointer < li_maxrange Then
      // move splitbar to mouse location
      this.Y = li_pointer
      // resize objects if using livesizing
      If ib_livesizing Then
      End If
   End If
End If

end event

event mouseup;// arrange objects

// restore color to match background
If Not ib_livesizing Then
   this.BackColor = iw_parent.BackColor
End If

end event

public function unsignedlong of_get_syscolor (integer ai_index);// These are the argument values
//        Object          Value         Object          Value
// --------------------- ------- --------------------- -------
// Scroll Bar Background     0
// Desktop Background        1   Inactive Border          11
// Active Title Bar          2   App Work Space           12
// Inactive Title Bar        3   Highlight                13
// Menu                      4   Highlight Text           14
// Window                    5   Button Face              15
// Window Frame              6   Button Shadow            16
// Menu Text                 7   Gray Text                17
// Window Text               8   Button Text              18
// Title Bar Text            9   Inactive Title Bar Text  19
// Active Border            10   Button Highlight         20

// ToolTip Text             23   ToolTip Background       24

Return GetSysColor(ai_index)

end function

public subroutine of_set_livesizing (boolean ab_flag);// set livesizing flag
ib_livesizing = ab_flag

end subroutine

public function window of_get_parentwindow ();PowerObject   lpo_parent
Window lw_window

// loop thru parents until a window is found
lpo_parent = this.GetParent()
Do While lpo_parent.TypeOf() <> Window! and IsValid (lpo_parent)
   lpo_parent = lpo_parent.GetParent()

// set return to the window or null if not found
If IsValid (lpo_parent) Then
   lw_window = lpo_parent
End If

Return lw_window

end function

public function string of_get_objectname ();PowerObject  lpo_parent
String ls_object

// loop thru parents building object name
lpo_parent = this.GetParent()
ls_object = this.ClassName()
Do While lpo_parent.TypeOf() <> Window! and IsValid (lpo_parent)
   ls_object = lpo_parent.ClassName() + "." + ls_object
   lpo_parent = lpo_parent.GetParent()

Return ls_object

end function

public subroutine of_set_topobject (ref dragobject adrg_top);Integer li_max, li_range

li_max = UpperBound(idrg_top) + 1

// set drag top object
idrg_top[li_max] = adrg_top

// arrange objects

end subroutine

public subroutine of_set_bottomobject (ref dragobject adrg_bottom);Integer li_max, li_range

li_max = UpperBound(idrg_bottom) + 1

// set bottom drag object
idrg_bottom[li_max] = adrg_bottom

// arrange objects

end subroutine

public subroutine of_get_location ();// this function loads current location from the registry

String ls_regkey, ls_value
Long ll_position

ls_regkey  = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\" + is_company
ls_regkey += "\" + is_appname + "\SplitBars"

// set value in registry
RegistryGet(ls_regkey, is_myname, RegString!, ls_value)

// move object to prior location
ll_position = Long(ls_value)
If ll_position > 0 Then
   this.Y = ll_position
End If

end subroutine

public subroutine of_set_location ();// this function saves current location in the registry

String ls_regkey

ls_regkey  = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\" + is_company
ls_regkey += "\" + is_appname + "\SplitBars"

// set value in registry
RegistrySet(ls_regkey, is_myname, String(this.y))

end subroutine

public subroutine of_arrange_objects ();// resize and arrange dragobjects

Integer li_cnt, li_max, li_maxsize

If UpperBound(idrg_top) = 0 Then Return
If UpperBound(idrg_bottom) = 0 Then Return


// resize the top dragobjects
li_max = UpperBound(idrg_top)
FOR li_cnt = 1 TO li_max
   idrg_top[li_cnt].height = this.y - idrg_top[li_cnt].y

// resize the bottom dragobjects
li_max = UpperBound(idrg_bottom)
FOR li_cnt = 1 TO li_max
   li_maxsize = (idrg_bottom[li_cnt].y + idrg_bottom[li_cnt].height)
   idrg_bottom[li_cnt].y = this.y + this.height
   idrg_bottom[li_cnt].height = li_maxsize - idrg_bottom[li_cnt].y


end subroutine

public subroutine of_set_minsize (integer ai_minrange, integer ai_maxrange);// set minimum size
ii_minrange = ai_minrange
ii_maxrange = ai_maxrange

end subroutine

event constructor;// set identification variables
is_appname = gn_app.of_GetAppName()
is_company = gn_app.of_GetCompany()
iw_parent = this.of_Get_ParentWindow()
ipo_parent = this.GetParent()
is_myname = iw_parent.ClassName() + "." + this.of_Get_ObjectName()

// set color to match background
this.BackColor = iw_parent.BackColor

end event

on u_splitbar_horizontal.create
end on

on u_splitbar_horizontal.destroy
end on